(O Tilde Club: default index (e.g. when no index.html) not specifies charset; some browsers default not unicode.)

What‽―Sorry: It's actually quite elegant: ae as in archaeology. And the inflection is based on they/them/their, -n possessive determiner, and -sen reflexivity, which I know is not entirely usual, but not without precedent, and isn't it neater than theirs or themself? And ae avoids the whole singular they confusion, which is perfectly valid english, but I don't like it. You might dipthong it if you're feeling fancy. Don't.

I'm working on a highly unofficial russian translation of the neophytes' guide to Tilde.

Yeah, I'm russian. I don't wanna talk about it. Да, я вам. Прибрали бы мы наш бардак. А то как-то ниуютно никому. Но што поделаеш.. Родина. It's a real shitshow. I think I'm losing my russian after so long on the internet off руnet, surrounded by the motherland in my nation of one two a few. Ambassadors or spies unofficial, unacknowledged but welcame, and some by half my own creation, or visitors, on tacit work visas, as tourists, or prospective immigrants.. Here's a petty tyrant mistaking aesen regnant; my puppet for all I care.

My name comes from Alex Cox - 1984 - Repo Man, about an edge city punk, punked into repossessing, and a junk car for $2E5. A ¿proud?, careful?, insane? member of the United Fruitcake Outlet. Happyface.

Am I transgender? It's not important to you, and imprudent for me to share if I were. I don't know if I know any personally, except through the internet, from places less dangerous for aem―for now: it still seems precarious. I'd like to think mesen an ally.

But I don't always use the correct pronouns. On purpose, for good reason. By default, I use ae as described above, as a generic 3rd person pronoun. It's not my pronoun. It's to mask the gender of a person otherwise unknown, even if I know aer gender, and even if some readers might correctly infer about whom I wrote. Often I read something about someone otherwise unknown to me, referred to by gendered pronouns. In some cases, there's an argument for neutral he but that's worse than singular they I think.

It's the principle of uninformation, of not sharing what doesn't need to be shared―what I don't need to share. It's the same as using a generic pronoun about a generally unknown, abstract, fictive exemplary,, person. Of course if it should be obvious to anyone whom I'm referring to, and what aer genderal or pronomial preference is, then using aer preferred, or as implied by aer gender, pronouns is the only proper choice.

I don't actually like all the new pronouns. Many are harsh on the eye, on the ear. They're fine grammatically, and that free grammar is among my favourites about english, but they don't really integrate esthetically. I think that's a major factor against general acceptance. Of the attested pronouns, Elverson-Spivak are neatest. Elverson's ey is too like hey, especially where dropping prevowel h―ave you eard the umans' umor?

Spivak's e is a single letter, which is fine, but I already don't like a or I―only so many oneletter words possible, only 26 avoiding lettercase ambiguity―I'd rather have them reserved as variables; one could restrict a to it's original an, one could reform the 1st person pronouns to be all based on m somehow, but I'm not sure I'm the one to do that. I've probably already performed too much surgery on the language, and not enough surgery on mesen. I'd want back separate singular 2nd person pronouns, too.

Here I am talking about english. I'm not sure I'm qualified. I didn't even learn it officially. I took half a class and dropped out. What I know comes from a mix of the contemporary classics of literature or cinema, the better-behaved anonymous messageboards, and too much dictionary spelunking. How I avoided picking up jargon is anyone's guess. (Did I avoid picking up jargon? Did I invent my own?)

My musical edification, on the other hand, is lacking; if you have any suggestions.. How would I start?, choose the first song?, effectively, without prejudice. Random? From the top? I could extend my contemporary-classicism here, but if there's a flaw I don't see? Or these greats are best, of terrible few. To represent multitudes―are wesen so limited? I could try for what none have heard, or like.. All that may be, too much for one man. Should I just follow my ear? But my prejudice.. Are words the thing?―music merely decorating. I like words too much, maybe, to know better.

Distrust me.
Repo Chan, Insane Programmers, Concealed World
Have you exercised your taste today? Оля Лялина, Vane Vander, Радио Свобода, Derek Sivers
Have you exorcised your taste today? ¿Шедрая Жадница? ¿Deurist? ¡LAINCHAN! ¡kunstler.corp! ¡¡XEROPHYTE!!
¡¡¡Tinfoil Hat!!!