Watch the following instead: Retro Core, RetroSpectors
dabhdude substitutes sensory abuse and unsupported accusations for actual criticism.
"SML the Puppet"
"The SML Puppet Problem"
Watch the following instead: Lerix, SunnyV2
Dovendraw/ExtraDoven (formerly DaftPina/Extra Daft) criticizes artists for scummy behavior, yet has supported abusers and slandered the subjects of at least a few of its turds.
"Growing Around: The Project That Will Never End feat. @Cybershell13" (terrible video!)
"How GLITCH is SAVING Indie Animation feat. @SMG4" (Luke has been accused of workplace abuse, and this collaboration gives credibility to the claims)
the one in which it praises the pedophile AnimatedJames
every video involving TheOdd1sOut
Watch the following instead: ADoseofBuckley, GradeAUnderA
Eddy Burback is a cringelord that brags about irresponsible purchases.
"I ate at every Rainforest Cafe in the country"
"I ate at every Margerhitaville in the country"
"I went to see Morbius 5 days in a row"
"The Deceptive World of Ghost Kitchens"
"Apple's $3,500 Nightmare"
Watch the following instead: A Dose of Buckley, GradeAUnderA
Flamingo trolls bystanders on Roblox, yet throws a fit when others disrespect it.
Watch the following instead: greenlegocats123, KreekCraft
Jaiden[Animations] is a mediocre artist that misunderstands games for kids.
"My Obsession With Hatsune Miku" (apparently, not obsessed enough to draw Miku well)
"The Mario Game Nintendo Wants You to Forget" (even though the breakout character Waluigi is in it)
every nuzlocke video
Watch the following instead: False Swipe Gaming, koramora
LS Mark/Midnight Mark/Splash Dash defames creators and works it dislikes. It also creates YouTube's primary equivalents of asset flips.
"Butch Hartman's FAILED Cartoons" (the one it slandered Mr. Enter in)
"How Butch Hartman RUINED a Beloved British Cartoon" (the one in which it blamed Hartman for The Weinstein Company's misunderstanding)
"How I Tricked Butch Hartman" (the one 4chan and Kiwi Farms dunked on it for)
"Sonic Is Missing" (This was posted right before the franchise's renaissance, ironically)
"The Knuckles Show Isn't Bad, You Guys are Just Mean" (a pot calling the kettle black)
"The Nicktoons Crossover Saga" (If it sounds lamer than the God of War Saga, it is)
"The Greatest Crossover in History" (According to this uncultured b**ch, two dorks arguing is somehow better than The Argonautica, Marvel vs. Capcom, and Super Robot Wars)
"Ranking EVERY" series (The Simpsons one was bad enough to be featured in the "YouTube Autism" thread on Kiwi Farms)
"The Forgotten [insert subject here]"
"Why Was [insert show here] So Hated?"
"Catching Up (Pilot)" (features the minor-attracted predator Sr Pelo; see below for more details)
"I Made a Cartoon!" (and it's horrible)
"Is The Super Mario Bros. Movie Any Good?" (Yes, it just doesn't understand why)
Watch the following instead: Hats Off Entertainment (NOT HatsOffMedia), LateNightPies
Luke Smith wants to be cool for defying trends, yet is too dumb to do so correctly.
"When Is Technology Bad For You?" (doesn't even mention the thumbnail's contents)
"Adobe Reader Is LITERALLY Hitler."
"Internet Cowboy Don't Need No YouTube!" (yet it still posts to YT)
"Why Am I So Anti-Video Gaymes?" (because it's a hypocritical prude. Also, despite claiming to be proud of the Cyberpunk 2077 parody in the thumbnail, it doesn't discuss the game)
"I'm Giving Up My War Against Bloat" (clickbait at its finest)
"You'll Never Go Wrong Choosing Independence! (NEETs Rule, Wagies Drool!)" (They don't rule enough to be useful, though)
"How Country Livin' Makes You Richer." (though not rich enough to buy writing guides, apparently)
"I'll Be At [insert convention here]" (contradicts pro-environmentalist statements from its website)
Watch the following instead: A Dose of Buckley, Timmy Joe
penguinz0/HugeCharles has no writing, editing, or research skills, yet it tries to make commentaries daily.
"[subject] Situation [Is (adjective)]"
"This Whole Situation Was Crazy"
"I Didn't Want To Talk About This" (but it made a video anyway)
"I'm Very Emotional Right Now" (derp face in the thumbnail)
"Please Don't Be Like This Guy" (The thumbnail depicts Charles, like it's warning you to stay away from it)
"Is This As Bad As Everyone Is Saying" (Here's a better question: does Charles know how to use punctuation?)
"My Response to Nikocado Avocado"
"Nobody Cares But I'm Talking About This Anyway"
Watch the following instead: A Dose of Buckley, GradeAUnderA
RebelTaxi has enough errors to fill an entire web page. If that does not deter you, the narrator's toxic demeanor might.
Watch the following instead: Oddity Archive, Retro Core
SmallAnt misses the points of children-targeted games and gets upset over any criticism. It also manipulates other creators.
all of its Pokémon videos, especially "I Tricked 100 YouTubers Into Making Me a Pokemon Game" (the one that made me go from "I hope this sped gets institutionalized" to "I hope this a**hole dies in prison")
every Super Mario Odyssey video (just play Sonic Unleashed!)
every video with an edited Discord screenshot as its "thumbnail"
Watch the following instead: Game Center CX, Games Done Quick; even AVGN is better than Smant
Some Ordinary Podcast is a showcase of YouTube's worst creators and how much of a hypocrite Mutahar Anas is.
Proof: every "video"
Listen to the following instead: A Dose of Buckley, retrowatcher
Sr Pelo is a pedophile that produces horrible ripoffs and supports blatant criminals.
"Mokey's Show" (ripoffs of Dolan memes)
"UNDERPANTS" series (ripoff of Undertale)
"Touhou Project: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" (ripoff of Touhou Koumakyou - The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
"SPOOKY MONTH" series (ripoff of I Luv Halloween and Costume Quest)
Watch the following instead: Camobot, koramora; even the Cute Mario Bros. are better than sentient excrement like Eris
Vinesauce and its subchannels are run by incompetent Twitch streamers associated with criminals. If you seriously think they aren't trash, sample an uncut broadcast and try not to yell at the host.
Vinny - Conker's Bad Fur Day
Vinny - Shitty Sonic Fangames
the highlights video Vinny slandered Nintendo over bootlegs in
Joel - Shadow the Hedgehog
Joel - Pokemon ROM Hacks
everything GPM was involved in
Retroware, a subsidiary of Screenwave, blatantly sells Vinesauce merch
Ownaj's landing page depicts Vinny's avatar with the previously criticized creep Sr Pelo
Watch the following instead: Game Center CX, ; heck, for every Vinesauce clip, there is a Buckley clip to counter it