Keep Grinding

Unrecommended YouTube Channels

YouTube is naturally infested with trash, though these are the channels you should especially stay away from.

Most receipts are not directly linked in order to skirt around monetization.

chaomix does not understand the Sonic franchise, but it constantly discusses the latter.


Watch the following instead: Camobot, Retro Core

Cybershell plagiarises from web pages, preys on mentally ill people, and gladly accepts funding from other predators.


Watch the following instead: Retro Core, RetroSpectors

dabhdude substitutes sensory abuse and unsupported accusations for actual criticism.


Watch the following instead: Lerix, SunnyV2

Dovendraw/ExtraDoven (formerly DaftPina/Extra Daft) criticizes artists for scummy behavior, yet has supported abusers and slandered the subjects of at least a few of its turds.


Watch the following instead: ADoseofBuckley, GradeAUnderA

Eddy Burback is a cringelord that brags about irresponsible purchases.


Watch the following instead: A Dose of Buckley, GradeAUnderA

Flamingo trolls bystanders on Roblox, yet throws a fit when others disrespect it.


Watch the following instead: greenlegocats123, KreekCraft

Jaiden[Animations] is a mediocre artist that misunderstands games for kids.


Watch the following instead: False Swipe Gaming, koramora

LS Mark/Midnight Mark/Splash Dash defames creators and works it dislikes. It also creates YouTube's primary equivalents of asset flips.


Watch the following instead: Hats Off Entertainment (NOT HatsOffMedia), LateNightPies

Luke Smith wants to be cool for defying trends, yet is too dumb to do so correctly.


Watch the following instead: A Dose of Buckley, Timmy Joe

penguinz0/HugeCharles has no writing, editing, or research skills, yet it tries to make commentaries daily.


Watch the following instead: A Dose of Buckley, GradeAUnderA

RebelTaxi has enough errors to fill an entire web page. If that does not deter you, the narrator's toxic demeanor might.

Watch the following instead: Oddity Archive, Retro Core

SmallAnt misses the points of children-targeted games and gets upset over any criticism. It also manipulates other creators.


Watch the following instead: Game Center CX, Games Done Quick; even AVGN is better than Smant

Some Ordinary Podcast is a showcase of YouTube's worst creators and how much of a hypocrite Mutahar Anas is.

Proof: every "video"

Listen to the following instead: A Dose of Buckley, retrowatcher

Sr Pelo is a pedophile that produces horrible ripoffs and supports blatant criminals.


Watch the following instead: don hertzfeldt, GradeAUnderA; even Cartoon Network's MAD is a better choice

UltimateDSfan/UltimateHellscape/ULTIMATE ERIS has no consideration for quality and prefers to crybully on Xitter instead of improve itself.

Proof: "The Fall of UltimateDSfan: From Inspiration to Abuser"

Watch the following instead: Camobot, koramora; even the Cute Mario Bros. are better than sentient excrement like Eris

Vinesauce and its subchannels are run by incompetent Twitch streamers associated with criminals. If you seriously think they aren't trash, sample an uncut broadcast and try not to yell at the host.


Watch the following instead: Game Center CX, ; heck, for every Vinesauce clip, there is a Buckley clip to counter it