I think this page is supposed to be at the URL /now
but I
don't want to create a new folder for just one webpage.
I'm currently reading the romcom manga My Senpai is Annoying. I just finished the 1st volume. I think I'll resume reading Natsumes Book of Friends, I think I'm at chapter 30 right now.
I'll start preparing for JEE (Mains + Advanced) in April. After I complete my IGCSEs, I'll try to have fun with my friends before I start studying. My IGCSEs are going as expected. I think I'll get a couple A*'s, a lot of A's, and maybe a B here and there.
I'm gonna keep appending "entries" to the same webpage. It is kind of lazy but I don't feel like creating an entire different folder, creating 2 different HTML files and copy pasting Before I talk about anything let me resolve some things from the previous entry/paragraph.
I think I stopped reading the manga My Senpai is Annoying a couple volumes, it was kind of creepy how the female lead looked like a child and the male lead old enough to be her grandfather. I know that's kind of the entire premise of the manga so I can't complain but God does it seem wrong.
I did end up continuing with Natsume's Book of Friends. It's now one of my favourite manga, I've read every volume except the last, which is the 31st volume as of today. I'm trying to space out the chapters over the course of a year, since the translated volumes only release once a year. It is kind of like my favourite manga, I read it whenever I feel down. One of these days I really need to create a webpage for manga, similar to the one I have up for anime .
Regarding my IGCSEs, I did better than I expected. I didn't get a single B, though I was kind of edging it with an 80 in French. I think I got 3 A*'s in math, physics, and computer science. And 4 A's in environmental management, French, and chemistry. I took 8 subjects in IGCSE. My average percentage across all 8 subjects was 87.4%. Which is pretty impressive if I do say so myself.
I'm currently in a coaching institute that prepares students for an entrance test to engineering colleges in my country (JEE). I go to school 6 days out of 7, I leave for school at 6:30 AM and come home by 4:45 PM. At risk of stating the obvious, it is a very rigorous school. The workload is insanely stressful and something no student should have to go through. Despite that, despite essentially sacrificing 2 years of my childhood, I won't get into even a single half-decent university in all likelihood. Which is kind of sad.
Especially since my dream has been to go abroad to study in a different country, hopefully paving the path for me to "escape" the shithole of a country that is India. Right now I don't have any particular dreams or aspirations for the future, I've given up on all of them and for good reason. Though I will say that having a dream that you know you will never in a millian years achieve is still a thousand times better than having no dream at all. Because when you have a dream at least you can, well, dream about it. You can think about what it would feel like to fulfill it, you can think about how all the hard work and struggle would feel justified when it all finally pays off. When you don't have a dream you can't do any of that.
That's it for today, I look forward to adding to this webpage in the near future (hopefully less than a year later this time). I hope when I'm old I discover this webpage from some random email to myself and I start reading it from the start and I'm overwhelmed with nostalgia. My discord is t3artbus and all of the rest of my contact information and socials can be found at the index page.