

Session Start: Sun Mar 07 02:24:27 2021

Session Ident: #abocy

[02:24] * Now talking in #abocy

[02:24] * Topic is 'follow your dreams!!'

[02:24] * Set by Q on Tue Jan 26 10:41:35

[02:24] <masse> Asal g ikut gila ajah

[02:24] <masse> Ngitungin angin

[02:25] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[02:25] <@KG_B> alhamdulillah ga akan pernah

[02:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lesti - Zapin Melayu Official Video Clip(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:46minutes ]

[02:25] <@KG_B> nah nah

[02:26] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:26] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:26] <@KG_B> .seen cempe

[02:26] <+TriNiTy> Ada 4 nick yg cocok: Janda-Baru, temon, TOMJERRX, Cempe. Janda-Baru ( ganti nick ke temon di #abocy 3 hari 4 jam 10 menit yg lalu (04.03.2021 - 12:16). temon masih ada di #abocy

[02:27] <DuckHunter> Cempe^KW > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[02:27] <@KG_B> nick na alay

[02:27] <@KG_B> .bang

[02:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn16.372s, which makes you a total of 1601 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[02:27] <@KG_B> .reload

[02:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 0/5

[02:27] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[02:27] <@KG_B> .reload

[02:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[02:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 1/5

[02:27] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[02:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[02:27] <@KG_B> .reload

[02:27] * asoka ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

[02:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 2/5

[02:27] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[02:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[02:27] <@KG_B> .reload

[02:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 3/5

[02:28] <@KG_B> elinggggggggggg uda bau tanahhhhhhhhh

[02:28] <masse> Huaaa

[02:28] <@KG_B> kowe manusia banyak mengeluh na tom

[02:28] <masse> Tanah yg sblh mana

[02:28] <@KG_B> ntar klo panasss kata na kepanasan

[02:28] <@KG_B> tanah longsor

[02:28] <@KG_B> .h

[02:28] <@|Dolly|> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[02:29] * @KG_B brb gumoh

[02:29] <@KG_B> biar luluran tetap aja keling

[02:29] <@KG_B> hahahahha

[02:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Martin Rolinski - Hanging On The Phone(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:01minutes ]

[02:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 16:30 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 17:30 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 18:30 WIT ]

[02:30] <@KG_B> weleh

[02:30] <masse> Aduh

[02:31] <@KG_B> nggilani

[02:31] <@KG_B> hahahha

[02:31] <@KG_B> sokoorrr

[02:33] <@KG_B> .req AKAD (cover) - Voyage Entertainment

[02:33] <+AbocyFM> KG_B: AKAD (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[02:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SABYAN - EL OUM (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:58minutes ]

[02:34] <+AbocyFM> AKAD (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[02:34] <masse> Eh iya ada radionya jg ya

[02:34] <@KG_B> ada

[02:38] <masse> Yg masi rajin nge Rj sp ya

[02:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ AKAD (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: KG_B ] [ 04:22minutes ]

[02:38] <@KG_B> ga ada kek na

[02:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[02:39] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 169'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[02:41] * ZiaN ( Quit (Signed off)

[02:41] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[02:43] <masse> sepi bner

[02:44] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:44] <masse> pda lari kmna penghuni quake

[02:44] <@KG_B> .bang

[02:44] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 25.569s, which makes you a total of 1602 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[02:44] <@KG_B> uda pada bosen kalee

[02:44] <@KG_B> .reload

[02:44] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 2/5

[02:44] <masse> Haha

[02:44] <masse> pda dpt pasangan

[02:45] <@KG_B> owh

[02:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Callum Beattie - Tears In My Eyes (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bram - Makna Cinta (Original Music Video & Clear Sound)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:47] <masse> nia-

[02:47] <masse> terakir balik k sby, kpan mbok?

[02:47] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:48] <@KG_B> .bang

[02:48] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 22.612s, which makes you a total of 1603 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[02:48] <@KG_B> lupa saia

[02:48] <@KG_B> .reload

[02:48] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 1/5

[02:48] <masse> emm

[02:48] <@KG_B> knp emang?

[02:49] <masse> gpp sih

[02:50] <@KG_B> pas ada keluarga yng meninggal kek na

[02:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ John Legend - All of Me (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:08minutes ]

[02:50] <masse> Ow, sblm covid?

[02:51] <@KG_B> iyo

[02:51] <masse> Tp klo smokers iki aman dr covid

[02:51] <masse> hihi

[02:51] <@KG_B> sapa yng bilang?

[02:51] <masse> Aku

[02:51] <@KG_B> haiah

[02:52] <masse> Hihihi

[02:52] <masse> Entah klo d sana

[02:52] <masse> Sini aman sih

[02:52] <@KG_B> aman juga disini

[02:53] <@KG_B> .zod gemini

[02:53] <zodiak> 「 GEMINI 」 Buat hati selalu senang di akhir pekan ini jangan hiasi hati Anda dengan berbagai perasaan jengkel apalagi amarah yang tak kunjung selesai. Hilangkan segala dendam yang masih ada di hati karena itu akan menjadi penghambat Anda merasakan indahnya hari ini. ✿

[02:53] <zodiak> 「 KEUANGAN 」 Pemasukan masih sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. ✿

[02:53] <zodiak> 「 ASMARA 」 Semakin kokoh dan tak mudah terguncang oleh apapun juga meskipun hantaman isu ataupun fitnahan seakan tak henti menerpa hubungan asmara Anda dengannya, dengan keterbukaan maka segalanya akan selalu jelas tanpa ada perasaan saling mencurigai. ✿ 

[02:54] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:54] <@KG_B> .bang

[02:54] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 5.109s, which makes you a total of 1604 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[02:54] <DuckHunter> KG_B > By searching the bushes around the duck, you find a sight for your gun ! The accuracy of your next shot will be increased by (100 - current accuracy) / 3.

[02:54] <@KG_B> .reload

[02:54] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 0/5

[02:54] <@KG_B> .cov australia

[02:54] <anu> /!\ COVID-19 AUSTRALIA »» [Positif : 29,037 » +7 ] [Sembuh : 26,194] [Meninggal : 909 » 0 ]

[02:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ TIPE-X - BOYBAND (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:59minutes ]

[02:56] <@KG_B> .co indonesia

[02:56] <@KG_B> .cov indonesia

[02:56] <anu> /!\ COVID-19 INDONESIA »» [Positif : 1,373,836 » 0 ] [Sembuh : 1,189,510] [Meninggal : 37,154 » 0 ]

[02:57] <masse> Byk sembuhnya

[02:57] <masse> Sangat byk.. ^_^

[02:57] <@KG_B> di indo bisa di rekayasa

[02:58] <@KG_B> hahahahha

[02:58] <masse> tapi byk juga yg di covidkan..

[02:58] <masse> Malah kbanyakan ngawurnya

[02:58] <masse> Tapi emg gak byk kok

[02:58] <masse> Yg saya tau, virus ini gak kuat sama panas,

[02:59] <masse> Klo dingin, mereka cpt berkembang

[02:59] <masse> Tp keknya dari jaman nenek moyang juga gt sih, jenis flue kalo musim hujan dsni jd lbh cpt nular

[03:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Brent Morgan - The Fixer (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:08minutes ]

[03:00] <masse> Tp klo mau berjemur ajah, badan brasa lebih enak

[03:00] <@KG_B> owh gitu

[03:00] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 17:00 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 18:00 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 19:00 WIT ]

[03:00] <masse> Repotnya, sakit jenis flue, di rawat ruang ber AC

[03:00] <masse> hehe, ya jadi begitulah

[03:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GEISHA - Lumpuhkan Ingatanku (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[03:05] * asoka ( has joined #abocy

[03:05] * Nio (~Nio@ has joined #abocy

[03:05] <@KG_B> nah juragan kopi nungul

[03:05] <asoka> Wooooooooogh

[03:05] <@KG_B> minggu parkiran tutupppp

[03:05] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[03:05] <asoka> Ae mamak e

[03:05] <@KG_B> aeeeeee

[03:06] <asoka> Kan corona

[03:06] <asoka> Setiap saat selalu tutup

[03:06] <asoka> PSBB

[03:06] <@KG_B> nah nah

[03:06] <masse> Kopi kdu di campur vaksin

[03:06] <@KG_B> corona tuh merk bir disini

[03:06] <masse> Biar aman.. xixixi

[03:06] <asoka> Kalau congornya

[03:07] <asoka> Merk apa mak

[03:07] <@KG_B> bir

[03:07] <asoka> Congornya looh mak... Merk apa

[03:07] <asoka> .k

[03:07] <@|Dolly|> ɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞ

[03:08] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Mata Hepeng Layla Hasyim Lagu Tapsel Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 07:35minutes ]

[03:08] <@KG_B>

[03:08] <@KG_B> itu merk na cempe

[03:08] <@KG_B> congor semplah

[03:08] <@KG_B> hahahaha

[03:10] <asoka> Di sini corona malah merk kipas angin mak

[03:10] <masse> Mobil

[03:10] <@KG_B> weleh

[03:10] <@KG_B> hahahaha

[03:10] <asoka>

[03:11] <@KG_B> hahaha

[03:11] <asoka> Gmana mau bebas dari corona

[03:12] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:12] <@KG_B> lah iyo..disini malah diminum

[03:12] <@KG_B> .bang

[03:12] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 3.715s, which makes you a total of 1605 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[03:12] <asoka> .ha

[03:12] <@|Dolly|> ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム

[03:13] <@KG_B> libur hr ini?

[03:13] <masse> Hari minggu mbok

[03:13] <asoka> Libur mak

[03:13] <asoka> Besok masuk pagi

[03:13] <@KG_B> asoka hr minggu juga kerja tuh

[03:13] <@KG_B> owh libur

[03:13] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:13] <asoka> Tadi pagi... Pulang pagi

[03:13] <masse> Semangat rupiah dong, minggu gass

[03:13] <@KG_B> oalah

[03:14] <asoka> 17:13 <masse> Semangat rupiah dong, minggu gass <<~ he eh... Buat modal ke bali

[03:14] <asoka> .k

[03:14] <@|Dolly|> ɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞ

[03:14] <masse> Weleh

[03:14] <@KG_B> hahahha

[03:14] <masse> Bali masih tutup sok

[03:14] <asoka> Kan kuli mas brooow

[03:15] <asoka> Gas terus walau minggu

[03:15] <@KG_B> nabung na di celengan semar?

[03:15] <asoka> He eh

[03:15] <@KG_B> medan..sby...bali..medan<<< piro nech harga tiket na?

[03:15] <asoka> Yg di celeng... Uang ribuan

[03:15] <@KG_B> walah

[03:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sembilan - Ada Bayangmu (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) music(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:49minutes ]

[03:16] <@KG_B> koin?

[03:16] <masse> Koin buat kerokan

[03:16] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:17] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[03:17] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[03:17] <@KG_B> .reload

[03:17] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 0/5

[03:17] <@KG_B> .bang

[03:17] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 32.174s, which makes you a total of 1606 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[03:17] <asoka> 17:15 <• KG_B> medan..sby...bali..medan<<< piro nech harga tiket na? "<<~ banyak mak

[03:18] <@KG_B> hahahahaha

[03:18] <@KG_B> yng penting bukan harga corona

[03:18] <asoka> Bali - Medan aja Rp. 1,2 jt

[03:18] <asoka> Cittilink

[03:19] <@KG_B> owh

[03:19] <@KG_B> kan harga skr

[03:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Olly Murs - Up (Official Video) ft. Demi Lovato(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:45minutes ]

[03:19] <asoka> Iya mak

[03:19] <@KG_B> maseh mahal

[03:20] <@KG_B> dulu sby-bali citilink cuma 600 ewu pp

[03:20] <asoka> Karena transit mak

[03:20] <@KG_B> pake transit?

[03:20] <asoka> Iya

[03:20] <asoka> Ke jkt dulu

[03:20] <@KG_B> walah

[03:20] <masse> Ke Bali juga baru sekali.. huaaa

[03:21] <asoka> 17:20 <masse> Ke Bali juga baru sekali.. huaaa <<~ saya belum pernah... Makanya mau nabung... Kerja minggu

[03:21] <@KG_B> lom test covid na...trus isolasi

[03:21] <@KG_B> ambyar hahaahha

[03:21] <masse> Haha, aku dlu juga cmn pke motor

[03:22] <masse> Solo-Bali

[03:22] <@KG_B> bali ga akan pindah...nunggu normal balik

[03:22] <asoka> Sekarang lion group menyediakan test gratis mak

[03:22] <asoka> Bisa jadi semua Maskapai juga seperti itu

[03:22] <@KG_B> kek na citilink juga

[03:22] <@KG_B> kan klo citilink bagasi 20 kg gratis

[03:23] <asoka> Iya mak

[03:24] <asoka> Sesampai di Bali cuma foto doang

[03:24] <asoka> Habis tu balik medan lagi

[03:24] <masse> Weleh

[03:24] <asoka> Yg penting udah injak kaki di bali

[03:24] <asoka> .k

[03:24] <@|Dolly|> ɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞ

[03:25] <masse> Foto2 1 minggu gt ya

[03:25] <@KG_B> weleh hahahaha

[03:25] <@KG_B> lom liat monyet na

[03:25] <asoka> Gak usah mak... Liat masse aja

[03:25] <asoka> Boleh kan

[03:25] <@KG_B> hahahahahaha

[03:25] <masse> Hehehe boleh2

[03:26] <masse> Gak pakai tiket malah

[03:26] <asoka> Pakai lahh

[03:26] * asoka kan di medan

[03:26] <asoka> Gmana coba

[03:27] <@KG_B> vc aja ama masse

[03:27] <@KG_B> :))

[03:28] * Safira is now known as DIrA_

[03:28] <asoka> Gak tau WA nya mak

[03:28] <masse> Ojo

[03:28] <asoka> Kalau tau udah di vc

[03:28] <@KG_B> minta donk

[03:28] <masse> Haiyah

[03:28] <asoka> Lagi usaha mak

[03:28] <@KG_B> lho

[03:28] <asoka> Kali aja di kasi

[03:28] <@KG_B> hahaha

[03:28] <masse> Nant malah bisa2 di lemparin kacang

[03:29] * Safira ( has joined #abocy

[03:29] <asoka> Mending di lempar kacang

[03:29] <masse> DIra_ sani

[03:29] <asoka> Dari pada di lempari batu

[03:29] <masse> Safira apa dira tadi

[03:29] <asoka> Lempar jumrooh

[03:29] <DIrA_> Mbuh

[03:29] <masse> Ya bisa juga, batu sak bak

[03:29] <masse> Mayan buat pondasi

[03:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Salt (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:03minutes ]

[03:29] <asoka> .ha

[03:29] <@|Dolly|> ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム

[03:29] <asoka> Lempar jumrooh sama aja seperti lempari setan

[03:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 17:30 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 18:30 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 19:30 WIT ]

[03:30] <asoka> Emang masse setan

[03:30] <asoka> Kan gak

[03:30] * masse pasrah weg

[03:30] <masse> Lawan emak2 ki abot

[03:31] <asoka> Jiakakakakkaka

[03:31] <@KG_B> woloh emak"??

[03:31] <masse> Iyo

[03:31] <masse> mak KGB emak asoka

[03:31] <asoka> Hayaaaaaah

[03:32] <asoka> Iso emak² i

[03:32] <@KG_B> hahahhhahahahha

[03:32] <masse> Emak dira_

[03:33] <@KG_B> asoka bukan emak" masse

[03:33] <@KG_B> tapi tante girang

[03:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dido - Thank You (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[03:33] <@KG_B> .h

[03:33] <@|Dolly|> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[03:33] <masse> Beeghh

[03:33] <masse> Masa...

[03:33] <@KG_B> iyo

[03:33] <@KG_B> semokkk

[03:33] <masse> Mana Wa nya

[03:34] <asoka> Wooow

[03:34] <@KG_B> kaseh tuh wa na

[03:34] <asoka> Langsung wa gaeeees

[03:34] <@KG_B> maseh mau bribik

[03:34] <masse> Das des

[03:34] <@KG_B> *masse

[03:35] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[03:35] <masse> ga bisa d pv

[03:36] <@KG_B> lho

[03:36] <masse> Susah masuknya

[03:36] <asoka> Kok susah

[03:37] <asoka> Di buka dulu

[03:37] <asoka> Kan masih tertutup

[03:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sal Priadi - Ikat Aku Di Tulang Belikatmu (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:37] <masse> Udah tadi

[03:37] <masse> Gak krasa po?

[03:37] <masse> Tak buka, terus ada tulisan di depan.. awas bapak galak

[03:37] <masse> gituuh

[03:37] <asoka> Masih terkunci

[03:38] <asoka> Tidak ada tanda² gitu

[03:38] <masse> hahaha

[03:39] <masse> mboke turu iki

[03:39] <@KG_B> ??

[03:39] <asoka> Berarti anda orang yg belum beruntung

[03:39] <masse> Oh nyimak

[03:39] <asoka> Coba sekali lagi

[03:39] <@KG_B> lg liat youtube....cerita mistis

[03:39] <masse> Ksmpatan tidak dtg dua kali

[03:40] <asoka> Kuburan lagi mak

[03:40] <masse> Jdi males nyoba lagi

[03:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N Roses Knocking On Heavens Door High Quality(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:37minutes ]

[03:40] <asoka> 17:40 <masse> Ksmpatan tidak dtg dua kali ~<< payah... Lenjeh

[03:40] <@KG_B> pesugihan pocong keliling

[03:40] <masse> Wkakakaka

[03:40] <@KG_B> pocong na lg ronda kaleee

[03:40] <masse> Gak bakso ajh yg kliling ya

[03:40] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:41] <asoka> Ternyata masse wong e lenjeh

[03:41] <masse> Lenjeh pripun mak?

[03:41] <@KG_B> apaan lenjeh?

[03:41] <masse> Gampangan mak

[03:41] <coz> .bang

[03:41] <DuckHunter> coz > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 46.808s, which makes you a total of 3 ducks on #abocy. You are promoted to level 2 (noob). \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[03:42] <asoka> Lemah mak

[03:42] <@KG_B> oalah

[03:43] <masse> Wakakakaka

[03:43] <masse> Brti beda presepsi

[03:43] <asoka> Beda apa nya

[03:43] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:43] <masse> Lenjeh klo d solo, tuh gampangan

[03:43] <masse> Klo d sana, jadi lemah ya

[03:44] <asoka> Gampangan kan bisa di katagorikan lemah

[03:44] <masse> ya beda

[03:44] <asoka> Gak tepat pendirian nya

[03:44] <masse> Kurang berpendirian gt?

[03:44] <masse> Pdhal aku lagi duduk ini

[03:46] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Billie Eilish - bad guy(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:46] <@KG_B> malah ribut masalah lenjeh

[03:46] <@KG_B> hahahahaha

[03:46] <masse> Hooh

[03:46] <@KG_B> .req SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment

[03:46] <+AbocyFM> KG_B: SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[03:47] <+AbocyFM> SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[03:48] <asoka> .req rere na ma rere

[03:48] <+AbocyFM> asoka: Rere Ma Na Rere (Odang's Production)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[03:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: KG_B ]

[03:49] <+AbocyFM> Rere Ma Na Rere (Odang's Production)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[03:50] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:50] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[03:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[03:50] <@KG_B> .reload

[03:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 0/5

[03:50] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[03:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[03:50] <@KG_B> .reload

[03:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 1/5

[03:50] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[03:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[03:50] <@KG_B> .reload

[03:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 2/5

[03:55] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[03:56] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rere Ma Na Rere (Odang's Production)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: asoka ]

[04:00] <masse> Dsna udah jam brp mbok?

[04:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ KAMU DAN KENANGAN - MAUDY AYUNDA (COVER) EDISI KANGEN BAPA :")(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[04:00] <@KG_B> jam 10 mlm pas

[04:00] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 18:00 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 19:00 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 20:00 WIT ]

[04:01] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:01] <masse> Pantes,ngitung angin

[04:01] <@KG_B> kebetulan ga ada angin

[04:01] <masse> Haha

[04:01] <masse> Adanya?

[04:02] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:02] <asoka> Mak. Mandi dulu ya

[04:02] <@KG_B> sepi gelap

[04:02] <@KG_B> okie

[04:02] <masse> haha

[04:02] <@KG_B> suruh mandiin masse tuh

[04:02] <masse> aku?

[04:02] <masse> Nanti ah

[04:02] <masse> Blom ada yg ngapel

[04:03] <@KG_B> lah itu ada asoka

[04:03] <masse> huaaah, asoka suka mandi sendiri

[04:03] <masse> Gak pakai air

[04:03] <@KG_B> [22:02] <asoka> Mak. Mandi dulu ya<<< nggeh nduk

[04:04] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[04:04] <masse> Hai deviee_

[04:05] <Deviee_> Nggih omm

[04:05] <masse> Pinter

[04:05] <Deviee_> Nggih

[04:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tyler Shaw - It Happens All the Time (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:36minutes ]

[04:07] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:07] <masse> Wes adus nduk deviee_

[04:07] <Deviee_> Sampun

[04:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - My Fairy King (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[04:12] <masse> Pinter

[04:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h. (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:41minutes ]

[04:14] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:14] <Deviee_> Nggih

[04:18] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Mahen - Luka Yang Kurindu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:48minutes ]

[04:19] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:19] <masse> Sibuk ap dev

[04:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rob Thomas - The Worst In Me (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:14minutes ]

[04:24] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:24] <masse> Pamit

[04:24] * masse (~androirc@ has left #abocy (keluar)

[04:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Minutes Into Days - Las Lunas(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[04:27] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ LSD - Thunderclouds (Official Video) ft. Sia Diplo Labrinth(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[04:29] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 18:30 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 19:30 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 20:30 WIT ]

[04:31] * ucup ( has joined #abocy

[04:31] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Da-iCE <TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」主題歌>「DREAMIN' ON」MUSIC VIDEO(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[04:35] * KG_B ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Maroon 5 - This Love (Closed Captioned)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[04:38] <Nio> !rek Ciara - beauty marks

[04:38] <+AbocyFM> Nio: Ciara - Beauty Marks [Official Video](BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[04:39] <+AbocyFM> Ciara - Beauty Marks [Official Video](BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[04:40] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:40] <Nio> !rek Lady Gaga - you and i

[04:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ciara - Beauty Marks (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Nio ] [ 06:46minutes ]

[04:40] <+AbocyFM> Nio: Lady Gaga - Yoü And I (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[04:41] <+AbocyFM> Lady Gaga - Yoü And I (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[04:41] <Nio> !rek Jordin Sparks - this is my now

[04:41] <+AbocyFM> Nio: This is My NoW | Lyric Video | Jordin Sparks(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[04:42] <+AbocyFM> This is My NoW | Lyric Video | Jordin Sparks(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[04:42] <Nio> !rek Like Evans - say you love me

[04:42] <+AbocyFM> Nio: Luke Evans - Say You Love Me (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[04:42] <+AbocyFM> Luke Evans - Say You Love Me (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (2) lagu lagi...

[04:43] <Nio> !rek Leann rimes - the story

[04:43] <+AbocyFM> Nio: LeAnn Rimes - The Story (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[04:44] <+AbocyFM> LeAnn Rimes - The Story (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (3) lagu lagi...

[04:44] <Nio> !rek Kelsea Ballerini - Peter pan

[04:44] <+AbocyFM> Nio: Halsey & Kelsea Ballerini Perform 'Peter Pan' | CMT Crossroads(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[04:45] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:45] <+AbocyFM> Halsey & Kelsea Ballerini Perform 'Peter Pan' | CMT Crossroads(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (4) lagu lagi...

[04:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lady Gaga - Yoü And I (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Nio ] [ Queue: 4 ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[04:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ This is My NoW Lyric Video Jordin Sparks(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Nio ] [ Queue: 3 ] [ 03:45minutes ]

[04:55] * Nevada_ is now known as Lancelot

[04:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Luke Evans - Say You Love Me (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Nio ] [ Queue: 2 ] [ 04:07minutes ]

[04:59] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:00] <@blade> .bang

[05:00] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 33.57s, which makes you a total of 874 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[05:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ LeAnn Rimes - The Story (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Nio ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 03:28minutes ]

[05:01] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 19:00 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 20:00 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 21:00 WIT ]

[05:02] * ucup ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Halsey & Kelsea Ballerini Perform 'Peter Pan' CMT Crossroads(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Nio ] [ 03:23minutes ]

[05:06] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:07] * SkiPPer ( has joined #abocy

[05:08] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Untuk Perempuan Yang Sedang Di Pelukan(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:42minutes ]

[05:08] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:11] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Budi Doremi - Melukis Senja (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[05:14] * ucup ( has joined #abocy

[05:15] <endah> .ip

[05:15] <+TriNiTy> IP:

[05:15] <+TriNiTy> Hostname »» -

[05:15] <anu> [] »» Location: Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia (3.5847, 98.6629) ; TimeZone: Asia/Jakarta ; ISP: PT Telekomunikasi Selular Indonesia ; Mobile: True ; Proxy: False ««

[05:15] <+TriNiTy> Location »» Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

[05:15] <+TriNiTy> Coordinates »» 3.5833,98.6667

[05:15] <+TriNiTy> Organization »» AS23693 PT. Telekomunikasi Selular

[05:15] <+TriNiTy> Postal Code »» -

[05:15] <+TriNiTy> Timezone »» Asia/Jakarta

[05:17] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:18] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jamiroquai - Bad Girls Singin' in the Rain (Live)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 09:24minutes ]

[05:20] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:22] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:23] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:25] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:26] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:28] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Freaking Me Out (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[05:29] <nia-> !rek yote amo

[05:29] <+AbocyFM> nia-: Chayanne - Yo Te Amo (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[05:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 19:30 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 20:30 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 21:30 WIT ]

[05:30] <+AbocyFM> Chayanne - Yo Te Amo (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[05:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ A Thousand Miles - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[05:32] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Chayanne - Yo Te Amo (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: nia- ]

[05:39] <Nio> Nia req lagu

[05:39] * ucup ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:41] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Diskoria Laleilmanino Eva Celia - C.H.R.I.S.Y.E. (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[05:45] * masse (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[05:45] <nia-> .bang

[05:45] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 4/4

[05:45] <nia-> Kamu saja

[05:45] <nia-> Akuu stream

[05:45] <nia-> .shop 2

[05:45] <DuckHunter> nia- > Your magazine stock is already full.

[05:45] <nia-> .reload

[05:45] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[05:45] <nia-> .bang

[05:45] <DuckHunter> nia- > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[05:45] <nia-> .bang

[05:46] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:46] <DuckHunter> nia- > Luckily you missed, but what did you aim at ? There is no duck in the area... [missed: -1 xp] [wild fire: -2 xp]

[05:47] <asoka> nia-: k sehat

[05:48] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #abocy

[05:48] <asoka> Udah mandi pa belum

[05:48] <asoka> Ae akak bayooo

[05:48] <oooyab> ud!h..

[05:48] <oooyab> ea ea

[05:49] <SkiPPer> pROOkk...pRook...Proook

[05:49] <SkiPPer> tolong di bantu yaak

[05:49] <asoka> Berubah jadi xyn

[05:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Better Together(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[05:49] <SkiPPer> ntr aja bng

[05:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tessa Violet - Dream(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[05:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Alan Walker - Sing Me To Sleep(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:12minutes ]

[05:54] * oooyab is now known as mie_aceh

[05:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ANNETH - MUNGKIN HARI INI ESOK ATAU NANTI (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:42minutes ]

[05:58] <masse> Sepi lagi

[05:59] * mie_aceh (~sh@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:01] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 20:00 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 21:00 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 22:00 WIT ]

[06:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dia Frampton - Walk Away (Re-Upload)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rezza - Dia Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Walau Habis Terang (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[06:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sia - Snowman (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:17] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rani Simbolon - Abang Ganteng(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:17] <@hope> .bang

[06:17] <DuckHunter> hope > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[06:17] <@hope> .shop 10

[06:17] <DuckHunter> hope > You already own this item. It will expire in 17 hours 21 minutes and 7 seconds.

[06:17] <@hope> .reload

[06:17] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[06:17] <@hope> .bang

[06:17] <DuckHunter> *BANG* xO' Kenzo just get shot by accident by hope. [missed: -1 xp] [accident: -4 xp] [GUN CONFISCATED: hunting accident]

[06:17] <@hope> .rearm hope

[06:17] <DuckHunter> hope returns hope's gun to him.

[06:18] <@hope> .reload

[06:18] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 6/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[06:18] <@hope> .bang

[06:18] <DuckHunter> hope > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn10.536s, which makes you a total of 6 ducks on #abocy. You are promoted to level 3 (trainee). \_X< *KWAK* [13 xp] [four-leaf clover]

[06:18] <@hope> .reload

[06:18] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 5/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[06:21] * masse (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Sakit Hati. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:44minutes ]

[06:25] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:26] <nia-> .bang

[06:26] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[06:26] <nia-> .shop 2

[06:26] <DuckHunter> nia- > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[06:26] <nia-> .reload

[06:26] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[06:26] <nia-> .bang

[06:26] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it... | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[06:26] <nia-> .bang

[06:26] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK* JAMMED GUN

[06:26] <nia-> Njir

[06:29] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[06:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 20:30 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 21:30 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 22:30 WIT ]

[06:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sture Zetterberg feat. Andrew Shubin - Body to Body(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:12minutes ]

[06:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Faiha - Anjing Dan Ayam (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - We are (Official Video from AMBITIONS JAPAN DOME TOUR)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tiara Andini Arsy Widianto - Cintanya Aku (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:30minutes ]

[06:39] * Ni (~Nio@ has joined #abocy

[06:39] * Nio (~Nio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ KONCO JANCOK - Wawan Sudjono (official music video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:04minutes ]

[06:45] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:45] * Ni (~Nio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:45] <@hope> .bang

[06:45] <DuckHunter> hope > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 19.744s, which makes you a total of 7 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [13 xp] [four-leaf clover]

[06:45] <DuckHunter> hope > By searching the bushes around the duck, you find a ducks detector ! You will be warned by a notice when the next duck soars.

[06:45] <@hope> .reload

[06:45] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 4/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[06:45] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[06:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Suara Kayu - MINIATUR (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:17minutes ]

[06:47] <Safira> Hoaaammzz

[06:48] <Macintosh> Nah ini

[06:48] <@hope> Bau jengkol

[06:48] <Macintosh> Kembang

[06:49] * Ni (~Nio@ has joined #abocy

[06:50] <Safira> Ishh ga pernah makan jengkol

[06:50] <@hope> Ya mknlah

[06:50] <@hope> Wb nio

[06:50] <Safira> Om Jupe bau kembang 7 rupa ya

[06:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sydney 090102(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:50] <Safira> Ga suka jengkol

[06:51] <Ni> Mksih kak

[06:51] <@hope> Iya dek

[06:51] <@hope> :V

[06:51] <Safira> Ah ibum usaha melulu

[06:51] <Safira> Wkwkwk

[06:52] <@hope> Usaha opo

[06:52] <Ni> 🙄

[06:52] * Macintosh is now known as JupIt3r

[06:52] <Safira> Ya usaha

[06:52] <@hope> Org wb in

[06:52] <@hope> Wb salah

[06:52] <JupIt3r> Hop itu usaha znc + psy

[06:52] <@hope> Gw wb dibilang somse

[06:52] <@hope> Kudu piye

[06:53] <@hope> 😁

[06:53] <JupIt3r> Kalau somse minum obat

[06:53] <Safira> 🤣🤣🤣

[06:54] <Safira> Om Jupe eror baru keluar rs

[06:54] <@hope> Obatnya kan udah minum km mbah

[06:54] <JupIt3r> Ya lagi error

[06:54] <JupIt3r> Mikirin safira terua

[06:54] <JupIt3r> terus

[06:54] <Safira> Wekzzzz

[06:54] <JupIt3r> 😀😀😀

[06:54] <Safira> Awasss tar kena piring terbang om jupe

[06:54] <Safira> 😂😂😂

[06:54] <@hope> Eling mbah encok

[06:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Alan Walker - Darkside (feat. Au Ra and Tomine Harket)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:55] <JupIt3r> Paling dapat R21

[06:55] <JupIt3r> 😀😀😀

[06:55] <@hope> Nio kl mau req jgn ragu

[06:55] <Safira> 😂😂😂😂

[06:55] <Ni> 🙂

[06:56] <@hope>

[06:58] <JupIt3r> R21 pls

[06:58] <Ni> !rek Flower Face - always you

[06:58] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Flower Face — Always You(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[06:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MahaDewi - Kosong(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[06:59] <+AbocyFM> Flower Face — Always You(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[06:59] <Ni> !rek flower Face - another life

[06:59] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Another Life(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:00] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 21:00 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 22:00 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 23:00 WIT ]

[07:00] <+AbocyFM> Another Life(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[07:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Flower Face — Always You(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 03:45minutes ]

[07:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Another Life(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ 03:27minutes ]

[07:06] <Ni> !rek Kelly Clarkson - someone

[07:06] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Kelly Clarkson - Someone (Audio)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:07] <+AbocyFM> Kelly Clarkson - Someone (Audio)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[07:09] <Ni> !rek Leanna Crawford - work in progress

[07:09] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Leanna Crawford - Work in Progress (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:10] <+AbocyFM> Leanna Crawford - Work in Progress (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[07:10] <Ni> !rek Leanna Crawford - photoshop

[07:10] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Leanna Crawford - Photoshop (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kelly Clarkson - Someone (Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 1 ]

[07:11] <+AbocyFM> Leanna Crawford - Photoshop (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[07:12] * jem ( has joined #abocy

[07:12] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[07:13] * pentiliawati (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[07:13] <pentiliawati> .bang

[07:13] <DuckHunter> pentiliawati > Luckily you missed, but what did you aim at ? There is no duck in the area... [missed: -1 xp] [wild fire: -1 xp]

[07:13] <@hope> Jemawut

[07:13] <jem> opo o pret

[07:14] * pentiliawati is now known as cekink

[07:14] <@hope> Goleki wati wi

[07:14] * cekink is now known as seven

[07:14] <jem> moh

[07:14] <jem> sawet sik mruwel

[07:14] * Q sets mode: +o seven

[07:14] * seven (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[07:14] * seven ( has joined #abocy

[07:14] * sets mode: +o seven

[07:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Leanna Crawford - Work in Progress (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 1 ]

[07:16] <@hope> biji salak tangi

[07:16] <@seven> Kakakaka

[07:16] <@seven> Mana waneta ini

[07:16] * jem ngacunkk

[07:17] * Loki (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (EOF from client)

[07:17] * Flow (L@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (EOF from client)

[07:17] <@seven> Aryo ki sopo blade?

[07:17] <@hope> [21:16] * jem ngacunkk...g pke enk

[07:17] <@hope> Ekekekk

[07:17] <@hope> Adimu ta

[07:17] <@seven> Ora

[07:17] <@seven> Sopo iku

[07:17] <jem> arep enk rapenak mbi sawet

[07:18] <jem> tonggo ne kisut wet

[07:18] <@seven> .w jem

[07:18] <+TriNiTy> jem ( * i am jancukers

[07:18] <+TriNiTy> jem on +#waroeng #abocy

[07:18] <+TriNiTy> jem using * QuakeNet IRC Server

[07:18] <+TriNiTy> jem is authed as kacuksweety

[07:18] <+TriNiTy> jem has been idle for 1 second. SignOn Sun Mar 7 21:12:06 2021

[07:18] <+TriNiTy> End of /WHOIS list.

[07:18] <@seven> Sopo to

[07:18] <@hope> Mbuh ora kenal

[07:18] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Leanna Crawford - Photoshop (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ]

[07:18] <@seven> Sopo hope

[07:19] <jem> ew

[07:19] <jem> koe nyapo inceng2

[07:19] <@seven> Sopo?

[07:19] <@hope> Ora ruh om

[07:19] <@seven> Isoh ora eruh i

[07:19] <@seven> Wedus deh kamu

[07:20] <jem> itu saya

[07:20] <@hope> Wasyu deh koe

[07:20] <@seven> Apane saya

[07:20] <jem> johh biedes

[07:21] <jem> wedus ojo digowo2

[07:21] * seven ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:21] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[07:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sembilan - Ada Bayangmu (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) music(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[07:22] <@hope> jem ko urip

[07:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Noah Band - Separuh Aku (HIGH QUALITY )(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[07:30] <jem> urep hope

[07:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 21:30 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 22:30 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 23:30 WIT ]

[07:30] <jem> ngurep2ne

[07:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 21:30 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 22:30 WITA ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 23:30 WIT ]

[07:30] <@hope> Di sumet ta

[07:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:16minutes ]

[07:31] * SkiPPer ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Never Be the Same - Jessica Mauboy (Lyrics) ð??µ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:55minutes ]

[07:36] <@hope> .ping

[07:36] <@FunBot> hope: Pong! (0.578s)

[07:36] <JupIt3r> Blade cox

[07:37] <JupIt3r> Pensiun sana

[07:37] <@hope> Wew iseh urep ae

[07:39] <Ni> !rek delta goodrem - women

[07:39] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Woman - Delta Goodrem(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - It's A Hard Life (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[07:40] <+AbocyFM> Woman - Delta Goodrem(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[07:40] <@hope> Tdr sono mbah besok upacara

[07:41] <Ni> !rek Wynonna - the strongest waekness

[07:41] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Wynonna - My Strongest Weakness(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:41] <+AbocyFM> Wynonna - My Strongest Weakness(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[07:42] <Ni> !rek Sarah McLachlan - wintersong

[07:42] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Sarah McLachlan - Wintersong (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:43] <+AbocyFM> Sarah McLachlan - Wintersong (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (2) lagu lagi...

[07:43] <Ni> !rek Sophie zelmani - wait for cry

[07:43] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Wait For Cry(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Woman - Delta Goodrem(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 2 ] [ 04:31minutes ]

[07:44] <+AbocyFM> Wait For Cry(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (2) lagu lagi...

[07:46] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[07:46] <Ni> !rek Priscilla ahn - song of hope

[07:46] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Priscilla Ahn-song of hope(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:47] <+AbocyFM> Priscilla Ahn-song of hope(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (3) lagu lagi...

[07:47] * jem ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:47] <Ni> !rek Priscilla ahn - fine on the outside

[07:47] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Priscilla Ahn - Fine On The Outside (lyric)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:47] <@hope> Duh jd aq termention nio

[07:47] <Ni> 🤭

[07:47] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[07:48] <+AbocyFM> Priscilla Ahn - Fine On The Outside (lyric)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (3) lagu lagi...

[07:48] <Ni> !rek Priscilla ahn - sayonara colour

[07:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Wynonna - My Strongest Weakness(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 4 ] [ 04:27minutes ]

[07:48] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Sayonara Color (Oficial Video) - Priscilla Ahn(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:49] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[07:49] <+AbocyFM> Sayonara Color (Oficial Video) - Priscilla Ahn(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (4) lagu lagi...

[07:51] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[07:51] <Ni> !rek Marina Lin - cancer

[07:51] <+AbocyFM> Ni: cancer(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:52] <+AbocyFM> cancer(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (5) lagu lagi...

[07:52] <Ni> !rek Susan Wong - vincent

[07:52] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Susan Wong - Vincent (audio)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:52] <Ni> Kakak gak req??

[07:52] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sarah McLachlan - Wintersong (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 5 ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[07:53] <+AbocyFM> Susan Wong - Vincent (audio)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (5) lagu lagi...

[07:54] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[07:54] <Ni> !rek Susan Wong - love Will keep us alive

[07:54] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Susan Wong - Love Will Keep Us Alive(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:55] <+AbocyFM> Susan Wong - Love Will Keep Us Alive(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (6) lagu lagi...

[07:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Wait For Cry(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 6 ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[07:56] <Ni> !rek Yao si Ting - home on the range

[07:56] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Home on the Range YAO SI TING : Eternal singing Endless Love IX(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:57] <+AbocyFM> Home on the Range YAO SI TING : Eternal singing Endless Love IX(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (6) lagu lagi...

[07:58] <Ni> !rek Yao si Ting - unchained melody

[07:58] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Unchained melody - Yao Si Ting(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[07:59] <+AbocyFM> Unchained melody - Yao Si Ting(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (6) lagu lagi...

[08:00] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 22:00 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 23:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 00:00 WIT ]

[08:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Priscilla Ahn-song of hope(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 7 ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[08:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Priscilla Ahn - Fine On The Outside (lyric)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 6 ]

[08:04] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:05] <@hope> .bang

[08:05] <DuckHunter> hope > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[08:05] <@hope> .shop 10

[08:05] <DuckHunter> hope > You already own this item. It will expire in 15 hours 33 minutes and 6 seconds.

[08:05] <@hope> .reload

[08:05] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 3/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:05] <@hope> .bang

[08:05] <DuckHunter> hope > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn36.259s, which makes you a total of 8 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [13 xp] [four-leaf clover]

[08:06] <@ayam> .taurus

[08:06] <zodiak> 「 TAURUS 」 Pandai-pandai lah mensyukuri nikmat agar semakin besar rejeki yang Anda dapatkan. Suasana hati yang senang sebaiknya bisa menjadi nilai tambah bagi semangat anda yang tampak mulai menurun akhir-akhir ini. ✿

[08:06] <zodiak> 「 KEUANGAN 」 Masih banyak kebutuhan yang harus ditutupi sehingga wajar jika pemasukan selalu saja habis. ✿

[08:06] <zodiak> 「 ASMARA 」 Tak ada gunanya terus memaksa dirinya untuk mengikuti kemauan Anda bagaimanapun juga si dia juga punya keinginan yang harus Anda hargai, jangan sampai terkesan Anda hanya mementingkan urusan anda sendiri. ✿ 

[08:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sayonara Color (Oficial Video) - Priscilla Ahn(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 5 ]

[08:12] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:13] * Ni (~Nio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:14] * Nio (~Nio@ has joined #abocy

[08:14] <@hope> .bang

[08:14] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it... | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:14] <@hope> .shop 10

[08:14] <DuckHunter> hope > You already own this item. It will expire in 15 hours 23 minutes and 45 seconds.

[08:14] <@hope> .reload

[08:14] <DuckHunter> hope > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam your gun. | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:14] <@hope> .bang

[08:14] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it... | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:15] <@hope> .reload

[08:15] <DuckHunter> hope > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam your gun. | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:15] <@hope> .bang

[08:15] <DuckHunter> hope > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[08:15] <@hope> .rearm hope

[08:15] <DuckHunter> hope already has a gun and looks at hope without understanding.

[08:15] <@hope> .reload

[08:15] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:15] <@hope> .bang

[08:15] <DuckHunter> hope > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[08:16] * botFM ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:16] <@hope> Nio manjat tower gih biar g dcan

[08:16] <@hope> Nah botnya ikut dc

[08:16] <@hope> .shop 20

[08:16] <DuckHunter> hope > You buy and use a decoy in exchange for 8 xp points, which should attract a duck in the next 10 minutes.

[08:16] <@hope> .reload

[08:16] <Nio> Lagunya masih ada koq

[08:16] <DuckHunter> hope > You have no ammo. | Ammo: 0/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:17] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[08:17] <@hope> Oh

[08:17] * botFM ( Quit (Registered)

[08:17] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[08:17] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[08:17] <@hope> .shop 10

[08:17] <DuckHunter> hope > You already own this item. It will expire in 15 hours 20 minutes and 58 seconds.

[08:17] <Nio> Kak blade gak req lagu?

[08:17] <@hope> .reload

[08:17] <DuckHunter> hope > You have no ammo. | Ammo: 0/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:17] <@hope> Gk nio

[08:17] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[08:18] <@hope> Nyimak aja

[08:18] <@hope> :d

[08:18] <Nio> Liatin org ngetik??

[08:18] <@hope> .rearm hope

[08:18] <DuckHunter> hope already has a gun and looks at hope without understanding.

[08:18] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Susan Wong - Love Will Keep Us Alive(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 3 ]

[08:19] <@hope> Iya sambil lihatin koran online

[08:19] <@hope> .wk

[08:19] <@|Dolly|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:19] * Letta_ ( has joined #abocy

[08:19] <Nio> Apa enaknya liatin org ngetik??

[08:20] <@hope> Enak donk sambil rebahan

[08:21] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:21] <@hope> .reload

[08:21] <DuckHunter> hope > You have no ammo. | Ammo: 0/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:21] <@hope> .shop 10

[08:21] <DuckHunter> ::: Flood control has been triggered on the command ".shop" for hope: no more than 3 requests every 600 seconds.

[08:21] <Nio> 🙂

[08:22] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:22] <Nio> Ya udh ..

[08:22] <Nio> Gpp

[08:23] <@hope> .bang

[08:23] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:23] <@hope> Ho oh

[08:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Home on the Range YAO SI TING : Eternal singing Endless Love IX(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 2 ]

[08:23] <@hope> .rearm hope

[08:23] <DuckHunter> hope already has a gun and looks at hope without understanding.

[08:23] <@hope> .reload

[08:23] <DuckHunter> hope > You have no ammo. | Ammo: 0/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:24] <@hope> .shop 20

[08:24] <DuckHunter> ::: Flood control is still active, please try again later.

[08:25] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[08:26] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:26] <@hope> .bang

[08:26] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it... | Ammo: 0/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[08:26] <@hope> Puh

[08:26] <@hope> Ganti znc ah

[08:26] <Nio> Knp?

[08:27] <@hope> G bisa nembak bebek pelornya hbs 😁

[08:27] <Nio> Znc apaan ya?

[08:27] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[08:27] <Nio> Bebeknya ntar buat apa?

[08:28] <@blade> Buat digoreng

[08:28] <@blade> .wk

[08:28] <@|Dolly|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:29] <@blade> .reload

[08:29] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[08:29] * Flow (L@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #abocy

[08:29] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[08:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 22:30 WIB ][ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 23:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 00:30 WIT ]

[08:30] * Loki| (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #abocy

[08:31] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[08:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Unchained melody - Yao Si Ting(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:15minutes ]

[08:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jamrud - Putri (HQ Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ]

[08:32] * Ni (~Nio@ has joined #abocy

[08:32] * Nio (~Nio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:33] <@blade> [22:28] (Nio) Znc apaan ya?Znc tuh nganu..

[08:34] <Ni> Req lagu aja kak drpd znc

[08:35] <@blade> Lg mls ndenger lagu

[08:35] <@blade> :V

[08:35] <Ni> Kak blade umurnya brp ya??

[08:35] <@blade> Ew disensus

[08:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kris Allen - To Make You Feel My Love (Studio Version)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[08:36] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:37] <@blade> .bang

[08:37] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 24.704s, which makes you a total of 875 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[08:37] <@blade> .reload

[08:37] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[08:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Denny Caknan - Sugeng Dalu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[08:46] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Utopia - Hujan Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[08:47] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:47] <@blade> .bang

[08:47] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* The duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1] * GOLDEN DUCK DETECTED *

[08:47] <@blade> .shop 2

[08:47] <DuckHunter> blade > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[08:47] <@blade> .reload

[08:47] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[08:47] <@blade> .bang

[08:47] <DuckHunter> blade > Missed. [missed: -3 xp]

[08:47] <@blade> .rearm blade

[08:47] <DuckHunter> blade already has a gun and looks at blade without understanding.

[08:47] <@blade> .reload

[08:47] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[08:47] <@blade> .bang

[08:47] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* The golden duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1]

[08:48] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:48] <@blade> .bang

[08:48] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[08:49] <@blade> .shop 2

[08:49] <DuckHunter> blade > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[08:49] <@blade> .reload

[08:49] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[08:49] <@blade> .bang

[08:49] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* The golden duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1]

[08:49] <@blade> .rearm blade

[08:49] <DuckHunter> blade already has a gun and looks at blade without understanding.

[08:49] <@blade> .reload

[08:49] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[08:49] <@blade> .bang

[08:49] <DuckHunter> blade > Missed. [missed: -3 xp]

[08:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sheila on 7 - Kita (HD Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[08:52] <DuckHunter> A golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[08:52] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[08:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Mijah Nasution - Rere Ma Narere(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[08:56] * pitoe (~fish@ has joined #abocy

[08:56] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[08:57] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:58] <pitoe> ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

[09:00] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 23:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 00:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 01:00 WIT ]

[09:00] <pitoe> (灬♥ω♥灬)

[09:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Cocote Tonggo (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:33minutes ]

[09:02] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[09:04] <Ni> !rek Taylor Swift - speak now

[09:04] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Speak Now(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[09:04] <pitoe> wew

[09:05] <+AbocyFM> Speak Now(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[09:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Speak Now(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ 04:04minutes ]

[09:06] <Ni> !rek Elina - how

[09:06] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Elina - How (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[09:06] <+AbocyFM> Elina - How (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[09:07] <Ni> !rek Gabrielle aplin - my mistake

[09:07] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Gabrielle Aplin - My Mistake (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[09:07] <pitoe> omg▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一😍

[09:08] <+AbocyFM> Gabrielle Aplin - My Mistake (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[09:10] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Elina - How (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 1 ]

[09:10] <Ni> !rek Flower Face - Angela

[09:10] <+AbocyFM> Ni: Flower Face - Angela(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[09:11] <+AbocyFM> Flower Face - Angela(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[09:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gabrielle Aplin - My Mistake (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ] [ Queue: 1 ]

[09:16] * Ni (~Nio@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))

[09:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Flower Face - Angela(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Ni ]

[09:17] * asoka ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

[09:17] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[09:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tyler Shaw - It Happens All the Time (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:36minutes ]

[09:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Freddie Mercury - Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:53minutes ]

[09:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dido - Thank You (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[09:29] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:30] <zodiak> [ ᵐⁱⁿᵍᵍᵘ 23:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 00:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 01:30 WIT ]

[09:30] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Thank God (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[09:33] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[09:34] * pitoe (~fish@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:34] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Jauh Mimpiku (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[09:36] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[09:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - IN THE STARS (EYE OF THE STORM 2020) LIVE(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[09:39] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[09:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Kamu Ngga Sendirian. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:41minutes ]

[09:51] * botFM ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:52] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[09:52] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[09:53] * red_` ( has joined #abocy

[09:53] * Q sets mode: +o red_`

[09:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOH SALLEH - ANGIN KENCANG official music video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:00] <zodiak> 「 Sekarang sudah hari SENIN 」

[10:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 00:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 01:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 02:00 WIT ]

[10:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Melati Aku Benci Kamu Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sydney 090102(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[10:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Ada Yang Abadi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:12] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #abocy

[10:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Elina - Blue (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:14] * bugi (~BuudayA@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ L'Arc-en-Ciel - Hitomi No Jyuunin (Official Video Clip)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - DJ Bohoso Moto (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jauh (Andaikan)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:29] * ZiaN ( has joined #abocy

[10:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 00:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 01:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 02:30 WIT ]

[10:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Caffeine - Tiara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:28minutes ]

[10:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sheila on 7 - Anugrah Terindah+Lirik(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Umbrella - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:45] * ZiaN ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tracy Chapman - Sing for you (+Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Da-iCE <TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」主題歌>「DREAMIN' ON」MUSIC VIDEO(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - Cry out (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 01:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 02:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 03:00 WIT ]

[11:00] * mp3- ( has joined #abocy

[11:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Perfect - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:08] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lyodra - Tentang Kamu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:09] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Another Life(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Woman - Delta Goodrem(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Olly Murs - Up (Official Video) ft. Demi Lovato(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 01:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 02:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 03:30 WIT ]

[11:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Suteki Da Ne (Rikki)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Dalan Liyane (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI) Ciptaan Hendra Kumbara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SYUKUR Cipt.H Mutahar(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Abby Anderson - I'll Still Love You (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Salam Rindu. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:49] * mp3- ( Quit (EOF from client)

[11:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bunga Citra Lestari - Jangan Gila Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - It's A Hard Life (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[11:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h. (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 02:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 03:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 04:00 WIT ]

[12:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N' Roses- Paradise city HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:04] * irene ( Quit (G-lined)

[12:05] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[12:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Reza - Berharap Tak Berpisah Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife (HQ)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ KONCO JANCOK - Wawan Sudjono (official music video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tessa Violet - Crush (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 02:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 03:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 04:30 WIT ]

[12:32] * red_` ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Taman Langit (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:35] * renren- ( has joined #abocy

[12:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ P!nk - Try (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jamrud - Putri (HQ Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Birdy - Surrender (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:51minutes ]

[12:47] * KG_B ( has joined #abocy

[12:47] * Q sets mode: +o KG_B

[12:47] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:47] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 174'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:48] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3h | 4d | 2c | 9s | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[12:48] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3h | 4d | 2c | Kh | Js is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : Y O E A C C S S R (60s timeout)

[12:48] <@KG_B> accessory

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ACCESSORY ) in 6.047 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ACCESSORY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:48] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+331)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 175'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:48] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: Q | 10 : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ?

[12:48] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:48] <@KG_B> s

[12:48] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 7 | 9 : Total is 16

[12:48] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: K : Total is 26

[12:48] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:48] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N A R G E S (60s timeout)

[12:48] <@KG_B> ranges

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( RANGES ) in 5.047 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RANGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:48] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+332)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 177'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:48] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6s | 9d | 7d | 5h | 8h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .draw

[12:48] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6s | 9d | 7d | 5h | 8h is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( banana ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 bananas!!! You won 5'000$!!!

[12:48] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:48] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: J | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ?

[12:48] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:48] <@KG_B> s

[12:48] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 4 | Q : Total is 14

[12:48] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 19

[12:48] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:48] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S T C E B O J (60s timeout)

[12:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:49] <@KG_B> objects

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( OBJECTS ) in 6.203 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define OBJECTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:49] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+333)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 179'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:49] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9c | 4h | 5c | Ac | 10s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[12:49] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9d | 4h | 5c | Ac | 7c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:49] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 180'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S T O L (60s timeout)

[12:49] <@KG_B> lost

[12:49] <@KG_B> lots

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( LOTS ) in 7.141 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LOTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:49] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+334)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 181'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 182'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:49] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5s | Qd | 4c | 2s | Ah. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[12:49] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5s | 5d | 4c | 2s | Ah is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 3 | J : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ?

[12:49] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:49] <@KG_B> s

[12:49] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 9 | J : Total is 19

[12:49] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 183'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:49] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:49] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T I M M C O U N Y (60s timeout)

[12:50] <@KG_B> community

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( COMMUNITY ) in 7.312 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define COMMUNITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:50] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+335)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 184'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:50] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:50] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5h | 5s | Qd | Qs | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .draw 5

[12:50] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5h | 5s | Qd | Qs | 3h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 185'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S A B G (60s timeout)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:50] <@KG_B> bags

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( BAGS ) in 3.125 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BAGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:50] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+336)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:50] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:50] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 186'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:50] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9d | 5s | Ac | Ks | 7s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .draw 34

[12:50] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9d | 5s | Ad | 6d | 7s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E P O L I S H R (60s timeout)

[12:50] <@KG_B> polishers

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( POLISHERS ) in 4.344 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define POLISHERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:50] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+337)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 187'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:50] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 3 | 4 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ?

[12:50] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:50] <@KG_B> d

[12:50] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: 2 : Total is 9

[12:50] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 8 | 4 : Total is 12

[12:50] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: A : Total is 13

[12:50] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: J : Total is 23

[12:50] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:50] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 188'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:51] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3s | 7h | 10c | 9h | Kh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[12:51] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5s | 7h | 10c | 9h | Kd is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D A R O S (60s timeout)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@KG_B> roads

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ROADS ) in 5 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ROADS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:51] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+338)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 189'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:51] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:51] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10s | Kd | Jh | As | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .draw

[12:51] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10s | Kd | Jh | As | Qd is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : O T T D I S (60s timeout)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( cherry ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 cherries!!! You won 25'000$!!!

[12:51] <@KG_B> dittos

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DITTOS ) in 4.984 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define DITTOS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:51] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+339)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:51] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 6 | 9 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ?

[12:51] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 191'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:51] <@KG_B> s

[12:51] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 6 | 6 : Total is 12

[12:51] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 18

[12:51] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:51] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5c | Ac | Kd | Ad | Ah. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[12:51] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6c | Ac | Qd | Ad | Ah is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:51] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 192'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S D I T T A T U E (60s timeout)

[12:52] <@KG_B> attitudes

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ATTITUDES ) in 11.23 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ATTITUDES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:52] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+340)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 193'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:52] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6h | 5s | 10h | Qh | 4c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .draw 34

[12:52] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6h | 5s | Ad | Kh | 4c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 7 | 4 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ?

[12:52] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 194'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:52] <@KG_B> d

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: 9 : Total is 20

[12:52] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 6 | 5 : Total is 11

[12:52] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:52] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 15

[12:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:52] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 20

[12:52] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:52] <@FunBot> Push! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S D R T H I (60s timeout)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 195'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:52] <@KG_B> thirds

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( THIRDS ) in 10.76 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define THIRDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:52] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+341)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:52] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kc | Kd | 8h | 2s | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .draw 35

[12:52] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kc | Kd | 9d | 2s | 2c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:52] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:52] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S N N V E T I L A T I O (60s timeout)

[12:53] <@KG_B> ventilations

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( VENTILATIONS ) in 5.937 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define VENTILATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:53] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+342)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 196'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:53] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 3 | 4 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: J | ?

[12:53] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:53] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:53] <@KG_B> s

[12:53] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: J | 2 : Total is 12

[12:53] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 19

[12:53] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:53] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I T C N I E N V E (60s timeout)

[12:53] <@KG_B> incentive

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( INCENTIVE ) in 5.594 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define INCENTIVE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:53] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+343)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 197'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:53] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4h | 3s | 7h | Jc | Kd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:53] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[12:53] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4h | 3s | 7h | Js | 10s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R T S E A K (60s timeout)

[12:53] <@KG_B> streak

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( STREAK ) in 3.797 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STREAK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:53] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+344)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 199'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:53] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:53] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:53] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:53] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E S L A V (60s timeout)

[12:54] <@KG_B> slave

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SLAVE ) in 10.15 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SLAVE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:54] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+345)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 202'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:54] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 8s | 2h | 2c | 9c | 3c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[12:54] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10c | 2h | 2c | 8c | 10h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S M L I F (60s timeout)

[12:54] <@KG_B> films

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( FILMS ) in 3.875 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FILMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:54] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+346)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 206'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:54] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:54] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:54] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5c | 3h | Jc | Ad | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .draw 35

[12:54] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5c | 3h | As | Ad | 5s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E G A S U (60s timeout)

[12:54] <@KG_B> usage

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( USAGE ) in 4.984 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define USAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:54] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+347)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 214'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:54] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:54] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Cuma Main Main Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[12:54] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:54] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:54] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 218'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:54] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4d | 7d | 2c | 6s | 8s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .draw 3

[12:54] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4d | 7d | 3h | 6s | 8s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:54] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:54] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R R E T N I P E T E R (60s timeout)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 223'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:55] <@KG_B> interpreter

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( INTERPRETER ) in 7.719 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define INTERPRETER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:55] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+348)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:55] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 5 | 5 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: A | ?

[12:55] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 229'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:55] <@KG_B> d

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: 5 : Total is 15

[12:55] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: A | 9 : Total is 20 or 10

[12:55] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S R C A T (60s timeout)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@KG_B> carts

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( CARTS ) in 6.89 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CARTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:55] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+349)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 235'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:55] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3s | Kd | Kh | 7h | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[12:55] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ad | Kd | Kh | 9s | 5s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S B A P S S O O K (60s timeout)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 239'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:55] <@KG_B> passbooks

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( PASSBOOKS ) in 5.422 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PASSBOOKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:55] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+350)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 5 | 4 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: J | ?

[12:55] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 247'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:55] <@KG_B> s

[12:55] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: J | 5 : Total is 15

[12:55] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 22

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:55] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:55] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9s | 9h | Js | 10s | Kh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:55] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:55] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A C R D L E (60s timeout)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[12:56] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9s | 3s | Js | 10s | Kh is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:56] <@KG_B> cradle

[12:56] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( CRADLE ) in 11.04 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CRADLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:56] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+351)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:56] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 255'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:56] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:56] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:56] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A D R T (60s timeout)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:56] <@KG_B> dart

[12:56] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DART ) in 3.64 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define DART to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:56] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+352)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:56] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 260'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:56] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qh | Ac | 5d | 4d | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:56] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[12:56] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jh | 7s | 5d | 3h | 5s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:56] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:56] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L O O K (60s timeout)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:56] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 265'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:56] <@KG_B> looks

[12:56] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( LOOKS ) in 2.968 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LOOKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:56] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+353)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:57] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 280'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:57] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3h | Jc | 10d | 7c | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[12:57] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10s | Jc | 10d | 8c | Qc is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:57] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : Y C A U C A C R (60s timeout)

[12:57] <@KG_B> accuracy

[12:57] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ACCURACY ) in 9.187 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ACCURACY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:57] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+354)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:57] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 288'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:57] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:57] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:57] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:57] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Js | 3h | Jc | Qc | 7d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:57] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S O S P T (60s timeout)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .draw 245

[12:57] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Js | 6s | Jc | 9h | 7s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:57] <@KG_B> stops

[12:57] <@KG_B> spots

[12:57] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SPOTS ) in 12.29 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SPOTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:57] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+355)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:57] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 297'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:57] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:57] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:57] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: K | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ?

[12:57] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:57] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:57] <@KG_B> s

[12:57] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 8 | 10 : Total is 18

[12:57] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:58] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:58] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 308'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:58] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:58] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2c | 8s | 6c | 9c | Kh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:58] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[12:58] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2h | 8s | 6c | 9c | Jd is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:58] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:58] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 101'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Kamu Ngga Sendirian. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 03:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 04:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 05:00 WIT ]

[13:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Sakit Hati. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kodaline - All I Want (Part 1)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:09] * KG_B ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sydney 090102(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - We are (Official Video from AMBITIONS JAPAN DOME TOUR)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nella Kharisma feat. Dory Harsa - Banyu Moto (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ BCL & Ariel NOAH - Menghapus Jejakmu Audio HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 03:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 04:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 05:30 WIT ]

[13:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Flo Rida - I Cry (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Charlie Puth - Attention (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[13:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rany Simbolon - Jamilah (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Diatas Normal (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Membebaniku (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Meghan Trainor - Like I'm Gonna Lose You (Official Video) ft. John Legend(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[13:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Ada Yang Abadi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[13:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Suara Kayu - MINIATUR (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 04:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 05:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 06:00 WIT ]

[14:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Alec Benjamin - Let Me Down Slowly (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Utopia - Hujan Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life (Sweden)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Freddie Mercury - Time Waits For No One (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Learn To Meow (Official EDM Ver.) (学猫叫) - Wengie XiaoPanPan XiaoFengFeng (Say Meow Meow)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:20] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Love is on the way - Saigon Kick Official Video w lyrics(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Menunggumu (Feat Chrisye) Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Apakah Itu Cinta (DJ Selow) (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:20minutes ]

[14:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 04:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 05:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 06:30 WIT ]

[14:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ 小潘潘(潘柚彤)、小峰峰(陳峰) - 學貓叫 Say Meow Meow(官方版MV)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:35minutes ]

[14:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GOODBYE (LYRICS) - AIR SUPPLY(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Saat Saat Menyebalkan (Lirik)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lesti - Zapin Melayu Official Video Clip(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Bob Dylan (Cover by Conner Coffin feat. Will Walden)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:52] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bunga Citra Lestari - Aku Bisa Apa? (OST. Jilbab Traveler) Official Lyric Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[14:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Walau Habis Terang (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 05:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 06:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 07:00 WIT ]

[15:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOH SALLEH - ANGIN KENCANG official music video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Menunggu Pagi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Julio Iglesias - Crazy(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:14] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Afgan - Ku Dengannya Kau Dengan Dia Official Video Clip(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Aku (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Salam Rindu. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:16minutes ]

[15:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 05:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 06:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 07:30 WIT ]

[15:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Langit Tak Mendengar (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sal Priadi - Ikat Aku Di Tulang Belikatmu (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Salt (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[15:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Michael Learns To Rock - Whatever it may take(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Kisah Cintaku (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[15:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Freddie Mercury - Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[15:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Semua Tentang Kita (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 06:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 07:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 08:00 WIT ]

[16:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tic Band - Terbaik Untukmu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Abby Anderson - I'll Still Love You (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Melati Aku Benci Kamu Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GEISHA - Lumpuhkan Ingatanku (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Andien - Indahnya Dunia (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ KULI HOA HOE - ENAK SUSUNYA (PARODY)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:29minutes ]

[16:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 06:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 07:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 08:30 WIT ]

[16:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gugur Bunga Di Taman Bakti (Cover) by Hanin Dhiya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tangga - Terbaik Untukmu (Video Clip)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:37] * jann (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[16:37] <jann> .ip jann

[16:37] <+TriNiTy> IP: -

[16:37] <+TriNiTy> Hostname »» -

[16:37] <+TriNiTy> Location »» -, -, Unknown

[16:37] <anu> Nick: jann ; Host:

[16:37] <+TriNiTy> Coordinates »» -

[16:37] <anu> [] »» Location: Dayuan, Taiwan, Taiwan (25.0797, 121.234) ; TimeZone: Asia/Taipei ; ISP: Zenlayer Inc ; Mobile: False ; Proxy: False ««

[16:37] <+TriNiTy> Organization »» -

[16:37] <+TriNiTy> Postal Code »» -

[16:37] <+TriNiTy> Timezone »» -

[16:37] * jann (~androirc@ has left #abocy (channels)

[16:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Flo Rida - I Cry (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[16:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Diana Ross - If We Hold On Together(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N' Roses- Paradise city HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[16:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ My Guardian Angel - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:22minutes ]

[17:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 07:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 08:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 09:00 WIT ]

[17:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jamrud - Berakit Rakit (HQ Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Kamu Ngga Sendirian. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Ada Yang Abadi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[17:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N' Roses Patience 1988 HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:16] * KG_B ( has joined #abocy

[17:16] * Q sets mode: +o KG_B

[17:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ KAMU DAN KENANGAN - MAUDY AYUNDA (COVER) EDISI KANGEN BAPA :")(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe-X - Selamat Jalan Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kari Kimmel - Where You Belong (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 07:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 08:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 09:30 WIT ]

[17:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ada Band - Surga Cinta (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tyler Shaw - It Happens All the Time (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:37] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 217'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:37] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 219'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:37] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:37] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5h | 10c | 10h | Kh | Jh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:37] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[17:37] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2c | 10c | 10h | 4h | 5s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife (HQ)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:37] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 221'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:37] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:37] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7s | 8h | 7c | 6h | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:38] <@KG_B> .draw 245

[17:38] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7s | 4c | 7c | 5d | Jc is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 224'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:38] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:38] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4d | 6d | 3s | 2c | 6h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:38] <@KG_B> .draw 5

[17:38] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4d | 6d | 3s | 2c | Ac is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 226'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:38] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:38] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6s | 4c | 3h | Ac | 6h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:38] <@KG_B> .draw 234

[17:38] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6s | 5d | 2d | Ah | 6h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 227'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:39] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 229'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:39] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:39] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3h | 6c | 10c | Qh | Js. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:39] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[17:39] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9s | 2h | 10c | Qh | Js is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:39] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 231'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:39] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:39] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ac | 8h | 3h | 7s | Js. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:39] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[17:39] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ad | 8h | 2h | 7s | Js is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:39] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 233'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:39] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:39] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5c | 9d | 10h | 6d | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:40] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[17:40] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kd | 9d | 10h | Kh | Jd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:40] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 235'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:40] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:40] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4c | 3d | Ad | 3h | 8d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:40] <@KG_B> .draw 135

[17:40] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jh | 3d | Js | 3h | 9s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:40] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 237'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:40] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:40] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7d | 3c | 10h | Ks | 9s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:40] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[17:40] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7d | 9c | 10h | 3d | 9s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:41] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:41] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 241'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:41] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:41] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5c | 7h | 10d | Qh | 10h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:41] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[17:41] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: As | 10s | 10d | Jd | 10h is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:41] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:41] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:41] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 243'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:41] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:41] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ac | Ah | 2h | 5h | 4c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:41] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[17:41] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ac | 9h | 2h | 5h | 4c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:41] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:42] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 245'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:42] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:42] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qs | 8s | 3s | Ah | 8h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:42] <@KG_B> .draw 134

[17:42] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9h | 8s | 3h | 6s | 8h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:42] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 247'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:42] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:42] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5s | Ks | 3c | 3d | Js. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:42] <@KG_B> .draw 125

[17:42] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kh | 9s | 3c | 3d | 6c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:42] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 249'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:42] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:42] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:43] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:43] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 251'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:43] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:43] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9d | Qs | 7s | 2s | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:43] <@KG_B> .draw 123

[17:43] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: As | Kd | 6c | 2s | 5h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:43] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:43] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:43] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 253'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:43] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:43] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7s | 9c | 2s | 9s | 2h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:43] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[17:43] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5d | 9c | 2s | 9s | 2h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:43] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:43] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 255'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:43] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Love is on the way - Saigon Kick Official Video w lyrics(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:44] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:44] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 257'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:44] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Js | 2d | 8d | 5s | 9h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:44] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[17:44] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Js | Ah | 8d | Jh | 9h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:44] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 258'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:44] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 260'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:44] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3s | 9h | 2s | 10c | 9c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[17:44] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qc | 9h | 2s | 7h | 9c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:44] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 262'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:44] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qh | 8c | 5h | 4c | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:44] <@KG_B> .dra w234

[17:44] <@KG_B> .draw 234

[17:44] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qh | 9h | 3s | As | Qd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:45] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 263'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:45] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 265'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:45] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:45] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qc | 9d | 2h | 5h | 10d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:45] <@KG_B> .draw 34

[17:45] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qc | 9d | 4s | Js | 10d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:45] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 267'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:45] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:45] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2h | 5c | Qs | Ad | 7c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:45] <@KG_B> .draw 35

[17:45] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2h | 5c | 9h | Ad | 9c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:46] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:46] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 269'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:46] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:46] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qd | 9c | 7s | 8c | Jh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:46] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[17:46] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10h | 9c | 7s | 8c | Jh is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:46] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:46] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:46] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 271'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:46] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:46] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6c | 10c | 10h | Ac | 10s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:46] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[17:46] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6s | 10c | 10h | 6d | 10s is a wtfomgbbq Full House !!!! You've won 150'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:46] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:46] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:46] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 274'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:46] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:46] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7d | Jc | Js | 6s | 8s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:46] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[17:47] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7s | Jc | Js | 3h | 10d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:47] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:47] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:47] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 276'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:47] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:47] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qh | Ah | Qc | 7h | Ad. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:47] <@KG_B> .draw 4

[17:47] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qh | Ah | Qc | 3d | Ad is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:47] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:47] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 278'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:47] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:47] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6s | Ac | 8d | 8h | 6h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:47] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[17:47] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6s | 2s | 8d | 8h | 6h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:47] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:47] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 280'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Untuk Perempuan Yang Sedang Di Pelukan(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[17:47] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:47] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 8d | 4d | 2s | 5s | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:48] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[17:48] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3d | 4d | 2s | 5s | 3s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:48] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 282'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:48] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:48] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ah | 3c | Qh | 8s | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:48] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[17:48] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ah | 8d | Qh | 5c | Ks is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:48] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 284'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:48] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:48] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4h | 9h | 10h | Ah | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:48] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[17:48] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10d | 9h | 10h | Jc | Ks is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:48] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:48] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 285'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:49] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 287'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:49] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:49] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4c | 7s | Jc | 6c | Qs. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:49] <@KG_B> .draw 35

[17:49] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4c | 7s | 8h | 6c | 7d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:49] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 291'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:49] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:49] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9h | 6s | Jh | Kd | 8s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:49] <@KG_B> .draw 34

[17:49] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9h | 6s | Kc | Ad | 8s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:49] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:49] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 294'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:50] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[17:50] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:50] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Js | Kc | Qs | Qc | 8d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:50] <@KG_B> .draw 125

[17:50] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kh | 4h | Qs | Qc | 2d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:50] <@KG_B> .bang

[17:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* The duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1] * GOLDEN DUCK DETECTED *

[17:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:50] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 297'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:50] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:50] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5c | 9d | 4s | 5s | 2s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:50] <@KG_B> .draw 23

[17:50] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5c | 4d | As | 5s | 2s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:50] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:50] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 299'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:50] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:50] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10s | 9h | 6s | Kh | 8c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:50] <@KG_B> .draw 4

[17:50] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10s | 9h | 6s | 4c | 8c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:51] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 302'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:51] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10d | Kd | 8c | 9d | 5c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .draw 25

[17:51] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10d | 2d | 8c | 9d | 3d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:51] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 305'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:51] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qd | 6s | 5h | 5s | 2s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[17:51] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4d | 4h | 5h | 5s | 2s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:51] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 308'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:51] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3d | 7h | 5c | Qd | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:51] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[17:51] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3d | 7h | 5c | 7s | 3h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:52] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 311'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:52] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:52] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5s | 6d | 10h | Ad | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:52] <@KG_B> .draw 234

[17:52] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5s | 4h | 9s | 8s | 5d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:52] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 314'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:52] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:52] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10d | 3d | 9c | Qs | 9s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:52] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[17:52] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6c | 5s | 9c | 2h | 9s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:52] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:52] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 317'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:52] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:52] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jd | 3h | Jh | Qh | Ah. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:53] <@KG_B> .draw 245

[17:53] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jd | 10c | Jh | 8s | 10h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:53] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:53] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 320'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - 2 DSD (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:41minutes ]

[17:53] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:53] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 323'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:53] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:53] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6d | 10s | 3d | 10d | Kh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:53] <@KG_B> .draw 135

[17:53] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6s | 10s | 4c | 10d | 6c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:54] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[17:54] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:54] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 327'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:54] <@KG_B> .bang

[17:54] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/1 | Chargers: 5/5

[17:54] <@KG_B> .reload

[17:54] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 4/5

[17:54] <@KG_B> .bang

[17:54] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* The golden duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1]

[17:54] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:54] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 330'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:54] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:54] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: As | 10c | 8h | 6s | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:54] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[17:54] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qs | 10c | 8h | 6s | 10h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:54] <DuckHunter> A golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[17:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:55] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 333'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:55] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:55] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: As | 2h | 10s | 2d | 10c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:55] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[17:55] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7d | 2h | 10s | 2d | 10c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:55] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 336'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:55] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:55] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3h | Qh | Ah | 5c | 4d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:55] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[17:55] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3h | 10c | Ah | 5c | 4d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:55] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:56] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 339'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:56] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 342'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:56] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:56] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2s | 4c | 10c | 5d | 9c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:56] <@KG_B> .draw 35

[17:56] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2s | 4c | 7s | 5d | 7c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:56] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:56] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 345'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:56] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:56] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 8h | Ac | 2h | 8d | 3c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:56] <@KG_B> .draw 25

[17:56] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8h | 2s | 2h | 8d | Kd is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:57] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:57] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 348'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:57] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:57] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 351'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:57] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:57] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ac | 4s | Jc | 8c | Kc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:57] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[17:57] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ac | 9d | Jc | 8s | Kc is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[17:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ FROZEN Let It Go Sing-along Official Disney UK(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:03minutes ]

[17:57] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:57] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 354'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:57] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:57] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7d | 5s | 9h | 3d | 5c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:57] <@KG_B> .draw 134

[17:57] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9d | 5s | 2h | 9c | 5c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:58] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:58] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 357'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:58] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:58] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9c | Jd | Ad | 4h | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:58] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[17:58] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5c | 2s | Ad | 2d | As is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[17:58] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:58] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 360'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:58] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:58] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5h | 2d | Jd | Jc | 10d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:58] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[17:58] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5d | 2d | Jd | Jc | Ad is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:59] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[17:59] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:59] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( apple ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 apples!!! You won 10'000$!!!

[17:59] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:59] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 366'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[17:59] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[17:59] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5s | Kh | Jd | 4s | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[17:59] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[17:59] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qc | Kh | Jd | 2d | Qd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[17:59] <@KG_B> .slots

[17:59] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 369'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 08:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 09:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 10:00 WIT ]

[18:00] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:00] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 372'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:00] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:00] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7c | Kh | 9c | Ad | Jc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:00] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[18:00] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kd | Kh | 8h | Ad | Jc is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[18:00] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:00] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 375'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:00] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:00] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9d | Kd | 7s | 5h | 6s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:00] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[18:00] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9d | Js | 7s | 5h | 6s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[18:00] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:00] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 378'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:00] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:00] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jh | 4c | Ah | 5h | 10h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:01] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[18:01] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3s | 4c | Ah | 5h | 3c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[18:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 382'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 385'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:01] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:01] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3h | 5c | 6h | Qd | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:01] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[18:01] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3h | 5c | 6h | Ad | 8s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[18:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lesti - Zapin Melayu Official Video Clip(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:46minutes ]

[18:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 392'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:02] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:02] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jd | 2c | 5d | Ad | Ac. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:02] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[18:02] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7d | 2c | 4c | Ad | Ac is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[18:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 396'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 399'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:03] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3s | 7c | Qh | 4d | 4c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:03] <@KG_B> .dra w123

[18:03] <@KG_B> .draw 123

[18:03] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jh | 9d | 9h | 4d | 4c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[18:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 402'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:03] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kd | 7s | Jh | 5d | 9s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:03] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[18:03] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kh | 7s | 4d | 5d | 9s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[18:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 405'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:03] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7d | 4h | 7h | 7s | 10c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:04] <@KG_B> .draw 25

[18:04] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7d | 5s | 7h | 7s | 10h is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[18:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:04] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 408'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:04] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:04] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Js | 6c | As | Qh | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:04] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[18:04] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kd | 6c | As | 7h | 5h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[18:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:04] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 411'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:04] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:05] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 414'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:05] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 417'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:05] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 420'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:05] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 423'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:05] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:05] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10c | Qd | Jd | 6h | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:05] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[18:05] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10c | Qd | Jd | 4h | 3s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[18:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sia - Snowman (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 426'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:06] * Respect ( has joined #abocy

[18:06] * Q sets mode: +o Respect

[18:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( banana ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 bananas!!! You won 5'000$!!!

[18:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 432'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:06] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[18:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 435'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 440'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 443'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:07] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[18:07] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4c | Ah | 9c | 5d | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[18:07] <@KG_B> .draw 123

[18:08] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8s | 4d | 4h | 5d | 5s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[18:08] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 449'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:08] * renren- is now known as irene

[18:09] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:09] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 452'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:09] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:09] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 455'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 482'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jaz - Katakan (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:13] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 492'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 495'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 500'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 503'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 510'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Denny Caknan - Sugeng Dalu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:17] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:17] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 529'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:18] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:18] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 536'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:19] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 546'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 556'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[18:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 565'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[18:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ You're Beautiful - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ PADI - Mahadewi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:29] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[18:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 08:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 09:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 10:30 WIT ]

[18:30] * Deviee_ is now known as jenniee

[18:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nowela - Kekasih Bukan(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Suteki Da Ne (Rikki)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:39] * KG_B ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Arsy Widianto Brisia Jodie - Dengan Caraku (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:41] * Respect ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:44] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[18:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sture Zetterberg - Think About You(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:47] <@hope> .bang

[18:47] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLACK* JAMMED GUN

[18:47] <@hope> .reload

[18:47] <DuckHunter> hope > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam and reload your gun. | Ammo: 6/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[18:47] <@hope> .bang

[18:48] <DuckHunter> hope > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 4mn0.216s, which makes you a total of 9 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [13 xp] [four-leaf clover]

[18:48] <@hope> .reload

[18:48] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 5/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[18:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ tipex - MAWAR HITAM (HQ)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:50] <jenniee> Wb buPohe

[18:51] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[18:51] <@hope> .bang

[18:51] <DuckHunter> hope > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[18:51] <@hope> Ty mas jen

[18:51] <jenniee> .bang

[18:51] <DuckHunter> jenniee > *BANG* The duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1] * GOLDEN DUCK DETECTED *

[18:51] <@hope> .reload

[18:51] <jenniee> .bong

[18:51] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 4/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[18:51] <jenniee> .bing

[18:51] <@hope> .bang

[18:51] <DuckHunter> hope > *BANG* The golden duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1]

[18:51] <jenniee> .beng

[18:52] <jenniee> .bang

[18:52] <DuckHunter> jenniee > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[18:52] <+temon> idtxitditxktdoydoydoydoyd

[18:52] <@hope> .reload

[18:52] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 3/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[18:52] <@hope> .bang

[18:52] <DuckHunter> hope > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[18:53] <@hope> .rearm hope

[18:53] <DuckHunter> hope already has a gun and looks at hope without understanding.

[18:53] <@hope> .reload

[18:53] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[18:53] <@hope> .bang

[18:53] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it... | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[18:54] * jenniee (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:54] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[18:55] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[18:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Yovie Tulus Glenn - Adu Rayu (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:56] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[18:56] <@hope> Oh ganti baju

[18:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sheila on 7 - Kita (HD Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[18:57] <Deviee_> Dese

[18:58] * Deviee_ is now known as jenniee

[18:58] <@hope> ac

[19:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 09:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 10:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 11:00 WIT ]

[19:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Reza - Berharap Tak Berpisah Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NDARBOY GENK - BALUNGAN KERE ( Official Music Video ) Eps 1(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:07] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:07] <jenniee> .bang

[19:07] <DuckHunter> jenniee > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 7.461s, which makes you a total of 1 duck on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[19:08] <+temon> wiw

[19:09] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:09] <@hope> .bang

[19:09] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLACK* JAMMED GUN

[19:09] <jenniee> Wb monet

[19:11] <@hope> Aukkk auukk

[19:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GANGGA - Blue Jeans (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:13] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[19:14] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sal Priadi - Ikat Aku Di Tulang Belikatmu (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:18] <@hope> .reload

[19:18] <DuckHunter> hope > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam your gun. | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[19:18] <@hope> .bang

[19:18] <DuckHunter> hope > Luckily you missed, but what did you aim at ? There is no duck in the area... [missed: -1 xp] [wild fire: -1 xp]

[19:18] <jenniee> .bang

[19:18] <DuckHunter> jenniee > Luckily you missed, but what did you aim at ? There is no duck in the area... [missed: -1 xp] [wild fire: -1 xp]

[19:18] <jenniee> .bang

[19:18] <DuckHunter> jenniee > Luckily you missed, but what did you aim at ? There is no duck in the area... [missed: -1 xp] [wild fire: -1 xp]

[19:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - Cry out (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:53minutes ]

[19:20] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:20] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:22] <jenniee> .bang

[19:22] <DuckHunter> jenniee > *BANG* You shot down one of the ducks in 2mn36.943s, which makes you a total of 2 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[19:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ George Michael Mary J. Blige - As (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:25] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[19:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Fourtwnty - fana merah jambu ( lirik video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:30] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 09:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 10:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 11:30 WIT ]

[19:32] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:35] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[19:35] <jenniee> .bang

[19:35] <DuckHunter> jenniee > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/6 | Chargers: 0/1

[19:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Pamungkas - Break It (Official Lyrics Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:38] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[19:42] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bunga Citra Lestari - Jangan Gila Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ BENEE - Supalonely ft. Gus Dapperton(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:47] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[19:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOH SALLEH - ANGIN KENCANG official music video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[19:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Birdy - Surrender (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Jauh Mimpiku (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[19:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ LANY - you! (official video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:12minutes ]

[20:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 10:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 11:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 12:00 WIT ]

[20:05] * botFM ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:06] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[20:06] * botFM ( Quit (Registered)

[20:06] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[20:06] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[20:08] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lewis Capaldi - Hold Me While You Wait (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:12] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Wayang - Tak Selamanya - Composer : Wayang 2002 (CDQ)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:13] * irene is now known as nadya

[20:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Billie Eilish - bad guy(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:26minutes ]

[20:17] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Sahabat (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:21] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:21] <@hope> .bang

[20:21] <DuckHunter> hope > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[20:21] <@hope> .reload

[20:21] <DuckHunter> hope > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 6/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[20:21] <@hope> .bang

[20:21] <DuckHunter> hope > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 37.063s, which makes you a total of 10 ducks on #abocy. You are promoted to level 4 (duck misser). \_X< *KWAK* [13 xp] [four-leaf clover]

[20:23] <@hope> .reload

[20:23] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 5/6 | Chargers: 0/2

[20:24] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Dalan Liyane (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI) Ciptaan Hendra Kumbara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:24minutes ]

[20:26] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:29] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Umbrella - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 10:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 11:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 12:30 WIT ]

[20:30] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lintang Ati - Safira Inema (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:33] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:37] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:38] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:38] * nadya is now known as irene

[20:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Olly Murs - Up (Official Video) ft. Demi Lovato(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:39] * irene is now known as nadya

[20:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Thelma Plum - Homecoming Queen (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:42] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:43] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:44] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Faiha - Anjing Dan Ayam (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:49] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Mata Hepeng Layla Hasyim Lagu Tapsel Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[20:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tracy Chapman - Sing for you (+Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:20minutes ]

[21:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 11:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 12:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 13:00 WIT ]

[21:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Bintang Di Surga (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ TIPE-X - BOYBAND (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:13] * jenniee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:16] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:17] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:19] <nia-> .bang

[21:19] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK* JAMMED GUN

[21:21] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Say Your Name(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Caffeine - Aku Takkan Memiliki (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:23] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:24] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:24] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lyodra - Tentang Kamu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:29] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MV) IU(아이유) _ Blueming(블루밍)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:30] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 11:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 12:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 13:30 WIT ]

[21:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ DJ UNITY TERBARU 2020 ð??¶ DJ TIKTOK TERBARU 2020(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:40] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Abby Anderson Dance Away My Broken Heart(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Budi Doremi - Melukis Senja (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:45] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:46] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:47] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Post Malone Swae Lee - Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[21:51] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tessa Violet - I Don't Get to Say I Love You Anymore(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:52] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[21:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MV) IU(아이유) _ Celebrity(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 12:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 13:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 14:00 WIT ]

[22:01] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - It's A Hard Life (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sture Zetterberg - Think About You(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:07] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[22:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Ada Yang Abadi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MahaDewi - Kosong(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Salt (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:20] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sesaat Kau Hadir - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:23] * KG_B ( has joined #abocy

[22:23] * Q sets mode: +o KG_B

[22:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 12:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 13:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 14:30 WIT ]

[22:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Vina Panduwinata - DIA(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nella Kharisma - MEMORI BERKASIH Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:37] <@blade> Sepi pun

[22:37] <@KG_B> sabar blade

[22:38] <@blade> Iyak sabar sambil obong2 congor

[22:38] <@KG_B> hahahahha

[22:41] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:42] <@blade> .bang

[22:42] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it... | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 4/4

[22:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ben Platt - Grow As We Go (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:42] <@blade> .reload

[22:42] <DuckHunter> blade > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam and reload your gun. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[22:42] <@blade> .bang

[22:42] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn44.787s, which makes you a total of 876 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[22:42] <DuckHunter> blade > By searching the bushes around the duck, you find a silencer ! You won't frighten the ducks anymore when you shoot for 24h.

[22:44] <@blade> .reload

[22:44] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[22:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tessa Violet - Dream(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:47] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:47] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - My Head & My Heart (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[22:50] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:50] <@KG_B> .bang

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/1 | Chargers: 4/5

[22:50] <@KG_B> .reload

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 3/5

[22:50] <@KG_B> .bang

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* The duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1] * GOLDEN DUCK DETECTED *

[22:50] <@KG_B> .reloa

[22:50] <@KG_B> .reload

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 2/5

[22:50] <@KG_B> .bang

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* The golden duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1]

[22:50] <@KG_B> .reload

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 1/5

[22:50] <@KG_B> .bang

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down a golden duck in 3mn35.275s, which makes you a total of 1607 ducks (including 128 golden ducks) on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [36 xp]

[22:50] <DuckHunter> Frightened by so much noise, a duck fled. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[22:50] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[22:50] <@KG_B> .reload

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 1/5

[22:50] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points. Your purchase made you go back to level 25 (duck smasher).

[22:50] <@KG_B> .reload

[22:50] <DuckHunter> KG_B > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 2/4

[22:51] <@KG_B> .shop 2

[22:51] <@KG_B> .reload

[22:51] <DuckHunter> KG_B > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[22:51] <DuckHunter> KG_B > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[22:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gavin DeGraw - Everything Will Change (Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:48minutes ]

[22:54] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[22:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - My Melancholy Blues (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:36minutes ]

[22:57] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - Save Me (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 13:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 14:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 15:00 WIT ]

[23:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Julio Iglesias - Crazy(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:02] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:04] <endah> .ip

[23:04] <+TriNiTy> IP:

[23:04] <+TriNiTy> Hostname »» -

[23:04] <+TriNiTy> Location »» Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

[23:04] <+TriNiTy> Coordinates »» -6.9222,107.6069

[23:04] <+TriNiTy> Organization »» AS7713 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia

[23:04] <anu> [] »» Location: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (-6.9217, 107.6071) ; TimeZone: Asia/Jakarta ; ISP: PT. TELKOM INDONESIA ; Mobile: False ; Proxy: False ««

[23:04] <+TriNiTy> Postal Code »» -

[23:04] <+TriNiTy> Timezone »» Asia/Jakarta

[23:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - Wherever You Are (English Sub)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:10] * Letta_ ( has joined #abocy

[23:10] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[23:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dj Tibz - TikTok ( Tekno TibMix ) ( GMS )(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Topeng (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:18] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:19] <@blade> .bang

[23:19] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn57.512s, which makes you a total of 877 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[23:20] <@blade> .reload

[23:20] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 2/4

[23:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ James Blunt - Same Mistake (video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:24] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:24] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rezza - Dia Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:24] * Respect (webchat@wnr3.97v7.vb8r.ip) has joined #abocy

[23:24] * Respect (webchat@wnr3.97v7.vb8r.ip) Quit (Host change)

[23:24] * Respect ( has joined #abocy

[23:24] * Q sets mode: +o Respect

[23:28] <@Respect> .song

[23:28] <+AbocyFM> Playing Song Rezza - Dia Official Video(BASS_Boosted)

[23:29] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:29] <@Respect> .req Bruno mars move on

[23:29] <+AbocyFM> Respect: Move On-Bruno Mars Lyrics(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[23:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Song From Distance Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[23:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 13:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 14:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 15:30 WIT ]

[23:30] <+AbocyFM> Move On-Bruno Mars Lyrics(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[23:34] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Move On-Bruno Mars Lyrics(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: Respect ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[23:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ OST My Lecturer My Husband Lecture With Love - Billy Simpson (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:39] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:39] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:40] <@hope> .bang

[23:40] <DuckHunter> hope > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[23:40] <@hope> .shop 2

[23:40] <DuckHunter> hope > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points. Your purchase made you go back to level 3 (trainee).

[23:40] <@hope> .reload

[23:40] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 4/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[23:40] <@hope> .bang

[23:40] <DuckHunter> hope > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 43.643s, which makes you a total of 11 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[23:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Sahabat (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:44] * KG_B ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:44] * Respect_ (webchat@wnr3.97v7.vb8r.ip) has joined #abocy

[23:45] * Q sets mode: +o Respect_

[23:45] * Respect_ (webchat@wnr3.97v7.vb8r.ip) Quit (Host change)

[23:45] * Respect_ ( has joined #abocy

[23:45] * sets mode: +o Respect_

[23:45] * Respect ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:45] * Respect_ is now known as Respect

[23:46] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Wake Me Up When September Ends - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:48] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:50] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Alec Benjamin - Let Me Down Slowly (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:52] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:53] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dido - Thank You (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:55] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Flo Rida - I Cry (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[23:58] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:59] * Respect ( Quit (Quit: gausahdibacagakpenting)

[00:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 14:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 15:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 16:00 WIT ]

[00:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Elina - Blue (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lenny Kravitz - It Ain't Over Til It's Over (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sture Zetterberg - Looking for Your Attention(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Abby Anderson - I'll Still Love You (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:19] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:20] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Kupu Kupu Malam (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:25] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[00:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Andien - Indahnya Dunia (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 14:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 15:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 16:30 WIT ]

[00:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Katie Melua - The Closest Thing To Crazy (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ George Michael Mary J. Blige - As (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:38] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sabrina - Apologize (Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:39] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Sakit Hati. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:43] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[00:44] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[00:45] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:47] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sabrina - Im Yours (Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nella Kharisma - Wong Edan Kui Bebas (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[00:50] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[00:52] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[00:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Fourtwnty - fana merah jambu ( lirik video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 11:24minutes ]

[00:57] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[01:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 15:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 16:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 17:00 WIT ]

[01:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - IN THE STARS (EYE OF THE STORM 2020) LIVE(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:03] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[01:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ANDIEN - この世の美しさ (Kono You No Utsukushisa) - Indahnya Dunia Japanese Version Official Music Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:08] <OiO> .u

[01:08] <+TriNiTy> Bot Uptime: 1 day 17 minutes 8 seconds

[01:08] <+TriNiTy> Shell Uptime: 15:08:50 up 40 days, 21:55, 0 users, load average: 0.15, 0.71, 0.43 running on Linux x86_64

[01:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Noah Band - Separuh Aku (HIGH QUALITY )(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:13] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[01:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:18] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[01:19] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[01:20] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Adre'nol(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:22] <+TriNiTy> NE » No such nick.

[01:24] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[01:24] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Arsy Widianto Brisia Jodie - Dengan Caraku (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tasya Rosmala feat. Gerry Mahesa - Prasasti Cinta (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 15:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 16:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 17:30 WIT ]

[01:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sheila on 7 - Kita (HD Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Salam Rindu. Suara Paling Jernih Se Youtube Raya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Dibalik Awan (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:53minutes ]

[01:47] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[01:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Saat Saat Menyebalkan (Lirik)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:52] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[01:52] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[01:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gavin DeGraw - Everything Will Change (Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[01:57] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[01:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Madonna - Take A Bow (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:36minutes ]

[02:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 16:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 17:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 18:00 WIT ]

[02:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - It's A Hard Life (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ My Guardian Angel - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - 2 DSD (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Caffeine - Tiara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:20] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Dalan Liyane (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI) Ciptaan Hendra Kumbara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:21] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ PADI - Mahadewi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:26] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[02:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Yovie Tulus Glenn - Adu Rayu (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 16:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 17:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 18:30 WIT ]

[02:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Charlie Puth - Attention (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:34] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ John Mayer - Never on the Day You Leave (Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:37] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Mahen - Luka Yang Kurindu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:38] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #abocy

[02:39] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[02:40] * oooyab (~sh@ Quit (Quit: -a- free mining BTC >>

[02:42] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[02:42] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ DjTibz - Sebelas Duabelas ( Tekno TibMix ) 140bpm(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:50minutes ]

[02:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Caffeine - Hidupku Kan Damaikan Hatimu (Official Audio) Soundtrack Love Story The Series(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:48] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[02:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ 小潘潘(潘柚彤)、小峰峰(陳峰) - 學貓叫 Say Meow Meow(官方版MV)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:35minutes ]

[02:51] * danilla (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[02:51] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:52] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kelsea Ballerini - I Hate Love Songs(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:19minutes ]

[02:55] * danilla (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[02:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ RED VELVET - 'FUTURE' (미래) (Start-Up OST Part.1) Lyrics (Color Coded_Han_Rom_Eng)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[02:57] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[02:57] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[03:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 17:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 18:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 19:00 WIT ]

[03:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Selamat Jalan REGGAE VERSION (LIRIK)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rany Simbolon - Jamilah (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:09] * royi (webchat@xxhl.qtxu.1od0.ip) has joined #abocy

[03:09] <anu> WB bu royi, monggo menawi ajeng dc

[03:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Freddie Mercury - In My Defence (Official Video Remastered)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:17] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lily Kershaw - As It Seems(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GEDE ROSO - ABAH LALA (COVER BY WORO WIDOWATI OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:21] * royi (webchat@xxhl.qtxu.1od0.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:21] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[03:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Yang Terdalam (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Minutes Into Days - Las Lunas(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:27] * ucup ( has joined #abocy

[03:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 17:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 18:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 19:30 WIT ]

[03:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kari Kimmel - Where You Belong (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dido - Thank You (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sebastián Yatra Isabela Merced - My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más) (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Utopia - Hujan Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[03:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Afgan - Ku Dengannya Kau Dengan Dia Official Video Clip(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:03minutes ]

[03:53] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[03:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Apakah Itu Cinta (DJ Selow) (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:20minutes ]

[03:55] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 18:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 19:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 20:00 WIT ]

[04:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jauh (Andaikan)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:28minutes ]

[04:01] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:03] <nia-> Ucup

[04:03] <ucup> oi

[04:03] <nia-> Bekson lagi dongs

[04:04] <ucup> buat apaan bekson banyak"

[04:04] <nia-> Lagunya aku sukaa

[04:04] <ucup> ya tinggal dikecilin gainnya

[04:05] <nia-> Gk bisaaa

[04:05] <nia-> Yadah

[04:06] <ucup> he eh

[04:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jamrud - Putri (HQ Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:47minutes ]

[04:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lyodra - Tentang Kamu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:56minutes ]

[04:10] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:12] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sture Zetterberg - Think About You(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:09minutes ]

[04:14] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:15] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:17] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:18] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Bintang Di Surga (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:01minutes ]

[04:19] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Pixie Lott - Cry Me Out(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[04:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Only Child (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[04:25] * ucup ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:25] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[04:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ada Band - Surga Cinta (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:27minutes ]

[04:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 18:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 19:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 20:30 WIT ]

[04:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ If Love Is Blind by Tiffany(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:43minutes ]

[04:34] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:34] <@blade> .bang

[04:34] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 27.418s, which makes you a total of 878 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[04:34] <@blade> .reload

[04:34] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 2/4

[04:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe-X - Pacar Yang Baik Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:47minutes ]

[04:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ BENEE - Supalonely ft. Gus Dapperton(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:41minutes ]

[04:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Mijah Nasution - Rere Ma Narere(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:38minutes ]

[04:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MAAF DARI SURGA OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO - ELEMENT(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:26minutes ]

[04:49] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:51] <nia-> .bang

[04:51] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK* JAMMED GUN

[04:51] <nia-> .reload

[04:51] <DuckHunter> nia- > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam your gun. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 4/4

[04:51] <nia-> .bang

[04:51] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn37.293s, which makes you a total of 277 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[04:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Abby Anderson Dance Away My Broken Heart(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:08minutes ]

[04:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - My Melancholy Blues (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:36minutes ]

[05:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 19:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 20:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 21:00 WIT ]

[05:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Irreplaceable - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:12minutes ]

[05:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - Be the light (Official Music Video English subtitles)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:54minutes ]

[05:10] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SYUKUR Cipt.H Mutahar(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:21minutes ]

[05:12] * endah ( Quit (EOF from client)

[05:14] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #abocy

[05:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[05:16] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:16] * oooyab (~sh@ Quit (Quit: -a- free mining BTC >>

[05:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Da-iCE <TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」主題歌>「DREAMIN' ON」MUSIC VIDEO(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:27minutes ]

[05:21] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Dalan Liyane (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI) Ciptaan Hendra Kumbara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:24minutes ]

[05:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Hari Yang Cerah Untuk Jiwa Yang Sepi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:58minutes ]

[05:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 19:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 20:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 21:30 WIT ]

[05:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Thank God (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:23minutes ]

[05:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ I Love You - Saigon Kick(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:29minutes ]

[05:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Dancing With Your Ghost (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:20minutes ]

[05:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ T2 - Jangan Lebay (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) music(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:19minutes ]

[05:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Budi Doremi - Melukis Senja (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:37minutes ]

[05:45] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:45] <nia-> .bang

[05:45] <DuckHunter> nia- > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[05:45] <nia-> .rearm nia-

[05:45] <DuckHunter> nia- already has a gun and looks at nia- without understanding.

[05:45] <nia-> .shop 2

[05:45] <DuckHunter> nia- > Your magazine stock is already full.

[05:46] <nia-> .bang

[05:46] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 4/4

[05:46] <nia-> .shop 2

[05:46] <DuckHunter> nia- > Your magazine stock is already full.

[05:46] <nia-> .reload

[05:46] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[05:46] <nia-> .bang

[05:46] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn22.773s, which makes you a total of 278 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[05:46] <DuckHunter> nia- > By searching the bushes around the duck, you find an extra bullet !

[05:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bunga Citra Lestari - Jangan Gila Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:17minutes ]

[05:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Luke Evans - Say You Love Me (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:07minutes ]

[05:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Brent Morgan - The Fixer (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:08minutes ]

[05:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gugur Bunga Di Taman Bakti (Cover) by Hanin Dhiya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:01minutes ]

[06:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 20:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 21:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 22:00 WIT ]

[06:01] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N´Roses- Sweet Child Of Mine HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 06:02minutes ]

[06:07] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[06:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Protonema - Rinduku Adinda Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:59minutes ]

[06:14] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Madonna - Take A Bow (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:36minutes ]

[06:15] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:17] <@blade> .bang

[06:17] <DuckHunter> blade > Missed. [missed: -3 xp]

[06:17] <@blade> .shop 2

[06:17] <DuckHunter> blade > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[06:17] <@blade> .reload

[06:17] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 2/4

[06:17] <@blade> .bang

[06:17] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 2mn38.964s, which makes you a total of 879 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[06:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ James Blunt - Same Mistake (video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[06:21] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:22] * endah ( has joined #abocy

[06:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N Roses Knocking On Heavens Door High Quality(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:37minutes ]

[06:24] <+ehsan> * sunu@abocyIRC samsu lur

[06:26] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[06:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Noah Band - Separuh Aku (HIGH QUALITY )(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:29minutes ]

[06:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 20:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 21:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 22:30 WIT ]

[06:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nella Kharisma - Jangan Nget Ngetan (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:26minutes ]

[06:36] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:37] * asoka ( has joined #abocy

[06:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Menunggumu (Feat Chrisye) Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:44minutes ]

[06:40] <@blade> .bang

[06:40] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 4mn59.025s, which makes you a total of 880 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[06:41] <@blade> .reload

[06:41] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 1/4

[06:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Matter To You (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:38minutes ]

[06:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Didi Kempot - Suket Teki (Langgam) (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:40minutes ]

[06:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Learn To Meow (Official EDM Ver.) (学猫叫) - Wengie XiaoPanPan XiaoFengFeng (Say Meow Meow)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:35minutes ]

[06:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Walau Habis Terang (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:36minutes ]

[06:53] * endah ( Quit (Registered)

[06:53] * endah ( has joined #abocy

[06:54] <@blade> .reload

[06:54] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 1/4

[06:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ tipex - MAWAR HITAM (HQ)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:54minutes ]

[06:59] * hurt (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[06:59] * hurt (~androirc@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))

[07:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 21:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 22:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 23:00 WIT ]

[07:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Sahabat (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:32minutes ]

[07:07] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[07:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Olly Murs - Up (Official Video) ft. Demi Lovato(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:45minutes ]

[07:09] <Toriq> .dor

[07:09] <Toriq> .bang

[07:09] <DuckHunter> Toriq > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[07:09] <Toriq> .bang

[07:09] <DuckHunter> Toriq > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 2mn56.854s, which makes you a total of 1 duck on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[07:10] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[07:10] <Toriq> .bang

[07:10] <DuckHunter> Toriq > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 0.85s, which makes you a total of 2 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[07:10] <DuckHunter> Toriq > By searching the bushes around the duck, you find a sight for your gun ! The accuracy of your next shot will be increased by (100 - current accuracy) / 3.

[07:10] <Toriq> .bang

[07:10] <DuckHunter> Toriq > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it... | Ammo: 3/6 | Chargers: 2/2

[07:10] <Toriq> .reload

[07:10] <DuckHunter> Toriq > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam your gun. | Ammo: 3/6 | Chargers: 2/2

[07:10] <Toriq> .bang

[07:10] <DuckHunter> Toriq > Luckily you missed, but what did you aim at ? There is no duck in the area... [missed: -1 xp] [wild fire: -1 xp]

[07:10] <Toriq> .bang

[07:10] <DuckHunter> Toriq > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it... | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 2/2

[07:10] <Toriq> .reload

[07:10] <DuckHunter> Toriq > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam your gun. | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 2/2

[07:10] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tangga - Terbaik Untukmu (Video Clip)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:54minutes ]

[07:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Love of My Life (Ann Louise ft. Emil Chow)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:22minutes ]

[07:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - You Take My Breath Away (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:12minutes ]

[07:29] * botFM ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 21:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 22:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 23:30 WIT ]

[07:30] <@blade> .reload

[07:30] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 1/4

[07:33] * alit ( has joined #abocy

[07:33] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[07:33] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[07:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Robbie Williams - She's The One (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:16minutes ]

[07:34] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[07:40] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[07:40] <@blade> .bang

[07:40] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 43.828s, which makes you a total of 881 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[07:40] <@blade> .reload

[07:40] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 1/4

[07:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - It's A Hard Life (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[07:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Mahen - Luka Yang Kurindu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:48minutes ]

[07:47] <@blade> .money

[07:47] <@FunBot> blade (#pasopati) has 2'000$

[07:47] <Ganonk> saiprit

[07:47] <@blade> Kismin rek

[07:47] <Ganonk> njaluk mamake

[07:48] <@blade> Ora tau ngepet og

[07:48] <@blade> 😁

[07:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Alan Walker - Darkside (feat. Au Ra and Tomine Harket)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:00minutes ]

[07:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jamrud - Putri (HQ Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:47minutes ]

[07:55] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[07:55] <@blade> .bang

[07:55] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 23.595s, which makes you a total of 882 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[07:56] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[07:56] <@blade> .reload

[07:56] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 0/4

[07:56] <@blade> .bang

[07:56] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* The duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1] * GOLDEN DUCK DETECTED *

[07:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tasya Rosmala feat. Gerry Mahesa - Prasasti Cinta (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 07:17minutes ]

[08:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 22:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 23:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 00:00 WIT ]

[08:01] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[08:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ David Guetta & Sia - Flames (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:14minutes ]

[08:04] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:04] <@blade> .bang

[08:04] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 19.712s, which makes you a total of 883 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[08:04] <@blade> .reload

[08:04] <DuckHunter> blade > You have no ammo. | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 0/4

[08:04] <@blade> .shop 2

[08:04] <DuckHunter> blade > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[08:04] <@blade> .reload

[08:04] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 0/4

[08:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe-X - Selamat Jalan Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:24minutes ]

[08:10] <@blade> .req hitam bukan putih mega

[08:10] <+AbocyFM> blade: MEGA MUSTIKA - HITAM BUKAN PUTIH ( KARAOKE )(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Fourtwnty - Segelas Berdua (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:10minutes ]

[08:11] <+AbocyFM> MEGA MUSTIKA - HITAM BUKAN PUTIH ( KARAOKE )(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[08:12] <@blade> .req sedingin salju evie

[08:12] <+AbocyFM> blade: Evie Tamala - Sedingin Salju (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:13] <@blade> .lis

[08:13] <+AbocyFM> Jumlah Pendengar: 1

[08:13] <+AbocyFM> Evie Tamala - Sedingin Salju (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[08:13] <@blade> .next

[08:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MEGA MUSTIKA - HITAM BUKAN PUTIH ( KARAOKE )(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 05:16minutes ]

[08:16] <@blade> .req bukan yang pertama mirnawati

[08:16] <+AbocyFM> blade: Bukan Yang Pertama _ Mirna Wati(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:17] <+AbocyFM> Bukan Yang Pertama _ Mirna Wati(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[08:19] * nadya is now known as irene

[08:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Evie Tamala - Sedingin Salju (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:54minutes ]

[08:23] <@blade> .req teman biasa evie

[08:24] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bukan Yang Pertama _ Mirna Wati(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ 05:28minutes ]

[08:24] <+AbocyFM> blade: Evie Tamala - Teman Biasa [Official Music Video](BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:24] <@blade> .ping botfm

[08:24] <@FunBot> botFM: Pong! (1.218s)

[08:24] <+TriNiTy> botFM is away: � � 

[08:25] <+TriNiTy> botFM : 2.537 detik (

[08:25] <+AbocyFM> Evie Tamala - Teman Biasa [Official Music Video](BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[08:28] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:29] <Ganonk> .bang

[08:29] <DuckHunter> Ganonk > *CLACK* JAMMED GUN

[08:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Evie Tamala - Teman Biasa (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ 04:59minutes ]

[08:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 22:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 23:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 00:30 WIT ]

[08:32] <@blade> .req putih tulang imam s arifin

[08:32] <+AbocyFM> blade: Imam S. Arifin - Menari Diatas Luka (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:33] <+AbocyFM> Imam S. Arifin - Menari Diatas Luka (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[08:33] <@blade> .req janur kuning manis manja

[08:33] <+AbocyFM> blade: Manis Manja Group - Janur Kuning | Official Music Video(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:34] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[08:34] <+AbocyFM> Manis Manja Group - Janur Kuning | Official Music Video(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[08:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Imam S. Arifin - Menari Diatas Luka (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 05:19minutes ]

[08:36] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:37] <@blade> .req arjun yus yunus

[08:37] <+AbocyFM> blade: yus yunus & iis dahlia - arjun(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:37] <@blade> .bang

[08:37] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn28.764s, which makes you a total of 884 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[08:37] <DuckHunter> blade > By searching the bushes around the duck, you find an extra bullet !

[08:38] <+AbocyFM> yus yunus & iis dahlia - arjun(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[08:41] <@blade> .next

[08:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Manis Manja Group - Janur Kuning Official Music Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:31minutes ]

[08:45] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[08:45] * AndroUser is now known as coz

[08:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ yus yunus & iis dahlia - arjun(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ]

[08:46] <@blade> Wb coz mos

[08:46] * jigong (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[08:46] <coz> ty blade

[08:46] <@blade> .req setangkai bunga padi santa hoki

[08:46] <+AbocyFM> blade: Santa Hoky - Setangkai Bunga Padi(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:46] <@blade> Oyee

[08:46] <jigong> Hahahhahhancok haran

[08:46] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[08:47] <@blade> Juh biji salak tangi

[08:47] * jigong is now known as seven

[08:47] * Q sets mode: +o seven

[08:47] * seven (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[08:47] * seven ( has joined #abocy

[08:47] * sets mode: +o seven

[08:47] <coz> bwi kok tambah adem

[08:47] <+AbocyFM> Santa Hoky - Setangkai Bunga Padi(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[08:47] <@seven> Kelon to coz

[08:47] <coz> puh

[08:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Santa Hoky - Setangkai Bunga Padi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ 05:44minutes ]

[08:48] <@TjahAyoe> Moso coz

[08:48] <@seven> Kalimantan yo gek udan wae kok coz

[08:49] <@blade> [22:47] (coz) bwi kok tambah adem...byk ac nya

[08:49] <coz> iyo

[08:49] <@TjahAyoe> Ooiyaa adem

[08:49] <@TjahAyoe> Banyak pegunungan

[08:49] <@seven> .w coz

[08:50] <+TriNiTy> coz (~androirc@ * Android IRC Client

[08:50] <+TriNiTy> coz on #abocy #surabaya

[08:50] <+TriNiTy> coz using * QuakeNet IRC Server

[08:50] <+TriNiTy> coz has been idle for 48 seconds. SignOn Mon Mar 8 22:44:38 2021

[08:50] <+TriNiTy> End of /WHOIS list.

[08:50] <JupIt3r> hai tjahayoe 👄

[08:50] <@TjahAyoe> Gambar opo iku

[08:50] <@TjahAyoe> Hai jg mbah jup

[08:51] <@blade> Tidur sana mbah encoke kumat engko

[08:51] <@TjahAyoe> Hu um mbah

[08:51] <coz> oalah buri iki laut ternyata, ndek bangsring

[08:51] <@TjahAyoe> Wes mok semir rambut mu mbah

[08:51] <JupIt3r> urung

[08:51] <JupIt3r> Hahah

[08:52] <@TjahAyoe> Wooh ndang semir engkok malah dipetani blade

[08:52] <@TjahAyoe> :/

[08:52] <JupIt3r> Mau tak gondrong rambut qu, bw3n di tegur pak camat

[08:52] <@TjahAyoe> Gondrong?? Putih semua itu

[08:52] <@TjahAyoe> Eh

[08:52] <@TjahAyoe> Semir seks baru gondrong

[08:53] * @blade mlongo

[08:53] <@blade> .req terbayang bayang ona sutra

[08:53] <+AbocyFM> blade: ona sutra - terbayang bayang(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:54] <JupIt3r> Gk ada quiz ya, lumayan hadiah pulsa e buat traktiran cew3k2

[08:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Apakah Itu Cinta (DJ Selow) (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:20minutes ]

[08:55] <+AbocyFM> ona sutra - terbayang bayang(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[08:56] <@TjahAyoe> Eleeh mbelgedeess

[08:56] <+temon> layo

[08:59] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[08:59] <coz> .bang

[08:59] <DuckHunter> coz > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 13.917s, which makes you a total of 4 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[08:59] <@blade> .req losdol happy

[08:59] <JupIt3r> Tidur lagi, bulan depan di tunggu aja pulsa 100k, diacak

[08:59] <+AbocyFM> blade: Happy Asmara - Los Dol (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[08:59] <+AbocyFM> Happy Asmara - Los Dol (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[09:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 23:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 00:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 01:00 WIT ]

[09:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ona sutra - terbayang bayang(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 05:28minutes ]

[09:04] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:04] <@blade> .req lintang ati nella

[09:04] <+AbocyFM> blade: Nella Kharisma - Lintang Ati [OFFICIAL](BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[09:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Los Dol (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ 04:47minutes ]

[09:05] <+AbocyFM> Nella Kharisma - Lintang Ati [OFFICIAL](BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[09:07] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:07] <@blade> .req banyu langit didi kempot

[09:07] <+AbocyFM> blade: Didi Kempot - Banyu Langit [OFFICIAL](BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[09:08] <+AbocyFM> Didi Kempot - Banyu Langit [OFFICIAL](BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[09:10] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:10] <@blade> .req staso feat happy pepujaning ati

[09:12] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[09:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nella Kharisma - Lintang Ati (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 05:17minutes ]

[09:12] <+AbocyFM> blade: Staso Prasetyo feat Happy Asmara - Pepujaning Ati [OFFICIAL] (Jandhut Version)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[09:13] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:13] <@blade> .bang

[09:13] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down one of the ducks in 3mn9.873s, which makes you a total of 885 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[09:13] <+AbocyFM> Staso Prasetyo feat Happy Asmara - Pepujaning Ati [OFFICIAL] (Jandhut Version)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[09:13] <@blade> .reload

[09:13] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 0/4

[09:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Didi Kempot - Banyu Langit (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:59minutes ]

[09:18] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[09:20] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Staso Prasetyo feat Happy Asmara - Pepujaning Ati (OFFICIAL) (Jandhut Version)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: blade ] [ 05:07minutes ]

[09:24] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:24] <Safira> .bang

[09:24] <DuckHunter> Safira > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 5.651s, which makes you a total of 5 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[09:24] <Safira> .reload

[09:24] <DuckHunter> Safira > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 5/6 | Chargers: 1/2

[09:24] <@blade> Radi kebangun

[09:25] <Safira> Opo ibum

[09:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sabrina - Apologize (Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:21minutes ]

[09:25] <Safira> Emang belum tidur abis mojok Ama bot Uno.

[09:26] <@blade> Opo opo ono

[09:26] <Safira> Td apa panggil2

[09:26] <@blade> Test

[09:26] <Safira> Ooo

[09:27] <@blade> Lonjong

[09:27] <Safira> Elips

[09:27] <Safira> Sepi amat room. Pd mojok ya ibum

[09:27] <@blade> Gt tau

[09:27] <Safira> Td rame

[09:27] <@blade> Emngnya cctv

[09:27] <@blade> Lol

[09:28] <Safira> Sopo cctv

[09:28] * Safira Uno td

[09:28] <@blade> Ah g nyambung

[09:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Kings & Queens (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:43minutes ]

[09:29] <Safira> Hu uh lagi eror dikit

[09:29] <@blade> Tinju safira

[09:29] <Safira> Keplak blade

[09:29] <@blade> Num obat sana

[09:29] <Safira> Ga sakit

[09:29] <Safira> Alhamdulillah sehat

[09:29] <@blade> Itu eror katanya

[09:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉⁿⁱⁿ 23:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 00:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 01:30 WIT ]

[09:30] <Safira> Eror karna sesuatu

[09:30] <Safira> Bukan sakit

[09:31] <@blade> Itu sesuatu karena sakit

[09:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ DjTibz - Sebelas Duabelas ( Tekno TibMix ) 140bpm(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:50minutes ]

[09:31] <Safira> Iyain aja deh

[09:32] <@blade> Wes ah tdr

[09:32] <Safira> Yuk

[09:32] <Safira> Wkwkwkwk

[09:32] <Safira> D rumah masing2

[09:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nowela - Kekasih Bukan(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:59minutes ]

[09:36] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:37] <nia-> .bang

[09:37] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn6.024s, which makes you a total of 279 ducks on #abocy. You are promoted to level 17 (duck demolisher). \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[09:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jauh (Andaikan)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:28minutes ]

[09:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Amy Wadge - Hold Me(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:34minutes ]

[09:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ You're Beautiful - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:26minutes ]

[09:52] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:53] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[09:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tic Band - Terbaik Untukmu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:28minutes ]

[09:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Di Belakangku (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:03minutes ]

[09:57] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[09:58] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[10:00] <zodiak> 「 Sekarang sudah hari SELASA 」

[10:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 00:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 01:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 02:00 WIT ]

[10:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Dancing With Your Ghost (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:02] * alit ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:02] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[10:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ALESANA - Apology(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ]

[10:08] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Pamungkas - Break It (Official Lyrics Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:46minutes ]

[10:10] * seven ( Quit (EOF from client)

[10:14] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ John Legend - All of Me (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:08minutes ]

[10:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - Spread Your Wings (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:32minutes ]

[10:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sture Zetterberg - Think About You(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:09minutes ]

[10:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ KAMU DAN KENANGAN - MAUDY AYUNDA (COVER) EDISI KANGEN BAPA :")(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:59minutes ]

[10:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 00:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 01:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 02:30 WIT ]

[10:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sebastián Yatra Isabela Merced - My Only One (No Hay Nadie Más) (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:22minutes ]

[10:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - Be the light (Official Music Video English subtitles)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:54minutes ]

[10:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Caffeine - Tiara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:28minutes ]

[10:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Say Your Name(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:47minutes ]

[10:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Pamungkas - One Only (Lyrics Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:19minutes ]

[10:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Pamungkas - To The Bone(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:54minutes ]

[11:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 01:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 02:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 03:00 WIT ]

[11:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe-X - Pacar Yang Baik Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:47minutes ]

[11:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Wake Me Up When September Ends - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:51minutes ]

[11:08] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Ku Katakan Dengan Indah (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:54minutes ]

[11:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:34minutes ]

[11:16] * asoka ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

[11:16] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[11:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOH SALLEH - ANGIN KENCANG official music video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:01minutes ]

[11:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sabrina - Im Yours (Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:11minutes ]

[11:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rob Thomas - The Worst In Me (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:14minutes ]

[11:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 01:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 02:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 03:30 WIT ]

[11:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Da-iCE <TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」主題歌>「DREAMIN' ON」MUSIC VIDEO(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:27minutes ]

[11:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bram - Makna Cinta (Original Music Video & Clear Sound)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[11:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Mungkin Nanti (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:26minutes ]

[11:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:16minutes ]

[11:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Brent Morgan - The Fixer (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:08minutes ]

[11:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life (Sweden)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:04minutes ]

[11:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nella Kharisma - MEMORI BERKASIH Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 07:05minutes ]

[12:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 02:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 03:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 04:00 WIT ]

[12:01] * KG_B ( has joined #abocy

[12:01] * Q sets mode: +o KG_B

[12:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 110'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:01] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kd | 5h | Ks | 4h | 8s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .draw 245

[12:01] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kd | 9c | Ks | 6d | Ah is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:01] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:01] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L L H U S (60s timeout)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 111'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:01] <@KG_B> hulls

[12:01] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( HULLS ) in 3.937 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HULLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:01] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+356)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 112'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:01] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Js | 5s | 3c | Ad | 3h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[12:01] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8c | Ah | 3c | 8d | 3h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 113'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:01] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S L P I C N I P R A (60s timeout)

[12:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:02] <@KG_B> principals

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( PRINCIPALS ) in 8.203 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PRINCIPALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:02] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+357)

[12:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 114'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:02] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:02] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3h | Kh | 7s | 7h | 8d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:02] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: Q | 10 : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ?

[12:02] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:02] <@KG_B> s

[12:02] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 6 | 2 : Total is 8

[12:02] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: J : Total is 18

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:02] <@KG_B> .draw 125

[12:02] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10d | 4h | 7s | 7h | Ah is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 115'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:02] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T O H S (60s timeout)

[12:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Love is on the way - Saigon Kick Official Video w lyrics(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:57minutes ]

[12:02] <@KG_B> hosts

[12:02] <@KG_B> shots

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SHOTS ) in 6.734 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SHOTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:02] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+358)

[12:02] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:02] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 116'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:02] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S N S C E E (60s timeout)

[12:02] <@KG_B> scense

[12:02] <@KG_B> sceens

[12:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( star ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 stars!!! You won 17'500$!!!

[12:03] <@KG_B> scenses

[12:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:03] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: S N S C E E - Here's a hint : S C . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining!

[12:03] <@KG_B> scense

[12:03] <@KG_B> scenes

[12:03] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SCENES ) in 48.43 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SCENES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:03] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+359)

[12:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 118'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:03] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9s | Qh | 10h | Qc | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:03] <@KG_B> .draw 4

[12:03] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9s | Qh | 10h | As | Jd is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 119'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:03] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:03] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M R T I (60s timeout)

[12:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:03] <@KG_B> trim

[12:03] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( TRIM ) in 3.75 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TRIM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:03] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+360)

[12:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 120'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:04] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6h | 8d | 10c | Jd | Jh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .draw 123

[12:04] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3h | 7h | Qd | Jd | Jh is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:04] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N R E G N E A T I O (60s timeout)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 121'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:04] <@KG_B> generation

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( GENERATION ) in 7.875 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define GENERATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:04] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+361)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 122'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:04] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2s | 4h | 9s | 8d | Js. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: K | 3 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: J | ?

[12:04] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:04] <@KG_B> s

[12:04] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: J | 9 : Total is 19

[12:04] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 123'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:04] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:04] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A P N E (60s timeout)

[12:04] <@KG_B> pane

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( PANE ) in 2.828 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define PANE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:04] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+362)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:04] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 124'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:04] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:05] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:05] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 125'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:05] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:05] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R I V S R E E R O (60s timeout)

[12:05] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: R I V S R E E R O - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining!

[12:05] <@KG_B> reservoir

[12:05] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( RESERVOIR ) in 35.59 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define RESERVOIR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:05] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+363)

[12:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:05] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 126'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Afgan - Untukmu Aku Bertahan (OST My Idiot Brother) Official Video Clip(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:02minutes ]

[12:05] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:05] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kc | 2c | Qc | 2s | Qs. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:05] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[12:05] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8s | 2c | Qc | 2s | Qs is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:05] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:05] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S W H O L (60s timeout)

[12:05] <@KG_B> howls

[12:05] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( HOWLS ) in 4.672 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HOWLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:05] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+364)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 127'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:06] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:06] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 5 | 7 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: J | ?

[12:06] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@KG_B> s

[12:06] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: J | 7 : Total is 17

[12:06] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:06] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Js | As | 8s | 4h | 6h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[12:06] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4s | 3s | 8s | 4h | 6h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 128'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:06] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T S W T I S (60s timeout)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@KG_B> twists

[12:06] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( TWISTS ) in 4.531 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TWISTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:06] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+365)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 129'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:06] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qc | 5d | 2c | Ah | 6c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[12:06] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jh | 5d | 2c | Ah | 2d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 130'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 131'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:06] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:06] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3d | 2h | 7h | 5d | 5c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[12:07] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10d | 2h | 10s | 5d | 5c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T A E S (60s timeout)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 132'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:07] <@KG_B> seat

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SEAT ) in 3.875 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SEAT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:07] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+366)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:07] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: K | 10 : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ?

[12:07] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 133'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:07] <@KG_B> s

[12:07] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 5 | K : Total is 15

[12:07] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 25

[12:07] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:07] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:07] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qs | 8d | 5s | 4s | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[12:07] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kc | 8d | 5s | 4s | 10s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 134'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S S P O O N (60s timeout)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@KG_B> spoons

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SPOONS ) in 5.625 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SPOONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:07] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+367)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:07] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 135'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:07] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qh | Js | 4s | Jc | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .draw 135

[12:07] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5h | Js | Jh | Jc | 6h is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 136'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N R S I E (60s timeout)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:07] <@KG_B> siren

[12:07] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SIREN ) in 4.422 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SIREN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:07] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+368)

[12:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 137'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:08] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:08] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jc | 6d | 4s | 5s | 3s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[12:08] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8c | 10c | 4s | 5s | 3s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 138'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:08] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 8 | 2 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: J | ?

[12:08] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@KG_B> d

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: K : Total is 20

[12:08] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: J | 10 : Total is 20

[12:08] <@FunBot> Push! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E T F I L E I M S (60s timeout)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 139'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:08] <@KG_B> lifetimes

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( LIFETIMES ) in 10.01 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define LIFETIMES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:08] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+369)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 140'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:08] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7h | 7c | 8h | Qs | 8s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .draw 4

[12:08] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7h | 7c | 8h | Jd | 8s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S H S F I E (60s timeout)

[12:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 141'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:09] <@KG_B> fishes

[12:09] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( FISHES ) in 9.703 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FISHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:09] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+370)

[12:09] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:09] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 142'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:09] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:09] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7h | 5d | 5h | Jd | Ah. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:09] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[12:09] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9d | 5d | 5h | 7d | Kh is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:09] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:09] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:09] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N T E E D T N I O (60s timeout)

[12:09] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:09] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 143'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:09] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: N T E E D T N I O - Here's a hint : D E T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining!

[12:10] <@FunBot> Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E T E N T I O N with the letters N T E E D T N I O (Use .define DETENTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s)

[12:10] <@FunBot> Winning streak for KG_B stopped ( +370 )

[12:10] <@KG_B> detention

[12:10] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 144'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:10] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7s | 9c | 6h | 4d | 3s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[12:10] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7s | 4c | 6h | 4d | 3s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : M T L I F E I E S (60s timeout)

[12:10] <@KG_B> lifetimes

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( LIFETIMES ) in 5.922 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define LIFETIMES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 145'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:10] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 9 | 9 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ?

[12:10] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:10] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:10] <@KG_B> s

[12:10] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 5 | J : Total is 15

[12:10] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 23

[12:10] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S D I V D I E R (60s timeout)

[12:10] <@KG_B> dividers

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DIVIDERS ) in 6.531 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DIVIDERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:10] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a Double Kill! (+2)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 146'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:10] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 8d | Qs | 9h | 4h | 9c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:10] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[12:10] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9s | 5h | 9h | 8c | 9c is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:10] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:10] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 147'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:11] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:11] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S N I V S O B E R A T O (60s timeout)

[12:11] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:11] <@KG_B> observations

[12:11] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( OBSERVATIONS ) in 15.10 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define OBSERVATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:11] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a Multi Kill!! (+3)

[12:11] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:11] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 148'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:11] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:11] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qh | Ac | Qs | 10d | 2h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:11] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[12:11] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qh | Jd | Qs | 6d | 2h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:11] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:11] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:11] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T N A E T E I L U N (60s timeout)

[12:11] <@KG_B> leiutenant

[12:11] <@KG_B> liuetenant

[12:11] <@KG_B> leuitenant

[12:11] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: T N A E T E I L U N - Here's a hint : L I E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining!

[12:12] <@KG_B> lieutenant

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( LIEUTENANT ) in 36.12 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define LIEUTENANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:12] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 149'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:12] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5d | 4s | Ks | Kc | 6c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .draw 125

[12:12] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jh | Js | Ks | Kc | 8h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:12] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 5 | 4 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ?

[12:12] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 150'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:12] <@KG_B> d

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: 7 : Total is 16

[12:12] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 4 | 9 : Total is 13

[12:12] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:12] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 16

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 18

[12:12] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:12] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I L B P U C (60s timeout)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:12] <@KG_B> public

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( PUBLIC ) in 12 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PUBLIC to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5)

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 151'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:12] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jd | 5s | As | 3h | Ah. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[12:12] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3c | 10d | As | Jh | Ah is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 152'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:12] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E T R A C (60s timeout)

[12:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Graziella Schazad - Take on me (A-ha)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:35minutes ]

[12:13] <@KG_B> traces

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( TRACES ) in 13.70 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TRACES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:13] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 153'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:13] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3c | 2c | Qs | 3s | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .draw 35

[12:13] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3c | 2c | 6s | 3s | As is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S W A R (60s timeout)

[12:13] <@KG_B> wars

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( WARS ) in 3.078 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WARS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:13] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 154'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:13] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:13] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:13] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:13] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3h | 8c | Ah | Kh | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[12:13] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3h | Jh | Ah | 4h | 5d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( 7 ) - !!!!JACKPOT!!!! - You won 155'000$$ KG_B!!!

[12:13] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M W O R (60s timeout)

[12:13] <@KG_B> worm

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( WORM ) in 3 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WORM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:13] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:13] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 101'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:13] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:14] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7h | Qc | 3c | 9c | 4c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[12:14] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7h | As | 3c | 6c | 4c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 102'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : H G N E S T R T (60s timeout)

[12:14] <@KG_B> strengths

[12:14] <@KG_B> strength

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( STRENGTH ) in 10.12 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define STRENGTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:14] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 103'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:14] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4c | 4s | 2d | Qh | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[12:14] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4c | 4s | 2d | Jc | 7s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:14] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L S O T (60s timeout)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 104'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:14] <@KG_B> slots

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SLOTS ) in 7.234 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SLOTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:14] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 8 | Q : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: A | ?

[12:14] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 105'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:14] <@KG_B> s

[12:14] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: A | 8 : Total is 19 or 9

[12:14] <@KG_B> ag

[12:14] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:14] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:14] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9s | 10s | 5c | 6s | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:14] <@KG_B> .draw 34

[12:14] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9s | 10s | Ac | Jh | Qc is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 106'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:14] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R E M I N A L (60s timeout)

[12:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@KG_B> mineral

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MINERAL ) in 9.359 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MINERAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:15] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+11)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 107'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:15] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qc | 5c | 10c | Js | 3d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .draw 25

[12:15] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qc | 2c | 10c | Js | 9s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S M R A F O R E (60s timeout)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 108'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:15] <@KG_B> forearms

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( FOREARMS ) in 10.21 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define FOREARMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:15] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+12)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 109'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:15] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4c | 2s | 7d | 8h | 10d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[12:15] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9s | Qc | 7d | 8h | 10d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 110'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D N M I (60s timeout)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@KG_B> mind

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MIND ) in 3.719 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MIND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:15] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+13)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 111'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:15] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:15] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:15] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4s | 4h | 7d | Kh | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:16] <@KG_B> .draw 345

[12:16] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4s | 4h | 8d | 2c | Jc is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:16] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 112'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:16] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:16] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L N U L (60s timeout)

[12:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:16] <@KG_B> null

[12:16] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( NULL ) in 3 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NULL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:16] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+14)

[12:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:16] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:16] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:16] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 2 | 4 : Total is 6 - Dealer's hand: K | ?

[12:16] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:16] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 113'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:16] <@KG_B> s

[12:16] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: K | Q : Total is 20

[12:16] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:16] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:16] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: As | 4s | 7c | 8h | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Abby Anderson Dance Away My Broken Heart(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:08minutes ]

[12:16] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[12:16] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6h | 4s | 7c | 8h | 5d is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:16] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 114'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Vina Panduwinata - DIA(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:51minutes ]

[12:18] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 115'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:18] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7h | 3s | 3d | Ah | 6s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[12:18] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3c | 3s | 3d | 7d | 8c is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : D O B L A C K B A R (60s timeout)

[12:18] <@KG_B> blackboard

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( BLACKBOARD ) in 5.672 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define BLACKBOARD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:18] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+15)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 116'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:18] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 7 | 6 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ?

[12:18] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:18] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:18] <@KG_B> s

[12:18] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 7 | 9 : Total is 16

[12:18] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 21

[12:18] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:18] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:18] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:18] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2c | 6d | 5d | 2d | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .draw 235

[12:18] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2c | 7h | 5s | 2d | 7c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 117'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:18] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S R E L O S D (60s timeout)

[12:18] <@KG_B> solders

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SOLDERS ) in 14.26 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SOLDERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:18] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+16)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:18] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 118'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:18] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:18] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7c | 9d | 8d | 6s | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .draw 5

[12:19] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7c | 9d | 8d | 6s | 2h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 2 | 8 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ?

[12:19] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:19] <@KG_B> d

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: 6 : Total is 16

[12:19] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 7 | 9 : Total is 16

[12:19] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: A : Total is 17

[12:19] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 119'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E G D J U (60s timeout)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:19] <@KG_B> judge

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( JUDGE ) in 7.75 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define JUDGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+17)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 120'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:19] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10d | Ad | 3h | Jc | 7c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@KG_B> .draw 23

[12:19] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10d | 3s | 3d | Jc | 7c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 121'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S R E P C H A T (60s timeout)

[12:19] <@KG_B> chapters

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( CHAPTERS ) in 5.328 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CHAPTERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+18)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 122'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:19] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 8c | Qh | 7d | Ad | 7s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[12:19] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ac | Ah | 7d | 6c | 7s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:19] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:19] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T N U I (60s timeout)

[12:19] <@KG_B> unit

[12:19] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( UNIT ) in 2.782 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define UNIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:19] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+19)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 123'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:20] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L S C A E (60s timeout)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 124'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:20] <@KG_B> scale

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SCALE ) in 4.547 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SCALE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:20] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+20)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:20] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qc | Qd | 10h | Kc | 6h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 10 | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: K | ?

[12:20] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 125'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .draw 345

[12:20] <@KG_B> s

[12:20] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qc | Qd | 7c | Ac | Js is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: K | 7 : Total is 17

[12:20] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S N O P A D A T I (60s timeout)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 126'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:20] <@KG_B> adaptions

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ADAPTIONS ) in 10.40 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ADAPTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:20] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+21)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 127'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:20] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kh | 9s | 5s | 7d | Kc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:20] <@KG_B> .draw 234

[12:20] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kh | Jd | Qd | Ac | Kc is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 128'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 129'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:21] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qc | Kd | 6c | 9c | 6h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[12:21] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8s | 7s | 6c | 10s | 6h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 130'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:21] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:21] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E N I W (60s timeout)

[12:21] <@KG_B> wines

[12:21] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( WINES ) in 3.922 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WINES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:21] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+22)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:21] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:21] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7c | Qh | 2d | 9d | 9c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 131'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[12:21] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4c | Ks | 2d | 9d | 9c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:21] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:21] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : W R T S A (60s timeout)

[12:21] <@KG_B> straw

[12:21] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( STRAW ) in 12.46 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STRAW to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:21] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+23)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 132'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:21] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6s | 3c | 5s | Jh | Kc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:21] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:22] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[12:22] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6s | 3c | 5s | Ah | Ks is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R E I C O M P L S (60s timeout)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 133'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:22] <@KG_B> compliers

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 134'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:22] <@KG_B> compilers

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( COMPILERS ) in 18.23 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define COMPILERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:22] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+24)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 135'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:22] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7c | 5s | 8c | Qc | 3c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[12:22] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7c | 5s | 8c | 10h | 10s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S N I I O R G (60s timeout)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 136'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:22] <@KG_B> origins

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ORIGINS ) in 4.562 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ORIGINS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:22] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+25)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:22] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: K | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ?

[12:22] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 137'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:22] <@KG_B> s

[12:22] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:22] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 5 | 6 : Total is 11

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 19

[12:22] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:22] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:22] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10d | 4s | Ad | 2c | 3s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[12:23] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kc | 4s | Ad | 2c | 3s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 138'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:23] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T P M E T A T S (60s timeout)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@KG_B> attempts

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ATTEMPTS ) in 6.703 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ATTEMPTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:23] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+26)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 139'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:23] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3h | 3c | 7d | 5s | Ah. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .draw 345

[12:23] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3h | 3c | 2d | 4d | Kd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 140'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S N O I P A D A T (60s timeout)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@KG_B> adaptions

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ADAPTIONS ) in 8.89 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ADAPTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:23] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+27)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 141'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:23] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:23] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3c | 7h | 9d | 6d | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[12:23] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10h | 7h | 9d | 6d | 8h is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:23] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 142'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 8 | 6 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ?

[12:24] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@KG_B> s

[12:24] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 8 | 3 : Total is 11

[12:24] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 15

[12:24] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 23

[12:24] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S S I S C O R S (60s timeout)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 143'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:24] <@KG_B> scissors

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SCISSORS ) in 6.875 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SCISSORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:24] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+28)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:24] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kd | 10s | 4h | 7h | 7d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:24] <@KG_B> .draw 123

[12:24] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ks | 8d | 9h | 7h | 7d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R A M O R (60s timeout)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 144'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:24] <@KG_B> armor

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ARMOR ) in 3.704 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ARMOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:24] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+29)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sia - Snowman (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:53minutes ]

[12:24] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:24] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:24] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7h | 4s | 2d | 9c | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 145'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[12:24] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9h | 4s | 2d | Kc | 5h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 146'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:24] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 4 | K : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ?

[12:24] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:24] <@KG_B> s

[12:24] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 8 | 7 : Total is 15

[12:24] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 21

[12:24] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:24] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : R P I E (60s timeout)

[12:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:25] <@KG_B> pier

[12:25] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( PIER ) in 4.141 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define PIER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:25] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+30)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:25] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 147'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:25] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7h | 6h | Ad | 3d | Ac. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[12:25] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6d | 6c | Ad | Qh | Ac is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:25] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:25] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : N I S K (60s timeout)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:25] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 148'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:25] <@KG_B> skin

[12:25] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SKIN ) in 3.766 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SKIN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:25] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+31)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:25] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:25] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:25] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 149'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:25] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5c | Qh | Ac | 2d | 3d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:25] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T N I A S R E T R (60s timeout)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[12:25] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5c | 10c | Ac | 2d | 3d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:25] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 150'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:25] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:25] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kh | 4h | 9s | 10c | 7d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:25] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[12:25] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[12:25] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ah | 3c | 9s | 10c | 7d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:25] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[12:25] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: T N I A S R E T R - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining!

[12:26] <@KG_B> restrainer

[12:26] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:26] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 151'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:26] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))

[12:26] <@FunBot> Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E S T R A I N T with the letters T N I A S R E T R (Use .define RESTRAINT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s)

[12:26] <@FunBot> Winning streak for KG_B stopped ( +31 )

[12:26] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:26] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 152'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:26] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:26] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10s | 8h | 6s | 2c | 8d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:26] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[12:26] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5h | 8h | 6d | 2c | 8d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:26] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:26] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 153'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:26] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:26] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:26] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : P C O C K I T (60s timeout)

[12:26] <@KG_B> cockpit

[12:26] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( COCKPIT ) in 4.313 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define COCKPIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:26] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:26] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( cherry ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 cherries!!! You won 25'000$!!!

[12:26] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:26] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10h | Kd | 4h | 7c | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .draw 34

[12:27] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10h | Kd | 8d | 5s | Jd is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:27] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:27] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N T F U N C I O S (60s timeout)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:27] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 155'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:27] <@KG_B> functions

[12:27] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( FUNCTIONS ) in 6.875 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define FUNCTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:27] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a Double Kill! (+2)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:27] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 156'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:27] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jd | Qs | 3d | 5c | 7c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[12:27] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ks | As | 3d | 5c | 7c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:27] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:27] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R E T O L E H I C P S (60s timeout)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:27] <@KG_B> helicopters

[12:27] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( HELICOPTERS ) in 8.89 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define HELICOPTERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:27] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a Multi Kill!! (+3)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:27] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 157'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:27] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ah | Qs | Kc | 5h | 2d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .draw 23

[12:27] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ah | 5c | 10c | 5h | 2d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nella Kharisma - Wong Edan Kui Bebas (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:57minutes ]

[12:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:27] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 158'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:27] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:28] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:28] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 2 | 2 : Total is 4 - Dealer's hand: A | J : Total is 21 or 11

[12:28] <@FunBot> Blackjack! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:28] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:28] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:28] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S R T S E T C H E (60s timeout)

[12:28] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:28] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 159'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:28] <@KG_B> stretches

[12:28] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( STRETCHES ) in 8.156 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define STRETCHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:28] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4)

[12:28] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:28] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 160'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:28] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:28] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kc | As | 7h | Jc | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:28] <@KG_B> .draw 3

[12:28] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kc | As | 6c | Jc | Qd is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:28] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:28] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:28] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N M U D O C E T (60s timeout)

[12:28] <@KG_B> documment

[12:28] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:28] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 161'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:28] <@KG_B> document

[12:28] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DOCUMENT ) in 15 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DOCUMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:28] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5)

[12:28] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:28] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:28] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qs | Jh | 7c | 10s | Qh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:28] <@KG_B> .draw 234

[12:28] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qs | 9d | 7h | 2h | Qh is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 162'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:29] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 9 | 8 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ?

[12:29] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> s

[12:29] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 6 | 2 : Total is 8

[12:29] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 14

[12:29] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 23

[12:29] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E N A B A L C (60s timeout)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> balance

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( BALANCE ) in 4.266 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BALANCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 163'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:29] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: As | 3d | 2h | 5h | Js. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> .draw 5

[12:29] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: As | 3d | 2h | 5h | 3h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 164'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : H A C T O D E S (60s timeout)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:29] <@KG_B> cathodes

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( CATHODES ) in 7.531 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CATHODES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:29] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 165'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:29] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:29] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Js | 4h | Qh | Ah | 3d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[12:29] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9s | 4h | Qs | Ah | 3d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 166'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : F P U F S (60s timeout)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> puffs

[12:29] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( PUFFS ) in 3.422 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PUFFS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:29] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8)

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:29] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 167'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 02:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 03:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 04:30 WIT ]

[12:30] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:30] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O T E L E S C R (60s timeout)

[12:30] <@KG_B> selector

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SELECTOR ) in 5.453 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SELECTOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:30] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 168'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:30] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10h | 2c | 7s | Ah | Js. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .draw 23

[12:30] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10h | 9s | 10c | Ah | Js is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 169'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D B O N (60s timeout)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@KG_B> bond

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( BOND ) in 3 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BOND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:30] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 170'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:30] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: Q | J : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ?

[12:30] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@KG_B> s

[12:30] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 6 | J : Total is 16

[12:30] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: J : Total is 26

[12:30] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L S S M I I E (60s timeout)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@KG_B> missile

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MISSILE ) in 7.75 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MISSILE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:30] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+11)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:30] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 171'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:30] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:30] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kc | 9s | 10d | Kh | Jh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:31] <@KG_B> .draw 4

[12:31] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kc | 9s | 10d | Ad | Jh is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:31] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:31] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:31] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E C E R U C N O C R N (60s timeout)

[12:31] <@KG_B> occurence

[12:31] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:31] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 172'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:31] <@KG_B> occurrence

[12:31] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:31] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: E C E R U C N O C R N - Here's a hint : C O N C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining!

[12:31] <@KG_B> concurrence

[12:31] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( CONCURRENCE ) in 39.20 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define CONCURRENCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:31] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+12)

[12:31] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:31] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 173'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:31] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:31] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6c | As | 6s | Qh | 3h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:31] <@KG_B> .draw 245

[12:31] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6c | 4d | 6s | 7h | 6d is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:31] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:31] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:31] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E T A M (60s timeout)

[12:31] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:31] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( cherry ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 cherries!!! You won 25'000$!!!

[12:31] <@KG_B> mate

[12:31] <@KG_B> team

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( TEAM ) in 6.297 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TEAM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:32] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+13)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:32] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 5 | 10 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ?

[12:32] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 175'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:32] <@KG_B> s

[12:32] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 2 | 10 : Total is 12

[12:32] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 19

[12:32] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:32] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4d | Ad | 8h | Ac | 8c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[12:32] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2d | Ad | 8h | Ac | 8c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : Y G O L H T M E O D O (60s timeout)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 176'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:32] <@KG_B> methodology

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( METHODOLOGY ) in 11.37 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define METHODOLOGY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:32] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+14)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 177'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:32] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5c | 7h | 9c | Qs | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .draw 234

[12:32] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5c | 6h | 10s | As | 5h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S D M O E L (60s timeout)

[12:32] <@KG_B> models

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MODELS ) in 3.078 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MODELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:32] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+15)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 178'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 2 | 3 : Total is 5 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ?

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:32] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:32] <@KG_B> d

[12:32] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9c | 9d | Ac | 7c | 3s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:32] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: 5 : Total is 10

[12:32] <@KG_B> .draw 345

[12:32] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 9 | 4 : Total is 13

[12:32] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:32] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:33] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 18

[12:33] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:33] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 179'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:33] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:33] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9c | 9d | 3h | 10c | 3d is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S I T P C O M L E O N (60s timeout)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 180'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:33] <@KG_B> completion

[12:33] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: S I T P C O M L E O N - Here's a hint : C O M P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining!

[12:33] <@KG_B> completions

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( COMPLETIONS ) in 30.82 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COMPLETIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:33] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+16)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 181'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:33] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9d | Ah | As | 4c | 8c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Los Dol (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:47minutes ]

[12:33] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[12:33] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5h | Ah | As | 10c | 9h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:33] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S L U R E G A T O R (60s timeout)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:33] <@KG_B> regulators

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( REGULATORS ) in 5.281 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define REGULATORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:33] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+17)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 182'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:33] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 184'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:33] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:33] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9h | 2h | Qd | 8c | 7d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .draw23

[12:34] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9h | 2h | Qd | 8c | 7d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R H E R T S T C E S (60s timeout)

[12:34] <@KG_B> stretchers

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( STRETCHERS ) in 11.98 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define STRETCHERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:34] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+18)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 185'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:34] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qd | Ks | 3s | Kd | Qs. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@KG_B> .draw 3

[12:34] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qd | Ks | As | Kd | Qs is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:34] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S C A B S I (60s timeout)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 186'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:34] <@KG_B> basics

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( BASICS ) in 5.234 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BASICS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:34] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+19)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 187'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:34] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4s | 6h | 9c | 5h | Qs. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S K C O S E T (60s timeout)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .draw 35

[12:34] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4s | 6h | Js | 5h | 4h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@KG_B> sockets

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SOCKETS ) in 8.672 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SOCKETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:34] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+20)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 188'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:34] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:34] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:34] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:35] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jc | 4h | 3c | 3h | 4d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[12:35] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Qs | 4h | 3c | 3h | 4d is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O T C E S E L R (60s timeout)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 189'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:35] <@KG_B> selector

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SELECTOR ) in 6.063 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SELECTOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:35] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+21)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:35] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: Q | Q : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ?

[12:35] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 190'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:35] <@KG_B> s

[12:35] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 6 | 7 : Total is 13

[12:35] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:35] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: Q : Total is 23

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:35] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: As | 9c | Jc | 6c | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[12:35] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3c | 9c | Jc | 4c | Qd is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 191'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E S I W H S (60s timeout)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@KG_B> whishes

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@KG_B> wishes

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( WISHES ) in 7.297 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WISHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:35] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+22)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 192'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:35] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:35] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 7 | 8 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ?

[12:35] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:35] <@KG_B> s

[12:35] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 7 | 4 : Total is 11

[12:35] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 13

[12:35] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: J : Total is 23

[12:35] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:35] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:35] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:36] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:36] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ac | Kd | Jh | 7h | 2s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:36] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 193'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:36] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[12:36] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ac | Kd | Jh | 5c | Qc is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:36] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I O N A D I G S (60s timeout)

[12:36] <@KG_B> diagnosis

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DIAGNOSIS ) in 13.42 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DIAGNOSIS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:36] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+23)

[12:36] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 194'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:36] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:36] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2s | Ac | 6d | 6c | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:36] <@KG_B> .draw 25

[12:36] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2s | 10s | 6d | 6c | Qs is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ tipex - MAWAR HITAM (HQ)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:54minutes ]

[12:36] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:36] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 8 | 3 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ?

[12:36] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:36] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 195'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:36] <@KG_B> d

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: K : Total is 21

[12:36] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 4 | 2 : Total is 6

[12:36] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:36] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 15

[12:36] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: A : Total is 16

[12:36] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:36] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 25

[12:36] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S O B O K (60s timeout)

[12:36] <@KG_B> books

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( BOOKS ) in 14.14 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BOOKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:36] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+24)

[12:36] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:36] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 196'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:36] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:36] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9s | Ad | 3s | 10h | 9c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:37] <@KG_B> .draw 234

[12:37] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9s | 8c | Qh | 6d | 9c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 197'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O C D E R (60s timeout)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@KG_B> coder

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( CODER ) in 3.313 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CODER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+25)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:37] <@KG_B> slots

[12:37] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 10 | 2 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ?

[12:37] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 198'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:37] <@KG_B> d

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: K : Total is 22

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B busts! KG_B loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : G I N A E M N (60s timeout)

[12:37] <@KG_B> meaning

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MEANING ) in 7.312 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MEANING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:37] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+26)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 199'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:37] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6s | 10h | 8d | 4c | 2s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@KG_B> .draw 23

[12:37] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6s | 4h | 8h | 4c | 2s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E S S U N T (60s timeout)

[12:37] <@KG_B> sunset

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( SUNSET ) in 3.922 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SUNSET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:37] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+27)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 200'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:37] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 9 | 2 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ?

[12:37] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@KG_B> d

[12:37] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: 5 : Total is 16

[12:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:37] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 2 | Q : Total is 12

[12:37] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:37] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 18

[12:38] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T R P O (60s timeout)

[12:38] <@KG_B> port

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( PORT ) in 10.21 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define PORT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:38] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+28)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 201'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:38] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5c | Kc | Qh | 5s | 2c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:38] <@KG_B> .draw 23

[12:38] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5c | Kd | 4h | 5s | 2c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 202'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : I H N T (60s timeout)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@KG_B> thin

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 203'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@KG_B> hint

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( HINT ) in 14.87 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HINT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:38] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+29)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:38] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9c | 10s | 3c | 4c | 4d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:38] <@KG_B> .draw 123

[12:38] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jc | 9d | Jd | 4c | 4d is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 204'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:38] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 8 | 6 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: Q | ?

[12:38] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@KG_B> s

[12:38] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: Q | 6 : Total is 16

[12:38] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:38] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: J : Total is 26

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S D E K (60s timeout)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:38] <@KG_B> desk

[12:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 205'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:39] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DESK ) in 7.281 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define DESK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:39] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+30)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:39] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kc | 6d | Jc | Ah | 8d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 206'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E S S A M T T R E (60s timeout)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:39] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[12:39] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4d | 6d | Jc | 2d | 8d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 207'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:39] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4h | Kc | 10c | 6c | 2c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .draw 23

[12:39] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4h | 7d | 5c | 6c | 2c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:39] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S S A M T T R E - Here's a hint : M A T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining!

[12:39] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 4 | 5 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ?

[12:39] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:39] <@KG_B> d

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B hits: Q : Total is 19

[12:39] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 5 | A : Total is 16 or 6

[12:39] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: A : Total is 17 or 7

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:39] <@KG_B> mattresses

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MATTRESSES ) in 40.31 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define MATTRESSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:39] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+31)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:39] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 208'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:39] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:39] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kh | Jd | 8s | 10s | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .draw 5

[12:40] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kh | Jd | 8s | 10s | Ks is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : W O D O H L D N (60s timeout)

[12:40] <@KG_B> holddown

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( HOLDDOWN ) in 7.75 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define HOLDDOWN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:40] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+32)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 209'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:40] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: K | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ?

[12:40] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:40] <@KG_B> s

[12:40] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 8 | 8 : Total is 16

[12:40] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 19

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:40] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T R O F F E (60s timeout)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 210'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:40] <@KG_B> effort

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( EFFORT ) in 10.15 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define EFFORT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:40] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+33)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:40] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 211'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:40] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qs | Ad | 9d | 7s | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:40] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[12:40] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4h | 5c | 9d | 7s | 5s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Reza Artamevia - Aku Wanita Album: Keabadian (2000) Indonesian pop(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:23minutes ]

[12:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 212'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:42] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9d | 3h | 7c | 5s | 6s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[12:42] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4s | 3h | 7c | 5s | 6s is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S D A S D I C R (60s timeout)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 213'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:42] <@KG_B> discards

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DISCARDS ) in 4.89 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DISCARDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:42] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+34)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:42] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:42] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 4 | Q : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: J | ?

[12:42] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[12:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 214'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:42] <@KG_B> s

[12:42] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: J | J : Total is 20

[12:42] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:42] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E V L I R S (60s timeout)

[12:42] <@KG_B> livers

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( LIVERS ) in 4.375 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LIVERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:42] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+35)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 215'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:42] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9d | 9s | Kc | 5s | 7c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .draw 345

[12:42] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9d | 9s | Js | 9h | 10c is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:42] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R M M H A E (60s timeout)

[12:42] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:42] <@KG_B> hammer

[12:42] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( HAMMER ) in 4.437 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define HAMMER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:42] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+36)

[12:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kunto Aji - Pilu Membiru (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:12minutes ]

[12:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:45] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 216'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:45] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:45] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kh | 6h | 5c | Qh | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:45] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[12:45] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2h | 6h | 5c | 8s | 7h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[12:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:45] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 217'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:45] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:45] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T R F E F O (60s timeout)

[12:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:45] <@KG_B> effort

[12:45] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( EFFORT ) in 4.25 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define EFFORT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:45] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+37)

[12:45] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:45] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:46] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:46] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 218'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:46] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:46] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ah | Qs | 2c | 8d | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:46] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[12:46] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5c | Qs | 2c | 9c | Qd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:46] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:46] <@KG_B> .ag

[12:46] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A D A R R (60s timeout)

[12:46] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:46] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 219'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:46] <@KG_B> radar

[12:46] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( RADAR ) in 3.843 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define RADAR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[12:46] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+38)

[12:47] <@KG_B> .slots

[12:47] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 220'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[12:47] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[12:47] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9c | 9h | 5s | Qd | 8c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[12:47] <@KG_B> .draw 345

[12:47] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 9c | 9h | 4d | Kc | 6d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[12:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Melodious - sakura (cover)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:44minutes ]

[12:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tangga - Kesempatan Kedua (Video Clip)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:51minutes ]

[13:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 03:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 04:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 05:00 WIT ]

[13:00] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:00] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 221'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ BENEE - Supalonely ft. Gus Dapperton(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:41minutes ]

[13:00] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:00] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3s | 4d | 5h | Js | 6h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:00] <@KG_B> .draw 4

[13:00] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3s | 4d | 5h | Ac | 6h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:00] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:00] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E L B U R M (60s timeout)

[13:00] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@KG_B> rumble

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( RUMBLE ) in 5.422 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RUMBLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:01] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+39)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 222'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:01] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 2 | 6 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: K | ?

[13:01] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[13:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@KG_B> s

[13:01] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: K | 3 : Total is 13

[13:01] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 16

[13:01] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 22

[13:01] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[13:01] <@KG_B> slots

[13:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 223'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:01] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2h | Qc | 2c | Kc | 4h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .draw 245

[13:01] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2h | 7d | 2c | 4d | 5h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L E D I A (60s timeout)

[13:01] <@KG_B> ideal

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( IDEAL ) in 5.36 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define IDEAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:01] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+40)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 224'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:01] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 9 | 4 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: A | J : Total is 21 or 11

[13:01] <@FunBot> Blackjack! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O P R O F (60s timeout)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 225'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:01] <@KG_B> prrof

[13:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Who Am I - Casting Crowns (w lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:38minutes ]

[13:01] <@KG_B> proof

[13:01] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( PROOF ) in 7.063 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PROOF to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:01] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+41)

[13:01] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:01] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:01] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3d | 3s | 10d | 9h | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .draw 345

[13:02] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3d | 3s | Ad | 5c | Qd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 226'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O R O T (60s timeout)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:02] <@KG_B> root

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( ROOT ) in 3.469 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define ROOT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:02] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+42)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 227'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:02] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4c | 9s | Ks | 7d | Qh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E U N I M T (60s timeout)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[13:02] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3s | 9s | Ks | Js | Qh is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:02] <@KG_B> minute

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MINUTE ) in 9.547 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MINUTE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:02] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+43)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 228'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:02] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:02] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:02] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : G L V O T A E (60s timeout)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 229'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:02] <@KG_B> voltage

[13:02] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( VOLTAGE ) in 4.313 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define VOLTAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:02] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+44)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:02] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:02] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3d | Ks | 6c | 7h | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:02] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 230'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:03] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[13:03] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3d | 8s | 6c | 7h | 5d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L D I A (60s timeout)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@KG_B> dial

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DIAL ) in 3.922 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define DIAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:03] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+45)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 231'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 9 | A : Total is 20 or 10 - Dealer's hand: A | ?

[13:03] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@KG_B> s

[13:03] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: A | 4 : Total is 15 or 5

[13:03] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 15

[13:03] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: K : Total is 25

[13:03] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 232'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:03] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kh | 4c | 8d | 6s | Jh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .draw 15

[13:03] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4s | 4c | 8d | 6s | Qc is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : H A T S O M C S (60s timeout)

[13:03] <@KG_B> stomachs

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( STOMACHS ) in 4.578 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define STOMACHS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:03] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+46)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 233'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:03] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:03] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 235'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:03] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:03] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 4d | 5s | 9c | 6h | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:04] <@KG_B> .draw 34

[13:04] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4d | 5s | Jh | 4h | As is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:04] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:04] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 238'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:04] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:04] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3d | Kh | 9h | 7c | 6d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:04] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[13:04] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ks | 7d | 9h | 7c | 6d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:05] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 245'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:05] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:05] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jc | 8s | 4s | 3s | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:05] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[13:05] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 10c | Ad | 4s | 3s | 5d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:05] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 248'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:05] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:05] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 8d | 8h | 3h | 5d | 2d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:05] <@KG_B> .draw 34

[13:05] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8d | 8h | 5c | 3c | 2d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:05] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 251'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:06] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:06] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 254'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:06] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:06] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2d | As | Ac | Ks | 10c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:06] <@KG_B> .draw 45

[13:06] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2d | As | Ac | 10h | Ah is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[13:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 258'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:07] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:07] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 2c | 5c | 8h | Jd | 10s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:07] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[13:07] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5d | 2h | 8h | Jd | 10s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GANGGA - Blue Jeans (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:39minutes ]

[13:07] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:07] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 262'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:07] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:07] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Js | 2h | Qc | 6d | 9c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:07] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[13:07] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Js | 10h | Qc | Jd | 9c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 266'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:08] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:08] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qd | Ah | 7h | As | Qh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:08] <@KG_B> .draw 135

[13:08] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3h | Ah | 6c | As | 6s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[13:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 269'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:08] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:08] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qs | 6s | 5d | Ah | 8s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:08] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[13:08] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8c | 6s | 5d | Qd | 8s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:08] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:08] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 272'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:09] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:09] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 275'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:09] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:09] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 8d | Qs | Ac | 2c | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:09] <@KG_B> .draw 12

[13:09] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3s | 5s | Ac | 2c | As is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:09] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:09] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 278'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:09] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:09] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 9h | Kh | 7s | 3s | Kc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:09] <@KG_B> .draw 134

[13:09] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ac | Kh | 6d | 6h | Kc is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[13:09] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:09] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 281'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:10] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:10] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 284'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:10] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:10] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 287'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:10] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:10] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 10h | 4c | 4s | As | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:10] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[13:10] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6d | 4c | 4s | 8d | 9h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:10] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:10] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 294'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:10] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:11] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:11] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 302'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:11] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:11] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jc | Js | 9d | Ad | 4s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:11] <@KG_B> .draw 345

[13:11] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jc | Js | 7d | Kh | 8d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:11] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:11] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 309'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:11] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:11] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 316'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:11] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:11] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jd | 3h | 10s | Ks | 10d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:11] <@KG_B> .draw 124

[13:11] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: As | 4d | 10s | 4s | 10d is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[13:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 325'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 331'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:12] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:12] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3c | 5d | 7c | 5h | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:12] <@KG_B> .draw 135

[13:12] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kc | 5d | As | 5h | 10c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 337'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 343'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:12] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:12] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6d | 10s | 8h | 3s | 10c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:13] <@KG_B> .draw 134

[13:13] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 2c | 10s | Kc | 5s | 10c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:13] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 352'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:13] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 356'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:13] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:13] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3c | 4h | 5c | 3h | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:13] <@KG_B> .draw 4

[13:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dua Lipa - Break My Heart (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:50minutes ]

[13:13] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3c | 4h | 5c | 5d | 7h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:13] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:13] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 361'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:13] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 368'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 375'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 384'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 390'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:14] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:14] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7d | Js | 7h | Ks | 9d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:14] <@KG_B> .draw 245

[13:14] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7d | 3d | 7h | As | 4h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 398'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:15] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Love of My Life (Ann Louise ft. Emil Chow)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:22minutes ]

[13:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 406'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 412'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:15] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:15] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7s | 4s | Ks | 7d | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:15] <@KG_B> .draw 235

[13:15] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7s | 8d | Kh | 7d | 7c is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[13:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 419'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:15] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:16] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 422'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:16] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:16] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Kc | 5h | 10s | Ks | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:16] <@KG_B> .draw 3

[13:16] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Kc | 5h | Jd | Ks | 5d is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[13:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:16] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 425'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:16] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:16] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 431'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:17] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:17] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 440'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:17] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:17] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jd | 7d | 10h | 9c | 3c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:17] <@KG_B> .draw 5

[13:17] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jd | 7d | 10h | 9c | 2s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:18] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:18] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3s | 6d | Ks | 7s | 8s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:18] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[13:18] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 3h | 6d | 2s | 7s | 8s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:18] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:18] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 8 | 6 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ?

[13:18] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[13:18] <@KG_B> s

[13:18] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 7 | K : Total is 17

[13:18] <@FunBot> Dealer wins! KG_B loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[13:18] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:18] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S K C B A (60s timeout)

[13:18] <@KG_B> backs

[13:18] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( BACKS ) in 3.563 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BACKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:18] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+47)

[13:18] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:18] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:18] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5h | 9h | Qh | 10d | 10s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:18] <@KG_B> .draw 123

[13:18] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: As | 2d | 8s | 10d | 10s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:18] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:18] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : H T B A (60s timeout)

[13:18] <@KG_B> bath

[13:18] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( BATH ) in 2.688 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BATH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:18] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+48)

[13:18] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:18] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:19] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:19] <@KG_B>

[13:19] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:19] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N I S U N O C F O (60s timeout)

[13:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Emma Steinbakken - Dance (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:13minutes ]

[13:19] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:19] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: K | A : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 10 | 6 : Total is 16

[13:19] <@FunBot> Blackjack! KG_B has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec)

[13:19] <@FunBot> (Anagram-game) Letters: N I S U N O C F O - Here's a hint : C O N . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining!

[13:19] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:19] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qd | 8h | Jh | 7d | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:19] <@KG_B> .draw 13

[13:19] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4h | 8h | Qc | 7d | 5h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:19] <@KG_B> confusion

[13:19] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( CONFUSION ) in 41.73 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define CONFUSION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:19] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+49)

[13:19] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:19] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:19] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:19] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:20] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5s | 2h | 6h | Kc | 4s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .draw 4

[13:20] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 5s | 2h | 6h | 10h | 4s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : G D E E (60s timeout)

[13:20] <@KG_B> edge

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( EDGE ) in 3.906 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define EDGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:20] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+50)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 7 | 6 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ?

[13:20] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[13:20] <@KG_B> s

[13:20] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 8 | 2 : Total is 10

[13:20] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 13

[13:20] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 23

[13:20] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( cherry ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 cherries!!! You won 25'000$!!!

[13:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:20] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6c | 7h | 2h | 3d | Qh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .draw 25

[13:20] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6c | 9s | 2h | 3d | Ac is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:20] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 104'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R E M I N A L S (60s timeout)

[13:20] <@KG_B> minerals

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MINERALS ) in 5.25 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MINERALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:20] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+51)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:20] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:20] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ac | Js | 6h | 6s | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .draw 125

[13:20] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7c | 2s | 6h | 6s | As is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:20] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S S O T E S (60s timeout)

[13:20] <@KG_B> tosses

[13:20] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( TOSSES ) in 4.359 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TOSSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:20] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+52)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: 7 | 10 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ?

[13:21] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[13:21] <@KG_B> s

[13:21] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: 7 | K : Total is 17

[13:21] <@FunBot> Push! - (antispam 30sec)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .slost

[13:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 105'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : G N V E E N I (60s timeout)

[13:21] <@KG_B> evening

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( EVENING ) in 3.735 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define EVENING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:21] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+53)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:21] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:21] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 3c | 2c | 2s | 6h | 8c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .draw 145

[13:21] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 4d | 2c | 2s | 5h | 4h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( cherry ) - Congrats KG_B, 3 cherries!!! You won 25'000$!!!

[13:21] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N T R A V I A I O (60s timeout)

[13:21] <@KG_B> variation

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( VARIATION ) in 9.063 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define VARIATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:21] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+54)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 107'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:21] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Qs | 5h | 4c | Kc | 2s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .draw 14

[13:21] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 8h | 5h | 4c | 4s | 2s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T I O N M O L H S (60s timeout)

[13:21] <@KG_B> monoliths

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( MONOLITHS ) in 6.531 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define MONOLITHS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:21] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+55)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 108'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:21] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:21] <@KG_B> .b 10000

[13:21] <@FunBot> KG_B bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. KG_B's hand: K | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: J | ?

[13:21] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')

[13:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:21] <@KG_B> s

[13:21] <@FunBot> Dealer's hand: J | 3 : Total is 13

[13:21] <@FunBot> Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 22

[13:21] <@FunBot> Dealer busts! KG_B has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:22] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : C N R I D F F E E E (60s timeout)

[13:22] <@KG_B> difference

[13:22] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( DIFFERENCE ) in 7.485 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DIFFERENCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:22] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+56)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 109'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:22] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 5s | Ac | 10s | Kd | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .draw 1

[13:22] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: As | Ac | 10s | Kd | Qd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:22] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:22] <@KG_B> .ag

[13:22] <@FunBot> KG_B started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N S E R T A U R A T (60s timeout)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 110'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:22] <@KG_B> restaurant

[13:22] <@FunBot> KG_B has just found the correct word ( RESTAURANT ) in 10.17 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define RESTAURANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s)

[13:22] <@FunBot> (Anagram-Game) KG_B : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - he's WICKED SICK!!!!!! (+57)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 111'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:22] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 7c | 7s | 4c | 4d | Jh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .draw 5

[13:22] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 7c | 7s | 4c | 4d | 3c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[13:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 112'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[13:22] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[13:22] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: 6c | 10d | 2d | Jc | 4c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[13:23] <@KG_B> .draw 24

[13:23] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: 6c | 6h | 2d | 7h | 4c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s)

[13:24] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ T2 - Jangan Lebay (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) music(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:19minutes ]

[13:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ P!nk - Try (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:10minutes ]

[13:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dido - Thank You (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:14minutes ]

[13:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 03:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 04:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 05:30 WIT ]

[13:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Selamat Jalan REGGAE VERSION (LIRIK)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:04minutes ]

[13:34] * KG_B ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:34] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[13:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - Save Me (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:01minutes ]

[13:46] * botFM ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:48] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[13:48] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[13:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bunga Citra Lestari - Jangan Gila Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:17minutes ]

[13:51] * Uma16 ( has joined #abocy

[13:52] * Uma16 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[13:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Ada Yang Abadi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[13:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ BCL & Ariel NOAH - Menghapus Jejakmu Audio HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:39minutes ]

[14:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 04:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 05:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 06:00 WIT ]

[14:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Menunggumu (Feat Chrisye) Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:44minutes ]

[14:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ TULUS - Sepatu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:43minutes ]

[14:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Charlie Puth - Attention (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[14:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Cuma Main Main Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:29minutes ]

[14:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Evie Tamala - Teman Biasa (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:59minutes ]

[14:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - IN THE STARS (EYE OF THE STORM 2020) LIVE(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:55minutes ]

[14:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 04:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 05:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 06:30 WIT ]

[14:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Ku Katakan Dengan Indah (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:35minutes ]

[14:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MahaDewi - Kosong(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:50minutes ]

[14:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ James Blunt - Same Mistake (video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[14:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Da-iCE <TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」主題歌>「DREAMIN' ON」MUSIC VIDEO(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:27minutes ]

[14:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ WHEN WE WERE YOUNG ADELE ( LYRIC ) FELIX IRWAN COVER(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:53minutes ]

[14:52] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Cinta Tak Bersyarat(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 06:53minutes ]

[14:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Corrina Tadros - For The Record (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:48minutes ]

[14:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NDARBOY GENK - BALUNGAN KERE ( Official Music Video ) Eps 1(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:44minutes ]

[15:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 05:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 06:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 07:00 WIT ]

[15:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ O.V.E.R(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:47minutes ]

[15:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ P!nk - Please Don't Leave Me (Main Version)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:53minutes ]

[15:10] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Candy - I Wanna Be With You(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:10minutes ]

[15:15] * anu ( Quit (Quit)

[15:15] * botFM ( Quit (Quit)

[15:15] * DuckHunter ( Quit (Quit)

[15:15] * AbocyFM ( Quit (EOF from client)

[15:15] * Q sets mode: +l 93

[15:18] * DuckHunter (~duck@2402:1f00:8001:d0f:7a::2) has joined #abocy

[15:18] * DuckHunter (~duck@2402:1f00:8001:d0f:7a::2) Quit (Registered)

[15:18] * DuckHunter ( has joined #abocy

[15:20] * anu ( has joined #abocy

[15:20] * Q sets mode: +l 95

[15:22] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[15:22] * botFM ( Quit (Registered)

[15:22] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[15:22] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[15:23] * AbocyFM ( has joined #abocy

[15:23] * Q sets mode: +v AbocyFM

[15:23] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[15:24] <+AbocyFM> [Abocy Radio is Online]

[15:24] <+AbocyFM> [Abocy Radio] Current DJ: AbocyFM]

[15:24] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GEDE ROSO - ABAH LALA (COVER BY WORO WIDOWATI OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:53minutes ]

[15:24] * AbocyFM ( Quit (Quit: Shutting down... (ordered at Console))

[15:25] * AbocyFM ( has joined #abocy

[15:25] * Q sets mode: +v AbocyFM

[15:25] <+AbocyFM> [Abocy Radio is Online]

[15:25] <+AbocyFM> [Abocy Radio] Current DJ: AbocyFM]

[15:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ LAILA HASYIM - PUCUK PISANG (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) LAGU MELAYU TERPOPULER(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 07:18minutes ]

[15:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 05:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 06:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 07:30 WIT ]

[15:32] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Los Dol (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:47minutes ]

[15:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Love is on the way - Saigon Kick Official Video w lyrics(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:57minutes ]

[15:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Michael Learns To Rock-Scandinavia(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:51minutes ]

[15:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Graziella Schazad - Take on me (A-ha)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:35minutes ]

[15:50] * dhewi (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[15:50] * dhewi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[15:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Tak Bisakah (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:35minutes ]

[15:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Taman Langit (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:32minutes ]

[15:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Dalan Liyane (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI) Ciptaan Hendra Kumbara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:24minutes ]

[16:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 06:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 07:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 08:00 WIT ]

[16:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:41minutes ]

[16:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ You and Me (Cover) by Sabrina(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:30minutes ]

[16:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:33minutes ]

[16:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Hari Yang Cerah Untuk Jiwa Yang Sepi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:58minutes ]

[16:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Someone You Hate (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:57minutes ]

[16:19] * maya ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:19] * ayam (ayam@2001:448a:10a6:19b7:215:18ff:fe01:8131) Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:19] * Q sets mode: +l 95

[16:20] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ada Band - Surga Cinta (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 1:58:03minutes ]

[16:20] * ucup ( has joined #abocy

[16:24] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Vina Panduwinata - DIA(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:51minutes ]

[16:25] * anu ( Quit (Quit: SHuTDown (On Tue Mar 9 06:25:41 2021))

[16:26] * anu (~on@2402:1f00:8001:d0f:7a::2) has joined #abocy

[16:27] * anu (~on@2402:1f00:8001:d0f:7a::2) Quit (Registered)

[16:27] * anu ( has joined #abocy

[16:29] <ucup> .req timur tragedi power metal

[16:29] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Power Metal Timur tragedi(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[16:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ TIPE-X - BOYBAND (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:59minutes ]

[16:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 06:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 07:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 08:30 WIT ]

[16:30] <+AbocyFM> Power Metal Timur tragedi(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[16:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Power Metal Timur tragedi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 05:15minutes ]

[16:33] <ucup> .req edane kau pikir kau lah

[16:33] <+AbocyFM> ucup: EDANE - Kau Pikir Kaulah Segalanya(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[16:35] <+AbocyFM> EDANE - Kau Pikir Kaulah Segalanya(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[16:37] <ucup> .req edane living dead

[16:37] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Edane - Living Dead (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[16:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ EDANE - Kau Pikir Kaulah Segalanya(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 04:03minutes ]

[16:39] <+AbocyFM> Edane - Living Dead (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[16:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Edane - Living Dead (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 03:22minutes ]

[16:42] * botFM ( Quit (Quit: ucup)

[16:43] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[16:43] * botFM ( Quit (Registered)

[16:43] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[16:43] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[16:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tangga - Terbaik Untukmu (Video Clip)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:52minutes ]

[16:46] <ucup> .req kobe dimensi lain

[16:46] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Dimensi Lain(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[16:47] <+AbocyFM> Dimensi Lain(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[16:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dimensi Lain(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 29:02minutes ]

[16:50] <ucup> .req kobe positif thinking

[16:50] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Kobe - Positive Thinking (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[16:51] <+AbocyFM> Kobe - Positive Thinking (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[16:52] <ucup> .req kobe dokter cinta

[16:52] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Dokter Cinta(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[16:54] <+AbocyFM> Dokter Cinta(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[16:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kobe - Positive Thinking (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:03minutes ]

[17:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 07:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 08:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 09:00 WIT ]

[17:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dokter Cinta(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 03:57minutes ]

[17:01] <ucup> .req kobe cinta ga punya mata

[17:01] <+AbocyFM> ucup: KOBE - Cinta Ga Punya Mata (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[17:02] <+AbocyFM> KOBE - Cinta Ga Punya Mata (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[17:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ KOBE - Cinta Ga Punya Mata (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 03:46minutes ]

[17:04] <ucup> .req kobe cinta ditolak

[17:04] <+AbocyFM> ucup: CINTA DITOLAK(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[17:05] <+AbocyFM> CINTA DITOLAK(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[17:06] <ucup> .req koil aku lupa aku luka

[17:06] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Koil - Aku Lupa Aku Luka Video 2010(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[17:07] <+AbocyFM> Koil - Aku Lupa Aku Luka Video 2010(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[17:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ CINTA DITOLAK(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:20minutes ]

[17:09] <ucup> .req

[17:09] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Koil - Kenyataan dalam dunia fantasi(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[17:10] <+AbocyFM> Koil - Kenyataan dalam dunia fantasi(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[17:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Koil - Aku Lupa Aku Luka Video 2010(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:35minutes ]

[17:11] <ucup> .req power metal timur tragedi hq

[17:11] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Timur Tragedi(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[17:12] <+AbocyFM> Timur Tragedi(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[17:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Koil - Kenyataan dalam dunia fantasi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[17:16] <ucup> .next

[17:16] <ucup> .req

[17:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Timur Tragedi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 05:15minutes ]

[17:16] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Kenyataan Dalam Dunia Fantasi(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[17:17] <+AbocyFM> Kenyataan Dalam Dunia Fantasi(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[17:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kenyataan Dalam Dunia Fantasi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[17:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rob Thomas - The Worst In Me (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:14minutes ]

[17:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ FROZEN Let It Go Sing-along Official Disney UK(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:03minutes ]

[17:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 07:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 08:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 09:30 WIT ]

[17:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bunga Citra Lestari - Aku Bisa Apa? (OST. Jilbab Traveler) Official Lyric Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:48minutes ]

[17:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Kings & Queens (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:43minutes ]

[17:38] * KG_B ( has joined #abocy

[17:38] * Q sets mode: +o KG_B

[17:38] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[17:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SYUKUR Cipt.H Mutahar(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:21minutes ]

[17:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MahaDewi - Kosong(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:50minutes ]

[17:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ minutes ]

[17:52] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Bintang Di Surga (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:01minutes ]

[17:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sture Zetterberg - Think About You(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:09minutes ]

[18:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 08:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 09:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 10:00 WIT ]

[18:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Freddie Mercury - Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:53minutes ]

[18:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - My Fairy King (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:19minutes ]

[18:05] * DuckHunter ( Quit (Quit)

[18:05] * anu ( Quit (Quit)

[18:05] * botFM ( Quit (Quit)

[18:05] * AbocyFM ( Quit (EOF from client)

[18:05] * Q sets mode: +l 93

[18:17] <ucup> lho matek

[18:17] <@KG_B> lah?

[18:17] <@KG_B> dikirain di matek in

[18:17] <@KG_B> .h

[18:17] <@|Dolly|> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[18:17] <ucup> ora

[18:18] <ucup> .p

[18:18] <ucup> .p 80

[18:18] <+TriNiTy> (80) : timed out.

[18:21] <@KG_B> wes sarapan cup?

[18:21] <ucup> belom

[18:21] <ucup> abis beresi kabel"

[18:21] <@KG_B> owh

[18:22] <@KG_B> laper tp mls makan

[18:22] * ucup 2 hari kemarin makan terus

[18:23] <@KG_B> woloh

[18:23] <@KG_B> awas bantet

[18:23] <@KG_B> hahahhaa

[18:23] * anu (~on@2402:1f00:8001:d0f:7a::2) has joined #abocy

[18:23] * anu (~on@2402:1f00:8001:d0f:7a::2) Quit (Registered)

[18:23] * anu ( has joined #abocy

[18:24] * DuckHunter (~duck@2402:1f00:8001:d0f:7a::2) has joined #abocy

[18:24] <ucup> lha pie wong lg dihajatan manten

[18:24] <@KG_B> emang klo musim penghujan bawaan na makan mulu

[18:24] <@KG_B> ealah ada hajatan

[18:24] * DuckHunter (~duck@2402:1f00:8001:d0f:7a::2) Quit (Registered)

[18:24] * DuckHunter ( has joined #abocy

[18:24] * Q sets mode: +l 95

[18:25] <@KG_B> .zod gemini

[18:25] <zodiak> 「 GEMINI 」 Jangan terkesan Anda meremehkan persoalan meskipun sekilas Anda punya kemampuan untuk menyelesaikannya, tetaplah waspada dan bertindak penuh kehati-hatian agar segalanya bisa berjalan lancar tanpa ada masalah. ✿

[18:25] <zodiak> 「 KEUANGAN 」 Kebutuhan akan dapat tercukupi sehingga Anda bisa lebih tenang lagi untuk ke depannya nanti. ✿

[18:25] <zodiak> 「 ASMARA 」 Tak ada ruginya jika Anda mengajak pasangan anda bertukar pikiran dengan segala persoalan yang menimpa diri Anda akhir-akhir ini sehingga pikiran bisa menjadi ringan dan bisa cepat menemukan solusi dari persoalan yang ada. ✿ 

[18:26] <@KG_B> semua na ok gemini hr ini

[18:26] <@KG_B> cuma asmara mls bertukar pikiran

[18:27] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[18:28] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[18:28] <@KG_B> .bang

[18:28] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* The duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1] * GOLDEN DUCK DETECTED *

[18:28] * botFM ( Quit (Registered)

[18:28] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[18:28] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[18:28] * AbocyFM ( has joined #abocy

[18:28] * Q sets mode: +v AbocyFM

[18:28] * Q sets mode: +l 97

[18:29] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[18:29] <+AbocyFM> [Abocy Radio is Online]

[18:29] <+AbocyFM> [Abocy Radio] Current DJ: AbocyFM]

[18:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Andien - Indahnya Dunia (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:25minutes ]

[18:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 08:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 09:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 10:30 WIT ]

[18:30] <ucup> .req selamat pagi ran

[18:30] <+AbocyFM> ucup: RAN - Selamat Pagi(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[18:30] <Deviee_> Ty ty

[18:30] <ucup> heleh

[18:30] <Deviee_> Lahh

[18:30] * Deviee_ is now known as ranniee

[18:31] <ranniee> Kui

[18:31] <ranniee> .ha

[18:31] <@|Dolly|> ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム

[18:31] <ucup> random

[18:31] <ucup> iso langsung ganti nick

[18:31] <ranniee> .rek selamat pagi deviee

[18:31] <ranniee> Iri bilaaaang boooss

[18:31] <ranniee> .wk

[18:31] <@|Dolly|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[18:31] <+AbocyFM> RAN - Selamat Pagi(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[18:32] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[18:33] <ucup> we salah nek aku ngiri

[18:33] * ucup lg nganan

[18:33] * botFM ( Quit (Quit: ucup)

[18:33] <ranniee> Huuh

[18:33] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[18:34] * botFM ( Quit (Registered)

[18:34] * botFM ( has joined #abocy

[18:34] * Q sets mode: +v botFM

[18:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ RAN - Selamat Pagi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 04:06minutes ]

[18:36] <ucup> .req padi bayangkanlah

[18:36] <+AbocyFM> ucup: PADI REBORN - BAYANGKANLAH(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[18:36] <@KG_B> sambil makan cup

[18:36] <ucup> oke

[18:37] <+AbocyFM> PADI REBORN - BAYANGKANLAH(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[18:37] <ucup> .req padi sobat

[18:37] <+AbocyFM> ucup: PADI - Sobat(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[18:38] <+AbocyFM> PADI - Sobat(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[18:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ PADI REBORN - BAYANGKANLAH(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 04:43minutes ]

[18:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ PADI - Sobat(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 05:23minutes ]

[18:43] * ranniee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Umbrella - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:55minutes ]

[18:50] * Naomi ( has joined #abocy

[18:52] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ David Gray - The One I Love (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:34minutes ]

[18:54] * Naomi ( Quit (Registered)

[18:54] * Naomi ( has joined #abocy

[18:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Dancing With Your Ghost (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:20minutes ]

[18:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Didi Kempot - Suket Teki (Langgam) (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:40minutes ]

[18:59] <@hope> Wb naomi

[19:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 09:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 10:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 11:00 WIT ]

[19:00] <Naomi> Assalamu'alaikum

[19:00] <Naomi> Ty hope

[19:00] <+ehsan> dd wa'alaykumsalam warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

[19:00] <+ehsan> abdel .was

[19:00] <@hope> Iya sejuta nick

[19:01] <Naomi> Hai om hope WFP pripun kabare

[19:01] <@hope> Kabare alhamdulilah sae

[19:01] <Naomi> Hai para sanak saudara...handai taulan...

[19:02] <Naomi> Semoga kalian semua sehat2 ya

[19:02] <@hope> aamiin tante

[19:02] <@hope> :V

[19:02] <Naomi> Mungkin nick ku udah sejuta ya om? Petugas penghitung nya udah sibuk ngurusin napi...ra tau ngitung lagi

[19:02] <Ganonk> آمين

[19:03] <Naomi> Koq hope masih kenal aku sih?

[19:03] <Naomi> Kan aku udah vacum lama

[19:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Brent Morgan - The Fixer (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:08minutes ]

[19:04] <@hope> Msh kenal salah

[19:04] <Naomi> Ga salah

[19:04] <Ganonk> .k

[19:04] <@|Dolly|> ɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞɐʞ

[19:04] <@hope> G dikenal entar dibilang somse

[19:05] <@hope> :D

[19:05] * Ganonk aku rapopo

[19:05] <Naomi> Bbrp hari lalu ada bbrp dedengkot chat wa aku, mastiin aku masih bernafas ato ga kali ya...

[19:05] <Ganonk> .puh

[19:05] <@|Dolly|> puh puh puh puh puh

[19:05] <Naomi> Yo ga gtu om hope

[19:05] <Naomi> Ddihh diiihh koq baperan sih om

[19:05] <@hope> Kudu piye jal

[19:05] <Naomi> Koyok wong tuek ae baper

[19:05] <Ganonk> .h

[19:05] <@|Dolly|> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[19:05] <@hope> Gk

[19:05] <Ganonk> .ha

[19:05] <@|Dolly|> ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム

[19:06] <@hope> Biasa aja

[19:06] <@hope> Piye nonk

[19:06] <Naomi> Ganonk iku mba er kah???

[19:06] <Ganonk> tak dampingi mass :)

[19:06] <Ganonk> sanes

[19:07] <@hope> Er sopo

[19:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Love is on the way - Saigon Kick Official Video w lyrics(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:57minutes ]

[19:07] <Naomi> Dudu yo

[19:07] <Naomi> Ooo mba shella?

[19:07] * Ganonk user baru kk 🙏

[19:07] <Naomi> Halah mbuh

[19:08] <@hope> Drpd kenal tp sok cuek tante

[19:08] <Ganonk> salam ken 😀

[19:08] <@hope> .ha

[19:08] <@|Dolly|> ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム

[19:08] <Naomi> Wiss podo lali kabeh

[19:08] <Naomi> Iyo om...kui malah parah....

[19:08] <@hope> Lha iyo

[19:08] <Naomi> Kenal jegreg ra semaur.....kali yg mau disapa trouble maker opo yo

[19:09] <Naomi> Salam kenal mba Ganonk

[19:09] <Naomi> Aku user anyar

[19:09] * Ganonk jaler kk

[19:09] <Naomi> Om hope....apa aku trouble maker?

[19:10] <Naomi> Trouble maker yg dirindukan wkwkwkwkwkwkwk pede mbuh wis..

[19:10] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - Heartache (Studio Jam Session)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ minutes ]

[19:11] * @hope g paham

[19:11] <Naomi> Jok dipahami

[19:11] <Naomi> Marai mumet

[19:12] <@hope> Lha iyo ngopo mikir2 sek ora paham

[19:12] <@hope> 😁😁

[19:13] <Naomi> Mba karin ndi yo

[19:13] <@hope> [09:08] (Naomi) Kenal jegreg ra semaur.....kali yg mau disapa trouble maker opo yo...mungkin ada yg hilang

[19:13] <@hope> Nanti jg ol

[19:14] <Naomi> Ya wis....tak balek ke dunia nyata

[19:14] <Naomi> Salam aja dah buat semua nya om

[19:14] <Naomi> Assalamu'alaikum

[19:14] <@hope> Monggo ati2 djln

[19:14] <@hope> .wa

[19:14] <@|Dolly|> Wa'alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

[19:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Salt (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:03minutes ]

[19:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Freaking Me Out (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:14minutes ]

[19:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Dalan Liyane (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI) Ciptaan Hendra Kumbara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:24minutes ]

[19:24] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ lagu karo-tio fanta pinem-mbiring manggis HD video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 07:32minutes ]

[19:29] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[19:29] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 09:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 10:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 11:30 WIT ]

[19:32] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Selamat Jalan REGGAE VERSION (LIRIK)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:04minutes ]

[19:35] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[19:37] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[19:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Anna Sahlene - Photograph(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:39minutes ]

[19:39] * KG_B ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ This I Love(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:35minutes ]

[19:46] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[19:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Graziella Schazad - Take on me (A-ha)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:35minutes ]

[19:48] <@hope> .bang

[19:48] <DuckHunter> hope > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 2mn40.208s, which makes you a total of 12 ducks on #abocy. You are promoted to level 4 (duck misser). \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[19:48] <@hope> .reload

[19:48] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 2/2

[19:49] * ucup ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lyodra - Mengapa Kita TerlanjurMencinta (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:09minutes ]

[19:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOH SALLEH - ANGIN KENCANG official music video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:01minutes ]

[19:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ John Legend - All of Me (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:08minutes ]

[20:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 10:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 11:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 12:00 WIT ]

[20:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Pamungkas - One Only (Lyrics Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:19minutes ]

[20:07] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:08] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Jauh Mimpiku (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:14minutes ]

[20:10] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:12] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kobe - Positive Thinking (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:03minutes ]

[20:15] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:15] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GEDE ROSO - ABAH LALA (COVER BY WORO WIDOWATI OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:53minutes ]

[20:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N´Roses- Sweet Child Of Mine HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 06:02minutes ]

[20:20] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dia Frampton - Walk Away (Re-Upload)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:20minutes ]

[20:27] * danilla (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[20:29] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 10:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 11:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 12:30 WIT ]

[20:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Robinson - Watching You (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:18minutes ]

[20:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Pamungkas - Break It (Official Lyrics Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:46minutes ]

[20:34] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ David Guetta & Sia - Flames (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 1:05:06minutes ]

[20:42] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Yellowcard - Only One (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:01minutes ]

[20:42] * ayam (ayam@2001:448a:10a2:349b:215:18ff:fe01:8131) has joined #abocy

[20:42] * maya ( has joined #abocy

[20:42] * Q sets mode: +o ayam

[20:43] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[20:46] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Menghapus Jejakmu HD(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ minutes ]

[20:49] * danilla (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:49] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[20:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nella Kharisma feat. Dory Harsa - Banyu Moto (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:29minutes ]

[20:50] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[20:55] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[20:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ben Platt - Grow As We Go (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:39minutes ]

[20:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sydney 090102(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:35minutes ]

[21:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 11:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 12:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 13:00 WIT ]

[21:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Post Malone Swae Lee - Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:42minutes ]

[21:05] * JP ( has joined #abocy

[21:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Diskoria Laleilmanino Eva Celia - C.H.R.I.S.Y.E. (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 06:32minutes ]

[21:07] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:09] <nia-> .bang

[21:09] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn16.325s, which makes you a total of 280 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[21:09] <DuckHunter> nia- > By searching the bushes around the duck, you find a hunting magazine. Reading it makes you gain 30 xp points ! [30 xp]

[21:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Perfect - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:33minutes ]

[21:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Los Dol (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:47minutes ]

[21:19] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:21] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ BENEE - Supalonely ft. Gus Dapperton(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:41minutes ]

[21:25] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Budi Doremi - Melukis Senja (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:37minutes ]

[21:27] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:28] * Naomi ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 11:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 12:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 13:30 WIT ]

[21:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world ( 1967 )(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:30minutes ]

[21:32] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[21:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Suara Kayu - MINIATUR (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:17minutes ]

[21:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Koil - Aku Lupa Aku Luka Video 2010(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:35minutes ]

[21:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Adre'nol(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:32minutes ]

[21:45] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Mungkin Nanti (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:26minutes ]

[21:46] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[21:47] <nia-> .bang

[21:47] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 4/4

[21:47] <nia-> .reload

[21:47] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[21:48] <nia-> .shop 2

[21:48] <DuckHunter> nia- > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points.

[21:48] <nia-> .bang

[21:48] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 2mn8.713s, which makes you a total of 281 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[21:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Arsy Widianto Brisia Jodie - Dengan Caraku (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:13minutes ]

[21:55] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Who Am I - Casting Crowns (w lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 28:13minutes ]

[22:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 12:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 13:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 14:00 WIT ]

[22:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Labrinth - Jealous (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:47minutes ]

[22:01] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:04] <nia-> .bang

[22:04] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 3mn51.671s, which makes you a total of 282 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[22:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Charlie Puth - Attention (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[22:06] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:06] <nia-> .bang

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 4/4

[22:06] <nia-> .shop 2

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > Your magazine stock is already full.

[22:06] <nia-> .reload

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[22:06] <nia-> .bang

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BANG* The duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1] * GOLDEN DUCK DETECTED *

[22:06] <nia-> .bang

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BANG* The golden duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1]

[22:06] <nia-> .bang

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[22:06] <nia-> .shop r

[22:06] <DuckHunter> Syntax: .shop [id [target]] | Displays a list of purchasable items or makes a purchase if "id" is specified. Some items also require a target player to be specified.

[22:06] <nia-> .shop 4

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > You just changed the type of your ammunitions to explosive ones (damage x3 for 24h) in exchange for 25 xp points.

[22:06] <nia-> .reload

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 2/4

[22:06] <nia-> .bang

[22:06] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BOOM* You shot down the golden duck in 55.668s, which makes you a total of 283 ducks (including 24 golden ducks) on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [60 xp] [expl. ammo]

[22:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Yovie Tulus Glenn - Adu Rayu (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:25minutes ]

[22:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Faiha - Anjing Dan Ayam (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:09minutes ]

[22:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Aubrey - BREAD - Lyrics(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:37minutes ]

[22:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Aku (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:02minutes ]

[22:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ T2 - Jangan Lebay (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) music(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:19minutes ]

[22:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SINARAN (cover) - Voyage Entertainment(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:34minutes ]

[22:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 12:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 13:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 14:30 WIT ]

[22:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ David Gray - The One I Love (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:34minutes ]

[22:31] * Silit ( has joined #abocy

[22:31] <Silit> juhh

[22:32] * Ge assalaamu'alaikum

[22:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ RIF - Radja. Suara Jernih Rekaman CD.(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:14minutes ]

[22:34] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[22:35] * KG_B ( has joined #abocy

[22:35] * Q sets mode: +o KG_B

[22:36] <@KG_B> .slots

[22:36] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 227'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[22:37] <@KG_B> .slots

[22:37] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 231'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[22:37] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[22:37] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Jd | Ad | Jc | 6c | 6d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[22:37] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[22:37] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Jd | 2c | Jc | 6c | 6d is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s)

[22:37] * Silit was kicked by KG_B (wibble)

[22:38] <@KG_B> .slots

[22:38] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 235'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[22:39] <@KG_B> .slots

[22:39] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 237'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[22:39] <@KG_B> .vp 5000

[22:39] <@FunBot> Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. KG_B's hand: Ac | 7c | Qd | Jc | Kh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245)

[22:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Caffeine - Hidupku Kan Damaikan Hatimu (Official Audio) Soundtrack Love Story The Series(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:07minutes ]

[22:39] <@KG_B> .draw 2

[22:39] <@FunBot> POKER - KG_B: your hand: Ac | 6h | Qd | Jc | Kh is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s)

[22:40] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[22:40] * temon^KW ( has joined #abocy

[22:40] <@KG_B> hahahhaha

[22:40] <temon^KW> sopo kick

[22:40] <@KG_B> saia

[22:40] <temon^KW> cah gemblung

[22:40] <@KG_B> knp ga trima?

[22:40] <@KG_B> nick na sangad bikin mata sepet

[22:40] <@KG_B> .h

[22:40] <@|Dolly|> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[22:40] <JP> .h

[22:40] <@|Dolly|> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[22:41] <JP> Sokoooor

[22:41] <temon^KW> kan jd ga bs nyamar aq

[22:41] <temon^KW> semprul

[22:41] <@KG_B> nyamar dengkulmuwww sempaalllll

[22:41] <JP> 12:31 777777→ 777777Silit joined (

[22:41] <JP> Tomjerr e kelihatan

[22:41] <JP> .h

[22:41] <@KG_B> nah kan

[22:41] <@|Dolly|> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[22:42] <temon^KW> lhaa kok ada nick pesingku

[22:42] <temon^KW> juhh salah edit

[22:42] <JP> Jiakkakakakka

[22:42] <@KG_B> [16:37] == Silit [] [16:37] == realname : Kecemplung WC !!!<<<< nyamar?

[22:42] <@KG_B> knp ga diganti kecemplung sumur aja

[22:42] <JP> Hahhahahha

[22:42] <temon^KW> itu khilaf

[22:42] <JP> Ben ambyaaaaaaaaar

[22:43] <@KG_B> heleh" kek yng di youtube aja...minta maaf krn khilaf

[22:43] <@KG_B> wedossss suekkkkkkk

[22:43] <@KG_B> hahahaha

[22:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ My Guardian Angel - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:22minutes ]

[22:44] <@KG_B> pake plat nomer TNI palsu bilang khilaf

[22:44] <@KG_B> maki" org bilang khilaf

[22:44] <temon^KW> itu geblek bkn kilaf

[22:44] <JP> Ooooo

[22:44] <@KG_B> netizen +62 banyak yng hrs di ruqiyah

[22:44] <JP> Geblek mak... Bukan khilaf

[22:44] <@KG_B> lah iyooo

[22:44] <JP> .h

[22:44] <@|Dolly|> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[22:45] <@KG_B> jelas" itu plat nomer di modif warna merah nomer cantik pulak

[22:45] <JP> temon^KW: termasuk mana.... Khilaf apa geblek

[22:45] <temon^KW> juhh iki nge kill e piye carane

[22:45] <temon^KW> eww

[22:45] <@KG_B> bilang khilaf" kek na over dosis micin emak"na

[22:45] * temon^KW unyu2 bkn geblek

[22:46] <@KG_B> unyu" suekkkkkk

[22:46] <JP> Unyu kelingking nya mak

[22:46] <@KG_B> masa?

[22:46] <JP> Kan kecil

[22:46] <@KG_B> owh iyak

[22:47] * temon^KW is now known as Geblek

[22:48] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ I Love You - Saigon Kick(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:29minutes ]

[22:48] <Geblek> hishh panase

[22:48] <@KG_B> nah kan

[22:48] <Lancelot> nah kan

[22:48] <@KG_B> kemaren mengeluh masalah hujan

[22:49] <Geblek> mnm es dah abis 5 gelas

[22:49] * Geblek dilut neh pasti anyang2en

[22:49] <@KG_B> hah?

[22:50] <@KG_B> apaan anyang"en?

[22:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ SYUKUR Cipt.H Mutahar(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:21minutes ]

[22:51] <Geblek> kudu pipis

[22:51] <@KG_B> owh

[22:51] <@KG_B> kelep na rusak?

[22:53] <Geblek> kaga lah

[22:53] <Geblek> rutin serpis kok

[22:53] <@hope> Udah dol

[22:53] * Geblek rajin masuk pitrat

[22:53] <@KG_B> hahahhahaha

[22:54] <@KG_B> pitrat?

[22:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ KAMU DAN KENANGAN - MAUDY AYUNDA (COVER) EDISI KANGEN BAPA :")(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:02minutes ]

[22:55] <@hope> Oalah ringin makam

[22:56] <@KG_B> walah ringin makam?

[22:56] <@hope> Iya seumuran

[22:56] <@KG_B> woloh

[22:56] <@KG_B> hahaha

[22:57] <@hope> Leluhur

[22:57] <@hope> .wk

[22:57] <@|Dolly|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[22:57] <@KG_B> perlu pake sesajen donk?

[22:58] <@hope> Iyak kembang 7 rupa

[22:58] <@KG_B> eman kembange

[22:58] <@KG_B> .ha

[22:58] <@|Dolly|> ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム

[22:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Michael Learns To Rock-Scandinavia(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:51minutes ]

[23:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 13:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 14:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 15:00 WIT ]

[23:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ The Reason - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:00minutes ]

[23:03] <@hope> 😁😁

[23:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Gareth Gates - What My Heart Wants To Say(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:35minutes ]

[23:10] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:10] <@KG_B> .bang

[23:10] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 4/4

[23:10] <@KG_B> .reload

[23:10] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[23:10] <@KG_B> .bang

[23:10] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 10.354s, which makes you a total of 1608 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[23:10] <DuckHunter> KG_B > By searching the bushes around the duck, you find sunglasses ! You are protected against bedazzlement for 24h and in addition, it's so spiffy.

[23:11] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:11] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( cherry )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 322'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Mundur Alon-Alon Deny Caknan(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:22minutes ]

[23:12] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:12] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( star )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 328'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:14] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:14] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 337'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:15] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:15] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( banana )( 7 ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 342'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns n Roses - Don't Cry HD(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:45minutes ]

[23:20] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ PADI REBORN - BAYANGKANLAH(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:43minutes ]

[23:21] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:21] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 380'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:22] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:22] <@KG_B> .bang

[23:22] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* The duck survived ! Try again. \_O< [life -1] * GOLDEN DUCK DETECTED *

[23:22] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:22] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( star )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 388'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:23] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:23] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 394'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:24] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:24] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 401'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:25] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:25] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 408'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Abby Anderson Dance Away My Broken Heart(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:08minutes ]

[23:26] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:26] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( 7 )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 411'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:27] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:27] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:27] <@KG_B> .bang

[23:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[23:27] <@KG_B> .reload

[23:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 2/4

[23:27] <@KG_B> .bang

[23:27] <DuckHunter> KG_B > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 10.636s, which makes you a total of 1609 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[23:27] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:27] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( star )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 417'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:28] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:28] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( banana )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 425'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MALIQ & D'Essentials - Penasaran (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:15minutes ]

[23:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:29] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( apple )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 432'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:29] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:29] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( cherry )( banana ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 435'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 13:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 14:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 15:30 WIT ]

[23:30] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:30] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 439'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)

[23:31] <@KG_B> .slots

[23:31] <@FunBot> KG_B pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( 7 ) - !!!!JACKPOT!!!! - You won 446'000$$ KG_B!!!

[23:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Ada Yang Abadi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[23:37] <+AbocyFM> ya|ViaWeb: 像极了 Xiang Ji Le - 永彬 Ryan.B 拼音 [PINYIN LYRICS](BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[23:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Birdy - Surrender (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:51minutes ]

[23:37] <+AbocyFM> 像极了 Xiang Ji Le - 永彬 Ryan.B 拼音 [PINYIN LYRICS](BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[23:38] <+AbocyFM> ya|ViaWeb: Uu - 那女孩對我說(COVER)『遍體鱗傷的我,一天也沒再愛過。』【動態歌詞Lyrics】(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[23:38] <+AbocyFM> Uu - 那女孩對我說(COVER)『遍體鱗傷的我,一天也沒再愛過。』【動態歌詞Lyrics】(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (1) lagu lagi...

[23:38] <+AbocyFM> ya|ViaWeb: 少年 Shao Nian - 梦然 Mira 拼音[PINYIN LYRICS](BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[23:39] <+AbocyFM> 少年 Shao Nian - 梦然 Mira 拼音[PINYIN LYRICS](BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (2) lagu lagi...

[23:39] <+AbocyFM> ya|ViaWeb: 接個吻,開一槍、沈以誠、薛明媛 - 失眠飛行【動態歌詞Lyrics】(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[23:40] <+AbocyFM> 接個吻,開一槍、沈以誠、薛明媛 - 失眠飛行【動態歌詞Lyrics】(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (3) lagu lagi...

[23:40] <+AbocyFM> ya|ViaWeb: Ren Ran 任然 – Fei Niao He Chan 飛鳥和蟬 Lyrics 歌词 Pinyin/English Translation (動態歌詞)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[23:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ 像极了 Xiang Ji Le - 永彬 Ryan.B 拼音 (PINYIN LYRICS)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ya|ViaWeb ] [ Queue: 3 ] [ 03:14minutes ]

[23:41] <+AbocyFM> Ren Ran 任然 – Fei Niao He Chan 飛鳥和蟬 Lyrics 歌词 Pinyin/English Translation (動態歌詞)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah (3) lagu lagi...

[23:42] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #abocy

[23:42] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[23:44] * oooyab (~sh@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Uu - 那女孩對我說(COVER)『遍體鱗傷的我,一天也沒再愛過。』【動態歌詞Lyrics】(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ya|ViaWeb ] [ Queue: 3 ] [ 13:05minutes ]

[23:49] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ 少年 Shao Nian - 梦然 Mira 拼音(PINYIN LYRICS)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ya|ViaWeb ] [ Queue: 2 ] [ 03:56minutes ]

[23:51] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ 接個吻,開一槍、沈以誠、薛明媛 - 失眠飛行【動態歌詞Lyrics】(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ya|ViaWeb ] [ Queue: 1 ] [ 00:05minutes ]

[23:54] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:56] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[23:57] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[23:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ren Ran 任然 – Fei Niao He Chan 飛鳥和蟬 Lyrics 歌词 Pinyin English Translation (動態歌詞)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ya|ViaWeb ] [ 0minutes ]

[23:59] <+AbocyFM> ya|ViaWeb: 太阳 Tai Yang - 曲肖冰 Qu Xiao Bing 拼音 [PINYIN LYRICS](BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[23:59] <+AbocyFM> 太阳 Tai Yang - 曲肖冰 Qu Xiao Bing 拼音 [PINYIN LYRICS](BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[00:00] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 14:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 15:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 16:00 WIT ]

[00:01] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ 太阳 Tai Yang - 曲肖冰 Qu Xiao Bing 拼音 (PINYIN LYRICS)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ya|ViaWeb ] [ 04:18minutes ]

[00:02] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[00:03] <+AbocyFM> ya|ViaWeb: 阿冗 - 你的答案 Ni De Da An ( 動態歌詞 Pinyin/English translation subtitle)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[00:04] <+AbocyFM> 阿冗 - 你的答案 Ni De Da An ( 動態歌詞 Pinyin/English translation subtitle)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[00:05] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[00:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ 阿冗 - 你的答案 Ni De Da An ( 動態歌詞 Pinyin English translation subtitle)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ya|ViaWeb ] [ 03:25minutes ]

[00:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - 2 DSD (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:41minutes ]

[00:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:16minutes ]

[00:13] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:14] * KG_B ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:14] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[00:15] * Naomi ( has joined #abocy

[00:16] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:16] <Kenzo> .bang

[00:16] <DuckHunter> Kenzo > *BANG* You shot down one of the ducks in 2mn22.619s, which makes you a total of 65 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[00:16] <Kenzo> .bang

[00:16] <DuckHunter> Kenzo > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 24.482s, which makes you a total of 66 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[00:17] <@blade> Wb tante naomi

[00:17] <Naomi> Ty om Blade

[00:18] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Alice Merton - Why So Serious (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:57minutes ]

[00:19] <Naomi> Bayangin dah om Blade saat kita mau ngetik tanya temen, kamu udah makan? Tp huruf K dan N tuker posisi?

[00:19] <Naomi> Jadi nanya temen kita tsb nambah momongan

[00:19] <Naomi> 😂😂😂😂😂

[00:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ANNETH - MUNGKIN HARI INI ESOK ATAU NANTI (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:42minutes ]

[00:22] * Letta_ ( has joined #abocy

[00:22] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[00:24] <@blade> Sek tak olahe ketikanmu tante

[00:25] <@blade> Tetep g paham

[00:25] <@blade> 😄😄

[00:25] * ucup ( has joined #abocy

[00:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Noah Band - Separuh Aku (HIGH QUALITY )(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:29minutes ]

[00:27] <Naomi> Piye koq ga paham sih?

[00:27] <Naomi> Udah manak??

[00:27] <Naomi> Yg jawab kudu piye jal?

[00:27] <@blade> Olah gt

[00:27] <ucup> he eh

[00:28] <Naomi> Hi ucup

[00:28] <@blade> Jawabe udah aja biar cepet

[00:28] <@blade> Zzzzz

[00:28] <ucup> ae krisanten

[00:28] <Naomi> Koq tau?

[00:28] <ucup> lho bener ?

[00:28] <Naomi> Manak anak cicek

[00:28] * ucup ngarang

[00:28] <Naomi> Hahahaha

[00:29] <Naomi> Koq ngaku yo aku

[00:29] <@blade> Kl tambah momongan yo gpp

[00:29] <Naomi> Yo gpp lah

[00:29] <@blade> Ho oh

[00:29] <Naomi> Ihhh iki loh humor om blade

[00:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 14:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 15:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 16:30 WIT ]

[00:30] <Naomi> Serius tenab

[00:30] <Naomi> Tenan

[00:30] <@blade> Ini nick yg keberapa ribu

[00:30] <@blade> :V

[00:30] <Naomi> Mbuh

[00:30] <Naomi> Kan udah setaun vakum

[00:31] <@blade> Oh sempet vakum

[00:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Pamungkas - Break It (Official Lyrics Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:46minutes ]

[00:31] <@blade> Bisa serius bs humor tuh

[00:32] <+temon> layo

[00:35] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:35] <@blade> Juh sesepuh tangi

[00:35] <@blade> .bang

[00:35] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 35.51s, which makes you a total of 886 ducks on #abocy. You are promoted to level 26 (duck breaker). \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[00:36] * ucup ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N' Roses- Paradise city HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 06:47minutes ]

[00:37] <@blade> Tante naomi annida rame ga?

[00:42] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - Salt (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 1:03:35minutes ]

[00:44] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:45] <@blade> .bang

[00:45] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/1 | Chargers: 4/5

[00:45] <@blade> .shop 2

[00:45] <DuckHunter> blade > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points. Your purchase made you go back to level 25 (duck smasher).

[00:46] <@blade> .reload

[00:46] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[00:46] <@blade> .bang

[00:46] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down one of the ducks in 3mn27.606s, which makes you a total of 887 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[00:46] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lyodra - Tentang Kamu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:56minutes ]

[00:49] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[00:50] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ CINTA DITOLAK(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:20minutes ]

[00:52] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[00:53] <DIrA_> .bang

[00:54] <DuckHunter> DIrA_ > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 1mn59.419s, which makes you a total of 1 duck on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[00:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ MAAF DARI SURGA OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO - ELEMENT(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:10minutes ]

[00:56] <@blade> Dira cun

[00:57] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) Quit (G-lined)

[00:57] * kadal (zembot@2610:150:8015:1000::28a) Quit (G-lined)

[00:57] <Safira> Ibum il

[00:57] * Q sets mode: +l 99

[00:58] <@blade> Koleksi nick

[00:58] <Safira> Kamu juga

[00:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Langit Tak Mendengar (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[00:59] <@blade> Gk

[00:59] <Safira> Eleh

[01:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 15:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 16:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 17:00 WIT ]

[01:02] * ucup ( has joined #abocy

[01:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Matter To You (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:38minutes ]

[01:03] <ucup> .req happy salam tresno

[01:03] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Happy Asmara - Salam Tresno (Tresno ra bakal ilyang) [OFFICIAL](BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[01:04] <Safira> Ada Ucup si kembang pasir

[01:04] <+AbocyFM> Happy Asmara - Salam Tresno (Tresno ra bakal ilyang) [OFFICIAL](BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[01:06] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Salam Tresno (Tresno ra bakal ilyang) (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 05:30minutes ]

[01:08] <Geblek> /msg newpass 8g19imVghY bangsat bangsat

[01:09] <@blade> Woo auth bangsat

[01:10] <Geblek> salah i

[01:10] <Geblek> kahkahkah

[01:10] <Safira> Tuh pd ganti nick

[01:10] <Geblek> wedos

[01:10] <ucup> .req happy loro pikir

[01:10] <+AbocyFM> ucup: Happy Asmara - Loro Pikir (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI)(BASS_Boosted) diproses....

[01:10] <Geblek> juhh

[01:11] <+AbocyFM> Happy Asmara - Loro Pikir (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI)(BASS_Boosted) diputar setelah lagu berikut...

[01:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Alffy Rev - Mother Earth ft. Kaye (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:13minutes ]

[01:12] * red_` ( has joined #abocy

[01:12] * Q sets mode: +o red_`

[01:12] <Geblek> ahh silit

[01:12] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[01:13] <Safira> Sana kecemplung WC aja. What sit sehat shit

[01:13] * Geblek ( Quit (Registered)

[01:13] * Geblek ( has joined #abocy

[01:13] <Geblek> nahh

[01:14] <@blade> Ben dikiro newbi po

[01:14] <@blade> Autnya anyar

[01:14] <@blade> 😁😁

[01:16] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Loro Pikir (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Reqby: ucup ] [ 05:56minutes ]

[01:17] <Geblek> hust

[01:17] * Geblek pura2 dadi bot

[01:17] <ucup> paling yo arep gawe bribik asnika

[01:17] <@blade> 😁😁

[01:17] <Safira> Waw

[01:17] <Safira> Sapa spaa

[01:17] <@blade> Woow tante asnika

[01:18] <Safira> Ehem

[01:18] <Safira> Ehem

[01:18] <Safira> Baru tau

[01:19] <@blade> Kl ada gosip aja langsung nungul

[01:19] * +temon cm mw bribik Safira ja

[01:19] * +temon kecup bibir Safira

[01:19] <Safira> Wew

[01:20] <@blade> Hotz 🔥🔥

[01:20] <Safira> Kecap kecup aja

[01:20] <Safira> Tak tabok pake wajan

[01:20] <+temon> gpp asal cium dl

[01:21] <Safira> Wiw

[01:21] <Safira> Emang ya tak unyel2

[01:21] * @blade bag dokemtasi

[01:21] <Safira> Ibum tak keplak

[01:22] * +temon gandeng safira

[01:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Fourtwnty - Zona Nyaman OST. Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:20minutes ]

[01:22] <Safira> Wkwkwkwk

[01:22] * @blade terkeplak syahduu

[01:22] <Safira> Kan ngakak akhirnya

[01:22] * Safira kok inget emo ngesot ya

[01:22] <Safira> Yg film Doraemon si jayen

[01:23] <+temon> eww

[01:23] <@blade> Sopo sek ngesot

[01:23] * +temon <---

[01:24] * +temon bayangin nyium Safira trs dilindas fuso

[01:24] <@blade> Bukane km lompat2

[01:24] <Safira> Wkwkwkwkwk

[01:24] <Safira> Fuso

[01:24] <Safira> Hahahahah

[01:24] <Safira> Asemmm ngakak

[01:25] <@blade> Fuso apa drum

[01:25] <Safira> Wkwkwkwk

[01:25] <+temon> juhh kopiku dirubung semut

[01:25] <Safira> Sokor

[01:25] <Safira> Suka bikin marah Ama kesel sih

[01:26] * +temon loh dah jinak

[01:26] <+temon> ya blade ya

[01:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Thelma Plum - Homecoming Queen (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[01:26] <@blade> Mbuh tom

[01:26] <Safira> Jinak apaan . Kayak guguk aja

[01:26] <Safira> Wkwkwkwkwkabuuurr

[01:26] <Safira> Nah ibum aja ga tau

[01:26] <Safira> Hahahah

[01:26] <+temon> njiir gukguk

[01:26] * +temon injek2 blade

[01:27] <Safira> Hahahahah

[01:27] <Safira> Wkwkwkwk

[01:28] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) has joined #abocy

[01:28] <JP> 🙄🙄

[01:28] * @blade mlongo

[01:29] * kadal (zembot@2610:150:8015:1000::28a) has joined #abocy

[01:29] <Safira> Jarak Pandang

[01:29] * Q sets mode: +l 103

[01:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 15:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 16:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 17:30 WIT ]

[01:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Corrina Tadros - For The Record (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:48minutes ]

[01:30] <Safira> Dah sore off ah

[01:31] <@blade> Sana plgan tdr

[01:31] <+temon> layo

[01:31] <+temon> dasar ratu ngiler

[01:34] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ben Haenow - Something I Need (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[01:34] <Safira> Wew

[01:35] <Safira> Sapa bilang ratu ngiler tak keplak baru tau

[01:35] <+temon> sun dl donk

[01:35] <Safira> Nuh minta sun sama Blade aja

[01:36] * @blade gumoh

[01:38] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ moumoon Sunshine Girl(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[01:41] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[01:41] * bandot ( has joined #abocy

[01:41] <@blade> .bang

[01:41] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 16.064s, which makes you a total of 888 ducks on #abocy. You are promoted to level 26 (duck breaker). \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[01:41] <@blade> Udud sek ah

[01:41] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe X - Cuma Main Main Official Audio(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:29minutes ]

[01:42] * zozo ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * wedhus ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * bandot is now known as wedhus

[01:43] * ChanStat-07 ( has joined #abocy

[01:43] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[01:43] * Loki| is now known as Loki

[01:44] * ChanStat-07 ( has left #abocy (Another ChanStat was detected in your channel)

[01:46] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ DJ Tepung Kanji - Safira Inema - Aku Ra Mundur Mas Teko Atimu (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 06:20minutes ]

[01:47] * zozo ( has joined #abocy

[01:52] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Timur Tragedi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:15minutes ]

[01:53] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[01:53] * Loki (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (Killed (* (overruled by older nick)))

[01:53] * clips (hybridz@ has joined #abocy

[01:53] * Q sets mode: +l 103

[01:53] * Loki| (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #abocy

[01:57] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Fourtwnty - fana merah jambu ( lirik video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:56minutes ]

[01:59] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 16:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 17:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 18:00 WIT ]

[02:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Apakah Itu Cinta (DJ Selow) (OFFICIAL)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:20minutes ]

[02:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Safira Inema - Ditinggal Pas Sayang Sayange (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:51minutes ]

[02:13] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kenyataan Dalam Dunia Fantasi(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[02:16] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:16] <nia-> .bang

[02:16] <DuckHunter> nia- > Missed. [missed: -1 xp]

[02:16] <nia-> .reload

[02:16] <DuckHunter> nia- > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 1/4

[02:16] <nia-> .bang

[02:16] <DuckHunter> *BANG* xO' maya just get shot by accident by nia-. [missed: -1 xp] [accident: -6 xp] [GUN CONFISCATED: hunting accident]

[02:17] <nia-> .bang

[02:17] <DuckHunter> nia- > You are not armed.

[02:17] <nia-> .rearm nia-

[02:17] <DuckHunter> nia- returns nia-'s gun to him.

[02:17] <nia-> .reload

[02:17] <DuckHunter> nia- > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 1/4

[02:17] <nia-> .bang

[02:17] <DuckHunter> nia- > *BOOM* You shot down the duck in 1mn27.491s, which makes you a total of 284 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[02:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tic Band - Terbaik Untukmu (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:28minutes ]

[02:18] * ucup ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ LANY - you! (official video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:33minutes ]

[02:25] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Menghapus Jejakmu HD(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:07minutes ]

[02:30] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[02:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 16:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 17:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 18:30 WIT ]

[02:30] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ava Max - My Head & My Heart (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ minutes ]

[02:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kelly Clarkson - Mr. Know It All (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:55minutes ]

[02:37] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sabrina - Apologize (Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:21minutes ]

[02:38] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Post Malone Swae Lee - Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:42minutes ]

[02:42] <@blade> .bang

[02:43] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Ammo: 0/1 | Chargers: 3/5

[02:43] <@blade> .shop 2

[02:43] <DuckHunter> blade > You just added an extra magazine to your stock in exchange for 20 xp points. Your purchase made you go back to level 25 (duck smasher).

[02:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bram - Makna Cinta (Original Music Video & Clear Sound)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[02:43] <@blade> .reload

[02:43] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 2/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[02:43] <@blade> .bang

[02:43] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 4mn27.409s, which makes you a total of 889 ducks on #abocy. \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[02:43] <@blade> .reload

[02:43] <DuckHunter> blade > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 1/2 | Chargers: 3/4

[02:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Kari Kimmel - Where You Belong (Lyrics)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:15minutes ]

[02:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Caffeine - Tiara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:28minutes ]

[02:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Bunga Citra Lestari - Aku Bisa Apa? (OST. Jilbab Traveler) Official Lyric Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:48minutes ]

[02:57] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[02:59] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - Spread Your Wings (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:32minutes ]

[03:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 17:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 18:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 19:00 WIT ]

[03:02] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[03:03] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Guns N' Roses Patience 1988 HQ(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:09minutes ]

[03:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Meghan Trainor - Like I'm Gonna Lose You (Official Video) ft. John Legend(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:48minutes ]

[03:10] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.1qmh.ip) has joined #abocy

[03:11] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ THE FLY - Terbang(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:08minutes ]

[03:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - Wherever You Are (English Sub)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 06:09minutes ]

[03:21] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lesti - Zapin Melayu Official Video Clip(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:46minutes ]

[03:22] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:26] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Tak Ada Yang Abadi (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[03:27] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[03:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 17:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 18:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 19:30 WIT ]

[03:30] * ayam (ayam@2001:448a:10a2:349b:215:18ff:fe01:8131) Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:30] * maya ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Brent Morgan - The Fixer (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:08minutes ]

[03:31] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[03:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Jamiroquai - Bad Girls Singin' in the Rain (Live)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 1:04:30minutes ]

[03:34] * ayam (ayam@2001:448a:10a0:2897:215:18ff:fe01:8131) has joined #abocy

[03:34] * Q sets mode: +o ayam

[03:36] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:36] * maya ( has joined #abocy

[03:36] * Q sets mode: +l 103

[03:37] * hurt (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[03:38] * hurt (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:40] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.1qmh.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:41] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[03:42] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[03:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ GANGGA - Blue Jeans (Official Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:39minutes ]

[03:45] * JP ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

[03:45] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[03:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife (HQ)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:53minutes ]

[03:47] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[03:50] <@hope> .reload

[03:50] <DuckHunter> hope > Your gun doesn't need to be reloaded. | Ammo: 2/6 | Chargers: 2/2

[03:53] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe-X - Genit - Composer : Tipe-X 1999 (CDQ)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:16minutes ]

[03:55] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[03:56] * Nova13 (~sbNhGVic@ has joined #abocy

[03:56] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Tipe-X - Selamat Jalan Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 08:29minutes ]

[03:56] * Q sets mode: +l 103

[03:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:59] * Sinchan sets mode: +b *!*sbNhGVic@179.159.19.*

[03:59] * Nova13 was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[03:59] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[04:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 18:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 19:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 20:00 WIT ]

[04:00] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Aubrey - BREAD - Lyrics(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:37minutes ]

[04:01] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[04:02] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:03] <@red_`> Wb Deviee_

[04:03] <@red_`> Ty

[04:03] <@red_`> Sama2

[04:03] <@red_`> Ok

[04:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ T2 - Jangan Lebay (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) music(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:19minutes ]

[04:05] <Deviee_> Ty om pred

[04:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Robinson - Watching You (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 44:15minutes ]

[04:07] <@red_`> 😂

[04:07] <Deviee_> Ngggihh

[04:08] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:10] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Irreplaceable - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:12minutes ]

[04:11] * endah ( Quit (EOF from client)

[04:12] * ucup ( has joined #abocy

[04:14] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:15] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Happy Asmara - Dalan Liyane (Official Music Video ANEKA SAFARI) Ciptaan Hendra Kumbara(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:17minutes ]

[04:17] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[04:17] * Deviee_ is now known as keLayunG

[04:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Mimpi Yang Sempurna (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:37minutes ]

[04:19] <@red_`> Wih kelayung

[04:20] <keLayunG> Nggihh

[04:21] <@red_`> Mboten

[04:23] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Nowela - Kekasih Bukan(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ minutes ]

[04:25] <keLayunG> Suwito linuhung..

[04:25] * Naomi ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:27] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:27] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world ( 1967 )(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:30minutes ]

[04:28] <keLayunG> Hanenangis kelayung..

[04:29] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:29] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ If Love Is Blind by Tiffany(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:43minutes ]

[04:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 18:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 19:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 20:30 WIT ]

[04:30] <keLayunG> Pangapuraning

[04:30] * mell ( has joined #abocy

[04:31] * keLayunG is now known as GumantungRinaos

[04:32] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:32] * JP ( has joined #abocy

[04:32] * Q sets mode: +l 103

[04:33] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Taman Langit (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:32minutes ]

[04:34] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:36] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:36] * GumantungRinaos is now known as Pungkasaning

[04:36] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:36] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Queen - It's A Hard Life (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:14minutes ]

[04:40] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Selamat Jalan REGGAE VERSION (LIRIK)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:04minutes ]

[04:41] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:43] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:44] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Alffy Rev - Mother Earth ft. Kaye (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:13minutes ]

[04:47] <DuckHunter> The golden duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:49] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[04:49] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Peterpan - Bintang Di Surga (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:01minutes ]

[04:50] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[04:51] <AndroUser2> .cov Indonesia

[04:51] <anu> /!\ COVID-19 INDONESIA »» [Positif : 1,392,945 » +6,389 ] [Sembuh : 1,210,877] [Meninggal : 37,757 » +210 ]

[04:53] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:53] * Pungkasaning (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:53] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[04:54] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[04:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:33minutes ]

[04:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rani Simbolon - Abang Ganteng(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:17minutes ]

[04:59] * endah ( has joined #abocy

[05:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 19:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 20:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 21:00 WIT ]

[05:01] <@red_`> .wb endah

[05:01] <@red_`> Ty

[05:01] <@red_`> Sama2

[05:01] <@red_`> Ok

[05:02] <+temon> ya

[05:02] <@red_`> Tidak

[05:04] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ David Guetta & Sia - Flames (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 1:05:06minutes ]

[05:05] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:07] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ NOAH - Hidup Untukmu Mati Tanpamu (Official Audio)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:23minutes ]

[05:10] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:12] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:12] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ARIES - USAI(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:11minutes ]

[05:17] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:17] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Fourtwnty - Zona Nyaman OST. Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:20minutes ]

[05:19] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:19] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[05:19] <AndroUser2> .ip

[05:19] <+TriNiTy> IP:

[05:19] <+TriNiTy> Hostname »» -

[05:19] <anu> [] »» Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands (52.3702, 4.89517) ; TimeZone: Europe/Amsterdam ; ISP: Zenex 5ive Limited ; Mobile: True ; Proxy: False ««

[05:19] <+TriNiTy> Location »» Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

[05:19] <+TriNiTy> Coordinates »» 52.3740,4.8897

[05:19] <+TriNiTy> Organization »» AS209181 Zenex 5ive Limited

[05:19] <+TriNiTy> Postal Code »» 1012

[05:19] <+TriNiTy> Timezone »» Europe/Amsterdam

[05:19] * Q sets mode: +l 103

[05:20] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ James Blunt - Same Mistake (video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[05:24] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:24] <+temon> .bang

[05:24] <DuckHunter> temon > Luckily you missed, but what did you aim at ? There is no duck in the area... [missed: -1 xp] [wild fire: -2 xp]

[05:25] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Anna Sahlene - Photograph(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:39minutes ]

[05:30] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 19:30 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 20:30 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 21:30 WIT ]

[05:31] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ ONE OK ROCK - Be the light (Official Music Video English subtitles)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 0minutes ]

[05:32] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:32] * endah ( Quit (Registered)

[05:32] * endah ( has joined #abocy

[05:32] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[05:35] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Perfect - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:33minutes ]

[05:37] <DuckHunter> A duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:38] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[05:39] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Ben Haenow - Something I Need (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:52minutes ]

[05:42] * temon ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:42] * TOMJERRX ( has joined #abocy

[05:42] * Q sets mode: +o TOMJERRX

[05:43] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Rany Simbolon - Jamilah (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:58minutes ]

[05:43] * TOMJERRX is now known as temon

[05:46] <@blade> Wooh ganti sempak

[05:47] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Dua Lipa - Break My Heart (Official Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:50minutes ]

[05:51] * temon sets mode: -o temon

[05:51] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sasha Sloan - Thank God (Lyric Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:23minutes ]

[05:54] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Setubuhi Nafasku - Blue Savanna(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:59minutes ]

[05:58] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Cinta Tak Bersyarat(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 06:53minutes ]

[06:00] <zodiak> [ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 20:00 WIB ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 21:00 WITA ][ ˢᵉˡᵃˢᵃ 22:00 WIT ]

[06:01] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:01] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:01] * Q sets mode: +l 101

[06:02] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Post Malone Swae Lee - Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 02:42minutes ]

[06:05] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Sabrina - Im Yours (Acoustic)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:11minutes ]

[06:05] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[06:05] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:06] <DuckHunter> The duck escapes. ·°'`'°-.,¸¸.·°'`

[06:06] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #abocy

[06:09] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Reza - Berharap Tak Berpisah Official Video(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 04:10minutes ]

[06:14] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Lintang Ati - Safira Inema (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:19minutes ]

[06:14] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:15] <@blade> .bang

[06:15] <DuckHunter> blade > *BANG* You shot down the duck in 47.21s, which makes you a total of 890 ducks on #abocy. You are promoted to level 26 (duck breaker). \_X< *KWAK* [10 xp]

[06:15] <@blade> .reload

[06:15] <DuckHunter> blade > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Ammo: 1/1 | Chargers: 2/5

[06:17] <@blade> .ping

[06:17] <ndog> blade [ *!* ] - reply 0 sec [ ]

[06:17] <@FunBot> blade: Pong! (1.406s)

[06:17] <+TriNiTy> blade : 0.849 detik (

[06:18] <@blade> .ping

[06:18] <ndog> blade [ *!* ] - reply 0 sec [ ]

[06:18] <@FunBot> blade: Pong! (1.063s)

[06:18] <+TriNiTy> blade : 1.059 detik (

[06:19] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Graziella Schazad - Take on me (A-ha)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:35minutes ]

[06:20] <@blade> Mon temon

[06:21] <temon> ui

[06:21] <@blade> Babone ora ono

[06:21] <@blade> Ekekekekk

[06:22] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Michael Learns To Rock - Whatever it may take(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 05:07minutes ]

[06:23] <temon> eeeee

[06:27] <DuckHunter> -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK

[06:28] <+AbocyFM> [ AbocyFM ] ✮۞✮ Marshmello & Halsey - Be Kind (Official Music Video)(BASS_Boosted) ✮۞✮ [ Req: On ] [ 03:20minutes ]

[06:29] <ndog> .bang