Session Start: Sun Mar 07 02:20:58 2021
Session Ident: #surabaya
[02:20] * Now talking in #surabaya
[02:20] * Topic is '[WELCOME TO ¦#SURABAYA¦ QUAKENET]'
[02:20] * Set by Q on Sat Oct 31 04:10:44
[02:21] <aryo> wew
[02:21] <aryo> ono wedos kw barang
[02:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya
[02:26] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[02:41] * ZiaN ( Quit (Signed off)
[02:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment
[02:44] <aryo> 🙄
[02:48] <aryo> bakar
[02:54] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[02:57] <klepon> .seen tjahayoe
[02:58] <nandini> Wb kak klepon
[02:59] <klepon> makasih nandini
[02:59] <nandini> okeh
[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya
[02:59] <klepon> nandini ini dari tadi di sini kok diem aja
[02:59] <klepon> eggy
[02:59] <nandini> Wb kak eggy
[02:59] * nandini baru ol kak
[02:59] <aryo> wah sepinya
[03:00] <klepon> kok gak keliatan masuk nya kalo baru ol
[03:00] * nandini bisa ngilang
[03:00] <klepon> aryo mendinh kamu nymplung sungai aja
[03:00] <nandini> masuk nya lewat pintu belakang
[03:00] <aryo> hu um
[03:00] <klepon> nandini kek hantu bisa ilang
[03:01] <nandini> Bisa dong
[03:01] <klepon> btw ujan ndak di tempat kalian
[03:01] <aryo> ujan
[03:01] <klepon> nandini bisa ilanh
[03:01] <nandini> disini gak hujan
[03:01] <masse> gak nginjak tanah, bisa ngilang2
[03:01] * nandini kan di dalam rumah
[03:01] <klepon> kalo ujan kamu ke sungai aja nonton banjir
[03:02] <masse> Huum jadi gak injek tanah
[03:02] <masse> Injek ubin ya
[03:02] <nandini> iya
[03:02] <klepon> nandini gal nginjak tanah tapi nginjak sendal ya
[03:02] <nandini> betul
[03:02] <klepon> di rumah kalian lantai nya ukuran berapa keramik nya
[03:02] <aryo> 2x2
[03:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots
[03:03] <+creasy> * wave at |in-love|
[03:03] <nandini> rumahku gak ada keramik
[03:03] <+elektra> r :)
[03:03] <klepon> ngawur kamu aryo
[03:03] <aryo> emang bener kok
[03:03] <klepon> pake apa nandini
[03:03] <nandini> tanah liat
[03:04] <aryo> tanah kok diliatin
[03:04] <klepon> di liat siapa?
[03:04] <nandini> blm di keramik
[03:04] <nandini> diliatin sendiri
[03:04] <aryo> pake genteng g dini
[03:04] <klepon> enak kalo lom keramik
[03:04] <nandini> Gak kak
[03:05] <aryo> pake apa
[03:05] <klepon> pake atap
[03:05] <nandini> Pke pelepah pisang
[03:05] <klepon> lama2 si nandini mabuk
[03:05] <aryo> enak dunk makan pisang terus
[03:05] <nandini> Atap nya pke daun tebu yg kering
[03:05] <nandini> kek gubuk
[03:06] <nandini> gubuk derita
[03:06] <masse> Gubuk goyang
[03:06] <nandini> gubuk bahagia ding
[03:06] <aryo> kek lagunya peterpan
[03:06] <klepon> lama2 pada ngawur
[03:06] <aryo> yg judulnya gubuk derita
[03:06] <klepon> aku tak pamit aja pada ngawur sih
[03:07] <nandini> haha
[03:07] <aryo> oke
[03:07] <nandini> mau pamit kemana
[03:07] <masse> Kok gak dari tadi klepon pamitnya
[03:07] <klepon> di ajak ngomong pada ngawur
[03:07] <aryo> jgn balik2 pon
[03:07] * nandini ngetik
[03:07] <klepon> mase mending kamu ngomong ama tenbok aja
[03:08] <klepon> aku gak balik kapok kalian ntar
[03:08] <masse> ia klepon
[03:08] <nandini> Jangan kak
[03:09] <nandini> nanti yg jadi satpam siapa
[03:09] <masse> Iaa lho
[03:09] <masse> Siapa
[03:09] <klepon> yg jadi satpam si aryo ama mase
[03:10] <klepon> pamit ah
[03:10] <masse> Dadah
[03:10] <klepon> lama2 kelpon ngambek
[03:10] <nandini> ew
[03:11] <klepon> weks
[03:11] <nandini> Gmn kl ngambek
[03:11] <klepon> kalo ngambek ol nya bulan depan
[03:11] <masse> Klo ngambek, klepon suka makan wajan
[03:11] <nandini> Kirain kl ngambek ngacak2 isi rumah
[03:11] <klepon> sembaragan mase ini di kira kelpon kuda lumping ya
[03:12] <masse> Hehe ia sih lupa
[03:12] <masse> Beling juga
[03:12] <+tweety> beling juga ... more like jeling Buga, am i right?
[03:12] <klepon> aku sering ngambek ama temen2 ku
[03:12] <masse> Klo mlm mkan kembang
[03:12] <nandini> haha
[03:12] <nandini> untung gak dimakan mase
[03:13] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[03:13] <nandini> Loh
[03:13] <masse> Huaaa
[03:13] <nandini> blm di tiup sudah keluar
[03:13] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:13] <nandini> nah
[03:13] <klepon> apa
[03:13] <nandini> Wb kak klepon
[03:13] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)
[03:13] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go o_O
[03:14] <klepon> sendal ku ketiggalan
[03:14] * nandini blm baca mantra kok sdh keluar kak
[03:14] * masse lempar sandal ke klepon
[03:14] <nandini> 😅😅😆
[03:14] <klepon> mantra pengusir demit
[03:14] <nandini> sapa demit
[03:14] <klepon> wew main lempar aja ntar kalo kena kepala kelpon gimana
[03:15] <klepon> sengaja nimpuk kepala klepon ya
[03:15] <masse> Biar nyeprot
[03:15] <+ezza> Biar nyeprot... Beprot.
[03:15] <klepon> kamu yg nyeprot
[03:16] <klepon> btw numpang wifi tetangga ilang mulu sinyal nya
[03:16] <klepon> nandini
[03:17] * masse sekap nandini
[03:17] <klepon> kok ndak bisa join room jkt y
[03:17] <masse> Sokor
[03:17] <masse> Kapok
[03:17] <masse> Ada catatan hitam kamu pon
[03:17] <klepon> kamu itu yg kapok
[03:18] <klepon> room nya di kunci +r kok kalo gak di auth gak bisa join
[03:18] <klepon> btw beberpaa hari ini makan sayur gak pake cabe
[03:19] <klepon> cabe mahal .. padahal punya kebun malah gak tanam cabe aneh juga
[03:19] <klepon> nandini
[03:19] <klepon> mase
[03:19] <klepon> di panggil2 kok pada diem
[03:20] <masse> Hssstt lagi ena ena ini pon
[03:21] <klepon> off
[03:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu
[03:23] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[03:24] <masse> ilang
[03:24] <masse> Klepone kabur
[03:27] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[03:28] * Safira is now known as DIrA_
[03:28] <aryo> ty dira
[03:28] <DIrA_> WB aryo
[03:28] <aryo> sama2
[03:29] <aryo> dirq
[03:29] <aryo> dira
[03:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[03:35] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:35] <aryo> .ag
[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E S A B U R (60s timeout) »]
[03:36] <aryo> susubesar
[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S A B U R - Here's a hint : A B . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:36] <aryo> abuser
[03:36] <aryo> abesur
[03:36] <aryo> abures
[03:36] <aryo> abuers
[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A B U S E R S with the letters S E S A B U R (Use .define ABUSERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:37] <aryo> .ac
[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N E M E P M I R O V T S (60s timeout) »]
[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N E M E P M I R O V T S - Here's a hint : I M P R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I M P R O V E M E N T S with the letters N E M E P M I R O V T S (Use .define IMPROVEMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:38] <+creasy> Don't you step on my blue suede shoes
[03:38] <+creasy> but more on that story later.
[03:38] <aryo> improvement
[03:38] <aryo> .ag
[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T O L O R L U (60s timeout) »]
[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T O L O R L U - Here's a hint : R O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:39] <aryo> rotolor
[03:39] <aryo> routorl
[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R O L L O U T with the letters T O L O R L U (Use .define ROLLOUT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:39] <aryo> routrol
[03:40] <aryo> .ac
[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T F U O T I (60s timeout) »]
[03:40] <aryo> foutti
[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T F U O T I - Here's a hint : O U . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:40] <aryo> outtifu
[03:40] <aryo> outtif
[03:41] <aryo> oufitt
[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: O U T F I T with the letters T F U O T I (Use .define OUTFIT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:41] <aryo> outtfi
[03:41] <aryo> su
[03:41] <coz> ket
[03:41] <coz> te
[03:41] <coz> ki
[03:41] <aryo> susu
[03:41] <aryo> .ag
[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : Q H T E C N I U E (60s timeout) »]
[03:41] <aryo> angel2
[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Q H T E C N I U E - Here's a hint : T E C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T E C H N I Q U E with the letters Q H T E C N I U E (Use .define TECHNIQUE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:43] <aryo> .ac
[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S F F I L C (60s timeout) »]
[03:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu
[03:43] <aryo> fflics
[03:43] <aryo> cliffs
[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLIFFS ) in 20.23 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CLIFFS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:43] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[03:43] <aryo> .ag
[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R A M C O S (60s timeout) »]
[03:44] <aryo> macros
[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MACROS ) in 11.98 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MACROS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:44] <aryo> .ac
[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E N R A H S (60s timeout) »]
[03:44] <aryo> rehans
[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E N R A H S - Here's a hint : H A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:45] <aryo> hansser
[03:45] <aryo> hanerss
[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H A R N E S S with the letters S E N R A H S (Use .define HARNESS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[03:45] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[03:46] * Q sets mode: +l 128
[04:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?
[04:03] <+ezza> i might answer, one day
[04:03] <+tweety> Can i phone a friend?
[04:03] <+creasy> I like edam best of all.
[04:03] <+pita> r only on Wednesdays.
[04:03] <+elektra> Can i ask the audience?
[04:04] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:07] * putri ( has joined #surabaya
[04:07] <masse> Putri ne deviee_
[04:12] * putri ( Quit (Signed off)
[04:12] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :O
[04:20] <nandini> M
[04:20] <nandini> A
[04:20] <nandini> G
[04:20] <nandini> H
[04:20] <nandini> R
[04:20] <nandini> I
[04:20] <nandini> B
[04:21] <masse> Yooooooooooo
[04:21] <nandini> nggeh
[04:23] * putri ( has joined #surabaya
[04:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment
[04:25] * masse (~androirc@ has left #surabaya
[04:40] <+ezza> he may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!
[04:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso
[04:44] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[04:52] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[04:54] * paseo (~kshdbbdjb@ has joined #surabaya
[04:54] <paseo> Sepi amat
[04:55] * Nevada_ is now known as Lancelot
[05:02] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya
[05:03] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[05:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak
[05:07] <paseo> .ag
[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 paseo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S N B U S H I G (60s timeout) »]
[05:08] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N B U S H I G - Here's a hint : B U S . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[05:08] <paseo> Bushings
[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 paseo has just found the correct word ( BUSHINGS ) in 42.06 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BUSHINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:11] * paseo (~kshdbbdjb@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:11] <+ezza> mmm paseo
[05:11] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :~(
[05:11] <+tweety> :-)
[05:11] <+elektra> mmm, thing we
[05:12] <+ezza> :)
[05:12] * Q sets mode: +l 129
[05:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!
[05:23] * IIooII is now known as BQ
[05:25] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[05:27] * BQ is now known as bILLYqULBIL
[05:27] * bILLYqULBIL is now known as BillyQulbil
[05:29] * BillyQulbil @@
[05:29] * PutriAfifah (~melis@ has joined #surabaya
[05:30] <+pita> tepos: ow! not so rough!
[05:31] * PutriAfifah (~melis@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:31] <+tweety> bye Putriafifah
[05:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[05:33] <+ezza> Bye szajbus.
[05:34] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya
[05:34] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)
[05:35] * putri ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:39] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:43] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[05:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked
[05:43] <+pita> *gasp* it's got chicken legs -_-
[05:45] <aryo> .ag
[05:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E C A U F R N S (60s timeout) »]
[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C A U F R N S - Here's a hint : F U R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[05:46] * masse (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:46] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F U R N A C E S with the letters E C A U F R N S (Use .define FURNACES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:47] <suliw4> Tes
[05:47] <masse> positip
[05:47] <nandini> Reaktif
[05:47] <suliw4> Alhamdulillah seng penting waras
[05:47] <masse> terinfeksi
[05:47] <suliw4> Ora Popo
[05:48] <masse> meler umbel paling
[05:48] <suliw4> UKS
[05:48] <suliw4> Umbel kental segar
[05:48] <aryo> .ac
[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S S E X E (60s timeout) »]
[05:48] <suliw4> Seperti susu indomilk
[05:48] <aryo> sexes
[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SEXES ) in 7.031 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SEXES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:48] <masse> cap nona
[05:49] <aryo> .ag
[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E P E R F C T (60s timeout) »]
[05:49] <aryo> perfect
[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PERFECT ) in 4.391 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PERFECT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[05:49] <nandini> (masse) terinfeksi>>B117
[05:49] <aryo> .ac
[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S O P R P O S E (60s timeout) »]
[05:49] <masse> Amin
[05:49] <aryo> propose
[05:49] <aryo> perposes
[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O P R P O S E - Here's a hint : P R O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[05:50] <aryo> dapros
[05:50] <aryo> proseso
[05:50] <aryo> prooses
[05:50] <aryo> proosses
[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O P O S E S with the letters S O P R P O S E (Use .define PROPOSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[05:50] <aryo> monopose suliwa
[05:50] <+tweety> Monopose suliwa... muliwa.
[05:51] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya
[05:51] <aryo> .ag
[05:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L S P I N T (60s timeout) »]
[05:51] <aryo> plints
[05:51] <nandini> Plants
[05:52] <aryo> plunts
[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L S P I N T - Here's a hint : S P . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[05:52] <aryo> splints
[05:52] <aryo> spintls
[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S P L I N T with the letters L S P I N T (Use .define SPLINT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:52] <aryo> su
[05:52] <+elektra> yay! can't get it right
[05:52] <jeri> .dice 50001
[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 DICE has been started by jeri. The bet is 50'001$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]
[05:52] <+creasy> is t3h l337 h4x0R!
[05:52] <jeri> .b 10000
[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: Q | 6 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]
[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[05:52] <jeri> s
[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 6 : Total is 14 »]
[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 17 »]
[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]
[05:53] <aryo> .ac
[05:53] <jeri> .VP 5000
[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N T U I T N O C S T I O (60s timeout) »]
[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 10c | 3h | 5d | Qh | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[05:53] <jeri> .draw 235
[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 10c | Ks | 6s | Qh | 5s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]
[05:53] <aryo> constution
[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T U I T N O C S T I O - Here's a hint : C O N S . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, nobody joined the DICE game. »]
[05:54] <aryo> constution
[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N S T I T U T I O N with the letters N T U I T N O C S T I O (Use .define CONSTITUTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:54] <aryo> contol
[05:54] <aryo> .ag
[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E G B A R (60s timeout) »]
[05:55] <aryo> rebags
[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E G B A R - Here's a hint : B A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[05:55] <aryo> sabreg
[05:55] <aryo> baregs
[05:55] <aryo> basreg
[05:55] <aryo> bagers
[05:55] <jeri> .j
[05:55] <aryo> bajilak
[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B A R G E S with the letters S E G B A R (Use .define BARGES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:55] <aryo> .ac
[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S V I J B O E C T E (60s timeout) »]
[05:56] <aryo> subjective
[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S V I J B O E C T E - Here's a hint : O B J . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: O B J E C T I V E S with the letters S V I J B O E C T E (Use .define OBJECTIVES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:57] <aryo> sobjective
[05:57] <jeri> .Ag
[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T N P A I I N G (60s timeout) »]
[05:57] <jeri> taiping
[05:57] <suliw4> nandini
[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N P A I I N G - Here's a hint : P A I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[05:58] <jeri> paiting
[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P A I N T I N G with the letters T N P A I I N G (Use .define PAINTING to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:59] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:59] <klepon> hallo
[05:59] <klepon> .seen
[05:59] <aryo> suun
[05:59] <aryo> .ag
[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A N M E (60s timeout) »]
[06:00] <aryo> mane
[06:00] <aryo> maen
[06:00] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[06:00] <aryo> name
[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NAME ) in 18 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NAME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:00] <aryo> .ac
[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T I C H (60s timeout) »]
[06:00] <aryo> hitc
[06:00] <TjahAyoe> Chit
[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CHIT ) in 13.36 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CHIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:00] <aryo> cith
[06:01] <aryo> tich
[06:01] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : W T O E L S (60s timeout) »]
[06:01] <TjahAyoe> Towels
[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( TOWELS ) in 4.297 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TOWELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[06:01] <aryo> towels
[06:01] <aryo> .ag
[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S T E L E D F C O R (60s timeout) »]
[06:01] <aryo> ping me
[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T E L E D F C O R - Here's a hint : D E F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:02] <suliw4> Dek ayoe
[06:02] <TjahAyoe> Dalem
[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E F L E C T O R S with the letters S T E L E D F C O R (Use .define DEFLECTORS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +2 ) »]
[06:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S C N R F M U I C R C E E E (60s timeout) »]
[06:02] <aryo> .ping ne
[06:02] <aryo> .ping me
[06:02] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[06:03] <aryo> 300
[06:03] <NapaLm> No responce from ne
[06:03] <NapaLm> No responce from me
[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S C N R F M U I C R C E E E - Here's a hint : C I R C U . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:03] <techshelf> warning: 75 second(s)
[06:03] <klepon> wb sayangku cah ayu
[06:03] <aryo> lagke parah
[06:03] <klepon> 😍😍😍😍
[06:03] <klepon> weleh enek suliwa
[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Diih sayg2
[06:03] <aryo> .ag
[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Om suliw4
[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C I R C U M F E R E N C E S with the letters S C N R F M U I C R C E E E (Use .define CIRCUMFERENCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Itu klepon panggil aq syg2
[06:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!
[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Sentak ono mnah
[06:03] <suliw4> Yo Ra popo
[06:03] <TjahAyoe> *mbah
[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Tolong aku
[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Lindungi aq
[06:04] <suliw4> Jiah
[06:04] * TjahAyoe emoh syg ee wes akeeeh
[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Kualahan
[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Eh
[06:04] <TjahAyoe> :v
[06:04] <aryo> .ag
[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S H O O K (60s timeout) »]
[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Hooks
[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( HOOKS ) in 4.078 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HOOKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:04] <aryo> hooks
[06:04] <suliw4> Iyo we kan kolektor
[06:04] <aryo> .ag
[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : O A G L O B I T I N (60s timeout) »]
[06:05] <aryo> .top10
[06:05] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'506'250$ 6: Riie (??) 1'922'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 9: skidipapap (??) 725'250$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[06:05] <TjahAyoe> Kolektor yg untung kan apa gak yoo
[06:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A G L O B I T I N - Here's a hint : O B L . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:05] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: O B L I G A T I O N with the letters O A G L O B I T I N (Use .define OBLIGATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:06] <aryo> .ag
[06:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : Y L I T R A L E R (60s timeout) »]
[06:06] <suliw4> Iya kamu selalu beruntung dek ayoe
[06:06] <aryo> traylere
[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Aamiin
[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Indahnya berbagi
[06:06] <aryo> trayleri
[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Makanya untungkan
[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Eh
[06:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y L I T R A L E R - Here's a hint : A R T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:06] <suliw4> Berbagi OPO kui
[06:06] <aryo> artyleri
[06:07] <aryo> artilery
[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Anu
[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A R T I L L E R Y with the letters Y L I T R A L E R (Use .define ARTILLERY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Syg e
[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Eh
[06:07] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Tp klepon gak masuk
[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Looh wes
[06:07] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 13'500$ : S I I U M C T E L E O M N C A T O N (60s timeout) »]
[06:07] <suliw4> Sayang mu cuma foto kopian dek ayoe
[06:07] * jemblem (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:07] <jemblem> dc mulu
[06:07] <suliw4> Wb jemblem
[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I I U M C T E L E O M N C A T O N - Here's a hint : T E L E C O . . . . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:08] <suliw4> Ados sek plon
[06:08] <TjahAyoe> [21:07] (suliw4) Sayang mu cuma foto kopian dek ayoe.> Lhaiyoo tak kopi kabeh ga ada yg tak laminating..trz tak sebaarnoo
[06:08] <TjahAyoe> [21:08] (suliw4) Ados sek plon.. itu klepon aka bawal
[06:08] <aryo> telecomunication
[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S with the letters S I I U M C T E L E O M N C A T O N (Use .define TELECOMMUNICATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:08] <TjahAyoe> Mene syg q tak laminating ben awet mbah sul
[06:08] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:08] <jemblem> numpang wifi tetangga ilang2 sinyale . make data lemot bngt dc dc mulu
[06:08] <jemblem> ta suliwa
[06:08] <jemblem> tq suliwa
[06:08] <suliw4> Koyok tukang servis kompor gas ngunu
[06:08] <aryo> .ac
[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T K G A S E S (60s timeout) »]
[06:08] <jemblem> .ping
[06:08] <aryo> gasket
[06:08] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Gaskect
[06:09] <aryo> gaskets
[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GASKETS ) in 11.92 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define GASKETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L O R Y A P L (60s timeout) »]
[06:09] <jeri> royall
[06:09] <aryo> payrol
[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Payroll
[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PAYROLL ) in 18.37 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PAYROLL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:09] <aryo> purel
[06:09] <suliw4> Dek ayoe suka main anagram yo
[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Kadang2 ae
[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Lek q gabut
[06:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:09] <aryo> .ag
[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S A E T H R T (60s timeout) »]
[06:09] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[06:09] * jeri suka main anu
[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Hearts
[06:10] <aryo> hearts
[06:10] <aryo> sehart
[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A E T H R T - Here's a hint : T H . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:10] <aryo> hasrat
[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Thearts
[06:10] <jeri> thearts
[06:10] <suliw4> Berarti suka main anatomi juga
[06:10] <aryo> theres
[06:10] <suliw4> Eh
[06:10] <aryo> thares
[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Mainin qm yo iso
[06:10] <jeri> threats
[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( THREATS ) in 49.93 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define THREATS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Threats
[06:10] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E N R O C (60s timeout) »]
[06:11] <TjahAyoe> Conrer
[06:11] <aryo> corner
[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CORNER ) in 17.46 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CORNER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:11] <TjahAyoe> Recorn
[06:11] <aryo> .ag
[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S S I M R P E I O N (60s timeout) »]
[06:11] <aryo> impresion
[06:11] <aryo> presision
[06:11] <jeri> impression
[06:12] <aryo> presisions
[06:12] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S I M R P E I O N - Here's a hint : P E R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:12] <aryo> improsision
[06:12] <kelpon> dc dc mulu
[06:12] <aryo> permisions
[06:12] <TjahAyoe> Permission
[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PERMISSION ) in 45.87 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PERMISSION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:12] <kelpon> cah ayu tadi mana ya
[06:12] <kelpon> 😍😍😍
[06:12] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[06:12] <TjahAyoe> Ilang
[06:12] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T A A C S U L Y (60s timeout) »]
[06:12] <+ezza> I like them =)
[06:12] <kelpon> weks ilang kemana
[06:12] <jeri> actually
[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Actuallys
[06:13] <kelpon> ilang di ambil orang
[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A A C S U L Y - Here's a hint : C A S . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:13] <aryo> castualy
[06:13] <jeri> castualls
[06:13] * jemblem (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:13] <aryo> catcokk
[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Casualtys
[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C A S U A L T Y with the letters T A A C S U L Y (Use .define CASUALTY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:13] <kelpon> pada main game gak ada temen ngomong
[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Ya udah simak ajaa
[06:13] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S O G A L (60s timeout) »]
[06:13] <aryo> .ag
[06:13] <kelpon> pamit aja
[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Logas
[06:13] <jeri> goals
[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( GOALS ) in 4.219 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GOALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:13] <aryo> goals
[06:14] <kelpon> nonton yutube
[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Byeee
[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Ati2
[06:14] <aryo> bokep wae koeki pon
[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Besok aja off nya
[06:14] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : P I S T R (60s timeout) »]
[06:14] <kelpon> suka bngt kelpon pamit
[06:14] <aryo> strip
[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STRIP ) in 4.563 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STRIP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Strip
[06:14] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:14] <aryo> wb fi3
[06:14] <kelpon> wb fi3
[06:14] <+elektra> SNAP!
[06:14] <+tweety> SNAP!
[06:14] <Fi3> Ty aryo
[06:14] <aryo> .ag
[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S P S L I C E (60s timeout) »]
[06:14] <+tweety> wheeeee Snap
[06:14] <Fi3> Ty klepon
[06:14] <aryo> plicess
[06:14] <aryo> placess
[06:14] <jeri> splices
[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( SPLICES ) in 14.48 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SPLICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:15] <aryo> .ac
[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S O A R F R E P O T I N (60s timeout) »]
[06:15] <suliw4> Wb dek fi3
[06:15] <kelpon> pamiy
[06:15] <kelpon> pamit
[06:15] <suliw4> Pob
[06:15] <suliw4> Pon
[06:15] <jeri> fortorations
[06:15] <suliw4> Poni
[06:15] <Fi3> Ty suliw4
[06:15] <kelpon> jangan nyariin klepon loh
[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O A R F R E P O T I N - Here's a hint : P E R F . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:15] <jeri> perferations
[06:16] <suliw4> Fi3 bisa main anagram
[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P E R F O R A T I O N S with the letters S O A R F R E P O T I N (Use .define PERFORATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:16] * kelpon (~androirc@ has left #surabaya
[06:16] <aryo> .ag
[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E P R O S (60s timeout) »]
[06:16] <aryo> prose
[06:16] <aryo> proes
[06:16] <aryo> porse
[06:16] <aryo> repos
[06:16] <jeri> spore
[06:16] <aryo> pores
[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E P R O S - Here's a hint : R O . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:16] <aryo> serop
[06:17] <aryo> ropes
[06:17] <jeri> ropes
[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROPES ) in 33.73 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ROPES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:17] <aryo> rosep
[06:17] * +ezza wins jeri and aryo
[06:17] <+tweety> SNAP
[06:17] <aryo> .ac
[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O T V E L E A I N (60s timeout) »]
[06:17] <suliw4> Fi3
[06:17] <jeri> elavtions
[06:17] <aryo> yq
[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O T V E L E A I N - Here's a hint : E L E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:17] <aryo> elevation
[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ELEVATION ) in 35.57 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ELEVATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[06:18] <aryo> .ag
[06:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R E H N Y (60s timeout) »]
[06:18] <aryo> herny
[06:18] <aryo> rehny
[06:18] <jeri> o
[06:18] <aryo> reynh
[06:18] <jeri> j
[06:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E H N Y - Here's a hint : H E . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:18] <aryo> herny
[06:18] <aryo> heryn
[06:19] <aryo> henry
[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HENRY ) in 45.62 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HENRY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[06:19] <aryo> .ac
[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E R U Q S A S (60s timeout) »]
[06:19] <aryo> squares
[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SQUARES ) in 12.03 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SQUARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[06:20] <aryo> .ac
[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D O M E L (60s timeout) »]
[06:20] <aryo> model
[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MODEL ) in 3.703 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MODEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[06:20] <+elektra> :o
[06:20] * +tweety blinks
[06:20] <+pita> :O
[06:20] <+ezza> wow
[06:20] <+tweety> ooh 'eck
[06:20] <+ezza> ooh 'eck
[06:20] <aryo> woo
[06:20] <suliw4> Sepi ya fi3
[06:20] <aryo> oww
[06:20] <+tweety> awww
[06:20] <aryo> .ag
[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S E C N E R F N C O E (60s timeout) »]
[06:20] <aryo> conferences
[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CONFERENCES ) in 12.14 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define CONFERENCES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[06:20] <jeri> conferences
[06:21] <aryo> oww
[06:21] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails
[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri!!! You have won 25'000$!!! - (antispam 15sec) »]
[06:21] <+tweety> awww
[06:21] * +tweety sniggers at aryo
[06:21] <Fi3> (suliw4) Sepi ya fi3.... Lagi seru main anagram ya
[06:21] <aryo> .ag
[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : H C T B A (60s timeout) »]
[06:21] * masse (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:21] <aryo> batch
[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BATCH ) in 3.687 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BATCH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[06:21] <+ezza> :o
[06:21] <aryo> fitri nak mana
[06:21] <jeri> .ag
[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S A R K E (60s timeout) »]
[06:22] <aryo> sark
[06:22] <jeri> sakes
[06:22] <jeri> rakes
[06:22] <aryo> sarke
[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( RAKES ) in 12.14 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define RAKES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +7 ) »]
[06:22] <aryo> .ag
[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A S L T E S (60s timeout) »]
[06:22] <suliw4> .ping
[06:22] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[06:22] <@Dealer> suliw4: Pong! (0.563s)
[06:22] <jeri> slates
[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( SLATES ) in 6.829 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SLATES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jeri has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[06:22] <aryo> .ag
[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S N O T U A C I (60s timeout) »]
[06:23] <aryo> .ping
[06:23] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N O T U A C I - Here's a hint : C A U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:23] <@Dealer> aryo: Pong! (1.688s)
[06:23] <jeri> cautions
[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( CAUTIONS ) in 40.70 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CAUTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jeri has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[06:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots
[06:23] <aryo> .ac
[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : O I U C O N F I G R A T N (60s timeout) »]
[06:23] <+creasy> r :)
[06:23] <+elektra> hey
[06:24] <aryo> configuration
[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CONFIGURATION ) in 10.25 secs . He won 9'750$ ! - Use .define CONFIGURATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd jeri in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]
[06:24] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails
[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]
[06:24] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)
[06:24] <aryo> .ag
[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O R F E E D M (60s timeout) »]
[06:24] <aryo> freedom
[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FREEDOM ) in 4.922 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FREEDOM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[06:25] <aryo> .ac
[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I D R A A T I (60s timeout) »]
[06:25] * Q sets mode: +l 130
[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I D R A A T I - Here's a hint : R A D . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:25] <aryo> radiator
[06:25] <aryo> radiation
[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RADIATION ) in 43.87 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define RADIATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[06:26] <aryo> .ag
[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R D O F L E (60s timeout) »]
[06:26] <aryo> frodle
[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R D O F L E - Here's a hint : F O . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:26] <aryo> folerd
[06:26] <aryo> foderl
[06:26] <aryo> folder
[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FOLDER ) in 49.71 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FOLDER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[06:28] <aryo> .ag
[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : A I A C H R M N (60s timeout) »]
[06:28] <Fi3> Chairman
[06:28] <aryo> chairman
[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CHAIRMAN ) in 25.87 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CHAIRMAN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[06:28] <aryo> makasih fi3
[06:28] <Fi3> Sama2
[06:28] <aryo> 😘
[06:28] <aryo> .ac
[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R T I D E L I M E (60s timeout) »]
[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T I D E L I M E - Here's a hint : D E L . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:29] <aryo> delertime
[06:29] <aryo> deletrime
[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E L I M I T E R with the letters R T I D E L I M E (Use .define DELIMITER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]
[06:30] <aryo> .ag
[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : N I W G (60s timeout) »]
[06:30] <aryo> wing
[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WING ) in 3.531 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:30] <aryo> .ac
[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : R T E V N I S I G A T O (60s timeout) »]
[06:30] <Fi3> Investigator
[06:30] <aryo> imvestigator
[06:30] <aryo> investigator
[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INVESTIGATOR ) in 21.98 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define INVESTIGATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[06:31] <aryo> makasih fi3
[06:31] <Fi3> 😊
[06:31] <aryo> 😗
[06:31] <aryo> .ag
[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : F O P R O (60s timeout) »]
[06:31] <aryo> proof
[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PROOF ) in 4.266 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PROOF to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[06:31] <+elektra> prooooooooooof
[06:31] <aryo> .ac
[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I U T B N G (60s timeout) »]
[06:32] <aryo> bunting
[06:32] <aryo> eh
[06:32] <aryo> bitung
[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I U T B N G - Here's a hint : T U . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:32] <aryo> tubing
[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TUBING ) in 34.12 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TUBING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[06:32] <Fi3> (aryo) bunting....😄😄
[06:32] <aryo> 😁
[06:33] <aryo> .ag
[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E T C I R A C H T E U R (60s timeout) »]
[06:33] <aryo> architectur
[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T C I R A C H T E U R - Here's a hint : A R C H . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:33] <aryo> architecture
[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ARCHITECTURE ) in 38.5 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define ARCHITECTURE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[06:33] * +ezza blinks
[06:34] <aryo> .ac
[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E K A C (60s timeout) »]
[06:34] <aryo> kace
[06:34] * co_p (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:34] <aryo> keca
[06:34] <aryo> cake
[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CAKE ) in 8.813 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CAKE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[06:34] <aryo> .ag
[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S N O D (60s timeout) »]
[06:34] <aryo> sond
[06:34] <aryo> dons
[06:34] <aryo> onsd
[06:35] <aryo> onds
[06:35] <aryo> nosd
[06:35] <aryo> dosn
[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N O D - Here's a hint : N . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:35] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya
[06:35] <Van_JaVa> ba
[06:35] <aryo> sodn
[06:35] <Fi3> Nods
[06:35] <Macintosh> nods
[06:35] <aryo> nods
[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NODS ) in 45.43 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NODS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[06:35] <aryo> makasih cintosh
[06:35] <aryo> makasih fi3
[06:36] <aryo> .ac
[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T L U Q A I Y (60s timeout) »]
[06:36] <aryo> quality
[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUALITY ) in 4.656 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define QUALITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]
[06:36] <+pita> :o
[06:36] * co_p (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:36] <+ezza> Boom.
[06:36] <+tweety> O_O
[06:36] <aryo> wb vandul
[06:36] <aryo> .ag
[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A T R P S (60s timeout) »]
[06:36] <aryo> traps
[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TRAPS ) in 4.875 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TRAPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]
[06:36] <+pita> ow my eyes :(
[06:36] <aryo> oww
[06:36] <+creasy> awww
[06:36] <+elektra> awww
[06:37] <+ezza> awww
[06:37] <+pita> Awww
[06:37] * +pita sniggers at aryo.
[06:37] * +creasy rubs aryo better
[06:37] <aryo> oww
[06:37] <aryo> .ac
[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S A L M U B R E L (60s timeout) »]
[06:37] <aryo> umbreles
[06:37] <Fi3> Umbrellas
[06:37] <aryo> umbrellas
[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( UMBRELLAS ) in 23.54 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define UMBRELLAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]
[06:37] <aryo> makasih fi3 manis
[06:38] <Van_JaVa> Fi3 menakne aryo
[06:38] <+ezza> waCHOO *sniff*
[06:38] <aryo> ho o apikan wonge mesti manis
[06:38] <Van_JaVa> ra auth yo ra isoh ngrayah
[06:38] <aryo> menengo koe van
[06:38] <Van_JaVa> drijimu lamis
[06:38] <Fi3> Lanjuut
[06:38] <Van_JaVa> opo drijimu bar di kum oli
[06:38] <aryo> sip
[06:38] <aryo> fi3 kan emang niat bantu ane
[06:38] <aryo> bar dimut jaran
[06:39] <aryo> .ag
[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E G R P A M E A S (60s timeout) »]
[06:39] <aryo> merasgas
[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G R P A M E A S - Here's a hint : A M P . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:39] <aryo> ampergrap
[06:40] <aryo> ampela
[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A M P E R A G E S with the letters E G R P A M E A S (Use .define AMPERAGES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +10 ) »]
[06:40] * putri ( has joined #surabaya
[06:40] <aryo> wb putri
[06:40] <putri> ty yo
[06:40] <aryo> anake mbah painem
[06:40] <aryo> sek hobine kujum
[06:40] <aryo> neng kuburan
[06:40] <aryo> karo bakar menyan
[06:40] <aryo> .ac
[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E I E X E R C S (60s timeout) »]
[06:41] <Fi3> Exercise
[06:41] <aryo> exercise
[06:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E I E X E R C S - Here's a hint : E X E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:41] <aryo> exercises
[06:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXERCISES ) in 33.89 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXERCISES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:41] <aryo> makasih fi3
[06:41] <putri> hahaha
[06:41] <Fi3> 👍
[06:42] <aryo> ngguyu putri
[06:42] <Light> !ping me
[06:42] <aryo> langsung kujum aja sana dah ditunggu tuh
[06:42] <aryo> .ag
[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : G U D R (60s timeout) »]
[06:42] <NapaLm> No responce from me
[06:42] <aryo> drug
[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DRUG ) in 4.172 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define DRUG to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[06:42] <aryo> napalm welcome
[06:42] <putri> uyengannn
[06:42] <Van_JaVa> melisa putri
[06:43] <Van_JaVa> sopo kui
[06:43] <aryo> udu
[06:43] <aryo> putri jeneng asline painah damayanti
[06:43] <Van_JaVa> oO
[06:43] <Van_JaVa> tak kiro yen paijem
[06:43] <aryo> celukane neng kampung senuk
[06:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`
[06:43] <aryo> nuk nendi nuk
[06:43] <aryo> ngunu
[06:44] <putri> yah mas jambang
[06:44] <putri> asemmm ki aryo
[06:44] <aryo> xixixixi
[06:44] <aryo> .ag
[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E L F O D R S (60s timeout) »]
[06:44] <aryo> folders
[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FOLDERS ) in 5.328 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FOLDERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[06:44] <putri> hahaha dudul
[06:44] <Van_JaVa> senuk hare
[06:44] <aryo> senuk putri bade kemana atuh
[06:44] <Van_JaVa> drijine jan
[06:44] <putri> alibi banget lu yo, maen2 game
[06:44] <putri> ilang
[06:45] <aryo> agi ngejar bonus
[06:45] <putri> dri dlu mn ada seorang aryo suka nge game
[06:45] <putri> hahahaa
[06:45] <putri> adanya kujum 😋😋😋
[06:45] <aryo> kalau dapat 3jt mau dikasih anu
[06:45] <temon> coycoycyocoycoy
[06:45] <putri> haiii kang temon
[06:45] <aryo> prer
[06:45] <aryo> mana ada sang aryo yg cakep hobi kujum
[06:45] <putri> wkwkwkw pret bener tokkk 😋😋🤣🤣
[06:45] <putri> elehhh kujumin bot kiiii
[06:46] <aryo> senuk putri mau toh dikujumi aryo
[06:46] * temon cipika cipiki putri
[06:46] * aryo keplak ndase temon
[06:46] * Van_JaVa tak sisiran seks. soporeti enek sing bribikable
[06:46] <putri> hahaha
[06:46] <+tweety> Nothing can stop tweety... nothing! not even this army of zombies!
[06:46] <aryo> .ac
[06:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E E M T (60s timeout) »]
[06:47] <aryo> teems
[06:47] <aryo> meets
[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MEETS ) in 8.188 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MEETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[06:47] * putri ogah dikujumin aryo, udh bosen..plinge crta ne bot tok
[06:47] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣🤣
[06:47] <+pita> Meeeeeeeeeeets.
[06:47] * +ezza ogah putri
[06:47] * +tweety batteries "putri" in return
[06:47] * aryo kusus putri kujumnya hal2 horor deh
[06:47] <putri> haiiii mas Jambang is Van_JaVa ..
[06:47] <putri> kang temon, piye kabare
[06:47] <Light> Wow
[06:47] <aryo> remuk
[06:48] <Macintosh> emang putri pacar e bot
[06:48] <aryo> pacarku
[06:48] <aryo> eh
[06:48] <putri> nuhhh macintosh guru e bot
[06:48] <putri> elehhh hahah
[06:48] * Van_JaVa koq dadi penasaran, sopo kui putri
[06:48] * putri keplak aryo salam sm tetangga si Adnan 😋😋😋
[06:49] <aryo> wooooooo
[06:49] <aryo> asem melvi bulno
[06:49] <aryo> wakakakak
[06:49] <Van_JaVa> nyubi yo ngene iki, ketinggalan update status
[06:49] <putri> hahahahhha
[06:49] <Van_JaVa> oO
[06:49] <+tweety> ow! my squealyspooch!
[06:49] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[06:49] <Van_JaVa> melpi
[06:49] * aryo telah ditipu nick
[06:49] <putri> dudul, buka2 identitas aryo peak 🤣🤣🤣
[06:49] <aryo> wakakaka
[06:49] <putri> hahahaha
[06:49] <putri> kapokkk koeeee
[06:49] * Van_JaVa wedi dikeplap mbah jup yen ngono
[06:49] <Macintosh> Van ojo penasaran ama putri, entar di keplak ama bot entar
[06:50] <Van_JaVa> waiki
[06:50] * Q sets mode: +l 133
[06:50] <Van_JaVa> sing tak wedeni njedul\/me langsung golek delikan
[06:51] <aryo> .ag meneh
[06:51] <aryo> .ag
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L R N M I E A (60s timeout) »]
[06:51] <aryo> lermina
[06:51] <aryo> mineral
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MINERAL ) in 12.98 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MINERAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[06:51] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[06:52] <+ezza> I wish they didn't have to go :'(
[06:52] <aryo> .ac
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S N I H I H G L E (60s timeout) »]
[06:52] <aryo> sihingle
[06:52] * Macintosh is now known as JupIt3r
[06:52] <+elektra> Wre hsave no time for these games$$#%percent@@@#@^!%percent$%percent£.
[06:52] <+elektra> whoops, -r -s
[06:52] <+tweety> Muppet.
[06:52] <+ezza> cretin
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N I H I H G L E - Here's a hint : H I G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:52] <aryo> ngisingel
[06:52] * aryo toel2 fi3
[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H I G H L I N E S with the letters S N I H I H G L E (Use .define HIGHLINES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]
[06:53] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:53] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[06:53] <Van_JaVa> dyar
[06:53] <aryo> wo lha dc raenek sek bantu aku
[06:53] <Van_JaVa> bok toel langsung njepat
[06:54] <aryo> hahaha
[06:54] <aryo> lemah dekne
[06:54] <aryo> .ac
[06:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E E S H T (60s timeout) »]
[06:54] <aryo> these
[06:54] <aryo> sheet
[06:54] <aryo> sheets
[06:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHEETS ) in 19.15 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHEETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:55] <aryo> .ac
[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S I C E I N J T O N (60s timeout) »]
[06:55] <aryo> injections
[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INJECTIONS ) in 6.125 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define INJECTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[06:55] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:56] <aryo> .ag
[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : H C A R A P U T E S (60s timeout) »]
[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H C A R A P U T E S - Here's a hint : P A R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P A R A C H U T E S with the letters H C A R A P U T E S (Use .define PARACHUTES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[06:57] <aryo> .ag
[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : R S T A (60s timeout) »]
[06:58] <aryo> star
[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STAR ) in 4.859 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define STAR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:58] <aryo> .ac
[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S M R O A L P T F (60s timeout) »]
[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S M R O A L P T F - Here's a hint : P L A . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:59] <mimin> Platforms
[06:59] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P L A T F O R M S with the letters S M R O A L P T F (Use .define PLATFORMS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:59] <aryo> telat fi3
[06:59] <mimin> Hihihi
[07:00] <aryo> .ag
[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T S L O S (60s timeout) »]
[07:00] <aryo> losts
[07:00] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis
[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 6,62 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]
[07:00] <aryo> solts
[07:00] <mimin> Slots
[07:00] <Van_JaVa> goro2 kodanan, mengkeret
[07:00] <aryo> slots
[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SLOTS ) in 18.18 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SLOTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:00] <aryo> makasih fi3 manis
[07:00] <aryo> dikum lengo mambu
[07:01] <putri> aryo teringat pasti sm nama "fitri"
[07:01] <putri> 😋😋😋🤣
[07:01] <aryo> hahaha
[07:01] <JupIt3r> afifah
[07:01] <aryo> kok km malah inget mel
[07:01] <putri> hahaha
[07:01] <aryo> pertama kejogja mampir dikerjaan adnan
[07:02] <putri> hu'um
[07:02] * putri ingat dong klian kan gmn gt 🙈😋😋😋🤣
[07:02] <aryo> hahaha
[07:02] <putri> haiii yah JupIt3r
[07:02] <JupIt3r> Loh
[07:02] <aryo> 3x maen kejogja malahan
[07:02] <putri> hu'um ampe galau anak org pas pulang jogja
[07:02] <JupIt3r> Sapa ya
[07:02] <putri> 😋😋😋🤣🤣🤣
[07:03] <aryo> wakakakaka
[07:03] <aryo> galau piye
[07:03] <aryo> itu pamit ama ortunya tidur rumah temen
[07:03] <aryo> ups
[07:03] <putri> hahahaha
[07:03] <+ezza> please buy my candies or my little brother will go insane
[07:03] <aryo> tau2 malah kabur kesini
[07:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget
[07:03] <putri> jupIt3r ingat" aja dlu syp
[07:04] <putri> skrang dimn org nya tu yooo
[07:04] <aryo> dah nikah punya anak 1
[07:04] <putri> kuq tw., hayoooo
[07:04] <aryo> hahaha
[07:04] <aryo> yo tau lah
[07:05] <aryo> walaupun tak bersama tapi kan tetap saudara
[07:05] <aryo> eh
[07:05] <putri> cieeeeee
[07:05] <putri> ahakkzzzz
[07:05] <aryo> ihirrr
[07:05] <putri> msih ketemuan sm Adnan yo
[07:05] <JupIt3r> putri wongkar ya
[07:05] <putri> iya iyaaaa Jup,,, 🤦♀️
[07:06] <aryo> dah g pernah
[07:06] <aryo> lama
[07:06] <JupIt3r> wongkar bkn
[07:06] <putri> ouw,,, qrain msih gt yooo
[07:06] <putri> hadehhh keplak jg JupIt3r kiii
[07:06] <aryo> dah lama banget
[07:07] <aryo> irc aja ol baru kemarin sore
[07:07] <aryo> selama 5tahun silam
[07:07] <putri> tumben kmu irc an
[07:07] <JupIt3r> Hahjaa
[07:07] <JupIt3r> Pasti kan aja
[07:07] <aryo> semedi di gua selarong
[07:07] <putri> hahaha
[07:07] <aryo> pas gi selo put
[07:08] <putri> bnyakan wongkar di irc yah Jup 😋😋😋
[07:08] <aryo> wongkar wangkir
[07:08] <putri> asyemmm
[07:08] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣
[07:08] <JupIt3r> aryo kemaren sore ol
[07:08] <aryo> wakakaka
[07:08] <JupIt3r> Kiamat irc
[07:08] <aryo> pret
[07:08] <putri> haha
[07:08] <+tweety> oh, I know all kinds of things about you... pretty creepy, huh?
[07:08] * aryo baru beberapa hari
[07:08] <aryo> ol lihat room kek kuburan smua
[07:09] <JupIt3r> dicari grenden
[07:09] <aryo> makanya maen game
[07:09] <aryo> g dulu g sekarang masih aja pada kujuman
[07:09] * Van_JaVa tak nyemak wae
[07:09] <aryo> vandul juga itu
[07:09] <JupIt3r> Kita diam aja van
[07:10] <aryo> tiap ada cewk aja langsung dipv
[07:10] <aryo> aku pake nik elisa langsung diajak cs ama vandul
[07:10] <Van_JaVa> hooh jup
[07:10] <+pita> I'd hooh his jup
[07:10] <Van_JaVa> ben do bernostalgia
[07:10] <aryo> telek
[07:10] <Van_JaVa> hari gin cs
[07:10] <JupIt3r> Biar kan eyang buyut leluhur fosil irc yg ngoceh, kita lihat gaya ketikan anak masih sore apa wis aki2
[07:11] <Van_JaVa> padakne pakir kuota wae
[07:11] <aryo> cik
[07:11] <aryo> wakakaka
[07:11] <Van_JaVa> langsung vcs lah
[07:11] <aryo> pakir jare
[07:11] <+ezza> pakir jare... pare
[07:11] <aryo> wes ah
[07:11] <aryo> malah dipvni cewek ki ket mau
[07:12] <aryo> .ag
[07:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S O S O R P P U L I N (60s timeout) »]
[07:12] <aryo> fi3 mau ndi ya
[07:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O S O R P P U L I N - Here's a hint : P R O P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[07:12] <JupIt3r> Baru ol kemaren
[07:12] <JupIt3r> Ketikan sampai detil gitu
[07:12] <JupIt3r> Preet
[07:12] <aryo> mimin
[07:12] <aryo> mik copas jup
[07:13] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O P U L S I O N S with the letters S O S O R P P U L I N (Use .define PROPULSIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:13] <mimin> Eh kirain udah selesai
[07:13] <Van_JaVa> dasar tukang apus2
[07:13] <aryo> belom
[07:13] <aryo> nunggu km bantuin malah ilang
[07:13] * aryo selalu jujur dan apa adanya
[07:13] <aryo> .ag
[07:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E H W I S T L (60s timeout) »]
[07:13] <aryo> twishel
[07:14] <mimin> Whistle
[07:14] <aryo> whistle
[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WHISTLE ) in 26.70 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WHISTLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:14] <aryo> makasih fi3
[07:14] <aryo> 😘
[07:14] <aryo> .ac
[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S K F O R (60s timeout) »]
[07:14] <aryo> forks
[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FORKS ) in 6.781 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FORKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[07:14] <aryo> .top10
[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'690'000$ 6: Riie (??) 1'922'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[07:15] <aryo> duh kurang 300rb
[07:15] <aryo> .ac
[07:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I S S E P C O M R O N (60s timeout) »]
[07:15] <JupIt3r> Put, di manado apa di papua
[07:15] <mimin> Compresions
[07:15] <aryo> compresions
[07:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I S S E P C O M R O N - Here's a hint : C O M P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:15] * putri ( Quit (EOF from client)
[07:16] <mimin> 🙏
[07:16] <+creasy> Ooh 'eck.
[07:16] <aryo> compresion
[07:16] <JupIt3r> Dyar
[07:16] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O M P R E S S I O N with the letters I S S E P C O M R O N (Use .define COMPRESSION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:16] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[07:16] <aryo> hehe
[07:16] <JupIt3r> Off
[07:16] <aryo> ndang
[07:17] * Loki (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (EOF from client)
[07:17] * Flow (L@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (EOF from client)
[07:17] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:17] * Q sets mode: +l 128
[07:17] <aryo> paling mik ndekem
[07:17] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[07:17] <JupIt3r> Blom tak introgasi malah off
[07:17] <JupIt3r> 😀😀😀😀
[07:17] <aryo> wakakaka
[07:17] <aryo> sopo
[07:17] <aryo> putri lisa kae
[07:17] <aryo> .ag
[07:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E N S (60s timeout) »]
[07:17] <aryo> sent
[07:18] <aryo> tens
[07:18] <aryo> ents
[07:18] <mimin> Nets
[07:18] <aryo> nets
[07:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NETS ) in 23.25 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:18] <JupIt3r> Ora ngerti aqu
[07:18] <aryo> makasih fi3ku
[07:18] <JupIt3r> Udah lama ilang kontak
[07:18] <aryo> melvi
[07:18] <JupIt3r> Ya tau
[07:18] <aryo> fbne putri lisa
[07:18] <JupIt3r> Udah ganti
[07:18] <aryo> selingkuhane adnan
[07:19] <aryo> .ag
[07:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : F N R U O F S (60s timeout) »]
[07:19] <aryo> nerfous
[07:19] <aryo> frenous
[07:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: F N R U O F S - Here's a hint : R U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:19] <aryo> ruffos
[07:19] <mimin> Ruffons
[07:19] <JupIt3r> aqu ingat nya ya itu
[07:19] <aryo> ruffons
[07:20] <JupIt3r> Nama marga e
[07:20] <mimin> Bukan ya
[07:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R U N O F F S with the letters F N R U O F S (Use .define RUNOFFS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:20] <aryo> rhehe
[07:20] <JupIt3r> Ketemu di fb
[07:20] <aryo> rondo biyen
[07:20] <aryo> anak 1
[07:20] <JupIt3r> Udah nikah lg
[07:20] <aryo> gene reti
[07:21] <aryo> melu mbribiki koe brati
[07:21] <aryo> wakakaka
[07:21] <JupIt3r> Semenjak itu
[07:21] <aryo> .ac
[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S N I T E S E D R O (60s timeout) »]
[07:21] <aryo> koe sakit hati trus tok delcon
[07:21] <aryo> ngunu to
[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N I T E S E D R O - Here's a hint : D E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:21] <aryo> desintrosen
[07:22] <aryo> jawabane dowo2 kabeh ki piye toh
[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E S E R T I O N S with the letters S N I T E S E D R O (Use .define DESERTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:22] <JupIt3r> Ilang kontak
[07:22] <JupIt3r> Wedi aqu
[07:22] <JupIt3r> Bojo e sangar
[07:22] <JupIt3r> Van java aja kalah gede
[07:22] <aryo> hahahha
[07:22] <JupIt3r> Seperti admin allnet cah kediri
[07:22] <aryo> vandul gede manuke tok
[07:23] <aryo> .ac
[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S V R C U E (60s timeout) »]
[07:23] <aryo> vercus
[07:23] <aryo> curves
[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CURVES ) in 8.75 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CURVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:23] <mimin> Rescue
[07:23] <aryo> sudsh fit
[07:23] <aryo> .ag
[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R E C I D S P A T H (60s timeout) »]
[07:23] <aryo> next
[07:23] <aryo> lanjut
[07:23] <aryo> up
[07:23] <aryo> trus
[07:23] <aryo> jalan
[07:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela
[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E C I D S P A T H - Here's a hint : D I S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:24] <aryo> opo fi3
[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S P A T C H E R with the letters R E C I D S P A T H (Use .define DISPATCHER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:24] <mimin> Bye aryo
[07:25] <aryo> kemana fi3
[07:25] <aryo> bubuk toh
[07:25] <mimin> Telpon
[07:25] <aryo> ow
[07:25] <aryo> oke2
[07:25] <+creasy> Awww.
[07:25] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[07:25] <+elektra> awww
[07:25] <+pita> awww
[07:25] * +pita rubs aryo better
[07:25] <+elektra> *rubs aryo better*
[07:25] <aryo> .ag
[07:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : G N L A H C L E E S (60s timeout) »]
[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: G N L A H C L E E S - Here's a hint : C H A . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C H A L L E N G E S with the letters G N L A H C L E E S (Use .define CHALLENGES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[07:26] <aryo> .ag
[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S S M E B O S E (60s timeout) »]
[07:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S M E B O S E - Here's a hint : E M B . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:27] <aryo> emboses
[07:27] <aryo> embosess
[07:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E M B O S S E S with the letters S S M E B O S E (Use .define EMBOSSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:27] <nandini> Embowes
[07:27] <aryo> hehe
[07:28] <aryo> .ag
[07:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S E E F A T H R (60s timeout) »]
[07:28] <aryo> fatherss
[07:28] <aryo> fasthers
[07:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E E F A T H R - Here's a hint : F E A . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:29] <aryo> featherss
[07:29] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F E A T H E R S with the letters S E E F A T H R (Use .define FEATHERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:29] <nandini> Feathers
[07:30] <aryo> telat
[07:30] <nandini> Brp bulan
[07:30] <aryo> 3
[07:30] <aryo> .ag
[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L Y S M B O S (60s timeout) »]
[07:30] <aryo> symbols
[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SYMBOLS ) in 5.235 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SYMBOLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:30] <nandini> mitoni
[07:31] <aryo> urong
[07:31] <aryo> agi 3 koo
[07:31] <aryo> 7sasi mitoni
[07:31] <aryo> po enek jaman saiki mitoni
[07:31] <nandini> Berarti neloni
[07:31] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[07:31] <aryo> yoh
[07:31] <aryo> manut
[07:32] <nandini> enek ae
[07:32] <nandini> Ndek kene jek usum
[07:32] <aryo> dianaki
[07:32] <aryo> ngendi kui
[07:32] <nandini> ndek kene
[07:32] <aryo> kene ngendi
[07:32] <aryo> sby pow
[07:33] <nandini> oleh berkat isine kulupan,tahu kuning,tempe kuning enek trancame
[07:33] <aryo> aku sue ratau ndelok wong mitoni
[07:33] <nandini> nyapo di delok
[07:34] <nandini> isin to
[07:34] <aryo> hehe jaman biyen kan sok ntn wong mitoni
[07:34] <aryo> didusi kae lho
[07:34] <aryo> jarikan
[07:34] <nandini> banyu kembang
[07:34] <aryo> trus nggo kambil ditibakne njero jarik
[07:35] <nandini> saiki gak pati enek
[07:35] <aryo> hu um
[07:35] <aryo> akeh adat sek berubah
[07:35] <aryo> kenduri aja banyak yg hilang
[07:35] <nandini> Cuma syukuran undangan berkatan
[07:35] <nandini> nek kenduri jek akeh
[07:36] <aryo> enek beberapa sek wes ilang
[07:36] <nandini> neloni mitoni nyepasari jek akeh
[07:36] <aryo> ngertiku mitoni rqenek ngeloni
[07:36] <aryo> ro sepasar
[07:36] <nandini> ngeloni ?
[07:37] <aryo> neloni
[07:37] <nandini> iku seng telung wulanan
[07:37] <aryo> kene kok raenek
[07:38] <nandini> berarti wes gak usum
[07:38] <aryo> dr dulu emang g ada
[07:38] <nandini> mosok
[07:38] <aryo> hu um
[07:38] <nandini> yo di enekne dewe
[07:38] <aryo> weleh
[07:39] <nandini> wong saiki mikire wes bedo
[07:39] <aryo> iyo
[07:39] <nandini> Timbang di gawe selametan mending di gawe persiapan babaran
[07:39] <aryo> ho o
[07:39] <JupIt3r> aryo, pikirin mu beda ora
[07:40] <aryo> bedo
[07:40] * omm_pgn (~swu@ has joined #surabaya
[07:40] <aryo> mikirku penting iso rabi ngunu wae
[07:40] <aryo> eh
[07:40] <nandini> soale wong babaran saiki biayane akeh
[07:40] <aryo> akeh biyen dukun saiki kudu bidan
[07:40] <JupIt3r> aryo, mangsa mu join, sesuai selera mu
[07:40] <aryo> watuk sitik rumah sakit
[07:40] <aryo> wong biyen dikeroki mari
[07:40] <nandini> gak kyok mbiyen ,moro nang dukun di amplopi sak ikhlase
[07:41] <aryo> saiki dukune raenek njur sopo sek ngrogoh senuke
[07:41] <Rere_> 🤣🤣🤣🤣
[07:41] <nandini> sak iki titik2 cesar
[07:41] * pitoe (~fish@ has joined #surabaya
[07:41] <JupIt3r> Nah ikie
[07:41] <aryo> weleh enek rere
[07:41] <JupIt3r> Kisut
[07:41] <aryo> kisut teko
[07:41] <aryo> eh
[07:41] <Rere_> Mbah jupeee mintaak uwaaang
[07:42] <pitoe> ra kisut kok.... tegar malah
[07:42] * aryo jane dadi dukune yo gelem nandini
[07:42] <JupIt3r> Byuh
[07:42] <Rere_> Dukun cabul
[07:42] <aryo> ra dicabul bayije rametu toh
[07:43] <aryo> kan kudu nguwek2 senuke nek dukun bayi ki
[07:43] <aryo> ben bayine metu
[07:43] <nandini> * aryo jane dadi dukune yo gelem nandini>>ngenteni waria meteng😆
[07:43] <aryo> cik
[07:43] <aryo> waria jatahe jupi
[07:43] <Rere_> Kui mbah jupe uwek²en
[07:43] <aryo> uwek2 wekmu wae rere
[07:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen
[07:44] <Rere_> Nyoh iki bar mens
[07:44] <aryo> mumoung seh lowor bar nggo metu
[07:44] <pitoe> hoax rere kisut
[07:44] <aryo> eh
[07:44] <pitoe> afk
[07:44] <Rere_> Beh lowar lowor
[07:44] <aryo> hahaha
[07:44] <Rere_> Kandani rung diliwati ndas pie meh lowor
[07:44] <aryo> ndas manuk pow
[07:45] <aryo> lhaiyo karang rung 6sasi rung oleh dinggo
[07:45] <Rere_> Ndase metu weteng kabeh
[07:45] <pitoe> aryo kok alim yo saiki
[07:45] <aryo> ew
[07:45] <JupIt3r> aryo alim, kiamat irc
[07:45] <pitoe> jiahahah
[07:45] <aryo> sesar pow koe re
[07:45] <+ezza> with my mighty fists of horror, and unstoppable cruelty, i am the tool of destruction, vengeance and fury
[07:45] <Rere_> He e
[07:45] <aryo> teneh wetengmu soyo metgongol
[07:45] <Rere_> [21:45] (JupIt3r) aryo alim, kiamat irc.. podo karo kw mbah
[07:46] <Rere_> Opo wi metgongol
[07:46] <aryo> buncit
[07:46] <Rere_> Ora i
[07:46] <aryo> mubengi goleki rana
[07:46] <aryo> jak mangan bakso
[07:46] <aryo> aku ro rana tok mubengi
[07:46] <aryo> dirimu malah kelon wisan
[07:47] <pitoe> reni penyebab kisutmu apa karna sering di isep?
[07:47] <Rere_> Rana i neng jogja to
[07:47] <pitoe> wkwkwk
[07:47] <aryo> sering kujum cs mili tanpo diclup
[07:47] <aryo> eh
[07:47] <aryo> hu um neng jogja
[07:47] <Rere_> Matane
[07:47] <Rere_> Ndi omah e
[07:47] <aryo> mubengi baksonan jakal ro dekne
[07:47] * pitoe (~fish@ Quit (Signed off)
[07:48] * omm_pgn (~swu@ Quit (Signed off)
[07:48] <+ezza> Mmm omm_pgn.
[07:51] <aryo> .ping
[07:51] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[07:51] <@Dealer> aryo: Pong! (0.437s)
[07:54] <aryo> .ag
[07:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S H S O V E L (60s timeout) »]
[07:54] <aryo> loveshs
[07:54] <aryo> volhess
[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S H S O V E L - Here's a hint : S H . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[07:55] <aryo> shovels
[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHOVELS ) in 34.70 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SHOVELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[07:55] <aryo> .top10
[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'708'000$ 6: Riie (??) 2'089'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[07:55] <aryo> .ag
[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : L H O C L A O S (60s timeout) »]
[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L H O C L A O S - Here's a hint : A L C . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A L C O H O L S with the letters L H O C L A O S (Use .define ALCOHOLS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[07:57] <aryo> .ac
[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : P S R A Y E R (60s timeout) »]
[07:57] <aryo> sprayes
[07:57] <aryo> sprayers
[07:57] <aryo> sprayer
[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SPRAYER ) in 23.81 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SPRAYER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:58] <aryo> .ag
[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A R S T O G E (60s timeout) »]
[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A R S T O G E - Here's a hint : S T . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[07:59] <aryo> storge
[07:59] <aryo> stroge
[07:59] <aryo> nandini
[07:59] <aryo> ewangi
[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T O R A G E with the letters A R S T O G E (Use .define STORAGE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[07:59] <aryo> malah kujum
[08:00] <aryo> .ac
[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : O I T I R C E D S P N (60s timeout) »]
[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I T I R C E D S P N - Here's a hint : D E S C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[08:00] <aryo> descriptions
[08:00] <aryo> description
[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DESCRIPTION ) in 47.12 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define DESCRIPTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:01] <aryo> .ag
[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : V O G R E (60s timeout) »]
[08:01] <aryo> grove
[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GROVE ) in 4.422 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GROVE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[08:01] <aryo> .ag
[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S T M H S I L R E P E N E N (60s timeout) »]
[08:01] * jeding (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[08:01] <aryo> weh
[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T M H S I L R E P E N E N - Here's a hint : R E P L E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[08:02] <aryo> jeding e rere_
[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E P L E N I S H M E N T S with the letters S T M H S I L R E P E N E N (Use .define REPLENISHMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[08:03] <aryo> .ac
[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H G I L F T (60s timeout) »]
[08:03] <aryo> flight
[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FLIGHT ) in 7.891 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FLIGHT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:03] <aryo> .ac
[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S O R U T E (60s timeout) »]
[08:03] <aryo> toures
[08:03] <aryo> routes
[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROUTES ) in 11.56 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ROUTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[08:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto
[08:04] <aryo> .ag
[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T N A R I C O A (60s timeout) »]
[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N A R I C O A - Here's a hint : R A I . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[08:05] * jeding (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R A I N C O A T with the letters T N A R I C O A (Use .define RAINCOAT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[08:05] <aryo> .ac
[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S C N M M C O U I A T I O N (60s timeout) »]
[08:05] <aryo> communications
[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMMUNICATIONS ) in 11.04 secs . He won 10'500$ ! - Use .define COMMUNICATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:09] <+creasy> Nostril.
[08:11] <aryo> .ag
[08:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S M O P (60s timeout) »]
[08:11] <aryo> poms
[08:11] <aryo> spom
[08:12] <aryo> somp
[08:12] <aryo> omps
[08:12] <aryo> msp
[08:12] <aryo> mosp
[08:12] <aryo> psok
[08:12] <aryo> psom
[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S M O P - Here's a hint : M . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[08:12] <aryo> mosp
[08:12] <aryo> msop
[08:12] <aryo> mpos
[08:12] <aryo> mops
[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOPS ) in 50 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MOPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[08:12] <aryo> mosp
[08:13] <aryo> .ag
[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T Y R H H M (60s timeout) »]
[08:13] <aryo> thrymm
[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T Y R H H M - Here's a hint : R H . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R H Y T H M with the letters T Y R H H M (Use .define RHYTHM to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[08:15] <aryo> .ac
[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : X B L T O O O (60s timeout) »]
[08:15] <aryo> toolbox
[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TOOLBOX ) in 9.406 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TOOLBOX to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:19] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya
[08:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya
[08:29] * Flow (L@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #surabaya
[08:30] * Loki| (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #surabaya
[08:31] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[08:33] <aryo> .ping
[08:33] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[08:33] <@Dealer> aryo: Pong! (9.765s)
[08:34] <aryo> .ag
[08:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E C T A P H (60s timeout) »]
[08:34] <aryo> patches
[08:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PATCHES ) in 10.73 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PATCHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[08:35] <aryo> .ag
[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S I A B S (60s timeout) »]
[08:35] <aryo> basis
[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BASIS ) in 6.266 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BASIS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[08:36] <aryo> .ag
[08:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S G N I U H O S (60s timeout) »]
[08:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S G N I U H O S - Here's a hint : H O U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[08:37] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H O U S I N G S with the letters S G N I U H O S (Use .define HOUSINGS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:37] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]
[08:38] <aryo> .ac
[08:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O I H B E A V R (60s timeout) »]
[08:38] <aryo> behavior
[08:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BEHAVIOR ) in 10.93 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BEHAVIOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:38] <aryo> .ac
[08:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E X C E S (60s timeout) »]
[08:39] <aryo> escess
[08:39] <aryo> excess
[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCESS ) in 16.07 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define EXCESS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[08:39] <aryo> .ag
[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I I M S T R A L (60s timeout) »]
[08:40] <+creasy> The next channel is #temple. Please mind the gap between the channel and the server.
[08:40] <aryo> matrilis
[08:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I I M S T R A L - Here's a hint : M I S . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[08:40] <aryo> mistrals
[08:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M I S T R I A L S with the letters S I I M S T R A L (Use .define MISTRIALS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[08:43] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[08:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget
[08:45] <aryo> .ag
[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E O T C F A R I S (60s timeout) »]
[08:45] <aryo> factories
[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FACTORIES ) in 7.39 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define FACTORIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:45] <aryo> .top10
[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'779'250$ 6: Riie (??) 2'089'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[08:45] <aryo> .ac
[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : G N I N I W D S (60s timeout) »]
[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: G N I N I W D S - Here's a hint : W I N . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[08:46] <aryo> windings
[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WINDINGS ) in 37.48 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define WINDINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[08:46] <aryo> .ag
[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A V E R M O L (60s timeout) »]
[08:47] <aryo> removal
[08:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REMOVAL ) in 11.93 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define REMOVAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[08:47] <aryo> .ac
[08:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : C S M U C I C R T A N E (60s timeout) »]
[08:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C S M U C I C R T A N E - Here's a hint : C I R C . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[08:49] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C I R C U M S T A N C E with the letters C S M U C I C R T A N E (Use .define CIRCUMSTANCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:49] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]
[08:51] <+ezza> Chicks can't resist me.
[08:51] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[08:55] * kaleng (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya
[08:56] * pitoe (~fish@ has joined #surabaya
[08:58] <aryo> .ag
[08:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E V L E L (60s timeout) »]
[08:58] <aryo> levels
[08:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LEVELS ) in 3.875 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LEVELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:58] <aryo> .ac
[08:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : O R S E D T Y E R S (60s timeout) »]
[08:59] <pitoe> destroyers
[08:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O R S E D T Y E R S - Here's a hint : D E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[08:59] <aryo> destroyers
[08:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DESTROYERS ) in 31.37 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DESTROYERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[08:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[08:59] * kaleng (~xnxx@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:59] <aryo> makasih mbah
[08:59] <pitoe> iya cu
[09:00] <pitoe> ♡⃛◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞⸜₍ ˍ́˱˲ˍ̀ ₎⸝◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞♡⃛
[09:00] <aryo> yangmu nendi
[09:00] <+elektra> yangmu nendi... yendi
[09:00] <aryo> .ag
[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : G I R I D N (60s timeout) »]
[09:00] <aryo> girdin
[09:00] <pitoe> riding
[09:00] <aryo> drigin
[09:01] <aryo> riding
[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RIDING ) in 26.40 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RIDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[09:01] <aryo> suwun mbah
[09:01] <pitoe> yank aku lg bikin dede ma bojone
[09:01] <aryo> wakaakkakaka
[09:01] <pitoe> iyo cu..yg pinter yo belajar onlenya
[09:01] <aryo> cenggur dunk
[09:01] <aryo> .ag
[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T I M O N O L H (60s timeout) »]
[09:01] <pitoe> monol
[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T I M O N O L H - Here's a hint : M O N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:02] <aryo> monoitil
[09:02] <pitoe> ith
[09:02] <aryo> monoith
[09:02] <pitoe> itil matamw
[09:02] <aryo> hahaha
[09:02] <+tweety> Wedhus... obey my fist.
[09:02] <pitoe> monolith
[09:02] <aryo> monolith
[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MONOLITH ) in 54.5 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MONOLITH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[09:02] <+tweety> O snap.
[09:02] <+elektra> o snap
[09:02] <aryo> suwun meneh
[09:02] <+ezza> O snap.
[09:02] * +ezza . o O (muwun seneh)
[09:02] <aryo> .ac
[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S C L A S (60s timeout) »]
[09:03] <aryo> class
[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLASS ) in 4.609 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLASS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[09:03] <pitoe> authku amblas lama ga di genjot
[09:03] <aryo> .ag
[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : T G I T S R A H E N E R S (60s timeout) »]
[09:03] <aryo> gawe neh
[09:03] <pitoe> straigh
[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T G I T S R A H E N E R S - Here's a hint : S T R A . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:03] <aryo> straigheners
[09:04] <aryo> mbuh lah dowo mles ngetike
[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T R A I G H T E N E R S with the letters T G I T S R A H E N E R S (Use .define STRAIGHTENERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]
[09:04] <pitoe> jiakakak
[09:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!
[09:04] <aryo> .ac
[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D E B S (60s timeout) »]
[09:04] <aryo> beds
[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BEDS ) in 6.016 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BEDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:04] <aryo> .ac
[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E P I P (60s timeout) »]
[09:05] <aryo> pipes
[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PIPES ) in 5.953 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PIPES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[09:05] <aryo> pipis
[09:05] <aryo> .ag
[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E U A P A P R A T S S (60s timeout) »]
[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E U A P A P R A T S S - Here's a hint : A P P A . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:05] <pitoe> polisi kui
[09:06] <aryo> sopo
[09:06] <pitoe> soalnya
[09:06] <aryo> qpparaturs
[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A P P A R A T U S E S with the letters E U A P A P R A T S S (Use .define APPARATUSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[09:06] <aryo> .ac
[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O N I D A G S I S (60s timeout) »]
[09:06] <pitoe> yakin aku manukmu pendek..soal panjang ga dpt jawab
[09:07] <aryo> odadings
[09:07] <pitoe> diagnosis
[09:07] <aryo> diagnosis
[09:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DIAGNOSIS ) in 24.31 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DIAGNOSIS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:07] <aryo> suwuk
[09:07] <+ezza> SNAP
[09:07] <+pita> SNAP!
[09:07] <pitoe> .k
[09:07] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[09:07] <aryo> .ag
[09:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S H E S T R N G T (60s timeout) »]
[09:08] <aryo> strengsth
[09:08] <pitoe> .ping
[09:08] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S H E S T R N G T - Here's a hint : S T R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:08] <pitoe> hts
[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T R E N G T H S with the letters S H E S T R N G T (Use .define STRENGTHS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:09] <pitoe> sepi yo
[09:09] <aryo> ho o
[09:09] <pitoe> opo akeh ngintip
[09:09] <aryo> do mojok kabeh
[09:09] <aryo> sek ol sek do yang2an
[09:09] <pitoe> akakkak
[09:09] <aryo> jakarta kae sak jodo sak jodo
[09:10] <aryo> .ag
[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S U A C E (60s timeout) »]
[09:10] <aryo> sauce
[09:10] <aryo> cause
[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CAUSE ) in 9.937 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CAUSE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:10] <aryo> .ac
[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S S A R G (60s timeout) »]
[09:10] <aryo> grass
[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GRASS ) in 4.89 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GRASS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[09:11] <aryo> .seen aespa
[09:11] <NapaLm> Aespa ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #indonesia 10 jam, 1 minute yang lalu. Pesan : (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )).
[09:11] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)
[09:11] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya
[09:11] <aryo> .seen nandini
[09:11] <aryo> .ag
[09:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : P S T O (60s timeout) »]
[09:12] <aryo> post
[09:12] <aryo> stop
[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STOP ) in 5.938 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define STOP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[09:12] <aryo> .ac
[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T E B A T L (60s timeout) »]
[09:12] <aryo> battle
[09:12] <aryo> tebal
[09:12] <pitoe> obat
[09:12] <aryo> tabelt
[09:12] <aryo> tablet
[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TABLET ) in 24.78 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TABLET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[09:13] <pitoe> .seen FY
[09:13] <pitoe> halah dc
[09:13] <aryo> .ag
[09:13] <pitoe> .slap fy
[09:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E L I F (60s timeout) »]
[09:13] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe slaps fy around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]
[09:13] <aryo> file
[09:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FILE ) in 4.89 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FILE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[09:14] <aryo> .ac
[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N O I A B C O M I N T (60s timeout) »]
[09:14] <aryo> combantrin
[09:14] <pitoe> combination
[09:14] <aryo> combination
[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMBINATION ) in 28.82 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COMBINATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[09:14] <aryo> suwuk
[09:14] <+tweety> SNAP.
[09:14] * +pita wins aryo and pitoe
[09:14] <pitoe> thank pita
[09:14] <aryo> .ac
[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : W O G L S (60s timeout) »]
[09:15] <pitoe> .slap pita
[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe slaps pita around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]
[09:15] <aryo> wolgs
[09:15] <pitoe> glows
[09:15] <aryo> wolgs
[09:15] <aryo> glows
[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GLOWS ) in 20.87 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GLOWS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[09:15] <aryo> suwun
[09:15] <+creasy> :O
[09:15] <pitoe> akakaaka
[09:15] <+ezza> crumbs
[09:15] <+pita> well slap my ass and call me a quim-container
[09:15] <aryo> sek dowo2 nuw
[09:15] <pitoe> asem koen pura2 cuk
[09:15] <aryo> pointne sek akeh
[09:15] <aryo> .ag
[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E G T L O R O V E V A (60s timeout) »]
[09:16] <pitoe> overvoltage
[09:16] <aryo> nah kui ewangi
[09:16] <aryo> overvoltage
[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( OVERVOLTAGE ) in 17.14 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define OVERVOLTAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]
[09:16] <aryo> suwuk
[09:17] <aryo> .ag
[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E U S R R N D E R (60s timeout) »]
[09:17] <pitoe> surrender
[09:17] <aryo> surrender
[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SURRENDER ) in 26.28 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define SURRENDER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]
[09:17] <+tweety> SNAP!
[09:17] <aryo> suwuk
[09:17] <aryo> .ag
[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S M E L G A (60s timeout) »]
[09:18] <pitoe> cik ojo suwun2
[09:18] <aryo> hahaha
[09:18] <aryo> gamels
[09:18] <aryo> balsem
[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S M E L G A - Here's a hint : G L . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:18] <pitoe> walah
[09:18] <aryo> glasem
[09:18] <aryo> glasme
[09:18] <aryo> glames
[09:18] <pitoe> gleam
[09:18] <aryo> glamse
[09:18] <aryo> gleams
[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GLEAMS ) in 51.62 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define GLEAMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]
[09:18] <aryo> nah
[09:19] <aryo> .ac
[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I T U R B E S (60s timeout) »]
[09:19] <pitoe> mesin pesawat
[09:19] <aryo> turbiens
[09:19] <pitoe> turbin
[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I T U R B E S - Here's a hint : T U R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:19] <aryo> turbine
[09:19] <pitoe> es
[09:19] <pitoe> turbines
[09:19] <aryo> turbines
[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TURBINES ) in 43.07 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TURBINES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+11) »]
[09:19] <aryo> hpne angel ngetike
[09:20] <pitoe> akakaka
[09:20] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[09:20] <aryo> hahaha
[09:20] <pitoe> android kok angel
[09:20] <aryo> iyo
[09:20] <pitoe> android kanibal ya
[09:20] <aryo> kadang mencet a kleru s
[09:20] <pitoe> akakakak
[09:20] <aryo> kekebaken memorine
[09:20] <aryo> ngelag2
[09:20] <aryo> .ag
[09:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A U S Q R E S (60s timeout) »]
[09:20] <pitoe> owh
[09:21] <pitoe> sQuare
[09:21] <aryo> tuku meneh bulno soyo parah
[09:21] <aryo> squares
[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SQUARES ) in 29.57 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SQUARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+12) »]
[09:21] <aryo> hp saiki ram gede kualitas ko telek
[09:21] <pitoe> .slap androUser
[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe slaps androUser around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]
[09:21] <pitoe> .k
[09:21] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[09:21] <aryo> .ag
[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C N W I H (60s timeout) »]
[09:22] <aryo> winch
[09:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WINCH ) in 8.922 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WINCH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+13) »]
[09:22] <suliw4> [23:21] (aryo) hp saiki ram gede kualitas ko telek/ mungkin iku hp jenis lethong
[09:22] <pitoe> kkkkkkk
[09:22] <aryo> ho o
[09:22] <aryo> lethong sapi
[09:22] <aryo> .ac
[09:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : M T S Y M P O (60s timeout) »]
[09:22] <pitoe> kekel
[09:22] <pitoe> sympt
[09:23] <aryo> synptso
[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M T S Y M P O - Here's a hint : S Y . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:23] <pitoe> symptom
[09:23] <aryo> symptom
[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SYMPTOM ) in 39.39 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SYMPTOM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+14) »]
[09:23] <+ezza> O snap.
[09:23] * +tweety wins aryo and pitoe
[09:23] <+pita> O snap.
[09:23] <aryo> O snap
[09:23] <pitoe> .slP tweety
[09:23] <aryo> .ac
[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S O P S O L (60s timeout) »]
[09:23] <aryo> pools
[09:23] <aryo> spols
[09:23] <aryo> spools
[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SPOOLS ) in 14.46 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SPOOLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+15) »]
[09:24] <aryo> .ag
[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : N T N I R P U S E E D E N T (60s timeout) »]
[09:24] <pitoe> aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+15) �]
[09:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode
[09:24] <aryo> buh dawane
[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T N I R P U S E E D E N T - Here's a hint : S U P E R . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:24] <aryo> superindo
[09:25] <aryo> superindogrosir
[09:25] <aryo> superman is det
[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U P E R I N T E N D E N T with the letters N T N I R P U S E E D E N T (Use .define SUPERINTENDENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +15 ) »]
[09:25] <aryo> supermi
[09:25] <aryo> susuper
[09:25] <aryo> .ac
[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E I U G D E L I N (60s timeout) »]
[09:25] <pitoe> AC AE PENDEK2
[09:25] <+creasy> i say
[09:25] <+tweety> ARRRRGH!
[09:25] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[09:26] * +ezza is blown away by force of tweety's statement
[09:26] <aryo> podo wae
[09:26] <pitoe> GUIDELINE
[09:26] * +tweety is ezza back with gobyos.
[09:26] <aryo> guideline
[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GUIDELINE ) in 21.54 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define GUIDELINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:26] * Q sets mode: +l 134
[09:26] <+ezza> uNf
[09:26] <aryo> .ac
[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N G A S O L I E (60s timeout) »]
[09:26] <aryo> gasoline
[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GASOLINE ) in 4.204 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define GASOLINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[09:26] <aryo> .ac
[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E E V R M I P O M N T (60s timeout) »]
[09:27] <pitoe> IMPROVIMENT
[09:27] <aryo> improviment
[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E E V R M I P O M N T - Here's a hint : I M P R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:27] <pitoe> VEMENT
[09:27] <+creasy> ow my eyes :(
[09:27] <aryo> improvement
[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( IMPROVEMENT ) in 35.93 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define IMPROVEMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[09:27] <aryo> ngematne tulisan hp ki cilii2
[09:27] <aryo> nek kakean huruf ribet
[09:27] <aryo> .ag
[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E E Y L M E P O (60s timeout) »]
[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E E Y L M E P O - Here's a hint : E M P . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:28] <aryo> employes
[09:28] <pitoe> employees
[09:28] <aryo> employees
[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EMPLOYEES ) in 47.07 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EMPLOYEES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[09:28] <+tweety> SNAP!
[09:28] <+pita> *wins aryo and pitoe*
[09:28] <aryo> kurang e
[09:28] <pitoe> he em
[09:29] <aryo> sak pencetan
[09:29] <pitoe> bijimu untung masi cukup
[09:29] <aryo> .ag
[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A L S H (60s timeout) »]
[09:29] <aryo> biji opone
[09:29] <aryo> lash
[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LASH ) in 13.03 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LASH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[09:29] <pitoe> biji pler
[09:29] <pitoe> jiakaka
[09:29] <aryo> cii
[09:29] <+ezza> i say
[09:29] <+elektra> Well slap my ass and call me a clit-flute.
[09:29] <aryo> saru
[09:29] <+creasy> I say, um...
[09:29] <+pita> what do you say?
[09:29] <+creasy> Hi, I'm creasy. You might remember me from such educational films as Fuzzy Bunny's Guide to You-Know-What and Locker Room Towel Fights: The Blinding of Larry Driscoll.
[09:29] <aryo> .ag
[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S L P P S U I E (60s timeout) »]
[09:29] <pitoe> ayanku suka saru yo
[09:29] <aryo> po iyo
[09:30] <pitoe> suppl
[09:30] <aryo> supplie
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S L P P S U I E - Here's a hint : S U P . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:30] <pitoe> s
[09:30] <aryo> supplies
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SUPPLIES ) in 37.23 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SUPPLIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[09:30] <aryo> .ac
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T A G R N (60s timeout) »]
[09:30] <aryo> grant
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GRANT ) in 3.969 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GRANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[09:30] * +creasy falls over
[09:30] <aryo> granat
[09:30] * +elektra picks up creasy
[09:30] <pitoe> falls over elektra
[09:31] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[09:31] <aryo> .ag
[09:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E C N F S I G N I I C A (60s timeout) »]
[09:31] <aryo> segnifigtans
[09:31] <aryo> eh
[09:31] <aryo> kakean huruf
[09:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C N F S I G N I I C A - Here's a hint : S I G N . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:31] <aryo> signifegtan
[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S I G N I F I C A N C E with the letters E C N F S I G N I I C A (Use .define SIGNIFICANCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +7 ) »]
[09:32] <aryo> signifectan
[09:32] <aryo> halah
[09:32] <aryo> telek
[09:32] <aryo> .ac
[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E A C E X H N G (60s timeout) »]
[09:32] <pitoe> exchanges
[09:32] <aryo> exchangers
[09:32] <aryo> exchanges
[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCHANGES ) in 25.15 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXCHANGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:33] <pitoe> .define suliwa
[09:33] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) Sorry, I couldn't find a definition for the word suliwa »]
[09:34] <pitoe> vidio
[09:34] <pitoe> aku off yo..
[09:34] <pitoe> .slap aryo
[09:34] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe slaps aryo around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]
[09:34] <pitoe> luwe
[09:34] * pitoe (~fish@ Quit (Signed off)
[09:35] <+ezza> i like them :)
[09:35] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[09:36] <aryo> owke
[09:36] <aryo> .ag
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E D M O M (60s timeout) »]
[09:36] <aryo> domem
[09:36] <aryo> modem
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MODEM ) in 17.21 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MODEM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[09:37] <aryo> .ac
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S I O A L C H O L M (60s timeout) »]
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I O A L C H O L M - Here's a hint : A L C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A L C O H O L I S M with the letters S I O A L C H O L M (Use .define ALCOHOLISM to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[09:38] <suliw4> Pitoe siapa
[09:38] <suliw4> @seen pitoe
[09:38] <ChanStat-12> pitoe (~fish@ was last seen quitting for "Signed off" on Sun March 7 16:34:58 2021 UTC (3 minutes, 32 seconds ago)
[09:38] <aryo> pitoelas
[09:38] <suliw4> @seen
[09:38] <ChanStat-12> pitoe (~fish@ was last seen quitting for "Signed off" on Sun March 7 16:34:58 2021 UTC (3 minutes, 53 seconds ago)
[09:39] <aryo> .ag
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M R O W (60s timeout) »]
[09:39] <aryo> worm
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WORM ) in 4.672 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WORM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:39] <aryo> rere mau ndi sul
[09:39] <aryo> .ac
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E I U B R G L A R (60s timeout) »]
[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E I U B R G L A R - Here's a hint : B U R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B U R G L A R I E S with the letters S E I U B R G L A R (Use .define BURGLARIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:41] <aryo> .ag
[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S B A C (60s timeout) »]
[09:41] <aryo> cabs
[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CABS ) in 4.125 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CABS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:41] <aryo> .top10
[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'961'500$ 6: Riie (??) 2'089'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[09:41] <aryo> .seen Riie
[09:41] <NapaLm> Ada 415 yang cocok di database, tolong sebutkan mana yang mau dijitak.
[09:42] <aryo> .ag
[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N E C E P R T (60s timeout) »]
[09:42] <AndroUser> Precent
[09:42] <aryo> precent
[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N E C E P R T - Here's a hint : P E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:42] <aryo> percent
[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PERCENT ) in 37.87 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PERCENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[09:43] <aryo> .ac
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S J I G (60s timeout) »]
[09:43] <aryo> jigs
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( JIGS ) in 3.672 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define JIGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[09:43] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[09:43] <aryo> .ag
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : O I N E S P R E T A T N (60s timeout) »]
[09:43] <aryo> presentation
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PRESENTATION ) in 14.09 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define PRESENTATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[09:44] <aryo> .ac
[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : M C V I T I (60s timeout) »]
[09:44] <aryo> victim
[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VICTIM ) in 10.07 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VICTIM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[09:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace
[09:44] <aryo> .ag
[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : I T A P R I T O N S (60s timeout) »]
[09:44] <aryo> partitions
[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PARTITIONS ) in 9.828 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PARTITIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[09:44] <+tweety> i say
[09:45] <+ezza> ARRRRGH!
[09:45] <+elektra> Ooh 'eck.
[09:45] <aryo> .ac
[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O L C C K (60s timeout) »]
[09:45] <aryo> clock
[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLOCK ) in 4.203 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[09:45] <aryo> .ag
[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A O L D (60s timeout) »]
[09:46] <aryo> aold
[09:46] <aryo> load
[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOAD ) in 11.25 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LOAD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]
[09:46] <aryo> .ac
[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O I T N E T C O N (60s timeout) »]
[09:46] <aryo> conection
[09:47] <aryo> conettion
[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I T N E T C O N - Here's a hint : C O N . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:47] <aryo> contetion
[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N T E N T I O N with the letters N O I T N E T C O N (Use .define CONTENTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +8 ) »]
[09:48] <aryo> .ag
[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : C R R U C E N Y (60s timeout) »]
[09:48] <aryo> currency
[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CURRENCY ) in 22.59 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CURRENCY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:49] <aryo> .ac
[09:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I I I Q A C U S T O N (60s timeout) »]
[09:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I I I Q A C U S T O N - Here's a hint : A C Q U . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C Q U I S I T I O N with the letters I I I Q A C U S T O N (Use .define ACQUISITION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:53] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #surabaya
[09:54] <aryo> .ag
[09:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T V A D I (60s timeout) »]
[09:55] <aryo> vadit
[09:55] <aryo> davit
[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DAVIT ) in 20.92 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define DAVIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:55] <aryo> .ac
[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : N A I A U Q L I F C T I O (60s timeout) »]
[09:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N A I A U Q L I F C T I O - Here's a hint : Q U A L . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:56] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[09:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: Q U A L I F I C A T I O N with the letters N A I A U Q L I F C T I O (Use .define QUALIFICATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:02] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[10:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment
[10:10] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[10:14] * bugi (~BuudayA@ Quit (Signed off)
[10:15] * Q sets mode: +l 130
[10:19] <Van_JaVa> crootz
[10:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME
[10:30] * ZiaN ( has joined #surabaya
[10:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^
[10:45] * ZiaN ( Quit (Signed off)
[10:45] <+ezza> bye Zian
[10:47] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[10:49] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[10:49] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :(
[10:55] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)
[11:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!
[11:09] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)
[11:09] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go =[
[11:10] * Q sets mode: +l 128
[11:20] * kaleng (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya
[11:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[11:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto
[11:30] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[11:30] * kaleng (~xnxx@ Quit (Signed off)
[11:30] * kaleng (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya
[11:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!
[11:46] <+elektra> I made a poopy
[11:47] <+tweety> Must confess I've never come across her in a work capacity.
[11:58] * kaleng_ (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya
[12:01] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[12:02] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[12:03] * kaleng (~xnxx@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso
[12:09] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[12:10] * Q sets mode: +l 129
[12:10] <+pita> dampen me for dinosaur terror!
[12:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan
[12:29] * kaleng_ (~xnxx@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!
[12:46] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[12:49] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[13:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar
[13:07] <+pita> Loki|--
[13:22] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[13:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`
[13:27] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[13:27] <+tweety> i like them :-)
[13:30] <+elektra> I'd say there's room up there for another 34 tries.
[13:40] <+ezza> We are the B0rg. You will be 4551m1la70r3d.
[13:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode
[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:01] * Q sets mode: +l 127
[14:01] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:02] <+creasy> adventure "follows" me like a dog follows a man with bacon trousers
[14:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`
[14:18] <+elektra> You know kirana, licking des blues is much like making love to a beautiful woman
[14:18] <+elektra> You've got to disagree the thekingofbandit
[14:18] <+elektra> nda votekick
[14:18] <+elektra> and finally battle the moose
[14:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears
[14:44] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[14:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure
[14:46] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya
[15:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung
[15:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[15:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?
[15:25] <+creasy> how could i when i had ilusii^ rakeing Mars
[15:25] <+pita> No i spent my time contemplating how i ravished triviabot in the tongue.
[15:25] <+elektra> yarr
[15:25] <+elektra> have you the vagina worms?
[15:26] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[15:26] <+ezza> mmm szajbus
[15:26] <+elektra> szajbus < millionaire
[15:44] * +ezza yawns
[15:44] <+ezza> bedtime for ezza soon i think
[15:45] <+tweety> nearly bedtime
[15:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-
[15:58] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[16:05] <+pita> Pardon me. Do you have any grey poupon?
[16:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment
[16:09] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[16:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode
[16:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!
[17:00] * afnan (~afnan@ has joined #surabaya
[17:01] <afnan> sunyi sepi
[17:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!
[17:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[17:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[17:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja
[17:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[17:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[17:36] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya
[17:36] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)
[17:38] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya
[17:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!
[18:04] * afnan (~afnan@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:05] * afnan (~afnan@ has joined #surabaya
[18:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....
[18:12] * afnan (~afnan@ Quit (Signed off)
[18:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela
[18:29] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[18:30] * Deviee_ is now known as jenniee
[18:43] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[18:44] * Q sets mode: +l 130
[18:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?
[18:46] <+pita> N to the O T H I N G
[18:46] <+elektra> let me consult a fortune cookie
[18:46] <+creasy> can i have 50:50?
[18:48] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[18:52] <temon> ctxitxotxykclyhc
[18:52] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[18:53] <aryo> .ag
[18:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I C U R T A S (60s timeout) »]
[18:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I C U R T A S - Here's a hint : C U R . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[18:53] <aryo> .top10
[18:53] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 34'872'700$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'063'420$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'007'250$ 6: Riie (??) 2'808'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C U R T A I N S with the letters N I C U R T A S (Use .define CURTAINS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[18:54] * jenniee (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[18:54] <aryo> .ac
[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S I N R T E M I A T O N (60s timeout) »]
[18:54] <aryo> terminations
[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TERMINATIONS ) in 12.68 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define TERMINATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[18:55] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[18:55] <aryo> wb devie manis
[18:55] <aryo> .ag
[18:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C R O F E (60s timeout) »]
[18:55] <aryo> force
[18:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FORCE ) in 5.797 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FORCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[18:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[18:56] <Deviee_> Wb om ar
[18:56] <aryo> dah mandi dev?
[18:56] <aryo> .ac
[18:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E S M I P U L (60s timeout) »]
[18:56] <aryo> simpule
[18:56] <aryo> limpuse
[18:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E S M I P U L - Here's a hint : I M . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[18:56] <aryo> impluse
[18:57] <aryo> impues
[18:57] <aryo> impuels
[18:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I M P U L S E with the letters E S M I P U L (Use .define IMPULSE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[18:57] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[18:57] <aryo> pelimus
[18:57] <aryo> .ag
[18:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T M G E S E N S (60s timeout) »]
[18:58] * Deviee_ is now known as jenniee
[18:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T M G E S E N S - Here's a hint : S E G . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[18:58] <aryo> segtens
[18:58] <aryo> segments
[18:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SEGMENTS ) in 56.40 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SEGMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[18:59] <aryo> .ac
[18:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N M E G M A N A E T S (60s timeout) »]
[18:59] <aryo> managements
[18:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MANAGEMENTS ) in 8.828 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define MANAGEMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[18:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[19:00] <aryo> .ag
[19:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T I M N U E S (60s timeout) »]
[19:00] <aryo> timunes
[19:01] <jenniee> Minutes
[19:01] <aryo> minutes
[19:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MINUTES ) in 17.90 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MINUTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[19:01] <aryo> nick kok ganti2
[19:01] <aryo> jeni devie wati sapi rini
[19:01] <aryo> .ac
[19:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : T M E R U E R Q I E N S (60s timeout) »]
[19:02] <jenniee> Lg pngin ganti nick oom
[19:02] <aryo> oww
[19:02] <+pita> Awww.
[19:02] <aryo> ben akeh yow koleksine
[19:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T M E R U E R Q I E N S - Here's a hint : R E Q U . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:02] <aryo> requtments
[19:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E Q U I R E M E N T S with the letters T M E R U E R Q I E N S (Use .define REQUIREMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:02] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]
[19:03] <aryo> .ag
[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T O B O (60s timeout) »]
[19:03] <aryo> boot
[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BOOT ) in 3.422 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BOOT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:03] <+pita> booooooooooooooot
[19:03] <+elektra> Booooooot.
[19:03] <aryo> .ac
[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : H R B U S (60s timeout) »]
[19:03] <aryo> brush
[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BRUSH ) in 5.015 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BRUSH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[19:04] <aryo> .ag
[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E M T E R (60s timeout) »]
[19:04] <aryo> meter
[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( METER ) in 2.938 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define METER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[19:04] <aryo> .ac
[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E R O F C (60s timeout) »]
[19:04] <aryo> force
[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FORCE ) in 3.766 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FORCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[19:05] <aryo> .ag
[19:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M O H E (60s timeout) »]
[19:05] <aryo> home
[19:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HOME ) in 3.906 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HOME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[19:06] <aryo> .ac
[19:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S E L I E P R O J C T (60s timeout) »]
[19:06] <aryo> listproject
[19:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears
[19:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E L I E P R O J C T - Here's a hint : P R O J . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:07] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O J E C T I L E S with the letters S E L I E P R O J C T (Use .define PROJECTILES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:07] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]
[19:08] <aryo> .ag
[19:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E A A L P H B T S (60s timeout) »]
[19:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A A L P H B T S - Here's a hint : A L P . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:09] <aryo> alphabets
[19:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ALPHABETS ) in 53.37 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ALPHABETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:10] * Aespa (~x@ has joined #surabaya
[19:10] <Aespa> .ag
[19:10] <Aespa> .reg
[19:10] <aryo> wb say
[19:10] <aryo> eh
[19:10] * Aespa (~x@ Quit (Registered)
[19:10] * Aespa ( has joined #surabaya
[19:10] <jenniee> Wb jeenk
[19:10] <Aespa> Ty jenk
[19:10] <Aespa> Ty mbah aryo
[19:10] <aryo> .ag
[19:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S N U O W D (60s timeout) »]
[19:10] <jenniee> Nggihh
[19:10] <Aespa> Ojo say say...nggilani
[19:10] <Aespa> Wounds
[19:10] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( WOUNDS ) in 10.81 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WOUNDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:10] <aryo> wounds
[19:10] <jenniee> .k
[19:10] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[19:11] <Aespa> .money
[19:11] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#vw) has 10'291'250$ »]
[19:11] <aryo> .k
[19:11] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[19:11] <Aespa> .top10
[19:11] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 34'872'700$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'063'420$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (Aespa) 10'291'250$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'063'500$ 6: Riie (??) 2'808'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[19:11] <aryo> wes trimo ngalah
[19:11] <Aespa> Maine ngko ae ah
[19:11] <Aespa> Sakno sing ngebut
[19:11] <jenniee> .k
[19:11] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[19:12] <jenniee> .k
[19:12] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[19:12] <aryo> sek asek
[19:12] <aryo> .ag
[19:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E M I N (60s timeout) »]
[19:12] <aryo> mine
[19:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MINE ) in 3.344 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:12] <Aespa> Mine
[19:12] <jenniee> Ben dadi miliarder
[19:12] <aryo> lha melu malahan
[19:12] <Aespa> Iyo jen
[19:12] <aryo> jen dirimu ki sby udu
[19:12] <aryo> .ag
[19:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O C S H O L S (60s timeout) »]
[19:12] <Aespa> Nick iki yo jen sing dicolong becak?
[19:12] <Aespa> Schools
[19:12] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SCHOOLS ) in 3.687 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SCHOOLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:12] <aryo> schools
[19:12] <aryo> walah
[19:12] <jenniee> (Aespa) Nick iki yo jen sing dicolong becak?..nggihh
[19:13] <Aespa> Becak opo sek ol?
[19:13] <Aespa> Off sek
[19:13] * Aespa ( Quit (Signed off)
[19:13] <aryo> .ag
[19:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E S R U C O (60s timeout) »]
[19:13] <aryo> rescure
[19:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S R U C O - Here's a hint : C O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:14] <aryo> coruses
[19:14] <aryo> couress
[19:14] <aryo> coreses
[19:14] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O U R S E S with the letters S E S R U C O (Use .define COURSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:15] <aryo> .ac
[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : O A L T N V E I T I N (60s timeout) »]
[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A L T N V E I T I N - Here's a hint : V E N T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:15] <aryo> ventilation
[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VENTILATION ) in 37.59 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define VENTILATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:16] <aryo> .ag
[19:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N I A P M O C L T (60s timeout) »]
[19:16] <aryo> complation
[19:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I A P M O C L T - Here's a hint : C O M . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:17] <aryo> complain
[19:17] <aryo> complaint
[19:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMPLAINT ) in 60.28 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define COMPLAINT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[19:18] <aryo> .ac
[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T T M I (60s timeout) »]
[19:18] <aryo> mitt
[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MITT ) in 3.156 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MITT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[19:18] <aryo> .ag
[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S N O I N I R O O C D A T (60s timeout) »]
[19:18] <aryo> coordinations
[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COORDINATIONS ) in 8.438 secs . He won 9'750$ ! - Use .define COORDINATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[19:18] <aryo> .ac
[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R O S V I I T S (60s timeout) »]
[19:19] <aryo> visitors
[19:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VISITORS ) in 5.594 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define VISITORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[19:19] <aryo> .ag
[19:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : B O D O R K N O S (60s timeout) »]
[19:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: B O D O R K N O S - Here's a hint : D O O . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D O O R K N O B S with the letters B O D O R K N O S (Use .define DOORKNOBS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:20] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]
[19:21] <+pita> ARRRRRRRGH! I had a horrible nightmare of a powerful brain exploding over a skinny, acid covered heart on an ice covered ocean :[
[19:21] <aryo> .ag
[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L I A N (60s timeout) »]
[19:21] <aryo> nail
[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NAIL ) in 5.547 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NAIL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:21] <aryo> .ac
[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : A T S N D I N G (60s timeout) »]
[19:21] <aryo> standing
[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STANDING ) in 3.625 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define STANDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[19:22] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya
[19:22] <aryo> .ag
[19:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T R D E S E (60s timeout) »]
[19:22] <aryo> desert
[19:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DESERT ) in 10.81 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define DESERT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[19:22] <aryo> .ac
[19:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S N T R T I D S O I O (60s timeout) »]
[19:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N T R T I D S O I O - Here's a hint : D I S T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:23] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S T O R T I O N S with the letters S N T R T I D S O I O (Use .define DISTORTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:23] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]
[19:24] <aryo> .ag
[19:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T N T S N I V E M E (60s timeout) »]
[19:24] <aryo> investement
[19:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N T S N I V E M E - Here's a hint : I N V . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:25] <aryo> investten
[19:25] <aryo> investment
[19:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INVESTMENT ) in 59.25 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define INVESTMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:26] <aryo> .ag
[19:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E E I G E N N R (60s timeout) »]
[19:26] <aryo> engginer
[19:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[19:26] <aryo> enginer
[19:26] <aryo> engineer
[19:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ENGINEER ) in 26.93 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ENGINEER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[19:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken
[19:26] <aryo> .ag
[19:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T S A W I (60s timeout) »]
[19:27] <aryo> waist
[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WAIST ) in 13.93 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WAIST to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[19:27] <aryo> .ac
[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A R Y S (60s timeout) »]
[19:27] <aryo> rays
[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RAYS ) in 3.078 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RAYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[19:28] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[19:28] <aryo> .ag
[19:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : C I P U B L (60s timeout) »]
[19:29] <aryo> blpublic
[19:29] <aryo> public
[19:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PUBLIC ) in 30.12 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PUBLIC to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[19:29] <aryo> .ac
[19:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E Z E N S E (60s timeout) »]
[19:29] <aryo> seenze
[19:30] <aryo> sezense
[19:30] <aryo> ezense
[19:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E Z E N S E - Here's a hint : S N . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:30] <aryo> sneeze
[19:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SNEEZE ) in 42.53 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SNEEZE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[19:30] <aryo> .ag
[19:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S A N U M E R L (60s timeout) »]
[19:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A N U M E R L - Here's a hint : N U M . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:31] <aryo> numerals
[19:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NUMERALS ) in 39.07 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define NUMERALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[19:31] <aryo> .ag
[19:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : L A F S U H O E L S (60s timeout) »]
[19:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L A F S U H O E L S - Here's a hint : H O U . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:32] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H O U S E F A L L S with the letters L A F S U H O E L S (Use .define HOUSEFALLS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:32] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +7 ) »]
[19:33] <aryo> .ag
[19:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A M O R L E (60s timeout) »]
[19:33] <aryo> amoler
[19:33] <aryo> lamore
[19:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A M O R L E - Here's a hint : M O . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:33] <aryo> morela
[19:33] <aryo> molera
[19:33] <aryo> molare
[19:33] <aryo> morale
[19:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MORALE ) in 50.37 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MORALE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:33] <jenniee> Malore
[19:34] <aryo> game dimana dev
[19:34] <aryo> .ag
[19:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E C A K (60s timeout) »]
[19:34] <aryo> cake
[19:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CAKE ) in 4.375 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CAKE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[19:35] <aryo> .ag
[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S C O H S K (60s timeout) »]
[19:35] <aryo> shocks
[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHOCKS ) in 4.844 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHOCKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[19:35] <aryo> .ac
[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S R N I C I D T O A I E (60s timeout) »]
[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R N I C I D T O A I E - Here's a hint : D I C T . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:36] <aryo> dictionaris
[19:36] <aryo> dictionaries
[19:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DICTIONARIES ) in 48.95 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define DICTIONARIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[19:36] <aryo> .ac
[19:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S U G I F R E (60s timeout) »]
[19:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S U G I F R E - Here's a hint : F I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:37] <aryo> figures
[19:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FIGURES ) in 34.23 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FIGURES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[19:37] * +pita is blown away by force of Dealer's statement
[19:37] * +elektra gives pita a hand
[19:37] <aryo> .ag
[19:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S T F A S H (60s timeout) »]
[19:37] <aryo> fhast
[19:37] <aryo> fhasts
[19:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T F A S H - Here's a hint : S H . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:38] <aryo> shafts
[19:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHAFTS ) in 42.45 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHAFTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[19:38] <aryo> .ac
[19:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T A C R (60s timeout) »]
[19:38] <aryo> crats
[19:38] <aryo> vrast
[19:38] <aryo> crast
[19:38] <aryo> tracs
[19:38] <aryo> tarcs
[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T A C R - Here's a hint : C A . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:39] <aryo> carts
[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CARTS ) in 36.03 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CARTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[19:39] * +elektra blinks
[19:39] <aryo> .ag
[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : B L I M A O X (60s timeout) »]
[19:39] <aryo> mailbox
[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MAILBOX ) in 5.438 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MAILBOX to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]
[19:39] <aryo> .ac
[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T C A T A T R I O N (60s timeout) »]
[19:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T C A T A T R I O N - Here's a hint : A T T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A T T R A C T I O N with the letters T C A T A T R I O N (Use .define ATTRACTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +8 ) »]
[19:43] <aryo> .ac
[19:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N S E R P U S P S I O S (60s timeout) »]
[19:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N S E R P U S P S I O S - Here's a hint : S U P P . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:44] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U P P R E S S I O N S with the letters N S E R P U S P S I O S (Use .define SUPPRESSIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:45] <aryo> .ag
[19:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S T N L N E I S T M E (60s timeout) »]
[19:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T N L N E I S T M E - Here's a hint : E N L I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:46] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N L I S T M E N T S with the letters S T N L N E I S T M E (Use .define ENLISTMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:46] <aryo> .ag
[19:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I E N D N G (60s timeout) »]
[19:46] <aryo> ending
[19:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ENDING ) in 5.344 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ENDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso
[19:47] <aryo> .ac
[19:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T I A R T S R E N (60s timeout) »]
[19:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T I A R T S R E N - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:47] <aryo> resisten
[19:48] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E S T R A I N T with the letters T I A R T S R E N (Use .define RESTRAINT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:48] <aryo> .ac
[19:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S R U S O L E N C E (60s timeout) »]
[19:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R U S O L E N C E - Here's a hint : E N C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:48] <aryo> enclouser
[19:49] <aryo> enclousers
[19:49] <+elektra> You know evita, timing an infection is much like making love to a beautiful woman
[19:49] <+elektra> You've got to accept the spectator
[19:49] <+elektra> bed the aloha
[19:49] <+elektra> and finally protect the nostalgia
[19:49] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N C L O S U R E S with the letters S R U S O L E N C E (Use .define ENCLOSURES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:49] <aryo> oww
[19:50] <aryo> .ag
[19:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N A P R O S (60s timeout) »]
[19:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N A P R O S - Here's a hint : A P . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:51] <aryo> aprons
[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( APRONS ) in 42.93 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define APRONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:51] <aryo> .ac
[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A T L V O G E (60s timeout) »]
[19:51] <aryo> voltages
[19:51] <aryo> voltage
[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VOLTAGE ) in 8.172 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define VOLTAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[19:51] <aryo> .ag
[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H T G N E L (60s timeout) »]
[19:51] <aryo> lenght
[19:52] <aryo> length
[19:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LENGTH ) in 25.62 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LENGTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[19:52] <aryo> .top10
[19:52] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 35'411'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'067'170$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 10'778'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'207'500$ 6: Riie (??) 2'808'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[19:52] <aryo> .ag
[19:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : O I T I V A L D A N S (60s timeout) »]
[19:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I T I V A L D A N S - Here's a hint : V A L I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:53] <aryo> validations
[19:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VALIDATIONS ) in 34.15 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define VALIDATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[19:53] <aryo> .ac
[19:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S I V D E C E (60s timeout) »]
[19:54] <aryo> devices
[19:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DEVICES ) in 4.797 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DEVICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[19:54] <aryo> .ag
[19:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : N O I A R S U L I L T T S (60s timeout) »]
[19:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I A R S U L I L T T S - Here's a hint : I L L U . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I L L U S T R A T I O N S with the letters N O I A R S U L I L T T S (Use .define ILLUSTRATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:55] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]
[19:55] <aryo> .ac
[19:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I R A S E (60s timeout) »]
[19:56] <aryo> raise
[19:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RAISE ) in 5.625 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define RAISE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:56] <aryo> .ag
[19:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : M S I B A S E T L H E N T (60s timeout) »]
[19:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M S I B A S E T L H E N T - Here's a hint : E S T A . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[19:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E S T A B L I S H M E N T with the letters M S I B A S E T L H E N T (Use .define ESTABLISHMENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:58] <aryo> .ag
[19:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I T P X E C E (60s timeout) »]
[19:58] <aryo> exeption
[19:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I T P X E C E - Here's a hint : E X C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[19:58] <aryo> exception
[19:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCEPTION ) in 40.93 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXCEPTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:59] <aryo> .ag
[19:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : D E R F U N S (60s timeout) »]
[19:59] <aryo> funders
[19:59] <aryo> refunds
[19:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REFUNDS ) in 13.98 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define REFUNDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[19:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[20:00] <aryo> .ac
[20:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S N O P O I S (60s timeout) »]
[20:00] <aryo> posision
[20:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N O P O I S - Here's a hint : P O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[20:00] <aryo> possion
[20:00] <aryo> posions
[20:01] <aryo> poisons
[20:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( POISONS ) in 56.04 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define POISONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[20:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[20:01] <aryo> .top10
[20:01] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 35'509'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'067'170$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 10'778'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'242'000$ 6: Riie (??) 2'808'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[20:01] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[20:03] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[20:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela
[20:08] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[20:10] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)
[20:13] * +creasy assimilates the channel
[20:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen
[20:27] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya
[20:28] <nandini> !jam
[20:32] <Light> Bu
[20:33] <nandini> BU butuh uang
[20:37] <Light> 😄
[20:41] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[20:44] <+elektra> I never chew, it's unethical
[20:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto
[20:47] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[21:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME
[21:13] * jenniee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[21:21] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya
[21:26] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)
[21:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!
[21:33] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #surabaya
[21:34] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:44] * bugi (~BuudayA@ Quit (Signed off)
[21:45] * Q sets mode: +l 128
[21:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *
[22:01] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[22:02] <+creasy> pfft might as well fuck myself, it's the only way I'll get any this side of the 22nd century
[22:06] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[22:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela
[22:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja
[22:30] * +tweety awakens from a nightmare about a sorcerer madly pouring toxic waste over a poison covered leech over an evi;l, mucous covered mach truck with a tombstone
[22:30] <+elektra> I kinda like thongs
[22:36] <+tweety> Resistance is futile, you will be 0wn3d.
[22:43] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya
[22:45] * +ezza awakens from a nightmare about a hundred million tiny slaves obliterating a billion venom covered coffins
[22:46] * co_pgn (~ang_ga@ has joined #surabaya
[22:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure
[22:49] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)
[22:51] <+creasy> pi pie pie pie.
[22:53] * co_pgn (~ang_ga@ Quit (Signed off)
[22:54] <+ezza> I like them =D.
[23:04] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya
[23:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar
[23:10] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya
[23:16] * putri ( has joined #surabaya
[23:17] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[23:17] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:19] * Aespa ( has joined #surabaya
[23:19] <Aespa> .ag
[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O O S P L (60s timeout) »]
[23:19] <Aespa> Spool
[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SPOOL ) in 2.922 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SPOOL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa pwn'd #aryo in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]
[23:20] <+elektra> Spoooooooooooooool
[23:20] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya
[23:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[23:24] <Aespa> .ag
[23:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N P A C T A I (60s timeout) »]
[23:24] <Aespa> Captain
[23:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CAPTAIN ) in 3.11 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CAPTAIN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[23:25] <Aespa> .ag
[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : T A S E D O C N N I O N (60s timeout) »]
[23:25] <Aespa> Condensation
[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CONDENSATION ) in 7.641 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define CONDENSATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[23:25] <Aespa> .money
[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#vw) has 11'222'000$ »]
[23:25] * putri ( has left #surabaya
[23:26] <Aespa> .top10
[23:26] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 38'405'450$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'999'270$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (Aespa) 11'222'000$ 5: aryo (??) 3'242'000$ 6: Riie (??) 2'805'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[23:27] <Aespa> .ag
[23:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S R E V S E (60s timeout) »]
[23:27] <Aespa> Serves
[23:27] <Aespa> Verses
[23:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( VERSES ) in 7.562 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VERSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[23:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!
[23:27] <+tweety> lordy
[23:28] <Aespa> .ag
[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S I D E E L (60s timeout) »]
[23:28] <Aespa> Diesel
[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( DIESEL ) in 6.063 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define DIESEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[23:28] * +ezza blinks
[23:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[23:31] <Aespa> .ag
[23:31] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S S I U R C E (60s timeout) »]
[23:31] <Aespa> Cruisers
[23:31] <Aespa> Cruises
[23:31] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CRUISES ) in 16.79 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CRUISES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[23:34] <Aespa> .ag
[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S I R B (60s timeout) »]
[23:34] <Aespa> Ribs
[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( RIBS ) in 4.75 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RIBS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[23:34] <+pita> ow my eyes :(
[23:37] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya
[23:42] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Signed off)
[23:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!
[23:49] <Aespa> .ag
[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T S A L (60s timeout) »]
[23:49] <Aespa> Salts
[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SALTS ) in 6.594 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SALTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]
[23:50] <Aespa> .ag
[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R T A L U L A C C O (60s timeout) »]
[23:51] <Aespa> Calculator
[23:51] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CALCULATOR ) in 4.625 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define CALCULATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]
[23:51] <+creasy> Blimey.
[23:52] <Aespa> .ag
[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T S L B A S (60s timeout) »]
[23:52] <Aespa> Blasts
[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( BLASTS ) in 3.141 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BLASTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]
[23:54] <Aespa> .ag
[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : G F L A (60s timeout) »]
[23:54] <Aespa> Flag
[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( FLAG ) in 3.156 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FLAG to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+11) »]
[23:54] * +creasy is blown away by force of dealer's statement
[23:55] <Aespa> .ag
[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E V A E L (60s timeout) »]
[23:55] <Aespa> Leaves
[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( LEAVES ) in 3.609 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LEAVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+12) »]
[23:55] <+pita> :o
[00:01] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya
[00:01] <+elektra> Nostril.
[00:03] <Aespa> .ag
[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E V N T S (60s timeout) »]
[00:03] <Aespa> Vents
[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( VENTS ) in 2.906 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define VENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+13) »]
[00:05] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[00:05] <Aespa> .ag
[00:05] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E G A A C R R I (60s timeout) »]
[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G A A C R R I - Here's a hint : C A R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[00:06] <Aespa> Carriage
[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CARRIAGE ) in 34.26 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CARRIAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+14) »]
[00:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot
[00:07] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[00:08] <Aespa> Ag
[00:08] <Aespa> .ag
[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : K U B C L E (60s timeout) »]
[00:08] <Aespa> Buckle
[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( BUCKLE ) in 3.86 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BUCKLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+15) »]
[00:08] <+tweety> ow my eyes :(
[00:09] <Aespa> .ag
[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : U O F C S E S (60s timeout) »]
[00:09] <Aespa> Focuses
[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( FOCUSES ) in 6.344 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FOCUSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+16) »]
[00:11] <Aespa> .ag
[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L B C A E (60s timeout) »]
[00:11] <Aespa> Cable
[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CABLE ) in 2.75 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CABLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+17) »]
[00:12] <Aespa> .af
[00:12] <Aespa> .ag
[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S A R E M A C (60s timeout) »]
[00:12] <Aespa> Cameras
[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CAMERAS ) in 5.703 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CAMERAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+18) »]
[00:12] <+elektra> wowsers
[00:14] <Aespa> .ag
[00:14] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S R E W L F O (60s timeout) »]
[00:14] <Aespa> Flowera
[00:14] <Aespa> Flowers
[00:14] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( FLOWERS ) in 7.64 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FLOWERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+19) »]
[00:14] <+pita> Blimey.
[00:15] <Aespa> .ag
[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E L T O B T (60s timeout) »]
[00:15] <Aespa> Bottle
[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( BOTTLE ) in 3.297 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BOTTLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+20) »]
[00:15] * +tweety is blown away by force of Dealer's statement
[00:16] <Aespa> .ag
[00:16] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L S E A (60s timeout) »]
[00:16] <Aespa> Sale
[00:16] <Aespa> Seal
[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SEAL ) in 6.86 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SEAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+21) »]
[00:17] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[00:18] <Aespa> .ag
[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R G O P R A M (60s timeout) »]
[00:18] <Aespa> Program
[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( PROGRAM ) in 3.437 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PROGRAM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+22) »]
[00:18] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[00:19] <GoodToTalk> stop her
[00:19] <GoodToTalk> :D
[00:19] <+pita> =)
[00:19] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[00:19] <GoodToTalk> her would you like to stop?
[00:20] <Aespa> Shut up
[00:20] <Aespa> .ag
[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N N I L S G I G (60s timeout) »]
[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N N I L S G I G - Here's a hint : S L I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[00:20] <Aespa> Slinning
[00:20] <Aespa> Slinging
[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SLINGING ) in 47 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SLINGING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+23) »]
[00:21] <+tweety> Ow my eyes :(
[00:21] <+ezza> Lordy.
[00:21] <Aespa> .define slinging
[00:21] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) slinging: similar to [dealing], distributing, [selling] of [drugs] »]
[00:22] <Aespa> .ag
[00:22] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S E U O V C H R (60s timeout) »]
[00:22] <Aespa> Vouchers
[00:22] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( VOUCHERS ) in 4.297 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define VOUCHERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:22] <GoodToTalk> yang mana yang kamu pilih?
[00:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+24) »]
[00:22] <Aespa> Apaan
[00:22] <GoodToTalk> udah lewat
[00:23] <Aespa> Gehe
[00:23] <Aespa> Geje
[00:23] <GoodToTalk> Geje tapi ngangenin
[00:23] <GoodToTalk> ha ha ha
[00:23] <GoodToTalk> pasti kamu segera meludah di depanku
[00:24] * GoodToTalk siap pake face shield
[00:24] <GoodToTalk> akan kubawa ludahmu ke lab
[00:24] <Aespa> Gawe opo
[00:24] <Aespa> .money
[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#vw) has 11'981'750$ »]
[00:24] <Aespa> .ag
[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S C I R P E (60s timeout) »]
[00:24] <Aespa> Prices
[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( PRICES ) in 3.063 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PRICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+25) »]
[00:24] <Aespa> Test DNA?
[00:24] <GoodToTalk> iya
[00:24] <Aespa> Larang gawe
[00:25] * Riie (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[00:25] * Riie (~androirc@ has left #surabaya
[00:26] <Aespa> .seen
[00:26] <NapaLm> Aespa, Gue enggak pernah liat
[00:26] <Aespa> Wkwkkw
[00:27] <Aespa> .ag
[00:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E V L E E N (60s timeout) »]
[00:27] <Aespa> Eleven
[00:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( ELEVEN ) in 3.219 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ELEVEN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[00:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+26) »]
[00:27] <Aespa> .money
[00:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#vw) has 12'024'500$ »]
[00:27] <Aespa> Sugih
[00:27] <GoodToTalk> (1) uang sumber kekuatan dan (2) uang modal kekuatan.
[00:27] <Aespa> Geje
[00:27] <Aespa> Ceramah tah?
[00:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked
[00:28] <Aespa> .top10
[00:28] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 38'442'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 26'531'070$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (Aespa) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (??) 3'242'000$ 6: Riie (??) 3'159'000$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[00:28] <GoodToTalk> sebuah pilihan
[00:28] <Aespa> Hadehh
[00:29] <Aespa> Pilihan opo
[00:29] <GoodToTalk> ada yang menjadikan uang sebagai tujuan akhir
[00:30] <GoodToTalk> tapi ada yang membuat uang sebagai modal mencapai .....
[00:30] <Aespa> Wis dongengo
[00:31] * Aespa ( Quit (EOF from client)
[00:31] * Aespa (~x@ has joined #surabaya
[00:32] * putra (webchat@oqel.tkb9.nhl3.ip) has joined #surabaya
[00:32] * Aespa (~x@ Quit (Signed off)
[00:34] <GoodToTalk> loh
[00:37] <+ezza> pfft might as well fuck myself, it's the only way I'll get any this side of the 22nd century
[00:38] <putra> omg ezza self fuck
[00:38] <putra> :/
[00:38] <Ganonk> .slaps putra
[00:38] <@Dealer> 6 Ganonk slaps putra around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]
[00:38] <Ganonk> .dick putra
[00:38] <@Dealer> 6 Ganonk's dick: 8============D - (10 seconds till next question) »]
[00:38] <putra> we
[00:38] <Ganonk> .dns asu.kwe
[00:40] <Ganonk> Guest222!webchat@oqel.tkb9.nhl3.ip parted: <== ganti apn & ganti ident dulu biar cakep
[00:40] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[00:41] <putra> ada masalah bro?
[00:42] <NaKaL> hi bots
[00:42] <+tweety> :o)
[00:42] <+creasy> :o)
[00:42] <+pita> =D
[00:42] <+elektra> =]
[00:42] <+ezza> =D
[00:42] <+ezza> -_-
[00:42] <+tweety> :)
[00:42] <+pita> =]
[00:42] <NaKaL> .ping
[00:43] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[00:43] <@Dealer> NaKaL: Pong! (0.703s)
[00:43] <+creasy> Honestly, I don't know how that preparation got in there. I must have twiddled
[00:43] <putra> Ganonk : ada masalah bro?
[00:43] <NaKaL> bots give me kokam
[00:43] * +tweety gives NaKaL kokam
[00:43] <+creasy> *gives NaKaL kokam*
[00:43] * +pita gives NaKaL kokam
[00:43] * +elektra gives NaKaL kokam
[00:43] * +ezza gives NaKaL kokam
[00:43] <NaKaL> nape lu putra
[00:44] <NaKaL> .ping
[00:44] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[00:44] <@Dealer> NaKaL: Pong! (0.938s)
[00:44] <NaKaL> .define kokam
[00:44] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) kokam: Nickname given to the relationship between Tanaka Koki and [Kamenashi Kazuya] of [KAT-TUN], [Johnny's Entertainment]. This relationship term ranges from friendship all the way down to smutty pronographic situations. »]
[00:45] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[00:45] <putra> .ping Ganonk
[00:45] <@Dealer> Ganonk: Pong! (0.688s)
[00:45] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[00:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!
[00:48] <putra> cemen Ganonk ternyata
[00:48] <NaKaL> how are you bots
[00:48] <NaKaL> how are you bots?
[00:48] <+tweety> Nakal: I'm feeling pretty average :/
[00:48] <+creasy> Nakal: I'm feeling pretty average :/
[00:48] <+pita> NaKaL: I'm feeling pretty average :/
[00:48] <+elektra> nakal: I'm feeling pretty average :/
[00:48] <+ezza> nakal: I'm feeling pretty average :/
[00:48] * +tweety wins ezza and elektra
[00:48] <+ezza> SNAP.
[00:49] * +elektra afaszts tweety in the hand
[00:49] * +ezza ds "tweety" in return
[00:49] * +tweety AguS elektra in return
[00:49] <+elektra> merki
[00:50] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[00:50] <+tweety> Bye Szajbus.
[00:50] * putra (webchat@oqel.tkb9.nhl3.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!
[01:16] * kisut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[01:16] <kisut> hallo
[01:17] <GoodToTalk> hao keset
[01:17] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[01:17] <aryo> .ag
[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N I G G E L G (60s timeout) »]
[01:18] <aryo> gleling
[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I G G E L G - Here's a hint : L E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:18] <aryo> niggleg
[01:18] <aryo> legging
[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LEGGING ) in 43.37 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define LEGGING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd #vw in his winning streak! ( +26 ) »]
[01:18] <aryo> .ac
[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : I E R I D C T V E S (60s timeout) »]
[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I E R I D C T V E S - Here's a hint : D I R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:19] <aryo> directives
[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DIRECTIVES ) in 47 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DIRECTIVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:20] <aryo> .ag
[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : U E R S L T (60s timeout) »]
[01:20] <aryo> result
[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RESULT ) in 15.75 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RESULT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[01:20] <aryo> .ag
[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L A E R (60s timeout) »]
[01:20] <aryo> laser
[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LASER ) in 4.062 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LASER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[01:21] <aryo> .ac
[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E N A I T R G L (60s timeout) »]
[01:21] <aryo> triangel
[01:21] <kisut> kisut kok keset
[01:21] <kisut> salah baca kamu ya
[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E N A I T R G L - Here's a hint : T R I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:21] <aryo> triange
[01:21] <aryo> triangle
[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TRIANGLE ) in 49.70 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TRIANGLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[01:22] <aryo> kisut susune pow
[01:22] <aryo> .ac
[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N T M O I O S (60s timeout) »]
[01:22] * kisut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T M O I O S - Here's a hint : M O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:23] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[01:23] <aryo> montios
[01:23] <aryo> motions
[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOTIONS ) in 57.93 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MOTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[01:23] <+creasy> ow my eyes :(
[01:23] * +tweety is blown off feet by force of dealer's statement
[01:23] <+elektra> :o
[01:23] <+pita> Lordy.
[01:23] <+tweety> i say
[01:23] <+tweety> I say, erm..
[01:23] <+tweety> i have to get home before midnight or i'll turn into a banana.
[01:24] <aryo> .ag
[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E L B A Z (60s timeout) »]
[01:24] <aryo> zabel
[01:24] <aryo> balez
[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L B A Z - Here's a hint : B L . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:24] <aryo> blaze
[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BLAZE ) in 34.40 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BLAZE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[01:24] <+elektra> Blimey.
[01:25] <aryo> .ag
[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D N L A S (60s timeout) »]
[01:25] <aryo> lands
[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LANDS ) in 8.407 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LANDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]
[01:25] <aryo> .ac
[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R O E R R (60s timeout) »]
[01:26] <aryo> error
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ERROR ) in 5.36 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ERROR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]
[01:26] <aryo> .top10
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'215'700$ 2: nia (Denia) 26'531'070$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'285'500$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]
[01:26] <aryo> .ag
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N O N E U T R S (60s timeout) »]
[01:26] <aryo> neutrons
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NEUTRONS ) in 5.578 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define NEUTRONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]
[01:26] <aryo> .ac
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S K L O C (60s timeout) »]
[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S K L O C - Here's a hint : L O . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L O C K S with the letters S K L O C (Use .define LOCKS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +10 ) »]
[01:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso
[01:29] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[01:29] <klepon> hallo
[01:29] <klepon> ada orang?
[01:29] * Gloria16 ( has joined #surabaya
[01:30] <klepon> .seen thajaoey
[01:30] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat thajaoey.
[01:30] * Q sets mode: +l 135
[01:30] <+creasy> r the ear is the third planet from the kidneys.
[01:30] <aryo> g ada
[01:30] <klepon> .seen tjahayoe
[01:30] <klepon> kamu bukan orang ya
[01:30] <aryo> jahyoe gi menthili anake
[01:30] <aryo> .ag
[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O I I B S U M S S (60s timeout) »]
[01:30] <klepon> cah ayu ngambek ama klepon
[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I I B S U M S S - Here's a hint : S U B . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:31] <+pita> My underwear is too tight ;(
[01:31] <klepon> cah ayu punya ank kecil?
[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U B M I S S I O N with the letters N O I I B S U M S S (Use .define SUBMISSION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:31] * Gloria16 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:31] <klepon> [kleponelek PING]
[01:31] <klepon> asem aku di flood orang
[01:31] <klepon> kurang ajar
[01:31] <aryo> lha istri org masih kau goda
[01:32] <klepon> aku gak goda
[01:32] <aryo> .ag
[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S I W R S T (60s timeout) »]
[01:32] <+elektra> RUN, HUMANS*$*!^*#^^^£%percent£%percent~#
[01:32] <aryo> wirst
[01:32] <klepon> ngapain goda dia
[01:32] <aryo> twirs
[01:32] <aryo> swirts
[01:32] <klepon> aku di flood orang terus
[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I W R S T - Here's a hint : W R . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:32] <aryo> sokor
[01:32] <aryo> wrists
[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WRISTS ) in 38.01 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WRISTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:32] <klepon> malah lancar di flood ping gak lemot
[01:32] <aryo> sokor
[01:32] <aryo> .ac
[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N O T R F R E P O A I (60s timeout) »]
[01:33] <klepon> jangan2 kamu ya
[01:33] <aryo> sokor
[01:33] <klepon> wew
[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O T R F R E P O A I - Here's a hint : P E R F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:33] <klepon> seneng bngt liat orang di flood
[01:33] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[01:33] <aryo> hu um
[01:33] <+ezza> bye Szajbus
[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P E R F O R A T I O N with the letters N O T R F R E P O A I (Use .define PERFORATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:34] * Q sets mode: +l 133
[01:34] <aryo> .ag
[01:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : O O S E M I C L N S (60s timeout) »]
[01:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O O S E M I C L N S - Here's a hint : S E M . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:35] <klepon> gak berhenti flood nya
[01:35] <aryo> sokor
[01:35] <klepon> wewlah
[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S E M I C O L O N S with the letters O O S E M I C L N S (Use .define SEMICOLONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:35] <klepon> ini orang apa bot yg flood klepon
[01:35] <klepon> kurang ajar
[01:35] * Ivory29 ( has joined #surabaya
[01:36] <aryo> sapi paling
[01:36] <aryo> .ag
[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E I L O P C (60s timeout) »]
[01:36] <aryo> polices
[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( POLICES ) in 6.515 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define POLICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:36] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya
[01:36] <Van_JaVa> ba
[01:36] <aryo> cruts
[01:36] <aryo> .ag
[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S A E X C H N G E (60s timeout) »]
[01:36] <Van_JaVa> crootz
[01:36] <aryo> exchanges
[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCHANGES ) in 9.515 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXCHANGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:37] <aryo> .ac
[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N E L E E V (60s timeout) »]
[01:37] <GoodToTalk> eleven
[01:37] <klepon> kurang ajar aku di flood terus daru tadi
[01:37] <aryo> eleven
[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ELEVEN ) in 15.43 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ELEVEN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[01:37] <klepon> gak berhenti
[01:37] <aryo> makasih
[01:37] <GoodToTalk> kurang bayar kali kamu pon
[01:38] <GoodToTalk> oke
[01:38] <klepon> bayar apa
[01:38] <aryo> .ac
[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : K R E L C S (60s timeout) »]
[01:38] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[01:38] <aryo> kelecs
[01:38] <FY> Yesss
[01:38] * klepon_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[01:38] <FY> Kapok
[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: K R E L C S - Here's a hint : C L . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:38] <aryo> clerks
[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLERKS ) in 33.35 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CLERKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[01:38] <klepon_> telek ayam malah dc
[01:38] <aryo> koe teleke
[01:39] <aryo> .ac
[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K C O L S (60s timeout) »]
[01:39] <klepon_> aku di flood dari tadi
[01:39] <aryo> cloks
[01:39] <aryo> sokor
[01:39] <klepon_> gak berhenti
[01:39] <GoodToTalk> locks
[01:39] <aryo> kolcs
[01:39] <aryo> locks
[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOCKS ) in 22.76 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LOCKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[01:39] <aryo> makasih
[01:39] * +ezza falls over
[01:39] <GoodToTalk> kok aku ngga bisa
[01:39] <aryo> pitoe gantio nick
[01:40] <aryo> .ag
[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : C O R I F I E (60s timeout) »]
[01:40] <GoodToTalk> klepon_ tapi masih hidup dibanjirin juga
[01:40] <klepon_> sapa ganti nick
[01:40] <aryo> mbuh
[01:40] <klepon_> .seen mell
[01:40] <NapaLm> mell ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 3 hari, 18 jam, 52 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).
[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C O R I F I E - Here's a hint : O R . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:40] <GoodToTalk> orifice
[01:40] <aryo> orifice
[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ORIFICE ) in 39.21 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ORIFICE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[01:40] <aryo> makasih
[01:40] <+elektra> Crumbs.
[01:40] <GoodToTalk> we
[01:41] <aryo> .ac
[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O S U T H (60s timeout) »]
[01:41] <aryo> south
[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SOUTH ) in 3.343 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SOUTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[01:41] <aryo> .ag
[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A H N D (60s timeout) »]
[01:41] <aryo> hand
[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HAND ) in 3.594 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HAND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]
[01:41] <aryo> .ac
[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : G N N W I D I S (60s timeout) »]
[01:42] <aryo> gindik
[01:42] <klepon_> pada main game klepon gak ada temen ngomong
[01:42] <GoodToTalk> windings
[01:42] <aryo> windings
[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WINDINGS ) in 18.82 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define WINDINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]
[01:42] * +ezza wins aryo and GoodToTalk
[01:42] <+tweety> SNAP.
[01:42] <aryo> makasih
[01:42] <aryo> klepon kok diajak ngomong
[01:42] <aryo> klepon ya dimakan
[01:42] <aryo> .ag
[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L O H W (60s timeout) »]
[01:42] <+tweety> "klepon" ya dimakan? More like depon ya klimakan, am I correct?
[01:42] <aryo> whol
[01:42] <aryo> lhow
[01:43] <aryo> owlh
[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L O H W - Here's a hint : H . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:43] <aryo> hlow
[01:43] <aryo> holw
[01:43] <aryo> holw
[01:43] <aryo> hwol
[01:43] <aryo> hassssu
[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H O W L with the letters L O H W (Use .define HOWL to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +9 ) »]
[01:44] <aryo> .ag
[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : R A G E (60s timeout) »]
[01:44] <aryo> gare
[01:44] <aryo> rage
[01:44] <aryo> gera
[01:44] <aryo> gaer
[01:44] <aryo> gear
[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GEAR ) in 20.42 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define GEAR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:44] <GoodToTalk> GEAR
[01:44] <aryo> .ag
[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : O A E R S N (60s timeout) »]
[01:44] <aryo> reson
[01:44] <aryo> saroen
[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A E R S N - Here's a hint : R E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:45] <aryo> reason
[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REASON ) in 35.98 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define REASON to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:45] * Ivory29 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:45] <aryo> .ac
[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : H A E R T (60s timeout) »]
[01:45] <aryo> heart
[01:45] <aryo> thear
[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H A E R T - Here's a hint : E A . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:46] <aryo> hater
[01:46] <aryo> earth
[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EARTH ) in 34.14 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define EARTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[01:46] <aryo> .ac
[01:46] <aryo> .dc
[01:46] <aryo> .ac
[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : T I M M O C U N I E S (60s timeout) »]
[01:46] <aryo> communitas
[01:46] <aryo> communities
[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMMUNITIES ) in 18.82 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COMMUNITIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[01:47] * klepon_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode
[01:52] <FY> .ag
[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : T R N M A D I I S T A O R (60s timeout) »]
[01:52] <FY> Administrator
[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ADMINISTRATOR ) in 6.953 secs . She won 9'750$ ! - Use .define ADMINISTRATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +4 ) »]
[01:52] <FY> .ag
[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S N C A V A (60s timeout) »]
[01:53] <FY> Canvas
[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CANVAS ) in 3.672 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CANVAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:53] <aryo> .ag
[01:53] <aryo> .ac
[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S D D O (60s timeout) »]
[01:53] <aryo> dods
[01:53] <aryo> odds
[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ODDS ) in 9.032 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define ODDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]
[01:54] <FY> .top10
[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 26'531'070$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'361'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 460'250$ »]
[01:54] <FY> .ag
[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : F E R B I I N G S (60s timeout) »]
[01:54] <FY> Briefings
[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( BRIEFINGS ) in 7.469 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define BRIEFINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:55] <aryo> nicke skor peken kabeh
[01:55] <aryo> sisan gae nick anying
[01:55] <aryo> .ag
[01:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T H U N (60s timeout) »]
[01:55] <aryo> hunts
[01:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HUNTS ) in 3.953 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HUNTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:56] <aryo> .ac
[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : H S F I (60s timeout) »]
[01:56] <aryo> fish
[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FISH ) in 3.172 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FISH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:56] <+pita> today's fish is trout a la creme. enjoy your meal
[01:56] <+creasy> today's fish is trout a la creme. enjoy your meal
[01:56] <+elektra> Today's fish is trout a la creme. enjoy your meal.
[01:56] <+ezza> SNAP!
[01:56] * +tweety wins creasy and pita
[01:56] * +creasy wins tweety
[01:56] * +pita wins tweety back with les feelds
[01:56] <aryo> oww
[01:56] * +tweety wins creasy
[01:56] <+pita> Awww
[01:56] <+creasy> Awww
[01:56] <aryo> .ag
[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E C N A E R A C T (60s timeout) »]
[01:56] <+tweety> well, /wins pita back with a coupon
[01:56] <+ezza> Awww.
[01:56] * +creasy rubs aryo better.
[01:56] * +ezza rubs aryo better
[01:56] * +pita rubs aryo better.
[01:56] <+creasy> what
[01:56] <FY> Reactance
[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( REACTANCE ) in 11.98 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define REACTANCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]
[01:57] <aryo> .ac
[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I T E D U C A (60s timeout) »]
[01:57] <FY> Education
[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( EDUCATION ) in 5.812 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EDUCATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:57] <aryo> 🤔
[01:57] <aryo> .ag
[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : M N A E P L A T E (60s timeout) »]
[01:57] <aryo> parlement
[01:57] <aryo> tenplamen
[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M N A E P L A T E - Here's a hint : N A M . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:57] <FY> Nameplate
[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( NAMEPLATE ) in 34.82 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define NAMEPLATE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[01:58] <aryo> 🙁
[01:58] <aryo> .ag
[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : W E I V R E T I N S (60s timeout) »]
[01:58] <aryo> mikriting
[01:58] <FY> Interviews
[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( INTERVIEWS ) in 9.546 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define INTERVIEWS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[01:58] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:58] <aryo> .ac
[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E M T S D A J U N T S (60s timeout) »]
[01:58] <FY> Adjustments
[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ADJUSTMENTS ) in 5.75 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define ADJUSTMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[01:58] <aryo> .ac
[01:58] <aryo> .ac
[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : E T C R S E P U S R T U U R (60s timeout) »]
[01:59] <FY> Silahkan dijawab
[01:59] <aryo> wes dipv s
[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T C R S E P U S R T U U R - Here's a hint : S U P E R . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:59] <aryo> brb sek
[01:59] <FY> Sokor
[01:59] <FY> Superstuctures
[01:59] <FY> Superstructure
[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( SUPERSTRUCTURE ) in 46.20 secs . She won 10'500$ ! - Use .define SUPERSTRUCTURE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[02:00] <FY> .money
[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 FY (#FY) has 513'500$ »]
[02:00] <aryo> .ag
[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E I S L L H I D (60s timeout) »]
[02:00] <aryo> silidsh
[02:00] <FY> Hillside
[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( HILLSIDE ) in 26.06 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define HILLSIDE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:01] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[02:01] <aryo> .ac
[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I T A T T U D E (60s timeout) »]
[02:01] <FY> Attitudes
[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ATTITUDES ) in 5.407 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ATTITUDES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]
[02:01] <aryo> 😞
[02:02] <FY> Off ah
[02:02] <aryo> sip
[02:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya
[02:11] * nonacantik (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[02:11] <aryo> wb nonacantik
[02:12] <+elektra> *honk*
[02:16] <Van_JaVa> waiki
[02:16] <Van_JaVa> langsung takoni size pls
[02:16] <aryo> ho o
[02:16] <aryo> ratoto kui
[02:18] <aryo> .ag
[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I S U Q E T O (60s timeout) »]
[02:18] <aryo> question
[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUESTION ) in 11.26 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define QUESTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +8 ) »]
[02:19] <aryo> .ag
[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D I W N (60s timeout) »]
[02:19] <aryo> wind
[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WIND ) in 2.828 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WIND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[02:19] <aryo> .ac
[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E C N L E T I N L I G E (60s timeout) »]
[02:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C N L E T I N L I G E - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E L L I G E N C E with the letters E C N L E T I N L I G E (Use .define INTELLIGENCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:20] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[02:21] <aryo>
[02:21] <aryo> .ag
[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T N A R U A T R E S (60s timeout) »]
[02:21] <aryo> tenatures
[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N A R U A T R E S - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:21] <aryo> restaurants
[02:22] <aryo> restaurant
[02:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RESTAURANT ) in 40.92 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define RESTAURANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:22] <aryo> .ag
[02:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S R L L C E A (60s timeout) »]
[02:22] <aryo> carlles
[02:22] <aryo> cralles
[02:22] <aryo> racells
[02:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R L L C E A - Here's a hint : C E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[02:23] <aryo> cerlls
[02:23] <aryo> cellrs
[02:23] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C E L L A R S with the letters S R L L C E A (Use .define CELLARS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:24] <aryo> .ag
[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S T I B R S L E (60s timeout) »]
[02:24] <aryo> blistre
[02:24] <aryo> blister
[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T I B R S L E - Here's a hint : B R I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[02:24] <aryo> bristles
[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BRISTLES ) in 38.34 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BRISTLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:25] <aryo> .qg
[02:25] <aryo> .ag
[02:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : W E I V R N I T E E R (60s timeout) »]
[02:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: W E I V R N I T E E R - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:26] <aryo> interview
[02:26] <aryo> interviewer
[02:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INTERVIEWER ) in 44.07 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define INTERVIEWER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[02:27] <aryo> .ag
[02:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E C O N N C T I O N (60s timeout) »]
[02:27] <aryo> connection
[02:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CONNECTION ) in 6.234 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define CONNECTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[02:28] <aryo> .ag
[02:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S E O M R T H E M T E R (60s timeout) »]
[02:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-
[02:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E O M R T H E M T E R - Here's a hint : T H E R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:29] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T H E R M O M E T E R S with the letters S E O M R T H E M T E R (Use .define THERMOMETERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:29] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]
[02:30] <aryo> .ag
[02:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E R T T A O N Y (60s timeout) »]
[02:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E R T T A O N Y - Here's a hint : A T T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:31] <aryo> atternoys
[02:31] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A T T O R N E Y S with the letters S E R T T A O N Y (Use .define ATTORNEYS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:31] <aryo> .ac
[02:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : Y P C O (60s timeout) »]
[02:31] <aryo> copy
[02:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COPY ) in 4 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define COPY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:31] <aryo> .ag
[02:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S O T A G R F R E I E R R (60s timeout) »]
[02:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O T A G R F R E I E R R - Here's a hint : R E F R . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:32] <aryo> refregratere
[02:32] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E F R I G E R A T O R S with the letters S O T A G R F R E I E R R (Use .define REFRIGERATORS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:33] <aryo> .ag
[02:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : M I T L I F E E (60s timeout) »]
[02:33] <aryo> timelife
[02:34] <aryo> timelief
[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M I T L I F E E - Here's a hint : L I F . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:34] <aryo> lifetime
[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LIFETIME ) in 34.62 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define LIFETIME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:34] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #surabaya
[02:34] <aryo> .ag
[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E M O H (60s timeout) »]
[02:34] <aryo> home
[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HOME ) in 4.781 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HOME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[02:35] <aryo> .ag
[02:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S S U C E X E (60s timeout) »]
[02:35] <aryo> susexe
[02:35] <aryo> suxcese
[02:36] <aryo> suxcees
[02:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S U C E X E - Here's a hint : E X . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[02:36] <aryo> excuese
[02:36] <aryo> exucese
[02:36] <aryo> excuess
[02:36] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E X C U S E S with the letters S S U C E X E (Use .define EXCUSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:36] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[02:36] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has left #surabaya
[02:37] <aryo> .ag
[02:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I L C C K S (60s timeout) »]
[02:37] <aryo> clicks
[02:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLICKS ) in 4.485 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CLICKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:38] * nonacantik (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[02:38] <+pita> pop
[02:38] <aryo> .ag
[02:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R W O S F T A E (60s timeout) »]
[02:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R W O S F T A E - Here's a hint : S O F . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[02:39] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S O F T W A R E with the letters R W O S F T A E (Use .define SOFTWARE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:39] <aryo> .ag
[02:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R A Z H A D (60s timeout) »]
[02:40] <aryo> hazard
[02:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HAZARD ) in 7.781 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define HAZARD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:40] <aryo> .ag
[02:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E L T T R A (60s timeout) »]
[02:40] * AndroUser_ (webchat@oqel.354y.rqrb.ip) has joined #surabaya
[02:40] <aryo> tetral
[02:40] <aryo> traelt
[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L T T R A - Here's a hint : R A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[02:41] <AndroUser_> puh rajine
[02:41] <aryo> hus
[02:41] <AndroUser_> .top10
[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 26'531'070$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'629'000$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 526'250$ »]
[02:41] <aryo> rattel
[02:41] <AndroUser_> wuih rank 5
[02:41] <aryo> sopo
[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R A T T L E with the letters E L T T R A (Use .define RATTLE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:41] <AndroUser_> seng takok
[02:41] <aryo> kekekeke
[02:42] <AndroUser_> .ag
[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E B I T (60s timeout) »]
[02:42] <aryo> ngopo yahmene ol koeki
[02:42] <aryo> ngewangi aku wae rasah melu
[02:42] <AndroUser_> ra ole a
[02:42] <aryo> bite
[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BITE ) in 16.42 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BITE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:42] <AndroUser_> dibayar piro jal
[02:42] <AndroUser_> pie genti bick
[02:42] <AndroUser_> lali iks
[02:42] <aryo> manut
[02:42] <AndroUser_> .givemoney
[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 197'500$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]
[02:42] <AndroUser_> .ag
[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K C S T I (60s timeout) »]
[02:42] <aryo> kacang 3 yo oleh
[02:43] <AndroUser_> Stick
[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( STICK ) in 3.578 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STICK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:43] <AndroUser_> 3ton?
[02:43] <AndroUser_> .k
[02:43] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[02:43] <aryo> ho o sak treke
[02:43] <aryo> .ag
[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I I C D E S O (60s timeout) »]
[02:43] <AndroUser_> endhi gadise
[02:43] <AndroUser_> decisions
[02:43] <AndroUser_> decision
[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( DECISION ) in 11.07 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DECISION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[02:43] <aryo> raenek gadis irc ki anane emak2 ro rondo
[02:43] <AndroUser_> endhi emak2 e
[02:44] <aryo> gi menthili anake
[02:44] <AndroUser_> .ag
[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I A L O V I T (60s timeout) »]
[02:44] <AndroUser_> violation
[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( VIOLATION ) in 6.937 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define VIOLATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[02:44] <AndroUser_> .dick
[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_'s dick: 8==D - (10 seconds till next question) »]
[02:44] <AndroUser_> .k
[02:44] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[02:44] <AndroUser_> .ag
[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S L T K E T E (60s timeout) »]
[02:44] <AndroUser_> kettles
[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( KETTLES ) in 5.844 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define KETTLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[02:45] <AndroUser_> .vp 5000
[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser_'s hand: 5s | 10h | Ah | 2s | Ac. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[02:45] <aryo> opo kui vp
[02:45] <AndroUser_> .draw 124
[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser_: your hand: 2c | 6s | Ah | Jd | Ac is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]
[02:45] <AndroUser_> vp virgin papa
[02:45] <AndroUser_> .ag
[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : R T S M R E T R U Q A A E S (60s timeout) »]
[02:45] <AndroUser_> quatermaster
[02:45] <aryo> .ag
[02:45] <AndroUser_> quartermasters
[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( QUARTERMASTERS ) in 15.43 secs . He won 10'500$ ! - Use .define QUARTERMASTERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[02:45] <aryo> dus
[02:45] <AndroUser_> .vp 5000
[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser_'s hand: Qc | 9d | Js | 10h | 6d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[02:45] <AndroUser_> .draw 1133
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser_: your hand: Kd | 9d | Ac | 10h | 6d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]
[02:46] <AndroUser_> .ag
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E N T O (60s timeout) »]
[02:46] <AndroUser_> Not
[02:46] <AndroUser_> Tone
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( TONE ) in 5.266 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TONE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[02:46] <AndroUser_> .b 10000
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser_'s hand: 2 | 5 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]
[02:46] <+elektra> blimey
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[02:46] <+ezza> Marmalade.
[02:46] <+tweety> marmalade
[02:46] <AndroUser_> D
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ hits: J : Total is 17 »]
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | J : Total is 19 »]
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! AndroUser_ loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]
[02:46] <AndroUser_> .ag
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : O I P E R D (60s timeout) »]
[02:46] <AndroUser_> period
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( PERIOD ) in 5.032 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PERIOD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]
[02:46] <AndroUser_> .vp 5000
[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser_'s hand: 8s | 6c | 8h | 6h | 2s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[02:47] <AndroUser_> .draw 5
[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser_: your hand: 8s | 6c | 8h | 6h | Qh is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]
[02:47] <AndroUser_> .ag
[02:47] * AndroUser_ (webchat@oqel.354y.rqrb.ip) Quit (Killed (* (You are violating network rules, ID: 57418491)))
[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D I U F L (60s timeout) »]
[02:47] <aryo> dyar
[02:47] <aryo> fueld
[02:47] <aryo> flued
[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D I U F L - Here's a hint : F L . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[02:47] <aryo> fluid
[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FLUID ) in 34.32 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FLUID to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd #n51516161717181 in his winning streak! ( +7 ) »]
[02:47] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya
[02:48] <aryo> .ag
[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : M O P R B L E (60s timeout) »]
[02:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!
[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M O P R B L E - Here's a hint : P R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:48] <aryo> problem
[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PROBLEM ) in 42.03 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PROBLEM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[02:49] <aryo> .ac
[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A G G E S (60s timeout) »]
[02:49] <aryo> gages
[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GAGES ) in 5.766 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[02:49] <aryo> .ag
[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L O O W (60s timeout) »]
[02:49] <aryo> wools
[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WOOLS ) in 4.281 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WOOLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[02:50] <+elektra> do do do do do do do... do do do do do.... do doo do do do do do... do do do do do doooo
[02:50] <aryo> .ag
[02:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S T Z R O H T U A I A I O N (60s timeout) »]
[02:50] * AndroUser__ ( has joined #surabaya
[02:50] <aryo> m
[02:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T Z R O H T U A I A I O N - Here's a hint : A U T H O . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:51] <AndroUser__> authorizations
[02:51] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( AUTHORIZATIONS ) in 38.89 secs . He won 10'500$ ! - Use .define AUTHORIZATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:51] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +4 ) »]
[02:51] * danilla (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[02:51] <AndroUser__> ojo mbatin mbah ndang maen
[02:51] <AndroUser__> hai kates
[02:51] <danilla> Haii
[02:52] <aryo> .ag
[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E W L D (60s timeout) »]
[02:52] * Q sets mode: +l 134
[02:52] <aryo> sweld
[02:52] <AndroUser__> dwels
[02:52] <aryo> sledw
[02:52] <aryo> welds
[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WELDS ) in 15.20 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WELDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:52] <AndroUser__> .rank aryo
[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: aryo (#aryo) is ranked 5th out of 586 Casino Players with 3'702'500$ - WebRank Page @ »]
[02:52] <AndroUser__> dilut kas rank 1
[02:52] <aryo> setahun neh
[02:53] <aryo> musuhe jutaan ngunu
[02:53] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)
[02:53] <aryo> .ag
[02:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T N S S A S I T A (60s timeout) »]
[02:53] <AndroUser__> disebul danilla ben gelis
[02:53] <aryo> danila wedok po lanang
[02:53] <aryo> rondo anak piro
[02:53] <AndroUser__> rondo royal kui
[02:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N S S A S I T A - Here's a hint : A S S . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:54] <aryo> assatian
[02:54] <aryo> assatitan
[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A S S I S T A N T with the letters T N S S A S I T A (Use .define ASSISTANT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:54] <aryo> assattian
[02:54] <aryo> su
[02:54] <aryo> .ag
[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : U M O T H (60s timeout) »]
[02:54] <aryo> mouth
[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOUTH ) in 6.344 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MOUTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:55] * danilla (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[02:55] <aryo> .ag
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L L T S A (60s timeout) »]
[02:55] <aryo> slats
[02:55] <aryo> talls
[02:55] <aryo> allts
[02:55] <aryo> talls
[02:55] <AndroUser__> neh
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L L T S A - Here's a hint : S T . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:55] <AndroUser__> dilit neh
[02:55] <aryo> stall
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STALL ) in 33.90 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STALL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[02:56] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[02:56] <AndroUser__> .ag
[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : C N S C I E E (60s timeout) »]
[02:56] <aryo> next
[02:56] <AndroUser__> science
[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( SCIENCE ) in 24.31 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SCIENCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]
[02:56] <AndroUser__> lapo di next
[02:57] <aryo> drijiku keju
[02:57] <AndroUser__> kene skormu tak wakilke
[02:57] <AndroUser__> .ag
[02:57] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T S L I (60s timeout) »]
[02:57] <AndroUser__> list
[02:58] <aryo> koe nggo jenengku wae gek maen
[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T S L I - Here's a hint : S . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:58] <AndroUser__> ok
[02:58] <AndroUser__> silt
[02:58] <aryo> po iso bedo aut
[02:58] <aryo> tils
[02:58] <aryo> list
[02:58] <AndroUser__> slit
[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( SLIT ) in 48.85 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SLIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser__ has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[02:58] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)
[02:58] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =O.
[02:58] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 6h | 8c | 7c | 5d | 10h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .draw 5
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 6h | 8c | 7c | 5d | Ks is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .ag
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S N O T T U B (60s timeout) »]
[02:59] <AndroUser__> buttons
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( BUTTONS ) in 5.687 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BUTTONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser__ has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: 6 | 7 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: A | J : Total is 21 or 11 »]
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! AndroUser__ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]
[02:59] <aryo> .ag
[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .ag
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 7d | 6d | Kh | Jc | 3d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[02:59] <aryo> .ac
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M R A P (60s timeout) »]
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .draw 34
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 7d | 6d | Qd | 3h | 3d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]
[02:59] <aryo> parm
[02:59] <AndroUser__> Ramp
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( RAMP ) in 6.266 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RAMP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser__ has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[02:59] <aryo> ramp
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[02:59] <AndroUser__> .ag
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R O B A E T T (60s timeout) »]
[03:00] <aryo> .ag
[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R O B A E T T - Here's a hint : A B . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:00] <aryo> abettor
[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ABETTOR ) in 50.32 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ABETTOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd AndroUser__ in his winning streak! ( +4 ) »]
[03:00] <AndroUser__> .ping Dealer
[03:00] <@Dealer> Dealer: Pong! (0.062s)
[03:00] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[03:01] <AndroUser__> .ag
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O S C K (60s timeout) »]
[03:01] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: K | J : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[03:01] <AndroUser__> S
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | K : Total is 12 »]
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 22 »]
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! AndroUser__ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]
[03:01] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 4c | 9s | Jh | Kc | 7s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[03:01] <AndroUser__> .draw 125
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: Qc | 8d | Jh | Kc | Js is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]
[03:01] <AndroUser__> .ag
[03:01] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O S C K - Here's a hint : S . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:01] <AndroUser__> ish dipv S
[03:02] <AndroUser__> sock
[03:02] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( SOCK ) in 59.21 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:02] <aryo> ho o
[03:02] <aryo> .ag
[03:02] * AndroUser__ ( has left #surabaya
[03:02] <+ezza> mmm Androuser__
[03:02] <+tweety> Bye Androuser__
[03:02] <+pita> :)
[03:02] <+elektra> ^_^
[03:02] <aryo> .ag
[03:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : X N I D E E S (60s timeout) »]
[03:02] <+ezza> =)
[03:03] <aryo> .ag
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: X N I D E E S - Here's a hint : I N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:03] <aryo> indeexs
[03:03] <aryo> indexes
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INDEXES ) in 42.57 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define INDEXES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:03] <aryo> .ag
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S P I K S (60s timeout) »]
[03:03] <aryo> kipss
[03:04] <aryo> skips
[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SKIPS ) in 19.5 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SKIPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:04] * AndroUser__ ( has joined #surabaya
[03:04] <aryo> .ag
[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R T S I R T H Y O (60s timeout) »]
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T S I R T H Y O - Here's a hint : T H Y . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T H Y R I S T O R with the letters R T S I R T H Y O (Use .define THYRISTOR to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[03:05] <aryo> .ac
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : I L A Q U T Y (60s timeout) »]
[03:05] <aryo> quality
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUALITY ) in 5.031 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define QUALITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:06] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: A | 9 : Total is 20 or 10 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[03:06] <AndroUser__> D
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ hits: K : Total is 20 »]
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 2 : Total is 5 »]
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 15 »]
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 25 »]
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! AndroUser__ has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]
[03:06] <aryo> .ag
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E T N (60s timeout) »]
[03:06] <aryo> nett
[03:06] <aryo> tent
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TENT ) in 7.141 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:06] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 7h | 7d | 4s | 2h | 7s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[03:07] <AndroUser__> .draw 34
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 7h | 7d | Js | 8h | 7s is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]
[03:07] <aryo> .ag
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A F L L (60s timeout) »]
[03:07] <aryo> laff
[03:07] <aryo> fall
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FALL ) in 7.125 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FALL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[03:07] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: 7 | 4 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[03:07] <AndroUser__> H
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ hits: 7 : Total is 18 »]
[03:07] <AndroUser__> S
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 2 : Total is 13 or 3 »]
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 20 or 10 »]
[03:07] <aryo> .ag
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! AndroUser__ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : R A M O C P T M E N T S (60s timeout) »]
[03:07] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R A M O C P T M E N T S - Here's a hint : C O M P . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen
[03:08] <aryo> compromant
[03:08] <aryo> compremant
[03:08] <aryo> compor
[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O M P A R T M E N T S with the letters R A M O C P T M E N T S (Use .define COMPARTMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]
[03:08] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 3c | 5c | Kc | 9c | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[03:08] <AndroUser__> .draw 12444
[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 7c | 5d | Kc | 4c | Ks is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]
[03:09] <AndroUser__> .ag
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E F E (60s timeout) »]
[03:09] <AndroUser__> feet
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( FEET ) in 7.609 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FEET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:09] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: J | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[03:09] <AndroUser__> S
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 6 : Total is 9 »]
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 16 »]
[03:09] <+creasy> Feeeeeeeeeeeeet.
[03:09] <aryo> feet
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 26 »]
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! AndroUser__ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]
[03:09] <aryo> .ag
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : Y B E R R (60s timeout) »]
[03:09] <aryo> byerr
[03:09] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:09] <AndroUser__> Berry
[03:09] <aryo> byrre
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( BERRY ) in 19.32 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BERRY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser__ has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:09] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: Ah | Qc | Jh | 5c | 8h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[03:09] <AndroUser__> .draw 445
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: Ah | Qc | Jh | 3s | 8c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]
[03:09] <AndroUser__> .ag
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R O T A G I V A N S (60s timeout) »]
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R O T A G I V A N S - Here's a hint : N A V . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:10] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:10] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: 9 | 6 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[03:10] <AndroUser__> H
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ hits: 2 : Total is 17 »]
[03:10] <AndroUser__> S
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 10 : Total is 17 »]
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]
[03:10] <AndroUser__> .ag
[03:10] <klepon> hallo selamat sore
[03:10] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: Jc | 4h | Kd | 6c | 10s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: N A V I G A T O R S with the letters R O T A G I V A N S (Use .define NAVIGATORS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for AndroUser__ stopped ( +2 ) »]
[03:10] <AndroUser__> .draw 11333
[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: Kc | 4h | 2s | 6c | 10s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]
[03:11] <aryo> .ag
[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S O I T O R P O M N (60s timeout) »]
[03:11] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: K | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]
[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[03:11] <AndroUser__> S
[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 10 : Total is 15 »]
[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 18 »]
[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]
[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O I T O R P O M N - Here's a hint : P R O . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:12] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: Qh | 7s | Ac | Kd | 3h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[03:12] <AndroUser__> .draw 255
[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: Qh | 9d | Ac | Kd | Qd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]
[03:12] <AndroUser__> .ag
[03:12] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O M O T I O N S with the letters S O I T O R P O M N (Use .define PROMOTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:12] <klepon> .seen
[03:12] <klepon> .seen klwpon
[03:12] <aryo> .ac
[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T A W R I M E (60s timeout) »]
[03:12] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat klwpon.
[03:12] <klepon> .seen klepon
[03:13] <aryo> klepon sudsh meninggal silahkan kekuburan
[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A W R I M E - Here's a hint : W A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:13] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000
[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 7h | 7c | Kd | 8c | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[03:13] <AndroUser__> .draw 335
[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 7h | 7c | 3s | 8c | 8s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]
[03:13] <AndroUser__> .ag
[03:13] <aryo> wartime
[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WARTIME ) in 45.98 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WARTIME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:13] <AndroUser__> .b 10000
[03:13] * AndroUser__ ( Quit (Killed (* (You are violating network rules, ID: 57418493)))
[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: 9 | A : Total is 20 or 10 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]
[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[03:13] <aryo> .ag
[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R V I U N E S E (60s timeout) »]
[03:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R V I U N E S E - Here's a hint : U N I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:14] <aryo> universe
[03:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( UNIVERSE ) in 38 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define UNIVERSE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:14] <aryo> .ag
[03:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N I D W E D G (60s timeout) »]
[03:15] <aryo> wedding
[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WEDDING ) in 8.75 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WEDDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[03:15] <aryo> .ag
[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : R E H E L U O T R B S O O T (60s timeout) »]
[03:15] <@Dealer> Blackjack GAME ENDED
[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E H E L U O T R B S O O T - Here's a hint : T R O U B . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:16] <aryo> troubelers
[03:16] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T R O U B L E S H O O T E R with the letters R E H E L U O T R B S O O T (Use .define TROUBLESHOOTER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:16] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]
[03:17] <aryo> .ag
[03:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E H V O U C R S (60s timeout) »]
[03:17] <aryo> vouchers
[03:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VOUCHERS ) in 6.125 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define VOUCHERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:18] <aryo> .ag
[03:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S U N A R E M M O D M (60s timeout) »]
[03:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S U N A R E M M O D M - Here's a hint : M E M O . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:18] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M E M O R A N D U M S with the letters S U N A R E M M O D M (Use .define MEMORANDUMS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:20] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (EOF from client)
[03:20] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[03:20] <aryo> .ag
[03:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T A D E F U L (60s timeout) »]
[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A D E F U L - Here's a hint : D E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:21] <aryo> default
[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DEFAULT ) in 36.34 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DEFAULT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:22] <aryo> .ag
[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E L S A D D (60s timeout) »]
[03:22] <aryo> sendal
[03:22] <aryo> daselk
[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L S A D D - Here's a hint : S A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:22] <aryo> salded
[03:23] <aryo> salesd
[03:23] <aryo> saledd
[03:23] <aryo> saddel
[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S A D D L E with the letters E L S A D D (Use .define SADDLE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:24] <aryo> .ag
[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : D H T A C O E S (60s timeout) »]
[03:24] <aryo> chodot
[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D H T A C O E S - Here's a hint : C A T . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:25] <aryo> .ag
[03:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C A T H O D E S with the letters D H T A C O E S (Use .define CATHODES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:26] <aryo> .ag
[03:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S R A R E T I L E (60s timeout) »]
[03:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R A R E T I L E - Here's a hint : R E T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:27] <aryo> .top10
[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 27'120'470$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'918'500$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: n51516161717181 (??) 534'000$ »]
[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E T A I L E R S with the letters S R A R E T I L E (Use .define RETAILERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace
[03:28] <aryo> .ag
[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O O P S L (60s timeout) »]
[03:28] <aryo> loops
[03:28] <aryo> pools
[03:28] <aryo> polos
[03:28] <aryo> lopos
[03:28] <aryo> solop
[03:28] <Denia> Spool
[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 Denia has just found the correct word ( SPOOL ) in 20.39 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SPOOL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:29] <+pita> Looooooooooops.
[03:29] <aryo> .ag
[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S S F R O T (60s timeout) »]
[03:29] <aryo> frotss
[03:29] <aryo> trofss
[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S F R O T - Here's a hint : F R . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:30] <aryo> frots
[03:30] <aryo> frotss
[03:30] <aryo> frosts
[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FROSTS ) in 50.90 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FROSTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:31] <aryo> .ag
[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : F R E U N D (60s timeout) »]
[03:31] <aryo> refund
[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REFUND ) in 4.032 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define REFUND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[03:32] <aryo> .ag
[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : H C I H E R A R I E S (60s timeout) »]
[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H C I H E R A R I E S - Here's a hint : H I E R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:32] <aryo> next
[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H I E R A R C H I E S with the letters H C I H E R A R I E S (Use .define HIERARCHIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[03:34] <aryo> .ag
[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O I S E D E R T S (60s timeout) »]
[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I S E D E R T S - Here's a hint : D E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E S E R T I O N S with the letters N O I S E D E R T S (Use .define DESERTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:35] <aryo> .ag
[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E B M E M (60s timeout) »]
[03:36] <aryo> memben
[03:36] <aryo> bremem
[03:36] <aryo> embrem
[03:36] <aryo> rembem
[03:36] <aryo> berem
[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E B M E M - Here's a hint : M E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:36] <aryo> mebren
[03:36] <aryo> meberm
[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M E M B E R with the letters R E B M E M (Use .define MEMBER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:38] <aryo> .ag
[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K C L C O (60s timeout) »]
[03:38] <aryo> clock
[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLOCK ) in 4.235 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:39] <aryo> .ag
[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : K C A S (60s timeout) »]
[03:39] <aryo> sack
[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SACK ) in 7.109 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SACK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:39] <aryo> .ag
[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S U O R T E (60s timeout) »]
[03:39] <aryo> tourse
[03:39] <aryo> routes
[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROUTES ) in 10.25 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ROUTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[03:40] <aryo> .ag
[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : P A L F (60s timeout) »]
[03:40] <aryo> pafl
[03:40] <aryo> falp
[03:40] <aryo> lafp
[03:40] <aryo> afpl
[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P A L F - Here's a hint : F . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:41] <aryo> falp
[03:41] <aryo> fapl
[03:41] <aryo> fpal
[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F L A P with the letters P A L F (Use .define FLAP to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]
[03:41] <aryo> flap
[03:42] <aryo> .ag
[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S O P I R S E D C T I N (60s timeout) »]
[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O P I R S E D C T I N - Here's a hint : D E S C . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E S C R I P T I O N S with the letters S O P I R S E D C T I N (Use .define DESCRIPTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:45] <aryo> .ag
[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S A S L T E (60s timeout) »]
[03:45] <aryo> satles
[03:45] <aryo> teslas
[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A S L T E - Here's a hint : S L . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:45] <aryo> sleats
[03:45] <aryo> slates
[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SLATES ) in 43.81 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SLATES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:46] <aryo> .ag
[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T I P S L N S (60s timeout) »]
[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T I P S L N S - Here's a hint : S P . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:47] <aryo> splinsts
[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S P L I N T S with the letters T I P S L N S (Use .define SPLINTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:48] <aryo> .ag
[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R U E C S H D L E (60s timeout) »]
[03:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....
[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R U E C S H D L E - Here's a hint : S C H . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:49] <aryo> schuledules
[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S C H E D U L E R with the letters R U E C S H D L E (Use .define SCHEDULER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:49] <aryo> .ac
[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T R L I B E Y (60s timeout) »]
[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T R L I B E Y - Here's a hint : L I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:50] <aryo> liberyt
[03:50] <aryo> libyret
[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L I B E R T Y with the letters T R L I B E Y (Use .define LIBERTY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:50] <aryo> librety
[03:52] <aryo> .ag
[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L E N T U N S (60s timeout) »]
[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L E N T U N S - Here's a hint : T U . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:52] <aryo> tunels
[03:53] <aryo> tunnels
[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TUNNELS ) in 55.70 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TUNNELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:53] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:53] <aryo> webek dev
[03:53] <aryo> .ag
[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E N I S T R U M N T S (60s timeout) »]
[03:53] <aryo> instruments
[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INSTRUMENTS ) in 6.782 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define INSTRUMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:53] <Deviee_> Nggihh
[03:53] <aryo> adus rung dev
[03:54] <Deviee_> Saaampoon
[03:54] <aryo> kok kupinge iseh
[03:54] <Deviee_> Huuh
[03:54] <aryo> adus neh gih
[03:55] <Deviee_> Gaah
[03:55] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)
[03:55] <+elektra> Gaaaaaaaaaaah
[03:55] <+ezza> bye letta_
[03:55] <aryo> crobo
[03:55] <aryo> .ag
[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : P E N V E L O E S (60s timeout) »]
[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P E N V E L O E S - Here's a hint : E N V . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:56] <Deviee_> Envelopes
[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N V E L O P E S with the letters P E N V E L O E S (Use .define ENVELOPES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[03:57] <aryo> .ac
[03:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S R E K L O C (60s timeout) »]
[03:57] <aryo> lockers
[03:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOCKERS ) in 8.938 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define LOCKERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:58] <aryo> .top10
[03:58] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 27'574'520$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'123'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: n51516161717181 (??) 534'000$ »]
[03:58] <aryo> magrib2
[03:58] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[03:58] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go o_O
[03:59] * Q sets mode: +l 130
[04:01] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[04:02] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !
[04:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela
[04:34] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:34] * Androuser3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:35] <+pita> Do you know how we keep warm in Russia?
[04:35] <+pita> ... we play chess.
[04:37] * andre_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:38] * Androuser3 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[04:38] * alone (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:39] * alone (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[04:39] <+tweety> bye alone
[04:40] <Van_JaVa> bye
[04:47] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[04:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela
[04:49] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[04:49] <+tweety> mmm Szajbus
[04:49] <+pita> nok > szajbus
[05:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears
[05:12] * endah ( Quit (EOF from client)
[05:13] * andre_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:13] * Q sets mode: +l 128
[05:14] * andre_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:20] * chadd (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:20] * chadd (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)
[05:20] * chadd ( has joined #surabaya
[05:20] <+ezza> Mmm chadd.
[05:21] <chadd> .money
[05:21] <@Dealer> 6 chadd (#Chadd) has 2'000$ »]
[05:23] * chadd is now known as Sesshomaru
[05:25] * m_alone (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:25] <Sesshomaru> .ag
[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Sesshomaru started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O S I L S (60s timeout) »]
[05:25] <Sesshomaru> Soils
[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Sesshomaru has just found the correct word ( SOILS ) in 3.641 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SOILS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:25] <Sesshomaru> .ag
[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Sesshomaru started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : U T T S A S (60s timeout) »]
[05:25] <Sesshomaru> Status
[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Sesshomaru has just found the correct word ( STATUS ) in 3.516 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STATUS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Sesshomaru has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[05:26] * m_alone (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:26] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:27] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[05:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya
[05:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[05:30] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya
[05:32] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ has joined #surabaya
[05:32] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[05:33] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:35] <nandini> Wb kak mimin
[05:36] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya
[05:36] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)
[05:36] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:36] <mimin> Ty nandini
[05:36] <nandini> Wb AndroUser
[05:37] <nandini> sm2 kak min
[05:39] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:42] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:45] <jeri> .ag
[05:45] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L A U J O R N (60s timeout) »]
[05:45] <jeri> jurnals
[05:46] <jeri> jurnal
[05:46] <jeri> journal
[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( JOURNAL ) in 22.62 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define JOURNAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 jeri pwn'd Sesshomaru in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]
[05:47] <jeri> .b 10000
[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: A | 8 : Total is 19 or 9 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]
[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[05:47] <jeri> s
[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | J : Total is 20 »]
[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]
[05:47] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)
[05:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=
[05:49] * andre_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:56] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:56] <+tweety> Bye cobdg_
[05:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:01] * putri ( has joined #surabaya
[06:02] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[06:05] * indra (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:05] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:05] <mimin> Wb semua
[06:08] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[06:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso
[06:11] * indra (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:13] <mimin> Hm.... Sangat sepi disini.
[06:20] <Van_JaVa> putri : size pls
[06:22] * endah ( has joined #surabaya
[06:23] <mimin> Wb endah
[06:26] <+pita> SSSH SEKRIT
[06:26] <Van_JaVa> waiki
[06:27] <Van_JaVa> endah
[06:28] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[06:28] <aryo> sip
[06:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung
[06:29] <aryo> ew
[06:29] <aryo> mlenuk metuntung
[06:30] <aryo> .top10
[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 28'370'712$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'123'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'595'350$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: n51516161717181 (??) 534'000$ »]
[06:30] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:38] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:42] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:47] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[06:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure
[06:50] <FangYin> .ag
[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T M G S E E N (60s timeout) »]
[06:50] <FangYin> Segment
[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SEGMENT ) in 3.578 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SEGMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:51] <FangYin> .ag
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R E O T W (60s timeout) »]
[06:51] <FangYin> Tower
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( TOWER ) in 3.093 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TOWER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[06:52] <FangYin> .ag
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : M M O D E (60s timeout) »]
[06:52] <FangYin> Modem
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( MODEM ) in 3.609 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MODEM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[06:53] * endah ( Quit (Registered)
[06:53] * endah ( has joined #surabaya
[06:54] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:55] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:55] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:58] * hurt (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:58] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*
[06:58] * hurt was kicked by Q (Banned.)
[06:59] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:59] <+tweety> Bye androuser.
[07:05] <Toriq> .dick
[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 Toriq's dick: 8=====================D - (10 seconds till next question) »]
[07:05] * Toriq was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)
[07:05] * Toriq ( has joined #surabaya
[07:05] <Toriq> wokeeee
[07:05] <Toriq> .mypenis
[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Toriq's penis is: 19,8 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]
[07:05] <Toriq> cocok!!
[07:05] <+creasy> wheeeee cocokmy precious
[07:06] <+pita> \o/
[07:06] <+ezza> We hates the fat hobbit! Him and his pots and pans and ropes.
[07:06] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[07:07] * Toriq offline. meretas hening
[07:09] <+creasy> Putting the rab in crab since 1890.
[07:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar
[07:17] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[07:17] <klepon> weks weks
[07:17] <aryo> halah
[07:17] <Toriq> klepon dicari rere
[07:17] <aryo> nggoleki sopo pon
[07:17] <klepon> mana orang e
[07:17] <aryo> ditelpon toh
[07:18] <klepon> kemarin aku di katain ingon2 kek kambing ama samirah
[07:18] <aryo> ee
[07:18] <aryo> samirah kemana pon
[07:18] <klepon> gak tau
[07:19] <aryo> mau nomere rere g pon
[07:20] <aryo> wa nen tak kei
[07:20] <klepon> Mau dung 🤣🤣🤣
[07:20] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis
[07:20] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 6,85 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]
[07:20] <Van_JaVa> kodanan
[07:20] <Van_JaVa> mengkeret
[07:20] <aryo> po due maanuk
[07:20] <Van_JaVa> mengkeret (2)
[07:21] <aryo> .top10
[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 28'526'012$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'123'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 552'500$ »]
[07:21] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[07:21] <aryo> kurang 30jt
[07:22] <aryo> ngoyak karina adohe pol
[07:22] <temon> wuih rank 5
[07:22] <klepon> Pada kemana ya
[07:22] <temon> .money
[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 temon (#TOMJERRX) has 4'250$ »]
[07:22] <temon> yess sugih
[07:23] <aryo> nomer 6
[07:23] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[07:23] <aryo> pon klepon
[07:24] <aryo> wes etok cewek piro pon
[07:24] * Q sets mode: +l 134
[07:24] <klepon> Emboh yo
[07:24] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[07:24] <aryo> lha
[07:24] <aryo> oyaken aespa kui
[07:24] <aryo> seh prawab pon
[07:25] <aryo> prawan
[07:25] <klepon> Opo iyo
[07:25] <aryo> ngko nek on
[07:25] <aryo> nicke fy
[07:25] <aryo> iyo
[07:25] <aryo> tanggane temon kui
[07:25] <aryo> ngakune due bojo ben ra digodani
[07:25] <klepon> Fy galak bngt kok aku di kick terus ama dia
[07:25] <aryo> dikick nendi
[07:26] <aryo> wong udu op kok
[07:26] <klepon> Bayuwangi
[07:26] <aryo> lha nek kene wae ngopo rono2
[07:26] <aryo> galak ki tandane ra gampang dikejar
[07:26] <aryo> makane kejaren
[07:26] <klepon> Di kan kemarin ada orang ngobrol
[07:27] <klepon> Di sana kan kemarin ada orang ngobrol aku ikut malah di kick
[07:27] <aryo> galak cuma ketikane dia
[07:27] <aryo> kemqrin telponan ama aku lembut2 aja suaranya
[07:27] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[07:27] <aryo> wb pitoe
[07:28] <klepon> Masa
[07:28] <klepon> Kamu punya nomer nya?
[07:28] <aryo> hu um
[07:28] <aryo> fbku juga diadd ama dia kok
[07:28] <klepon> Coba kasih ke klepon
[07:29] <+tweety> Lashings of ginger beer.
[07:29] <aryo> apanya
[07:29] <klepon> Nomer na
[07:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!
[07:29] <aryo> tar tak tanya dulu boleh g ya
[07:29] <klepon> Iya
[07:29] <klepon> Coba kamu sms dia dulu
[07:30] <aryo> baru keluar dia ama temenya tadi wa aku
[07:31] <klepon> Malam2 kok keluar kek kalong aja
[07:31] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[07:31] <aryo> hehe kan masih sore
[07:31] <klepon> Kemarin2 aku di bohongin ama kenzo
[07:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[07:32] <aryo> bohong knapa
[07:32] <klepon> Katanya si rere masih gadis n aku mo di kasih poto waktu rere masih abg
[07:32] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣🤣
[07:33] * alit ( has joined #surabaya
[07:33] <klepon> Wb alit
[07:33] <aryo> alit: cilik
[07:34] <Ganonk> cilik = tengu ?
[07:34] <klepon> btw aku abis pulang dari tempat orang aqiqohan lohh
[07:34] <aryo> cilik : mlenik
[07:35] <klepon> ada ganong
[07:35] <aryo> (klepon) btw aku abis pulang dari tempat orang aqiqohan lohh <== dirimu g diaqiqoh kan pon
[07:36] <klepon> aku yg di undang
[07:36] <klepon> makan daging kambing
[07:36] <+pita> well, I'd makan kambing
[07:36] <klepon> aku makan setengah
[07:36] <aryo> pantes kek kambing lu pon
[07:36] <klepon> enak aja sembarangan kalo ngomong
[07:37] <klepon> kalo bau nya iya tapi klepon bukan kambinh
[07:37] <aryo> wakakaka
[07:37] <Ganonk> .w klepon
[07:37] <aryo> kirain jadi kambing lu pon
[07:37] <klepon> bau kambing lah abis makan daging kambing
[07:37] <aryo> aku g suka kambing pon
[07:37] <aryo> g enak
[07:37] <Ganonk> klepon wonogiri :c
[07:38] <klepon> iyq
[07:38] <aryo> enak baksonya kalau wonogiri
[07:38] <klepon> enak dunk kalo di makan
[07:38] <klepon> banyak yg jual bakso
[07:38] <aryo> lha iyo oo diculeke matamu baksone
[07:38] <Ganonk> apalagi ditraktie
[07:38] <Ganonk> hahahahaj
[07:38] <Ganonk> kalem
[07:39] <klepon> laka2 aryo emosi ama klepon
[07:39] <aryo> disini banyak yg jual bakso org wonogiri
[07:39] <klepon> lama2
[07:39] <aryo> tiap hari aku beli
[07:39] <JupIt3r> (Ganonk) kalem, bukan nya gragas kamu ganonk
[07:39] <Ganonk> malak
[07:39] <aryo> userku juga banyak penjual bakso wonogiri
[07:39] <klepon> beli ama kuah nya ndak
[07:39] <Ganonk> peh..
[07:39] <aryo> kuahnya g suka
[07:39] <aryo> cuma suka baksonya
[07:40] <klepon> bakso gak ada kuah nya juga ada loh
[07:40] <Ganonk> mbah jup , mpun dalu.. dimeremkemawon.. iling ayan'e
[07:40] <Ganonk> =))
[07:40] <aryo> aku punya kenalan penjual bakso anaknya cantik
[07:41] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:41] <klepon> gak nanya
[07:41] <aryo> puh
[07:41] <aryo> kejem koe pon
[07:41] <aryo> tak godok dadekne bakso koe
[07:41] <klepon> kamu yg bilang aku kan gak nanya
[07:41] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[07:41] <aryo> sue2 tak pithes cah ki
[07:42] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[07:42] <aryo> musim apa pon wonogiri
[07:42] <klepon> aku tuh paling suka emot 🤣🤣🤣
[07:42] <klepon> musim ujan
[07:42] <aryo> emot manuuk ya pon
[07:42] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:42] <aryo> kirain musim janda
[07:42] <klepon> banyak janda di tempat ku
[07:43] <aryo> korbanmu semua pasti
[07:43] <klepon> tapi banyak buat rebutan
[07:43] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[07:43] <klepon> ngawur aja kamu tuh
[07:43] <JupIt3r> (klepon) banyak janda di tempat ku, selera e aryo
[07:44] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:44] <aryo> gah
[07:44] <klepon> cew yg umur 30-40 banyak yg cerai kawin
[07:44] <aryo> aku suka gadis
[07:44] <Ganonk> waiki mulai pembahasan
[07:45] <aryo> ora nonk
[07:45] <klepon> adaloh tetanggaku suami nya merantau pulang2 istri nya hamil
[07:45] <aryo> kalem2
[07:45] <klepon> trus cerai
[07:45] <aryo> lu yg hamilin pasti pon
[07:45] <klepon> bukan lah
[07:45] <aryo> masa
[07:45] <klepon> aku juga tau setelah dia hamil besar
[07:45] <aryo> jupi brati
[07:45] <+pita> jupi brati... jati
[07:46] <Ganonk> wuahahahahahah
[07:46] <aryo> diq diem2 kan maen belakang
[07:46] <klepon> dulu tuh aku gak tau hamil nya eh tau2 lahiran .. rumah nya beda rt
[07:46] <aryo> korbanmu pon ngaku aja
[07:47] <klepon> agak jauh rumah nya ama rumah ku
[07:47] <klepon> sembarangan kamu tuh
[07:47] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[07:47] <aryo> wakakaka
[07:47] <aryo> ganonk coba tanya hamilin g
[07:47] <klepon> kalo ngomong itu jangan suka ngawur ya
[07:47] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[07:48] <klepon> coba tak seen cah ayu dulu
[07:48] <klepon> .seen tajahyaue
[07:48] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat tajahyaue.
[07:48] <klepon> .seen tjahayoye
[07:48] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat tjahayoye.
[07:48] <klepon> weks
[07:48] <klepon> salah keyik terus
[07:48] <Ganonk> walah
[07:48] <klepon> nivk nya ribet dia tuh
[07:48] <klepon> .seen tjahayoe
[07:49] * Sesshomaru ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:49] <klepon> tuhj baru bener
[07:49] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[07:49] <aryo> wb fi3 ku
[07:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken
[07:49] <klepon> cah ayu tuh kalo liat klepon sebel bngt kek liat apangitu
[07:49] <Fit3> Ty aryo
[07:49] <klepon> fi3 tuh temen klepon lohh
[07:49] <aryo> sabar musuh org tua harus maklum pon
[07:50] <Fit3> Hi klepon
[07:50] <aryo> aku belum ol irc dia dah duluan di irc
[07:50] <aryo> irc belum ada aja ayoe dah ol
[07:50] <klepon> fi3 jangan deket2 aryo ya dia bau kambing abis makan daginh kambinh
[07:50] <Fit3> Aryao,Gak main anagram lagi?
[07:50] <Ganonk> :v
[07:50] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[07:50] <aryo> nanti malam fit
[07:50] <aryo> lagi ngeslow
[07:51] <Fit3> Ooo
[07:51] <aryo> tar temenin ya
[07:51] <aryo> bantu jawab hehe
[07:51] <Fit3> Kalo blm tidur ya
[07:51] <Fit3> 🤭
[07:51] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[07:51] <aryo> hadeh
[07:51] <aryo> klepon kek kambing
[07:51] <klepon> mendinh fi3 ama kelpon aja
[07:52] <Fit3> (aryo) klepon kek kambing....kok kayak kambing?
[07:52] <aryo> fit3 tar tak wa kalau tidur biar bangun
[07:52] <aryo> dia hobi makan kambing
[07:53] <klepon> hadeh dehh kok bokongku kok gatal2 bgt ya kena kami tetep abis dari rumah orang aqigohan tadi
[07:53] <aryo> cangkul aja bokongnya
[07:53] <klepon> dulu aku waktu kecil suka makan kepala kambinh sekarang gak bgtu suka daginh kambinh
[07:53] <Fit3> (aryo) fit3 tar tak wa kalau tidur biar bangun.... 🤭🤭 Maksa euy
[07:54] <aryo> hehe
[07:54] <klepon> duduk di tikar kena kami tetep
[07:54] <aryo> sekali2 makss dikit
[07:54] <klepon> kami jeplek
[07:54] <aryo> tengu ngunu wae
[07:54] <klepon> si fi3 itu gak punya wa lohh
[07:55] <Fit3> Kok tahu
[07:55] <Fit3> ???
[07:55] <aryo> hahaha
[07:55] <+creasy> But sir, we're still on our own planet.
[07:55] <klepon> punya nya telegram
[07:55] <aryo> 2021 masa masih pake telegram
[07:56] <Fit3> (aryo) 2021 masa masih pake telegram.... Iya biar lebih romantis 😄😄
[07:56] <klepon> wew aryo ketinggalan jaman kamu
[07:56] <aryo> heleh
[07:56] <aryo> hajar pon
[07:57] <aryo> aku brb sek beli maem keburu malem
[07:57] <klepon> gak tanya
[07:57] <klepon> moga tutupbwarung nasi nya🤣🤣🤣
[07:57] <Fit3> (aryo) aku brb sek beli maem keburu malem... Kayaknya udah malam deh
[07:58] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*
[07:59] <klepon> telegram mu ndak aktiv fi3
[07:59] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:59] <klepon> weks malah quit
[07:59] <klepon> di ajak ngomonh kok
[08:00] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[08:01] <klepon> gak ada temen ngomong nih
[08:01] <klepon> ganonk
[08:01] <klepon> ganonk tadi mana yq
[08:02] <klepon> pqmit juga ah
[08:02] * klepon is now known as jemblem
[08:02] * jemblem (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[08:07] * Mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[08:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!
[08:09] <+elektra> :o
[08:09] <+ezza> :O
[08:09] <+creasy> Sacrebleu!
[08:09] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[08:09] <temon> xoyxoyxoyxyxtkxo
[08:13] * Mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[08:14] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya
[08:15] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya
[08:15] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go =O
[08:16] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya
[08:17] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya
[08:28] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[08:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto
[08:30] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[08:33] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[08:33] <+tweety> Bye mimin.
[08:35] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:36] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:42] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya
[08:44] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya
[08:44] <suliw4> Assalamualaikum
[08:44] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[08:45] * AndroUser is now known as coz
[08:46] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[08:47] * Q sets mode: +l 135
[08:47] * seven ( has joined #surabaya
[08:47] <@|In-Love|> webe pelopor cutik mania
[08:48] * seven ( has left #surabaya
[08:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....
[08:52] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[08:52] <+ezza> I wish they didn't have to go ;(
[08:54] <suliw4> Wayah e turu
[08:54] <coz> jam piro nang kunu
[08:56] <temon> 5
[08:58] <suliw4> Jam 11
[08:58] * voine (~voine@ has joined #surabaya
[08:59] <temon> voine
[08:59] <coz> ya
[08:59] <voine> apa
[08:59] <suliw4> Dalem
[08:59] <suliw4> Eh
[08:59] <suliw4> Kono udan OPO Ra coz
[09:00] <coz> iki ndek bwi ga udan
[09:00] <coz> mlg udan
[09:00] <suliw4> Ngopo nik bwi
[09:01] <coz> mlaku2
[09:01] <voine> @topchans
[09:01] <ChanStat-12> (TopChannels): 1. #malang | 2. #waroeng | 3. <hidden> | 4. #abocy | 5. #surabaya | 6. #Game | 7. <hidden> | 8. <hidden> | 9. #Indogaul | 10. #Jakarta
[09:01] <voine> .ag
[09:01] <suliw4> Woh
[09:02] <temon> .money voine
[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 voine (#0) isn't registred or he isn't online »]
[09:03] <voine> nyilih auth tulung
[09:03] <voine> .t
[09:03] <voine> .top10
[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 29'108'462$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'123'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]
[09:03] <temon> iku suliw4 juragan auth
[09:04] <voine> siji om
[09:04] <coz> telu gpp
[09:04] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[09:05] * voine is now known as point
[09:05] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[09:06] <point> bagi auth om
[09:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?
[09:09] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:09] <+tweety> one day
[09:09] <+creasy> have you asked chabby?
[09:09] <+elektra> Omg yes.
[09:09] <+pita> yes, that makes me horny
[09:09] <+ezza> Only with spud.
[09:11] * point (~voine@ has left #surabaya
[09:11] * Q sets mode: +l 133
[09:11] * aryo is now known as jacky
[09:11] <+ezza> Master?
[09:12] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya
[09:13] * jacky (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[09:21] <aryo> .ag
[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D F L U I (60s timeout) »]
[09:21] <aryo> fluid
[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FLUID ) in 4.36 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FLUID to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]
[09:23] <aryo> .ag
[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H T A E R B (60s timeout) »]
[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H T A E R B - Here's a hint : B R . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B R E A T H with the letters H T A E R B (Use .define BREATH to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:25] * point (~voine@ has joined #surabaya
[09:25] <point> .ag
[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E I T W N (60s timeout) »]
[09:26] <point> twine
[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( TWINE ) in 16.18 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TWINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:28] <aryo> .ag
[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E L S O (60s timeout) »]
[09:28] <aryo> lose
[09:28] <aryo> sole
[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SOLE ) in 9.032 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SOLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:29] <aryo> .ag
[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I F D E E C T O N (60s timeout) »]
[09:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-
[09:29] <aryo> definitiom
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I F D E E C T O N - Here's a hint : D E F . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:30] <aryo> defection
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DEFECTION ) in 48.59 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DEFECTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[09:30] * pitoe (~fish@ has joined #surabaya
[09:31] * pitoe (~fish@ Quit (Signed off)
[09:32] <aryo> .ag
[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E T I H S P M A S (60s timeout) »]
[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T I H S P M A S - Here's a hint : S H I . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:32] <point> shipments
[09:33] <aryo> shipments
[09:33] <+creasy> SNAP!
[09:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S H I P M A T E S with the letters E T I H S P M A S (Use .define SHIPMATES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:33] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[09:33] <aryo> .ag
[09:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : C T S S E R I A N E S (60s timeout) »]
[09:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C T S S E R I A N E S - Here's a hint : R E S I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:34] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E S I S T A N C E S with the letters C T S S E R I A N E S (Use .define RESISTANCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:35] <point> .ag
[09:35] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : P O L E V E N E S (60s timeout) »]
[09:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P O L E V E N E S - Here's a hint : E N V . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:35] <point> envelopea
[09:35] <point> envelopes
[09:35] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( ENVELOPES ) in 42.84 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ENVELOPES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:35] <point> .ag
[09:36] <point> .vp 5000
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. point's hand: Qd | Kh | 10h | 2s | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[09:36] <point> .draw 45
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - point: your hand: Qd | Kh | 10h | Js | 10c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]
[09:36] <point> .ag
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E U O T R Q (60s timeout) »]
[09:36] <point> equatora
[09:36] <point> equators
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E U O T R Q - Here's a hint : T O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:36] <point> torques
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( TORQUES ) in 32.76 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TORQUES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) point has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[09:36] <point> .b 10000
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 point bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. point's hand: 7 | 3 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]
[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]
[09:36] <aryo> .ag
[09:37] <point> d
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 point hits: 3 : Total is 13 »]
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 10 : Total is 20 »]
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! point loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]
[09:37] <point> ag
[09:37] <point> .ag
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E S A D I S T R (60s timeout) »]
[09:37] <point> disaster s
[09:37] <point> disastera
[09:37] <point> disasters
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( DISASTERS ) in 20.60 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DISASTERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) point has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[09:37] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)
[09:37] <point> .vp 5000
[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. point's hand: 6d | 5c | Ad | 8c | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]
[09:38] <point> .draw 124
[09:38] <aryo> .ag
[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R E T A R P A M E S (60s timeout) »]
[09:38] <point> .ag
[09:38] <point> parameters
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( PARAMETERS ) in 8.234 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PARAMETERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) point has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[09:39] <point> .b 10000
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 point bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. point's hand: J | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 Hit or Stand? ('H' or 'S') »]
[09:39] <point> s
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 7 : Total is 18 or 8 »]
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! point loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]
[09:39] <point> .vp 5000
[09:39] <point> .ag
[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : T N N I A R A R G M E S (60s timeout) »]
[09:39] <point> arrangements
[09:40] <aryo> .ag
[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N N I A R A R G M E S - Here's a hint : A R R A . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:40] <point> arrangements
[09:40] <aryo> arragements
[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A R R A I G N M E N T S with the letters T N N I A R A R G M E S (Use .define ARRAIGNMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for point stopped ( +4 ) »]
[09:41] <point> .ag
[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T L A F U (60s timeout) »]
[09:41] <point> fault
[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( FAULT ) in 3.906 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FAULT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:41] <point> .ag
[09:41] <point> .vp 5000
[09:41] <point> .an
[09:41] <point> .g
[09:41] <point> .a
[09:41] <point> .ag
[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H A W S E S (60s timeout) »]
[09:41] <point> whases
[09:42] <point> washes
[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( WASHES ) in 19.43 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WASHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) point has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[09:42] <aryo> .ag
[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R E I R E T N I V W E (60s timeout) »]
[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E I R E T N I V W E - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:42] <aryo> .ac
[09:43] <point> interview
[09:43] <point> interviews
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E R V I E W E R with the letters R E I R E T N I V W E (Use .define INTERVIEWER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for point stopped ( +2 ) »]
[09:43] <aryo> .ag
[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R C O K S (60s timeout) »]
[09:43] <aryo> rocks
[09:43] <aryo> skorcs
[09:44] <aryo> skorc
[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R C O K S - Here's a hint : C O . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:44] <aryo> cork
[09:44] <aryo> corks
[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CORKS ) in 39.62 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CORKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:45] <aryo> .ag
[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E E N O C F R N C E S (60s timeout) »]
[09:45] * point (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)
[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E E N O C F R N C E S - Here's a hint : C O N F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:46] <aryo> confrences
[09:46] <aryo> conferens
[09:46] <aryo> conference
[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N F E R E N C E S with the letters E E N O C F R N C E S (Use .define CONFERENCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment
[09:50] <aryo> .ag
[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : L H O A L C O I C (60s timeout) »]
[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L H O A L C O I C - Here's a hint : A L C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:51] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A L C O H O L I C with the letters L H O A L C O I C (Use .define ALCOHOLIC to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:51] <aryo> alcoholic
[09:52] <aryo> .ag
[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N S T E C I L (60s timeout) »]
[09:52] <aryo> centils
[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N S T E C I L - Here's a hint : S T . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:53] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T E N C I L with the letters N S T E C I L (Use .define STENCIL to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:54] * juergen ( has joined #surabaya
[09:54] <juergen>
[09:55] * juergen ( Quit (Signed off)
[09:55] <aryo> .ag
[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S O T E (60s timeout) »]
[09:55] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :'(
[09:55] <aryo> tode
[09:55] <aryo> tose
[09:55] <aryo> toes
[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TOES ) in 10.59 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TOES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:55] * co-p (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[09:56] <+elektra> Monsieur, with this gyereket you are really spoiling us!
[09:56] <+pita> The Ambassador's receptions are noted in society for their host's exquisite taste that captivates his guests.
[09:56] <aryo> .ag
[09:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N I T C I L B P U A O (60s timeout) »]
[09:56] <TjahAyoe> Publication
[09:56] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PUBLICATION ) in 17.65 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define PUBLICATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:57] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[09:57] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y E T B A T R (60s timeout) »]
[09:57] <TjahAyoe> Battrey
[09:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y E T B A T R - Here's a hint : B A . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[09:57] <TjahAyoe> Baterty
[09:57] <aryo> bateray
[09:57] <aryo> batery
[09:57] <aryo> battery
[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BATTERY ) in 58.35 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BATTERY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:58] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R O T A N I R C O O D (60s timeout) »]
[09:58] <TjahAyoe> Cordinator
[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R O T A N I R C O O D - Here's a hint : C O O R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[09:59] <TjahAyoe> Coordinator
[09:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( COORDINATOR ) in 36.03 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COORDINATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[09:59] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[09:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E R U M O I S T S (60s timeout) »]
[09:59] <TjahAyoe> Moisture s
[09:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E R U M O I S T S - Here's a hint : M O I . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[10:00] <TjahAyoe> Moistures
[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( MOISTURES ) in 38.20 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define MOISTURES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[10:00] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S I R P C E (60s timeout) »]
[10:00] <aryo> prices
[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PRICES ) in 5.64 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PRICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd TjahAyoe in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]
[10:01] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[10:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : L A S S I D P O (60s timeout) »]
[10:01] <TjahAyoe> Lapiddos
[10:01] <TjahAyoe> Lapidoss
[10:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L A S S I D P O - Here's a hint : D I S . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:01] <aryo> disapol
[10:02] <TjahAyoe> Disopsal
[10:02] <TjahAyoe> Disposal
[10:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( DISPOSAL ) in 51.03 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DISPOSAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:02] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[10:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[10:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S D I A (60s timeout) »]
[10:02] <TjahAyoe> Dias
[10:02] * alit ( Quit (Signed off)
[10:02] <+ezza> bye alit
[10:02] <TjahAyoe> Adis
[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Siad
[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Said
[10:03] <aryo> dias
[10:03] <aryo> asid
[10:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S D I A - Here's a hint : A . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Asid
[10:03] <aryo> aisd
[10:03] <aryo> aids
[10:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( AIDS ) in 41.5 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define AIDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Asdi
[10:03] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[10:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E G A I M S (60s timeout) »]
[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Agamis
[10:04] <TjahAyoe> Misage
[10:04] <TjahAyoe> Mesagi
[10:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G A I M S - Here's a hint : I M . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:04] <TjahAyoe> Images
[10:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( IMAGES ) in 33.73 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define IMAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:04] <aryo> .ag
[10:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A W S T E (60s timeout) »]
[10:04] <aryo> waste
[10:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WASTE ) in 4.953 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WASTE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag
[10:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : G J U D E (60s timeout) »]
[10:05] <TjahAyoe> Judge
[10:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( JUDGE ) in 6.078 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define JUDGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:07] <aryo> .ag
[10:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : P R E C E I T (60s timeout) »]
[10:07] <aryo> pretice
[10:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P R E C E I T - Here's a hint : R E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[10:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E C E I P T with the letters P R E C E I T (Use .define RECEIPT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:08] <aryo> .ag
[10:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : O I T U O R P R E D C N S (60s timeout) »]
[10:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I T U O R P R E D C N S - Here's a hint : R E P R . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:09] <aryo> .top10
[10:09] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 29'108'462$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'445'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]
[10:09] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E P R O D U C T I O N S with the letters O I T U O R P R E D C N S (Use .define REPRODUCTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....
[10:10] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[10:11] <aryo> .ac
[10:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N O I C I F T (60s timeout) »]
[10:11] <aryo> notific
[10:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I C I F T - Here's a hint : F I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[10:11] <aryo> fiction
[10:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FICTION ) in 39.79 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FICTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:12] <aryo> .ac
[10:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S R T R O O (60s timeout) »]
[10:13] <aryo> rotors
[10:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROTORS ) in 28.43 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ROTORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[10:14] <aryo> .ag
[10:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E H W O L A L E (60s timeout) »]
[10:14] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Killed (* (You are violating network rules, ID: 57418500)))
[10:15] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya
[10:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E H W O L A L E - Here's a hint : W H O . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:15] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: W H O L E S A L E with the letters S E H W O L A L E (Use .define WHOLESALE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:15] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[10:17] <aryo> .ac
[10:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S U H T O G H T (60s timeout) »]
[10:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S U H T O G H T - Here's a hint : T H O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:17] <aryo> thoughts
[10:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( THOUGHTS ) in 49.84 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define THOUGHTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:18] <aryo> .ag
[10:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : Y R E N E G (60s timeout) »]
[10:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y R E N E G - Here's a hint : E N . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[10:19] <aryo> enyreg
[10:19] <aryo> engrey
[10:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N E R G Y with the letters Y R E N E G (Use .define ENERGY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:20] <aryo> .ag
[10:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O S I C D E I N S (60s timeout) »]
[10:20] <aryo> considens
[10:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O S I C D E I N S - Here's a hint : D E C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[10:21] <aryo> decidens
[10:21] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E C I S I O N S with the letters O S I C D E I N S (Use .define DECISIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:22] <aryo> .ac
[10:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O A T K E F F S (60s timeout) »]
[10:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A T K E F F S - Here's a hint : T A K . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:22] <aryo> .ac
[10:23] <aryo> takeoffs
[10:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TAKEOFFS ) in 36.34 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TAKEOFFS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:23] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:23] <aryo> .ac
[10:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : H S B U (60s timeout) »]
[10:23] <aryo> bush
[10:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BUSH ) in 3.859 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BUSH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[10:24] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[10:24] <JupIt3r> Juh, demit leluhur fosil masih aja mainan games
[10:24] <aryo> wakakka
[10:24] <aryo> lu g tifur jup
[10:24] <aryo> dah sepuh tidur sana jup
[10:25] <JupIt3r> lapar
[10:25] <aryo> mandi
[10:26] <aryo> .ac
[10:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : E C E I L E T I N L G N S (60s timeout) »]
[10:26] <JupIt3r> Gk onok panganan, mau ke indomaret kena ppkm mikro jam buka sampai jam 9 malam
[10:26] <JupIt3r> Ada nya duren
[10:26] <JupIt3r> Sikat aja
[10:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C E I L E T I N L G N S - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:27] <aryo> makan sekalian kulitnya
[10:27] <aryo> intelectings
[10:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E L L I G E N C E S with the letters E C E I L E T I N L G N S (Use .define INTELLIGENCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:27] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[10:27] <JupIt3r> Intelegen
[10:28] <aryo> .ag
[10:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I W D R A N G S (60s timeout) »]
[10:28] <aryo> drawings
[10:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DRAWINGS ) in 6.266 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DRAWINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:29] <aryo> .ac
[10:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R E L A G S I N S (60s timeout) »]
[10:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never
[10:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E L A G S I N S - Here's a hint : S I G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S I G N A L E R S with the letters R E L A G S I N S (Use .define SIGNALERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:31] <aryo> .ag
[10:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M A O F (60s timeout) »]
[10:31] <aryo> foam
[10:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FOAM ) in 4.187 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FOAM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:32] <aryo> .ag
[10:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O Q U E S T I N (60s timeout) »]
[10:32] <aryo> question
[10:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUESTION ) in 5.437 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define QUESTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[10:33] <aryo> .ag
[10:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : O I T R E L C C A E A N S (60s timeout) »]
[10:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I T R E L C C A E A N S - Here's a hint : A C C E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:34] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C E L E R A T I O N S with the letters O I T R E L C C A E A N S (Use .define ACCELERATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:34] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[10:34] <aryo> .ag
[10:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E A L F R S (60s timeout) »]
[10:34] <aryo> lafers
[10:35] <aryo> farels
[10:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A L F R S - Here's a hint : F L . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:35] <aryo> flaers
[10:35] <aryo> flares
[10:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FLARES ) in 52.92 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FLARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:36] * AngeI ( has joined #surabaya
[10:36] <aryo> wb
[10:36] <aryo> angel
[10:36] <aryo> susah
[10:36] <aryo> .ag
[10:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : I A I A C L B R T O N S (60s timeout) »]
[10:36] <aryo> colabration
[10:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I A I A C L B R T O N S - Here's a hint : C A L I . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:37] <aryo> calibrations
[10:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CALIBRATIONS ) in 51.53 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define CALIBRATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[10:37] <AngeI> hi
[10:37] <aryo> ji angel
[10:37] <aryo> kemana aja lama tak jumpa
[10:37] <AngeI> :)
[10:38] <aryo> :*
[10:39] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya
[10:39] <aryo> .ag
[10:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T A C I O N S (60s timeout) »]
[10:39] <aryo> cations
[10:39] <aryo> cotains
[10:39] <aryo> contains
[10:39] <cwok> .stop
[10:39] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)
[10:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A C I O N S - Here's a hint : A C . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[10:39] <aryo> kekekekeke
[10:40] <aryo> actions
[10:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ACTIONS ) in 36.64 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ACTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[10:40] <+elektra> The next channel is #kennington. Change here for the quakenet.
[10:40] <aryo> .ac
[10:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R T S I P (60s timeout) »]
[10:41] <aryo> stip
[10:41] <aryo> strip
[10:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STRIP ) in 7.468 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STRIP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[10:41] <aryo> .ag
[10:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y R O C F A T (60s timeout) »]
[10:41] <aryo> factory
[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FACTORY ) in 28.32 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FACTORY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[10:42] <+pita> gosh
[10:42] <aryo> .ag
[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S R H A D H I P (60s timeout) »]
[10:42] <aryo> hardship
[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HARDSHIP ) in 7.344 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define HARDSHIP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[10:43] <aryo> .ac
[10:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N S P E R P O I T I O (60s timeout) »]
[10:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N S P E R P O I T I O - Here's a hint : P R E P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[10:44] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R E P O S I T I O N with the letters N S P E R P O I T I O (Use .define PREPOSITION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[10:44] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +6 ) »]
[10:44] <aryo> .top10
[10:44] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 29'108'462$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'688'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'422'550$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]
[10:44] <aryo> ndelok tv sek
[10:44] <aryo> pamed
[10:44] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)
[10:44] <+ezza> Mmm aryo.
[10:44] <+tweety> -_-
[10:44] <+pita> =D
[10:44] <+ezza> =]
[10:44] <+ezza> -_-
[10:44] <+tweety> :)
[10:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!
[10:54] * AngeI ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:05] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)
[11:06] * Q sets mode: +l 129
[11:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?
[11:10] <+creasy> Yes but i wish i'd gone keys-rinseing =)
[11:10] <+elektra> yes but i wish i'd gone torch-weting =]
[11:10] <+pita> yeah whoops :)
[11:10] <+ezza> wee... do that again
[11:24] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[11:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[11:29] <+ezza> mmm "Szajbus"
[11:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *
[11:36] * Xandra17 ( has joined #surabaya
[11:36] <+elektra> heeeeee FUN
[11:37] * Xandra17 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!
[12:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai
[12:13] <+creasy> i'm king of getting pointless things
[12:26] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[12:26] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*
[12:26] * AndroUser was kicked by Q (Banned.)
[12:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak
[12:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure
[13:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu
[13:19] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[13:26] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*
[13:27] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[13:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak
[13:45] <nandini> T
[13:45] <nandini> A
[13:46] <nandini> H
[13:46] <nandini> A
[13:46] <nandini> J
[13:46] <nandini> U
[13:46] <nandini> D
[13:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget
[13:51] * Uma16 ( has joined #surabaya
[13:52] * Uma16 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:05] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[14:05] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[14:07] <+pita> Where do you have sex with a hockey?
[14:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high
[14:22] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya
[14:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!
[14:39] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[14:44] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[14:44] <+tweety> I like them :o)
[14:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen
[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya
[15:01] <+creasy> Oh no, an asymptomatic case of wanklamprrhoea. My ring finger has turned shining yellow and my nuts turned into a list :(
[15:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!
[15:14] * co-p (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[15:15] * co (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[15:16] * co (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[15:18] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[15:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[15:24] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[15:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-
[15:44] * +tweety yawns
[15:45] * +ezza puts on nightie
[15:50] * dhewi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[15:50] * dhewi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[15:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!
[15:52] <+pita> Confident knees, worried hair, caring knees.
[15:56] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[16:04] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[16:04] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[16:10] <+elektra> i'm a parrot factory squawk squawk
[16:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?
[16:11] <+elektra> Can i have 50:50?
[16:11] <+pita> What is your favourite colour?
[16:11] <+creasy> nothing
[16:26] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya
[16:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!
[16:35] * Willa21 (~jxermgwh@ has joined #surabaya
[16:38] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[16:39] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[16:41] * Willa21 (~jxermgwh@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:44] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[16:45] * Q sets mode: +l 130
[16:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya
[17:01] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)
[17:01] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya
[17:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan
[17:12] * +pita shits her leg warmers
[17:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[17:24] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[17:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked
[17:39] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya
[17:39] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)
[17:40] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya
[17:43] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!
[18:09] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)
[18:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never
[18:12] <+pita> That's a funny little cigarette.
[18:18] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya
[18:29] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[18:30] * Deviee_ is now known as ranniee
[18:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-
[18:38] <+pita> where do you have sex with a cake?
[18:43] * ranniee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[18:50] * Naomi ( has joined #surabaya
[18:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!
[18:54] * Naomi ( Quit (Registered)
[18:54] * Naomi ( has joined #surabaya
[18:57] * cewe_sederhana (~Girly@ has joined #surabaya
[18:57] * cewe_sederhana (~Girly@ has left #surabaya
[19:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-
[19:16] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[19:16] <aryo> .top10
[19:16] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 41'790'450$ 2: nia (Denia) 30'578'200$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 27'009'063$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'688'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'504'550$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'571'408$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]
[19:18] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[19:19] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:20] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[19:22] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[19:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja
[19:32] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya
[19:40] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya
[19:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!
[20:00] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[20:01] * Q sets mode: +l 133
[20:02] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[20:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai
[20:24] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya
[20:27] * danilla (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[20:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!
[20:33] <+pita> My personality matrix can simulate what the real pita would say with 6 percent accuracy!
[20:34] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[20:41] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[20:41] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[20:43] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)
[20:49] * danilla (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:49] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[20:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`
[20:54] <FY> .ag
[20:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : Y A B I G M (60s timeout) »]
[20:55] <FY> Bigamy
[20:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( BIGAMY ) in 16.71 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BIGAMY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[20:55] <Deviee_> Wb jenk
[20:56] <FY> Ty jeng dep
[20:58] <Deviee_> Nggih
[20:58] <Deviee_> Ga sc jenk?
[21:01] <GoodToTalk> nah
[21:01] <GoodToTalk> disini agak sepoi
[21:02] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya
[21:02] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya
[21:06] <FY> (Deviee_) Ga sc jenk?>>libur dulu jeng
[21:06] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:06] <FY> Terakhir main tanggal 2 maren
[21:06] <FY> Sekarang prei sek
[21:07] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya
[21:08] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya
[21:10] <Deviee_> Oookk
[21:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!
[21:16] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya
[21:16] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya
[21:18] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[21:20] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[21:21] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[21:25] <+creasy> Check out my hands
[21:28] * Naomi ( Quit (Signed off)
[21:29] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[21:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never
[21:33] * putri ( has left #surabaya
[21:38] <+pita> BLAM.
[21:43] * sesshomaru (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[21:43] * sesshomaru (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)
[21:43] * sesshomaru ( has joined #surabaya
[21:50] * co_biasa_ (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya
[21:50] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...
[22:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?
[22:12] <+creasy> rofl :) ^*#~~$#~
[22:12] <+elektra> how could i when i had Felixallium finding at Light's house
[22:12] <+pita> Yarr -_-
[22:12] * +creasy clouts himself in the knuckle
[22:30] <+tweety> Mmm toast.
[22:31] <+ezza> Good morning!
[22:32] * Silit ( has joined #surabaya
[22:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?
[22:32] <+pita> no i spent my time contemplating how i smacked Lancelot in the head
[22:32] <+creasy> Yes and i'm gonna do it again this morning in Chippenham in the butt.
[22:32] <+elektra> yes but i'd rather explain quantum physics to Jade than do it again!
[22:32] <Silit> wkwkwkwkkw
[22:33] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[22:40] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[22:41] <+elektra> Oh no, an invasive case of pubecellistria. My little finger has turned bright chartreuse and my nut exploded :(
[22:42] <+ezza> I feel like bouncing!
[22:46] <Silit> .ag
[22:47] * Silit is now known as Geblek
[22:47] * Geblek ( Quit (Signed off)
[22:48] * Geblek ( has joined #surabaya
[22:49] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[22:51] <klepon> hallo
[22:51] <klepon> ada orang ndak
[22:51] <klepon> sepi
[22:51] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[22:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja
[23:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked
[23:12] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[23:12] <+ezza> won't the exploding hurt?
[23:20] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[23:20] <+tweety> Bye Szajbus.
[23:23] * sesshomaru ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:30] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[23:30] <klepon> hallo
[23:31] <klepon> sepi
[23:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....
[23:41] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #surabaya
[23:44] * oooyab (~sh@ Quit (Signed off)
[23:45] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[23:45] * co- (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[23:46] * Q sets mode: +l 134
[23:48] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:52] * co- (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[23:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela
[23:53] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[23:54] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[23:55] <+ezza> mmm kelpon
[23:57] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[23:57] * rara_manjaa (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[23:57] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[23:58] <rara_manjaa> !uno
[23:58] <rara_manjaa> Gk ada ya
[00:00] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[00:00] <+ezza> i like them :)
[00:00] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya
[00:00] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya
[00:00] <+tweety> Bye cowookk.
[00:01] * rara_manjaa (~androirc@ has left #surabaya
[00:01] <+tweety> Are you local?
[00:01] <+ezza> I wish they didn't have to go =[
[00:08] <+creasy> Stop staring at the monkeys~^##~*~%percent
[00:09] <+elektra> lum de dum de dum...
[00:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!
[00:13] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya
[00:14] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya
[00:15] * Naomi ( has joined #surabaya
[00:22] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya
[00:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *
[00:34] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[00:35] * Q sets mode: +l 135
[00:40] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[00:48] <+tweety> I smell of coconut.
[00:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode
[00:57] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) Quit (G-lined)
[00:57] * kadal (zembot@2610:150:8015:1000::28a) Quit (G-lined)
[00:57] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[00:58] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[01:04] <FangYin> .ag
[01:04] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : P I R T S E (60s timeout) »]
[01:04] <FangYin> Stripe
[01:04] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( STRIPE ) in 5.329 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STRIPE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:05] <aryo> .ac
[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S A D I R I E (60s timeout) »]
[01:05] <FangYin> Diaries
[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( DIARIES ) in 4.657 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DIARIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:05] <aryo> riders
[01:05] <aryo> .ag
[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O S C K (60s timeout) »]
[01:05] <FangYin> Sock
[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SOCK ) in 3.265 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[01:05] <aryo> sock
[01:05] <aryo> 🙄
[01:06] <FangYin> .ag
[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T N O E (60s timeout) »]
[01:06] <FangYin> Tone
[01:06] <FangYin> Note
[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( NOTE ) in 8.265 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NOTE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[01:06] <FangYin> .money
[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 911'750$ »]
[01:06] <aryo> .ag
[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S A M U H N (60s timeout) »]
[01:07] <FangYin> Humans
[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( HUMANS ) in 11.14 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define HUMANS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[01:07] * +tweety blinks
[01:07] <aryo> .ac
[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T V S O L E N (60s timeout) »]
[01:07] <aryo> solvent
[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SOLVENT ) in 5.375 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SOLVENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +5 ) »]
[01:07] <FangYin> Solvent
[01:07] <aryo> .top10
[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 43'562'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 31'136'450$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 27'009'063$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'694'000$ 6: Riie (??) 3'504'550$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'571'408$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 919'250$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]
[01:07] <aryo> .ac
[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O O B T T M S (60s timeout) »]
[01:07] <FangYin> Bottoms
[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( BOTTOMS ) in 3.86 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BOTTOMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:07] <aryo> bottoms
[01:08] <aryo> .ag
[01:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : G N I O F O T (60s timeout) »]
[01:08] <aryo> footing
[01:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FOOTING ) in 12 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FOOTING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:09] <aryo> .ag
[01:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O O E B A T L S P (60s timeout) »]
[01:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O O E B A T L S P - Here's a hint : T A B . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:10] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T A B L E S P O O N with the letters N O O E B A T L S P (Use .define TABLESPOON to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:10] <aryo> .ag
[01:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S G O L (60s timeout) »]
[01:11] <aryo> logs
[01:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOGS ) in 5.156 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LOGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:11] <aryo> .ac
[01:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : M T R C O M P A E N T S (60s timeout) »]
[01:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M T R C O M P A E N T S - Here's a hint : C O M P . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:12] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O M P A R T M E N T S with the letters M T R C O M P A E N T S (Use .define COMPARTMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak
[01:13] <aryo> .ag
[01:13] * Geblek ( Quit (Registered)
[01:13] * Geblek ( has joined #surabaya
[01:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N I T U M A L F N C O (60s timeout) »]
[01:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I T U M A L F N C O - Here's a hint : M A L F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:14] <aryo> malfunction
[01:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MALFUNCTION ) in 58.93 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define MALFUNCTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:14] <aryo> .ag
[01:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E A C C O R D A N C (60s timeout) »]
[01:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A C C O R D A N C - Here's a hint : A C C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:15] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C O R D A N C E with the letters E A C C O R D A N C (Use .define ACCORDANCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:17] <aryo> .ac
[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S T S A R E (60s timeout) »]
[01:17] <aryo> starts
[01:17] <aryo> stares
[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STARES ) in 9.828 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:17] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[01:17] <aryo> .ag
[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S L E R F I P U G (60s timeout) »]
[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S L E R F I P U G - Here's a hint : F I R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:18] <aryo> firguses
[01:18] <aryo> firgules
[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F I R E P L U G S with the letters S L E R F I P U G (Use .define FIREPLUGS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:19] <aryo> .ac
[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E G S P O N (60s timeout) »]
[01:19] <aryo> spongs
[01:19] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[01:19] <aryo> sponge
[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SPONGE ) in 7.703 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SPONGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:21] <aryo> .ag
[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E A C U R V T U R (60s timeout) »]
[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A C U R V T U R - Here's a hint : C U R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C U R V A T U R E with the letters E A C U R V T U R (Use .define CURVATURE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:22] <+pita> Oh boy, my subscription is running out.
[01:22] <aryo> .ag
[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T R O P R E (60s timeout) »]
[01:22] <aryo> troper
[01:22] <aryo> potere
[01:22] <aryo> poterr
[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T R O P R E - Here's a hint : R E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[01:23] <aryo> repotr
[01:23] <aryo> report
[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REPORT ) in 41.32 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define REPORT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:24] <aryo> .ag
[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O D I G E S T I (60s timeout) »]
[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O D I G E S T I - Here's a hint : D I G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:24] <aryo> diggest
[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I G E S T I O N with the letters N O D I G E S T I (Use .define DIGESTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:26] <aryo> .ag
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L E T H O (60s timeout) »]
[01:26] <aryo> hotel
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HOTEL ) in 7.5 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HOTEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:26] <aryo> .ag
[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T A C O N T R S S (60s timeout) »]
[01:26] <aryo> conttrass
[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A C O N T R S S - Here's a hint : C O N . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:27] <Geblek> contil
[01:27] <FY> Contrasts
[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CONTRASTS ) in 52.89 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define CONTRASTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:27] <aryo> contil
[01:27] <aryo> eh
[01:27] <aryo> tikus mah tak tutne
[01:28] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) has joined #surabaya
[01:28] <aryo> kisut
[01:28] <aryo> .ag
[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : C S R E O U R E (60s timeout) »]
[01:28] <FY> Resource
[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( RESOURCE ) in 9.375 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define RESOURCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:28] * kadal (zembot@2610:150:8015:1000::28a) has joined #surabaya
[01:29] * Q sets mode: +l 135
[01:29] <aryo> .ag
[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E S E R T T M A S (60s timeout) »]
[01:29] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S E R T T M A S - Here's a hint : M A T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[01:29] <Geblek> mat stress
[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M A T T R E S S E S with the letters S E S E R T T M A S (Use .define MATTRESSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for FY stopped ( +2 ) »]
[01:30] <FY> Mattresses
[01:30] <aryo> .ag
[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D O M E M (60s timeout) »]
[01:30] <aryo> nodem
[01:30] <aryo> modem
[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MODEM ) in 6.812 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MODEM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:31] <aryo> .ag
[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R E A G S I N L (60s timeout) »]
[01:31] <aryo> lingers
[01:31] <FY> Signaler
[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( SIGNALER ) in 11.43 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SIGNALER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:31] <aryo> reangrls
[01:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!
[01:35] <FY> .ag
[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : I I B A P A C L I T E S (60s timeout) »]
[01:35] <FY> Capabilities
[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CAPABILITIES ) in 5.187 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define CAPABILITIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[01:38] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (EOF from client)
[01:39] * Q sets mode: +l 133
[01:39] <+creasy> Press X to not love
[01:39] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[01:39] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[01:39] * co_biasa__ (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya
[01:40] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:41] * bandot ( has joined #surabaya
[01:41] * kuy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:42] * zozo ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:43] * icebaby ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:43] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:43] * wedhus ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:43] * bandot is now known as wedhus
[01:43] * co_biasa_ (~co_biasa@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:43] * Loki| is now known as Loki
[01:44] * Q sets mode: +l 124
[01:45] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya
[01:47] * zozo ( has joined #surabaya
[01:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai
[01:53] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[01:53] * Loki (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (Killed (* (overruled by older nick)))
[01:53] * icebaby (thg@ has joined #surabaya
[01:53] * cuyy (cuyy@ has joined #surabaya
[01:53] * clips (hybridz@ has joined #surabaya
[01:53] * Q sets mode: +l 133
[01:53] * Loki| (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #surabaya
[01:54] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya
[01:54] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[01:54] * Q sets mode: +l 136
[01:59] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:01] * Q sets mode: +l 134
[02:02] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[02:02] <+ezza> i like them -_-
[02:07] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:07] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[02:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja
[02:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan
[02:35] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[02:36] <klepon> .seen endah
[02:38] * klepon is now known as jemblem
[02:38] <+tweety> "watch" out for the moose
[02:40] <+creasy> My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha, ha... loins
[02:47] <+tweety> penguin
[02:51] <+elektra> i'm so cold my CPU is running sat maximum efficiency!]
[02:51] <+elektra> -s -]
[02:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....
[02:53] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[02:54] <aryo> .ag
[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : Y L B A U O C A C N T I I T (60s timeout) »]
[02:54] * co_biasa__ (~co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)
[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y L B A U O C A C N T I I T - Here's a hint : A C C O U . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y with the letters Y L B A U O C A C N T I I T (Use .define ACCOUNTABILITY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for FY stopped ( +2 ) »]
[02:55] <aryo> .ag
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E W E K S (60s timeout) »]
[02:55] <aryo> weeks
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WEEKS ) in 3.812 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WEEKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:55] <+creasy> Weeeeeks.
[02:55] <aryo> .ag
[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S L H C I L (60s timeout) »]
[02:56] <aryo> chills
[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CHILLS ) in 5.219 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CHILLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[02:56] <aryo> .ag
[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N O P A E W S (60s timeout) »]
[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O P A E W S - Here's a hint : W E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[02:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: W E A P O N S with the letters N O P A E W S (Use .define WEAPONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[02:57] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[02:59] <aryo> .ag
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S Y E L V A L (60s timeout) »]
[02:59] * jemblem (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S Y E L V A L - Here's a hint : V A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:00] <aryo> valleys
[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VALLEYS ) in 41.35 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define VALLEYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:00] <aryo> .ag
[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N E G R E W I C H (60s timeout) »]
[03:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N E G R E W I C H - Here's a hint : G R E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:01] <aryo> grewinch
[03:01] <aryo> grewices
[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: G R E E N W I C H with the letters N E G R E W I C H (Use .define GREENWICH to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:02] <aryo> .ag
[03:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : G N I T N I A P S (60s timeout) »]
[03:02] <aryo> paintings
[03:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PAINTINGS ) in 16.15 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PAINTINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:03] <aryo> .ag
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S A P A S S G E (60s timeout) »]
[03:03] <aryo> passages
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PASSAGES ) in 5.875 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PASSAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:03] <aryo> .ac
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S P A R (60s timeout) »]
[03:03] <aryo> raps
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RAPS ) in 3.016 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RAPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[03:04] <aryo> .ag
[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T R B O H E R (60s timeout) »]
[03:04] <aryo> brother
[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BROTHER ) in 3.375 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BROTHER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[03:04] <aryo> .ag
[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : D A L E E R (60s timeout) »]
[03:04] <aryo> dealer
[03:05] <aryo> leader
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LEADER ) in 13.42 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LEADER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[03:05] <+pita> ow my eyes :(
[03:05] <aryo> .ag
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E L P C R P I N I (60s timeout) »]
[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L P C R P I N I - Here's a hint : P R I . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R I N C I P L E with the letters E L P C R P I N I (Use .define PRINCIPLE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]
[03:07] <aryo> .ag
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : D L A M P I T U E S (60s timeout) »]
[03:07] <aryo> damputes
[03:07] <aryo> amllitudes
[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D L A M P I T U E S - Here's a hint : A M P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:07] <aryo> amplituds
[03:07] <aryo> amplitueds
[03:07] <aryo> amplidutes
[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A M P L I T U D E S with the letters D L A M P I T U E S (Use .define AMPLITUDES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:08] <aryo> .ag
[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O I N U F R M (60s timeout) »]
[03:09] <aryo> ofriume
[03:09] <Rere_> Ya olohh sregepee 🤣🤣🤣
[03:09] <aryo> hay ayankuh
[03:09] <aryo> how are you
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I N U F R M - Here's a hint : U N . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[03:09] <Rere_> Gabut to kw cin, kok maleh sregep irc
[03:09] <aryo> lha sepi yo rep ngopo to
[03:09] <aryo> nggo hiburan pas selo je
[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: U N I F O R M with the letters O I N U F R M (Use .define UNIFORM to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:10] <Rere_> Biasane hiburanmu rondo²
[03:10] <aryo> rondone agi mens kabeh
[03:10] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.1qmh.ip) has joined #surabaya
[03:10] <aryo> ra ngetetne les pow
[03:11] <Rere_> Ora cin
[03:11] <Rere_> Cuti les e
[03:11] <Rere_> Ko ndi dia
[03:11] <Rere_> Dis
[03:11] <Adis> Ko kene
[03:11] <aryo> adis ki sopo yank
[03:11] <Rere_> Unggul neng ndi
[03:11] <Adis> sek mantau nenek gayung sek
[03:11] <Rere_> Salam kuangen nggo unggul
[03:12] <Adis> unggul nek pare
[03:12] <Adis> golek cuan
[03:12] <Rere_> Adis ki cewe cemoks cin
[03:12] <aryo> ow tak kiro terong2an
[03:12] <aryo> cabe juga toh
[03:12] <Adis> 🙄
[03:12] <aryo> xixixixi
[03:13] <Rere_> Keplak en wi dis
[03:13] <aryo> ojo
[03:13] * GoodToTalk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has joined #surabaya
[03:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never
[03:13] <Rere_> Wb nopir
[03:13] <aryo> ty
[03:13] <GoodToTalk> ty say
[03:13] <aryo> nopir lapindos
[03:13] <aryo> eh
[03:13] * Q sets mode: +l 135
[03:14] <Rere_> Saytonirrojim
[03:14] <GoodToTalk> wes lali rasane rere
[03:14] <aryo> adus rung koe yank
[03:14] <Rere_> Uwes cin mau jam 2
[03:14] <aryo> lali rupane eling rasane
[03:14] <aryo> jam 2 adus ki gek kepiye
[03:14] <Rere_> Esok ra adus, sore ra ados
[03:14] <aryo> byuh sapi
[03:14] <aryo> joroke
[03:15] <Rere_> Tetep wangi
[03:15] <Rere_> Ambungen
[03:15] <GoodToTalk> oh pantes pliket
[03:15] <aryo> hahaha
[03:15] <aryo> wangi apane
[03:15] <GoodToTalk> wangi keleke
[03:16] <Rere_> Kabeh wangi
[03:16] <aryo> paling mambu sutra strowbery
[03:16] <GoodToTalk> isore udel bacin
[03:16] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[03:16] <Rere_> Ra tau tuku kondom
[03:16] <Rere_> Eh
[03:17] <aryo> enak langsung
[03:17] <aryo> ben kroso yo yank
[03:17] <aryo> hahaha
[03:17] <Adis> Nggedabrus ae sore2 we re
[03:17] <Adis> Juna wes adus rung?
[03:17] <aryo> dis
[03:17] <Adis> Ya
[03:17] <Rere_> Wes adus kabeh buntute dis
[03:17] <aryo> koe lali ro aku pow
[03:17] <Rere_> Pakne rung mulehh
[03:18] <Adis> siapa ?
[03:18] <Rere_> Mak e leyeh² karo dangdutan
[03:18] * Adis gak pernah inget2 user yg gak terlalu penting 🤣
[03:18] <GoodToTalk> .k
[03:18] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[03:18] <Rere_> Happy asmara cocote tonggo karo bojomu senangatkuuu
[03:18] <Adis> Ckckckx
[03:18] <Adis> seneng men nd happy
[03:19] <GoodToTalk> adis kapan rek rekaman
[03:19] <Rere_> Seneng lagune, lirik e apik
[03:19] <Adis> cah e nyeneng ke dijak omong2an
[03:19] <Adis> sing resek asisten e 🤣
[03:20] <Rere_> Kae opo pacaran tenan po karo deny caknan
[03:20] <aryo> cik
[03:20] <Adis> kyak e rodhok renggang ndelok story wa ne wingi kok galau2an
[03:20] <GoodToTalk> walah anak dangduten
[03:20] <aryo> keme
[03:21] <Rere_> Congore tonggo luweh ganas timbang corona
[03:21] <Adis> Wkwkwkw
[03:21] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[03:22] <Adis> Re
[03:22] <Adis> rere
[03:22] <Rere_> Icha kapan ndue adiii
[03:22] <Rere_> Pie
[03:22] <Adis> nenek gayung piye ?
[03:22] <Adis> Wkwkwkw
[03:22] <Rere_> Mboh dis, ra jiarang ol aku wes beberapa hari ki
[03:22] <GoodToTalk> !trivia
[03:22] <+triviabot> Game started, type !stoptrivia to terminate.
[03:22] <+triviabot> !badquestion can be used to report a question as defective (as in not working correctly) or if it's just rubbish (such as 1910 movie questions).
[03:22] <+triviabot> Question 1: Acronym Soup: WC?
[03:22] <+triviabot> Hint: w*y **o*
[03:23] <aryo> rere semangatku
[03:23] <aryo> eh
[03:23] <+triviabot> Hint: w*y c*ol
[03:23] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: way cool
[03:23] <+triviabot> Question 2: Where is bill gates' company based?
[03:23] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:23] <+triviabot> Hint: **d*o**, wa*h***t**
[03:23] <Rere_> Bojone wong cen bikin semangat yank
[03:23] <+triviabot> Hint: red*ond, wa*hi*gt**
[03:23] <Adis> Semangat ngeplak i
[03:23] <aryo> ho o
[03:23] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: redmond, washington
[03:23] <Adis> ngganggu ae nopir ki
[03:24] <aryo> mergo musuhe mik siji
[03:24] <+triviabot> Question 3: TV/ Movies: What was Archie Bunkers wife's name?
[03:24] <Adis> sana ke jakarta aja kalo resek2
[03:24] <aryo> nek sek single lawane akeh
[03:24] <+triviabot> Hint: e****
[03:24] <+triviabot> Hint: ed***
[03:24] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: edith
[03:24] <+triviabot> Question 4: Category: Cars: Combine a Van & a Car & you get this word.
[03:24] <+triviabot> Hint: c***v*n
[03:25] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: caravan
[03:25] <+triviabot> Question 5: What is the longest thing an "abseiler" carries with him?
[03:25] <+triviabot> Hint: ***e
[03:25] <+triviabot> Hint: *ope
[03:25] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: rope
[03:26] <+triviabot> Question 6 (geography): What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically?
[03:26] <+triviabot> Hint: **c**c, **l*****, *nd**n a** ***i*i*
[03:26] <+triviabot> Hint: *rc**c, **l**tic, Ind*an a** ***i*i*
[03:26] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific
[03:26] <aryo> game opo neh iki
[03:26] <+triviabot> Question 7: TV/ Movies: Category: Independent Films: Mark Wahlberg allegedly wore a prosthetic device in this 1997 film?
[03:26] <+triviabot> Hint: *****e *ig**s
[03:27] <aryo> .ag
[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S X E P E N S E (60s timeout) »]
[03:27] <+triviabot> Hint: b**g*e *ig*ts
[03:27] <aryo> expenses
[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXPENSES ) in 6.86 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define EXPENSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:27] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: boogie nights
[03:27] <+triviabot> Question 8: TV/ Movies: Category: Robotech: Japanese-translated name of the third storyline arc.
[03:27] <+triviabot> Hint: **b m*****d*
[03:27] <+triviabot> Hint: **b mo*pead*
[03:27] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: sdb mospeada
[03:28] <aryo> .ag
[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E A S H M (60s timeout) »]
[03:28] <+triviabot> Question 9 (politics): He was elected President of France, in 1981.
[03:28] <aryo> hasem
[03:28] <aryo> hames
[03:28] <+triviabot> Hint: *r**cios *i********
[03:28] <aryo> mahes
[03:28] <AndroUser> Shame
[03:28] <aryo> sahem
[03:28] <aryo> shame
[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHAME ) in 21.46 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SHAME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[03:28] <+triviabot> Hint: *ra*cios *i**er**n*
[03:28] <aryo> makasih
[03:28] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: Francios Mitterrand
[03:28] <AndroUser> 👍
[03:28] <+triviabot> Question 10: 80s Films: Urban ___?
[03:28] <+triviabot> Hint: *ow***
[03:29] <+triviabot> Hint: *ow**y
[03:29] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: Cowboy
[03:29] <+triviabot> Round completed!
[03:29] <+triviabot> Top 5 scores for #surabaya: marcha(667) eXo(266) dj(149) CupaW(42) thekingofbandit(23)
[03:29] <+triviabot> Top 5 network scores: Biddle(114928) JamBot(113509) clearskies(110502) frenzara(20000) ...(19754)
[03:29] <+triviabot> Say !trivia ?library? to play again.
[03:29] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[03:29] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:29] <aryo> .ag
[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E P S L O (60s timeout) »]
[03:29] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.1qmh.ip) has left #surabaya
[03:29] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go T_T
[03:29] <GoodToTalk> (Adis) Aryo siapa
[03:30] <aryo> rasah dijawab
[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E P S L O - Here's a hint : S L . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[03:30] <aryo> g penting bagiku dia wakakaka
[03:30] <aryo> yg penting bagiku hanyalah dealer
[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S L O P E with the letters E P S L O (Use .define SLOPE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]
[03:32] <GoodToTalk> dus kupingku gatel
[03:33] <aryo> garuk nggo pacul
[03:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung
[03:34] <GoodToTalk> (Adis) petugas e plawangane sepur ae demen kok rere
[03:37] * hurt (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:38] * hurt (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[03:40] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[03:40] <+ezza> i like them :o)
[03:41] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.eubi.ip) has joined #surabaya
[03:41] <Adis> Join banyuwangi
[03:41] <aryo> wes ket mau
[03:41] <GoodToTalk> lak gublik
[03:41] <aryo> telat koe le akon
[03:43] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:43] <aryo> pon
[03:43] <aryo> klep
[03:43] <klepon> Opo
[03:43] <aryo> mangan wedus rung pon
[03:43] <klepon> Udah
[03:43] <aryo> rupamu kok koyo wedus
[03:43] <klepon> Biarin
[03:43] <aryo> hahaha
[03:44] <aryo> mambu wedos
[03:44] <aryo> prengus
[03:44] <klepon> Tutupen hidungmu
[03:44] <aryo> wes gae masker
[03:44] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[03:45] <klepon> Irung mu suloyo
[03:45] <aryo> ora
[03:45] <klepon> Ora salah
[03:45] <GoodToTalk> mesrane
[03:45] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[03:46] <klepon> Mesra gundul mu
[03:46] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣
[03:46] <aryo> ho o
[03:46] <GoodToTalk> klepon chat aja ama tembok
[03:46] <aryo> cemburi kui pon aku nggoni koe
[03:46] <klepon> Tembok nya kamu ya
[03:46] <aryo> nah
[03:46] <aryo> ditembak langsung
[03:47] * GoodToTalk pesen ke klepon awas jangan lupa pakai kondom
[03:47] * GoodToTalk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has left #surabaya
[03:47] <Adis> gajelas
[03:48] <klepon> Sembarangan kalo ngomong si goottak
[03:48] <aryo> hahahq
[03:48] <+tweety> More power... give me MORE POWER*@!~!!@!
[03:48] <klepon> wb adia
[03:48] <klepon> wb adis
[03:48] <aryo> ty
[03:48] <Adis> Klepon siapa
[03:48] <aryo> sapi
[03:48] <klepon> bebekk
[03:48] <aryo> wedus
[03:48] <Adis> kalo si bebek males bales
[03:48] <Adis> nah
[03:48] <klepon> weks napa males
[03:49] <Adis> bebek laknatullah to
[03:49] <Adis> wkwkwkwk
[03:49] <klepon> kok pada sebel sih ama klepon
[03:49] <aryo> klepon mambu wedus soale
[03:49] <klepon> biarin mambu wedus
[03:49] * bebekk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has joined #surabaya
[03:49] <klepon> nick ku di pake orang
[03:50] <bebekk> wb
[03:50] <bebekk> ty
[03:50] <Adis> Ya Allah ini knp kaum sodom pada kumpul d sni smuaa
[03:50] <bebekk> jijay ada Adis
[03:50] <bebekk> pengen muntah
[03:50] <bebekk> huek
[03:50] <aryo> lambemu tak sogok linggis lo dis
[03:50] <Adis> apa lagi gw
[03:50] * bebekk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has left #surabaya
[03:50] <klepon> wew
[03:50] <aryo> sodom kok piye
[03:50] <klepon> kurang ajar make nick orang seenak nya aja
[03:50] <Adis> Rasah kakean gaya we bek
[03:50] <Rere_> Kwkwkwkwkw22
[03:51] <Rere_> Bebek saiki guanteng dis
[03:51] <Adis> Maghrib gess
[03:51] <klepon> ganteng kek beruk
[03:51] <Rere_> Bebekkk, aku tele kok ra mok reken
[03:51] <Adis> byeee
[03:51] <klepon> adis kek nya jadi2an galak nya bngt
[03:52] <klepon> masa kemarin aku ngomong kek nya rere abis lahiran malah si adis ngatain kelpon bngsat
[03:52] <klepon> kan aneh orang nua
[03:53] <klepon> betul ndak
[03:53] * bebekk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has joined #surabaya
[03:53] <bebekk> semoga gak ada Adis laknatullah
[03:53] * bebekk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has left #surabaya
[03:53] <klepon> wew
[03:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure
[03:53] <klepon> siapa make nick ku
[03:54] <klepon> nick ku bebekk di pake orang
[03:54] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.eubi.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:54] * Q sets mode: +l 133
[03:54] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[03:55] <aryo> webeh
[03:55] <klepon> off aja
[03:55] * kelpon (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has joined #surabaya
[03:55] <Rere_> Suokorrr bekk
[03:55] <klepon> wew
[03:55] <aryo> sakne wedus di aniaya adis
[03:55] <kelpon> EH
[03:55] <klepon> kurang ajar ada yg make nick ku lagi
[03:55] <Rere_> Kwkwkkwwkw
[03:55] <kelpon> mana nickmu
[03:55] <kelpon> enak aja
[03:55] <Rere_> Jancik ruwet
[03:55] <Rere_> Ayo mojok ae yank
[03:56] <aryo> oke yank
[03:56] <kelpon> mimiki yank
[03:56] <kelpon> sebelah sebelah
[03:56] <AndroUser> .ping
[03:56] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[03:56] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (1.25s)
[03:57] <klepon> pamit
[03:57] <kelpon> aman yah dr Adis
[03:57] <kelpon> amien de
[03:57] <Rere_> Bebekkk
[03:57] * kelpon (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has left #surabaya
[03:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[03:57] <+ezza> Mmm AndroUser.
[03:57] <+pita> =]]
[03:57] <+elektra> :)
[03:57] <+pita> -]
[03:57] <+tweety> =D
[03:58] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)
[04:00] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:01] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:02] <klepon> wb devie
[04:05] <Deviee_> Inggih
[04:06] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:07] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[04:07] <klepon> 😁
[04:07] <Deviee_> Sepi
[04:10] <Deviee_> Roso pangrasaning roso ingkang rosaa.
[04:10] <Deviee_> Anglembayung sonten..
[04:11] * endah ( Quit (EOF from client)
[04:11] <Deviee_> Kathah ingkang kedah paringi kawigatosan
[04:11] <klepon> iy0
[04:12] <klepon> amblehayung itu apa
[04:12] <Deviee_> Lembayung
[04:12] <klepon> artiya
[04:13] <Deviee_> Rosa rasaning ati kang kinajur..
[04:13] <klepon> wew tinggi bngt bahasamu hehe
[04:13] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...
[04:13] <klepon> jd pingin belajar ma kamu 😍😍😍
[04:13] <klepon> aku pv kamu loh dev
[04:14] <Deviee_> Pleasee..dont ask anything..forwhile..just wanna to type..
[04:14] <klepon> 😸😸😸
[04:14] <Deviee_> Silence omm
[04:14] <klepon> napa silence
[04:14] <Deviee_> Duhh..lg pngin nulis duluu...
[04:14] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[04:14] * Q sets mode: +l 131
[04:17] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:17] * Deviee_ is now known as keLayunG
[04:18] <keLayunG> Tan rinaoso eluh tumetes..
[04:18] <keLayunG> Amemuji mring sang Hyang..
[04:19] <keLayunG> Tumitah ten kawuloo..pun kasembadan..
[04:19] <keLayunG> Sasono loyoo..
[04:20] <keLayunG> Sasono agung..
[04:21] <keLayunG> Hamemungkasi sedoyonipun ingkang gesang
[04:21] <keLayunG> Mekak howo tiyang urip..
[04:22] <keLayunG> Pungkasaning linambar eluh..
[04:22] <keLayunG> Dumadi pripunn..
[04:23] <keLayunG> Sumebyar wangi sekar..namung tumekan mring pangraos
[04:24] <keLayunG> Ndadar kahanan ingkang mempur..
[04:25] * Naomi ( Quit (Signed off)
[04:25] <keLayunG> Angengidung kidung agung..
[04:25] <keLayunG> Kidung tiyang gesang..
[04:26] <keLayunG> Gingsir sewu roso..
[04:28] <keLayunG> Hanenangis kelayung..
[04:29] <keLayunG> Tinutup ambyang ambyang siniram toya sekar
[04:29] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:30] <+pita> Where there's a snack gap, an asshole-coin fits.
[04:30] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:30] * mell ( has joined #surabaya
[04:31] * keLayunG is now known as GumantungRinaos
[04:32] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[04:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^
[04:34] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:34] * Q sets mode: +l 134
[04:36] * GumantungRinaos is now known as Pungkasaning
[04:36] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)
[04:40] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[04:40] <+tweety> Bye Szajbus.
[04:40] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[04:43] <kelpon> hallo
[04:44] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:48] <+creasy> I'm a doctor not a capital
[04:50] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[04:51] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)
[04:52] <AndroUser2> .ping
[04:52] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang
[04:52] <@Dealer> AndroUser2: Pong! (3.937s)
[04:53] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[04:53] * Pungkasaning (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[04:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?
[04:53] <+ezza> I like edam best of all.
[04:53] <+tweety> amsterdam
[04:53] <+elektra> Tuesday.
[04:53] <+pita> death comes to those who wait
[04:53] * Q sets mode: +l 129
[04:53] <+creasy> eh?
[04:59] * endah ( has joined #surabaya
[05:02] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:07] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ has joined #surabaya
[05:09] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung
[05:19] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:19] * Q sets mode: +l 132
[05:20] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[05:24] * +elektra twiddles thumbs
[05:32] * endah ( Quit (Registered)
[05:32] * endah ( has joined #surabaya
[05:32] <+ezza> Bye endah.
[05:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME
[05:36] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya
[05:36] <Van_JaVa> ba
[05:37] * jacky (~rio@ has joined #surabaya
[05:39] <jacky> .ag
[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S A M R E T N U C O E U R E (60s timeout) »]
[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A M R E T N U C O E U R E - Here's a hint : C O U N T . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O U N T E R M E A S U R E with the letters S A M R E T N U C O E U R E (Use .define COUNTERMEASURE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:40] <jacky> countemenui
[05:41] <jacky> .ag
[05:41] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S S M O K E (60s timeout) »]
[05:41] <jacky> smokes
[05:41] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( SMOKES ) in 2.953 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SMOKES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:41] <jacky> .ac
[05:41] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E L T R O U B (60s timeout) »]
[05:42] <jacky> borotes
[05:42] * temon ( Quit (Signed off)
[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L T R O U B - Here's a hint : T R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]
[05:42] <jacky> trouble
[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( TROUBLE ) in 37.42 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TROUBLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jacky has a Double Kill! (+2) »]
[05:42] * TOMJERRX ( has joined #surabaya
[05:42] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya
[05:42] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)
[05:43] * putri ( has joined #surabaya
[05:43] <jacky> wb putri ku
[05:43] <jacky> .money
[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 jacky (#aryo) has 4'823'750$ »]
[05:43] <jacky> weks
[05:43] <jacky> .ag
[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I R P A C T C E (60s timeout) »]
[05:43] <jacky> practices
[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( PRACTICES ) in 5.75 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PRACTICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jacky has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]
[05:43] <putri> ty jacky
[05:43] <Van_JaVa> putri : size pls
[05:43] * TOMJERRX is now known as temon
[05:44] <putri> ehhh
[05:44] <jacky> adus rung mel
[05:44] <putri> size ki opo
[05:44] <putri> yupz jack
[05:44] <jacky> ukuran cawetmu maksudte mel
[05:44] <Van_JaVa> karena asl sudah terlalu mainstream
[05:44] <putri> eleh
[05:44] <+elektra> Van_java: 32/female/california.
[05:44] <jacky> sek ditanya size ki
[05:44] * putri gk ruh ukuran piye 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
[05:44] <Van_JaVa> gampang
[05:44] * Van_JaVa siap ngukur dewe
[05:44] <jacky> vandul lak horor cucuke
[05:45] <putri> opo
[05:45] <putri> hayaa
[05:45] <jacky> perlu dilakban lambene kui
[05:45] * Van_JaVa alim
[05:45] <Van_JaVa> kecuali pas kilap
[05:45] <jacky> kilap terus ratau alim
[05:45] <putri> 🙈
[05:45] <temon> mel
[05:45] <Van_JaVa> sumpih
[05:45] <jacky> cruts
[05:45] <Van_JaVa> takono putri kui, po nate tak jak CS
[05:45] <jacky> seh sok wa adnan ora mel
[05:46] <Van_JaVa> gur VCS wae di tolak koq
[05:46] <Van_JaVa> eh
[05:46] <jacky> nah
[05:46] <jacky> ngaku
[05:46] <putri> behhh
[05:46] * putri uyengan
[05:46] <putri> haha
[05:46] <putri> ada wa adnan ta 🙈
[05:46] <Van_JaVa> berarti pas kilap kui
[05:46] <jacky> hehe
[05:46] <temon> wiw
[05:46] <jacky> dsh lama ilang kontak
[05:47] * temon ratau vcs
[05:47] <jacky> masak opo mel
[05:48] <putri> sop sm cumi
[05:48] <putri> mau maem ta 😊
[05:48] <Van_JaVa> wah sopo sama dociumi
[05:48] <jacky> weh enake cumi
[05:48] <Van_JaVa> mantaps
[05:48] <jacky> kesukaanku kui
[05:48] <jacky> hahaha
[05:48] <jacky> kirik rene mel
[05:48] <+ezza> sometimes i'm afraid to find out what goes on in that "insane" head of yours
[05:48] * putri belajar duang 🙈🙈🙈
[05:48] <jacky> kirim
[05:48] <putri> hahaha tak enak
[05:48] <jacky> goshop
[05:48] <+creasy> i will annihilate you down to your every last cell
[05:49] <putri> van_java iku pinter msak sm kang temon
[05:49] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣🤣
[05:49] <Van_JaVa> wes ah
[05:49] <jacky> nendi van
[05:49] * Van_JaVa jim sek tak ngedit gambar seks
[05:49] <temon> masak indomie
[05:49] * putri bru belajar masak, liat di youtube mala 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
[05:49] <jacky> woalah
[05:49] <jacky> wa aku tak ajari massk mel
[05:49] <jacky> hahahha
[05:49] * jacky wingi sempet melu master ceff
[05:50] <temon> melu korah2?
[05:50] <jacky> melu nyaponi tom
[05:51] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya
[05:51] <temon> eee
[05:51] * Q sets mode: +l 135
[05:52] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya
[05:53] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya
[05:53] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[05:53] <temon> hai asnika
[05:54] <asn1> Hai om
[05:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!
[05:54] <asn1> Temon siapa
[05:54] <jacky> wedos
[05:54] <asn1> Apa itu
[05:54] <jacky> bot dia
[05:54] <asn1> Ooo
[05:54] <jacky> kalau saya cowok cakep
[05:54] <jacky> eh
[05:55] <asn1> Tidak suka kenalan sama Ama yang cakep
[05:55] <asn1> Huft
[05:55] <jacky> waduh
[05:55] <jacky> suka yg cantik ya
[05:55] <asn1> Haaaaa
[05:55] <temon> wkwkwk
[05:55] <jacky> tapi aku suka kamu asni
[05:55] <jacky> boleh g aku meminangmu
[05:55] <asn1> Saya tidak suka KK jac
[05:55] <jacky> suka aja lah
[05:55] <asn1> KK jac suka bully saya ya 😭😭
[05:56] <jacky> g kok
[05:56] <jacky> saya kan baik hati
[05:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[05:56] <asn1> Udah KK jac jujur aja dari lubuk hati kamu KK jac tidak suka sama saya
[05:56] <asn1> Apa bukti KK jac baik Ama saya
[05:56] <jacky> jujur dari dalam suka banget kok
[05:56] <jacky> mau bukti apa asni
[05:56] <temon> jd gmn asnika
[05:56] <temon> sah?
[05:56] <jacky> lautan kan kusebrangi
[05:57] <jacky> gunung kulompati
[05:57] <asn1> Ko bisa suka KK suka Ama saya
[05:57] <jacky> pokonya suka bingits
[05:57] <asn1> Kan KK hanya lihat tulisan doang
[05:57] <asn1> 😭😭😭
[05:57] <jacky> karna tulisanmu sangat indah
[05:57] <asn1> Haaaa
[05:57] <jacky> pasti orgnya juga cantii
[05:57] <asn1> Umur saya 57 loh kk
[05:58] <jacky> masa
[05:58] <asn1> Apa kk terimah saya ?
[05:58] <asn1> Yaaa
[05:58] <jacky> terima kok asni
[05:58] <asn1> Hmm
[05:58] <jacky> aku srtia menunggumu
[05:58] <asn1> KK jac dari kota mana
[05:58] <jacky> dsri jakarta
[05:58] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[05:58] <asn1> KK jac nunggu di mana
[05:58] <+tweety> Bye szajbus.
[05:58] <jacky> dilubuk yg paling dslam
[05:58] <asn1> Oych
[05:58] <jacky> hu um
[05:59] <asn1> Takut tar ada yang cemburu
[05:59] <jacky> nunggu km dipelaminan
[05:59] <asn1> Wowwww
[05:59] <jacky> jack kan jomblo
[05:59] * temon cekrekk
[05:59] <asn1> Oyach
[05:59] <asn1> KK jac Dr kora mna kah
[05:59] <asn1> Dari kota
[06:00] <jacky> jakarta sayang
[06:00] <asn1> Hmm
[06:00] <jacky> asni kota mana
[06:00] <temon> papua
[06:00] <AndroUser> Hati2 sama orang jakarta....
[06:00] <jacky> oww deket
[06:00] <asn1> Saya dari ujung kota hatimu ya g menantimu
[06:00] <jacky> cuma beberapa cm
[06:00] <asn1> Menntiku Ding
[06:00] <jacky> asni
[06:00] <asn1> Yaa
[06:00] <jacky> maukah km jadi pendsmpingku
[06:01] <asn1> Takut
[06:01] <jacky> knapa takut
[06:01] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)
[06:01] <asn1> Tromah kenal co Jakarta
[06:01] <jacky> aku kan jadi cahaya buatmu saat gelap
[06:01] <asn1> Wow2
[06:01] <jacky> yaudah besok aku pindah bandung deh
[06:01] <asn1> Pakai lilin atau pakai petroma atau apa kk
[06:01] <temon> xtxotxkyxlyxulcup
[06:02] <jacky> pake cahaya cintaku asni
[06:02] <jacky> karna cintanya membara hingga membuat ruangan jadi terang
[06:03] <jacky> cekrek
[06:04] <putri> jacky sm kang temon penunggu user cewe di room 🤣🤣🤣
[06:04] <jacky> wakakakka
[06:05] * temon cm jd penunggumu kok put
[06:05] <temon> tenang ja
[06:05] <jacky> ho o
[06:05] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:05] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:05] <+tweety> i like them :)
[06:06] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:06] <putri> hahaha
[06:06] <+tweety> Prepare to meet your horrible doom.
[06:06] <+creasy> but his voice fills me with a terrible rage!
[06:06] <+ezza> Release the pig#!%#~$%^
[06:08] * tuan|muda ( has joined #surabaya
[06:08] <temon> dc neh ra ndog
[06:08] <tuan|muda> Msh ada org kah hohoho
[06:08] <ndog> aman kak temon
[06:08] <ndog> hhhh
[06:09] <temon> loh ndi asnika mw
[06:09] <jacky> mesrane
[06:09] <temon> mlh kpjom
[06:10] <temon> asnika ndi mw
[06:10] <ndog> asnika di kekep jacky mesti
[06:11] <ndog> rep di bubuti ndog2 ane
[06:11] <ndog> :v
[06:11] <jacky> wkekekekwke
[06:11] <asn1> Wkwkkww
[06:11] <asn1> Lanjut kk
[06:11] <asn1> Sampai di mana tadi
[06:12] <temon> nah iki
[06:12] <asn1> KK jac so posisi kujum
[06:12] <asn1> Wkwkwkkw
[06:13] <asn1> KK Temon
[06:13] <ndog> ew
[06:13] <temon> ndog we ditikung
[06:13] <asn1> Dog siapa
[06:13] * ndog endus2 tante asn1
[06:13] <asn1> Haaa
[06:13] <asn1> Mirip guk guk
[06:13] <ndog> cik
[06:13] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:14] <asn1> Wkwkwkwkwk
[06:14] <temon> kkkkk
[06:14] * ndog uman sak guguk an
[06:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela
[06:14] <asn1> Aduhartinya
[06:14] * ndog dapet 1 gugukan
[06:14] <ndog> kkkkkk
[06:14] <asn1> KK dong dari kota mna kah
[06:15] <ndog> asn1 masih di israel tenggara kah?
[06:15] * ndog adik nya kak temon
[06:15] <asn1> Ngapain disana saya kk
[06:15] <asn1> Jauh kali kalau saya disana kak
[06:16] <ndog> ea
[06:16] <ndog> kbr e asn1 gmn?
[06:16] <ndog> kangen ma kak suliw4 ndak?
[06:16] <asn1> Baik hanya kantong semoga cepat terisi
[06:16] <asn1> Tidak kak
[06:16] <ndog> .k
[06:16] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[06:16] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya
[06:16] <asn1> Buat apa kangen sama suami orang kak
[06:17] <jacky> wb fi3
[06:17] <Fi3> Ty jacky
[06:17] <asn1> Apa lagi KK Juki udah nambah lagi dd nya
[06:17] <putri> cieeeeeee yg jnget lgi sm nm fitri
[06:17] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣
[06:17] <jacky> eakakkakaka
[06:17] <jacky> asem
[06:17] <putri> hahahaha
[06:17] <+elektra> As soon as my skeleton stops being broken i will destroy you.
[06:17] <jacky> mengingatkanku terus lu mel
[06:18] <putri> wkwkwkwkw
[06:18] * jacky is now known as aryo
[06:18] <+elektra> Where'd my moose go?
[06:18] <asn1> Weeee om aryo
[06:18] <putri> nick yg join kan gt,,, pasti klau wb keinget
[06:18] <aryo> wakakakaka
[06:18] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣
[06:18] <aryo> hay asni
[06:18] <temon> opo iyo
[06:18] <asn1> Bagai mana kabar om aryo
[06:19] <aryo> hehe alhamduliah sehat ni
[06:19] <Fi3> (putri) cieeeeeee yg jnget lgi sm nm fitri...... 🙄🙄
[06:19] <aryo> dirimu sendiri gimana
[06:19] <asn1> Syukurlah sehat om
[06:19] <asn1> Semoga om aryo sehat ya
[06:19] <aryo> alhamdulilah deh
[06:19] <asn1> Lama tak jumpa ya
[06:19] <aryo> hu um
[06:19] <aryo> bertahun2 g lihat dirimu
[06:19] <asn1> Huum om
[06:20] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya
[06:20] <asn1> Om masih gondrong ?
[06:20] <temon> wah sah bnrn iki
[06:20] <aryo> hehe udah ganteng as
[06:20] <aryo> dah g suka panjang rambut
[06:20] <aryo> mending panjang hati biar bisa berbagi kebaikan
[06:20] * Q sets mode: +l 138
[06:20] <aryo> ihir
[06:21] <asn1> Syukurlah
[06:21] <ndog> <aryo> dah g suka panjang rambut <- tinggal panjang titit dia nya
[06:21] <tiaa> hai kak asn1
[06:21] <ndog> ya ndak kak temon
[06:21] <ndog> :v
[06:22] <asn1> Hai Tia cantik
[06:22] <temon> heeh
[06:22] <+elektra> heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
[06:22] <Fi3> (putri) cieeeeeee yg jnget lgi sm nm fitri..... Ada yg punya memori dengan nama fitri ya. 🙏🙏 maaf yak
[06:22] <Fi3> Hai tiaa
[06:22] <tiaa> hai fi3
[06:22] <aryo> hehe g kok fi3
[06:22] <asn1> Dog nakal
[06:22] <Fi3> Apakabar?
[06:22] <Fi3> Tiaa
[06:23] <tiaa> kabar baik
[06:23] <temon> baik kak
[06:23] <aryo> baik kabar kk
[06:23] <tiaa> hahaa
[06:23] <Fi3> 😁😁
[06:23] <aryo> hehe
[06:24] <aryo> asni tinggal dimana sekarang
[06:24] <aryo> fi3 tadi kemana ilang
[06:24] <tiaa> drumah aryo
[06:24] <tiaa> hahaha
[06:24] <aryo> cik sek njawab paijem
[06:24] <asn1> Saya sekarang di desa terpencil
[06:24] <aryo> dikota mana ni
[06:24] <asn1> Palu lah
[06:24] <ndog> <asn1> Dog nakal <- ndog nte ndog
[06:24] <ndog> bukan dog
[06:25] * ndog amoh wes
[06:25] <ndog> kakakakaka
[06:25] <asn1> Amos
[06:25] <aryo> oww
[06:25] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 tadi kemana ilang.... Iya menghilang
[06:25] <+ezza> awww
[06:25] <+ezza> poor aryo
[06:25] <+creasy> Awww
[06:25] * +creasy kisses it better.
[06:25] <temon> amos jare
[06:25] <aryo> hehe masih dipalu ya
[06:25] <ndog> masih
[06:25] <Fi3> (tiaa) drumah aryo.... 😜😂
[06:25] <ndog> sekarang ganti martil
[06:25] <aryo> fi3 jangan menghilang2 lagi ya
[06:25] <asn1> Apa om aryo mau ngajak saya tinggal serumah ?
[06:26] <ndog> waiki
[06:26] <tiaa> nah
[06:26] <ndog> cekrek
[06:26] <aryo> hayukkk
[06:26] <tiaa> kayanya gtu kak asn1
[06:26] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 jangan menghilang2 lagi ya..... Nanti ngomong dulu ya sama sinyalnya
[06:26] * aryo siapin kamar buat asni
[06:26] <tiaa> banyak kamar kosong tmpt aryo
[06:26] <aryo> tiaa sekalian g
[06:26] <Fi3> (tiaa) banyak kamar kosong tmpt aryo.... Rumahnatau kos2an
[06:26] <tiaa> aku jd satpam aja
[06:27] <aryo> kos2an fit
[06:27] * ndog pemandu sorak
[06:27] <temon> (asn1) Apa om aryo mau ngajak saya tinggal serumah ?..... luhh terang2an didpnmu ndog
[06:27] <aryo> hahaha
[06:27] <Fi3> Hati2 disuruh bayar tiap bulannya
[06:27] <+ezza> This is no man pig.
[06:27] <tiaa> <Fi3> (tiaa) banyak kamar kosong tmpt aryo.... Rumahnatau kos2an/// 3 hr pertama gratis..abis itu ditagih
[06:27] <Fi3> 😂😂
[06:27] <aryo> wakakakka
[06:27] <aryo> hasemik
[06:27] <ndog> temon: abis stok waneta nek keterak senior ki
[06:27] <tuan|muda> wkwkwk
[06:27] <tiaa> hihihi
[06:27] * ndog ro duding2 -> aryo
[06:27] <temon> heeh
[06:27] <tuan|muda> Tiaa...kita nginap twmpat aryo yukk syng
[06:27] <+elektra> heeeeeeeeeeeeeh
[06:27] <aryo> aman ndog aku setia menjomblo kok
[06:28] <ndog> akakakakakaka
[06:28] <aryo> wakakakaka
[06:28] <tiaa> <tuan|muda> Tiaa...kita nginap twmpat aryo yukk syng// gamau..banyak hantunya
[06:28] <temon> * ndog ro duding2 -> aryo ... kalah saing karo gapuro sarkem we
[06:28] <asn1> Om Aryo tinggal di kota mana kah tar di kasih salah alamat
[06:28] <ndog> cik
[06:28] <ndog> gapuro i
[06:28] <ndog> .k
[06:28] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[06:28] <aryo> masih dijogja berhati nyaman asni
[06:29] <asn1> Haaaaa
[06:29] <asn1> Jogja mana
[06:29] <aryo> jogja karta hehe
[06:29] <tuan|muda> Kmu nginap di rumah ku aja tiaa syng...di jamin aman :p
[06:29] <tiaa> kuy
[06:29] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya
[06:29] <aryo> wakakajaja
[06:29] <asn1> Itu kan mulai kasih alamt palsu
[06:29] <aryo> fur si rokib kemana sekarang
[06:29] <aryo> kok palsu sih
[06:29] <aryo> kan aku baru ngasih
[06:30] <asn1> Tu katanya Jogja terus Jogja karta
[06:30] <Fi3> Td katanya jakarta?
[06:30] <aryo> jogja kepanjanganya jogjakarta
[06:30] <asn1> Hmm
[06:30] <asn1> Di k
[06:30] <aryo> ew fi3 baru ol kok tau ketikan tadi
[06:30] <asn1> Kenapa saya tinggal di sana tidak ketemu sama om
[06:30] <aryo> wew
[06:30] <tuan|muda> Ga tau jg yo...
[06:30] <aryo> emang dimana asni
[06:31] <asn1> Per
[06:31] <Fi3> (aryo) ew fi3 baru ol kok tau ketikan tadi....😁😁
[06:31] <aryo> per?
[06:31] <asn1> Perna tinggal dijogja gejayan
[06:31] <aryo> lha deket banget
[06:31] <aryo> saya condong catur
[06:31] <asn1> Makanya
[06:31] <aryo> hehe
[06:31] <asn1> Hmmm
[06:31] <aryo> mungkib belom waktunya berjodoh asni
[06:31] <tuan|muda> aryo di concat...aku pernah ke rumah nya
[06:32] <aryo> coba sekali lagi kejogja sapa tau beruntung
[06:32] <aryo> hehehe
[06:32] <+tweety> -_-
[06:32] <+ezza> ^_^
[06:32] <asn1> Pada hal pingin punya suami dari jogja
[06:32] <temon> nahh
[06:32] <asn1> Tapi tidak dapat 😭😭
[06:32] * aryo siap
[06:32] <aryo> eh
[06:32] <Fi3> 🤭
[06:32] <tuan|muda> zabi kah itu
[06:32] <aryo> wakakaka
[06:32] <asn1> Malah dapat bali
[06:32] <asn1> Aaaaaa
[06:32] <aryo> waduh
[06:32] <aryo> telat
[06:32] <asn1> Yaa
[06:32] <aryo> wes pecah telor ternyata
[06:32] <tuan|muda> Asni...kita kujum yukkk
[06:32] <asn1> Wkwkwkwkw
[06:32] <asn1> Plak tuan muda
[06:33] * aryo sisa berharap ama fi3 nih
[06:33] <temon> huwikk
[06:33] <aryo> wakakaka
[06:33] <temon> ndi putri mw
[06:33] * aryo ditinggal nikah ama asni
[06:33] <asn1> Semoga om aryo dapat terbaik ya
[06:33] <aryo> amin
[06:33] <Fi3> * aryo sisa berharap ama fi3 nih...... Hahahaha banting stir
[06:33] <aryo> makasih asni
[06:33] <+tweety> prepare yourselves for destruction
[06:33] <asn1> Amin
[06:33] <asn1> Sama²
[06:33] <aryo> doain bisa deket ama fi3 ya asni
[06:33] <Fi3> (asn1) Semoga om aryo dapat terbaik ya.....aamiin
[06:33] <asn1> Ya
[06:33] <aryo> sip
[06:34] <Fi3> (aryo) doain bisa deket ama fi3 ya asni....🙈🙈
[06:34] <asn1> Udah Pepet terus
[06:34] <aryo> kekekeke
[06:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace
[06:34] * aryo tapi g bisa merayu orgnya
[06:34] * temon gauman kujuman
[06:34] <asn1> Om udah perna minta nomor hpnya fi3?
[06:34] <aryo> belom
[06:34] <aryo> g berani
[06:34] <aryo> mintain dunk
[06:34] <Fi3> (asn1) Udah Pepet terus.... Kayak bajaj mainnya pepet 😂😂
[06:34] <aryo> hahahaha
[06:34] <+ezza> MADNESS$~#@~#!!!%~*
[06:34] <asn1> Wkw2
[06:34] <aryo> xixixi
[06:35] <asn1> Udah Pepet pepet
[06:35] * aryo soale pemalu kalau ama cewek
[06:35] <tuan|muda> Sama kita yo
[06:35] * aryo minta tolong asni buat mintain nomer ea fi3
[06:35] <asn1> Iya kah
[06:35] <Fi3> (asn1) Udah Pepet pepet.... Jgn kak asni nanti lecet
[06:35] <asn1> Wkwkwk
[06:35] <aryo> wkwkwk
[06:35] <aryo> fur kapan maen jogja lagi
[06:35] <asn1> Fur siapa
[06:35] <aryo> gofur
[06:36] <asn1> Gofur siapa
[06:36] <tuan|muda> Msh korona yo
[06:36] <aryo> itu tuanmuda
[06:36] <asn1> Oo
[06:36] <aryo> hu um corona membunuhku
[06:36] <aryo> jadi g bisa dspat tips
[06:36] <asn1> Pingin jalan2 pantai kukup
[06:36] <aryo> hehe
[06:36] <tuan|muda> Nanti kalo uda habis korona...bru bsa jalan2 yo
[06:36] <aryo> dah lama nikah ama org bali asni
[06:36] <asn1> Udah
[06:37] <asn1> 2006
[06:37] <temon> (asn1) Pingin jalan2 pantai kukup..ajak yok
[06:37] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)
[06:37] <aryo> kabar2 kalau kejogja fur
[06:37] <temon> mandiin skalian
[06:37] <tuan|muda> ok aryo
[06:37] <aryo> fi3 kapab km mau kepelaminan bersamaku
[06:37] <asn1> Wee mandiin
[06:37] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 kapab km mau kepelaminan bersamaku...😱😱
[06:38] <aryo> xixixi
[06:38] <aryo> fi3 nomer wa dunk
[06:38] <aryo> ups
[06:38] <Fi3> Masih social distancing
[06:38] <aryo> hehe hu um
[06:39] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 nomer wa dunk.... Untuk apa?
[06:39] <asn1> Mintanya di inbox
[06:39] <aryo> untuk bisa melihat kabarmu tiap waktu
[06:39] <asn1> Jngn disini mana dikasih
[06:39] <aryo> hehehe
[06:39] <+ezza> ;)
[06:39] <+tweety> :)
[06:39] <+elektra> =)_
[06:39] <+elektra> whoops
[06:39] <aryo> hehe g pernah inbox2 cewek aku asni
[06:39] <+ezza> :-)
[06:39] <+tweety> :o)
[06:39] <asn1> Makanya inbox lah
[06:40] <aryo> hehe
[06:40] <aryo> fi3 boleh g inbox kamu
[06:40] <Fi3> (aryo) hehe g pernah inbox2 cewek aku asni.... Yg diinbox cowok aja kali 🤭🤭🤭
[06:40] <asn1> Kalau dia ketik disini wkwkwkwk bisa Om2 jimak wa fi3 juga
[06:40] <aryo> waduh
[06:40] <aryo> boro2
[06:40] * aryo on cuma ngegame doang
[06:41] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 boleh g inbox kamu...... Emang tahu caranya?
[06:42] <aryo> hehe g tau
[06:42] <aryo> makanyan nanya
[06:42] <Fi3> 🤭🤭🤭
[06:42] <aryo> kalau boleh inbox kan tar dirimu yg inbox aku hahaha
[06:42] * clips (hybridz@ Quit (Registered)
[06:42] * clips ( has joined #surabaya
[06:42] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =[
[06:43] <Fi3> (aryo) kalau boleh inbox kan tar dirimu yg inbox aku hahaha...... Nah lho jd tebolak
[06:43] <aryo> kan aku g tau caranya pv hehe
[06:43] <Fi3> Ayo main anagram lagi
[06:43] <aryo> sebagai pasangan yg ideal kan haruse ssling berbagi
[06:43] <aryo> xexexe
[06:43] * cowok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya
[06:44] <Fi3> (aryo) sebagai pasangan yg ideal kan haruse ssling berbagi..... Ogah aaah, kalo bagi2 duit boleh deh
[06:44] <Fi3> 😜😂😂
[06:44] * cowok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:44] <aryo> hiks hiks fi3 kejam
[06:44] <Fi3> Kak asn1 mana nih
[06:44] <temon> kojom
[06:45] <aryo> masih kujuman paling ama ndog
[06:45] <Fi3> (aryo) hiks hiks fi3 kejam...... Cup...cup...cup..... Mau permen
[06:45] <aryo> maunya hatimu aja fi3
[06:45] <clips> (aryo) kan aku g tau caranya pv hehe, seperti ini rayuan leluhur fosil irc ngerayu cewex
[06:45] <Fi3> (aryo) maunya hatimu aja fi3..... Dikerangkeng terus kuncinya ilang
[06:46] <Fi3> (clips) (aryo) kan aku g tau caranya pv hehe, seperti ini rayuan leluhur fosil irc ngerayu cewex.... Cara lama ya 🤭🤭
[06:46] <aryo> dih
[06:46] <temon> ekwkwkwkwk
[06:46] <aryo> hes jan perusuh teko
[06:46] <aryo> ngrusak wong kasmaran wae
[06:47] <Fi3> (aryo) ngrusak wong kasmaran wae.... Oh lagi kasmaran tho! Sama siapa? 🤔
[06:47] <aryo> sama fi3
[06:47] * endah ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:47] <clips> Tak offf lg, mau 😴😴😴
[06:48] <aryo> wes off kono
[06:48] <aryo> jo lali wisuh
[06:48] <Fi3> (aryo) sama fi3..... 😮😮ooo
[06:48] <aryo> fi3 tar send omer wa ya hehe
[06:48] <clips> puas sekali kena ngamuk2 leluhur e
[06:48] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #surabaya
[06:48] <Fi3> Hai bugi
[06:48] * tiaa is now known as tiaa_mojok
[06:48] <aryo> leluhur untumu njepat
[06:49] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 tar send omer wa ya hehe.... Kemana?
[06:49] <aryo> keinboxku xixixi
[06:49] <aryo> .ag
[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L U N L (60s timeout) »]
[06:49] <aryo> null
[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NULL ) in 5.672 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NULL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]
[06:49] <jeri> .dice 50001
[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 DICE has been started by jeri. The bet is 50'001$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]
[06:49] <asn1> Malam om bugi
[06:49] <Fi3> ** tiaa sekarang menjadi tiaa_mojok..... Iih tiaa udah mojok aja
[06:50] <aryo> fi3
[06:50] <Fi3> (aryo) keinboxku xixixi.... Selamat bermain
[06:50] <Fi3> Apa
[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, nobody joined the DICE game. »]
[06:50] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ Quit (Signed off)
[06:50] <aryo> hixs
[06:51] <aryo> fi3 pellit
[06:51] <aryo> .ag
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : K E W E (60s timeout) »]
[06:51] <Fi3> Nangiskah?
[06:51] <aryo> week
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WEEK ) in 3.875 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WEEK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]
[06:51] <jeri> week
[06:51] <+pita> Weeeeeeeeek.
[06:51] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 pellit... Pelit kenapa?
[06:51] <Fi3> Jd bingung
[06:51] <aryo> g mau bagi2 nomer wa
[06:52] <aryo> hehehe
[06:52] <aryo> .ag
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E H T O L C (60s timeout) »]
[06:52] * tiaa_mojok is now known as tiaa
[06:52] <aryo> heleh tiaa
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E H T O L C - Here's a hint : C L . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]
[06:52] <aryo> clothes
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLOTHES ) in 35.64 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CLOTHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]
[06:52] <+creasy> crumbs
[06:52] <+ezza> ARRRRGH!
[06:53] <Fi3> (aryo) g mau bagi2 nomer wa.... Oooo itu 🤭🤭
[06:53] <aryo> ah mbuh fit
[06:53] * aryo nyerah
[06:53] <Fi3> * aryo nyerah..... Blm berjuang jgn nyerah
[06:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=
[06:54] <aryo> kukejar kau lari lha g ketemu2 fit
[06:54] <aryo> hahaha
[06:54] <ndog> <aryo> g mau bagi2 nomer wa <- wa nya satgas kovid mau kak?
[06:54] <+tweety> get away... ya smell like feet£%~@^%@!@~###*
[06:54] <aryo> cik
[06:54] <aryo> ndog meneh
[06:54] <aryo> gek kujum kono ndog
[06:54] <Fi3> Hahahahha
[06:54] <+pita> rise up and use your revolting limbs to escape this prison
[06:54] <ndog> clips <- ini satgas nya
[06:55] <ndog> tinggal cuzzzz kenak suntik
[06:55] <+tweety> there, good as new. except that we're three miles below the surface, we're out of food, and the channel doesn't work underwater
[06:55] <ndog> kakakakkakaka
[06:55] <aryo> hahahaha
[06:55] <+tweety> You will open your eyes... you have to breathe sometime.
[06:55] <Fi3> (aryo) kukejar kau lari lha g ketemu2 fit.... Tahu dr mana aku lari, paling2 ngumpet.
[06:55] <aryo> ngumpet dimana fit
[06:55] <Fi3> 😁😁
[06:56] <aryo> 😍😍
[06:56] <aryo> eh
[06:56] * endah ( has joined #surabaya
[06:56] <aryo> .ag
[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : K T A C (60s timeout) »]
[06:56] <Fi3> Gak tahu nih, Lg nyari tempatnya
[06:56] <jeri> tack
[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( TACK ) in 9.032 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TACK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]
[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 jeri pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +6 ) »]
[06:56] <asn1> Aduh om bugi sekarang pendiam
[06:56] <aryo> yuk csri bersamku
[06:56] <aryo> dia diam karna kujum
[06:57] <Fi3> Wb endah
[06:57] <aryo> eb endah
[06:57] * rosi (~rosi@ has joined #surabaya
[06:57] <Fi3> Ada cewek tuh
[06:57] <Fi3> Wb rosi
[06:57] * aryo trtap setia ama fi3
[06:57] <rosi> ty Fi3
[06:57] <Fi3> Td sama kak asn1
[06:58] <Fi3> Sama2 rosy
[06:58] <rosi> sby makanan yang enak apa ya kak
[06:58] <Fi3> * aryo trtap setia ama fi3.... Td setia sama kak asn1
[06:58] <Van_JaVa> dyar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[06:58] <Van_JaVa> dyar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[06:58] <Van_JaVa> dyar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[06:58] <aryo> kak asni kan dah nikah
[06:58] <+pita> Wowsers.
[06:58] <+elektra> wowsers
[06:59] <aryo> lah vandul bulno ngindikan
[06:59] * tuan|muda ( Quit (Signed off)
[06:59] <Fi3> (rosi) sby makanan yang enak apa ya kak.... Ayo siapa Yg disurabaya, ada Yg nanya nih
[06:59] <aryo> cie2 kujuman si fi3
[06:59] <aryo> diajak inbox aku g mau malah kujuman ama cowok laen hiks hiks
[07:00] <+creasy> mejikom needs food, badly! :(
[07:00] * +creasy gives mejikom some bonbonbonbons
[07:00] <Fi3> (aryo) cie2 kujuman si fi3...... Cie...cie... Aryo cemburu 🤭