?????? An exploration of the specific ?????¿ Sensory qualities of the material ????¿? Known as ice. In its natural state, ????¿¿ It takes the form of ???¿?? [UNTRANSLATEABLE] ???¿?¿ When heated to significantly ???¿¿? Warmer temperatures, however, ???¿¿¿ Ice collapses out into solidity. ??¿??? In this form its fundamental ??¿??¿ Curvature is significantly reduced, ??¿?¿? Replaced by a mere Gömböc ??¿?¿¿ Form. It is in this state only ??¿¿?? That it attains the unprecedented ??¿¿?¿ Stability for which it is most ??¿¿¿? Commonly known—that is to say, ??¿¿¿¿ Mono-monostatic equilibrium. ?¿???? Furthermore, as postulated by ?¿???¿ [PHONETIC REPRESENTATION ?¿??¿? OMITTED - NOMENCLATURE], ?¿??¿¿ There is a distinct possibility ?¿?¿?? That this stability extends to ?¿?¿?¿ Spacial representations in addition ?¿?¿¿? To those purely temporal. Lmpyou ?¿?¿¿¿ [sic] [sic] are not suited for ?¿¿??? Normative interaction. Concepts ?¿¿??¿ Inherent to ice. Deep exploration ?¿¿?¿? Of the ?¿¿?¿¿ Stratum ?¿¿¿?? Reveals foreign sensory-conceptual ?¿¿¿?¿ Associations. Binary permutation ?¿¿¿¿? Of sub-P and conformal areas of ?¿¿¿¿¿ Stratum ¿????? And subsequent comparison to ¿????¿ NP-incomplete and nonconformal ¿???¿? Areas has revealed acceptable ¿???¿¿ Approximations for the ¿??¿?? Aforementioned. This has, as is ¿??¿?¿ Well known, prompted a ¿??¿¿? Proliferation of related literature ¿??¿¿¿ That can only be described as ¿?¿??? Immaculate. ¿?¿??¿ Even as the archives swelled with ¿?¿?¿? Poetry and prose, so did ¿?¿?¿¿ Public consciousness turn towards ¿?¿¿?? The farther reaches of the ¿?¿¿?¿ Stratum. ¿?¿¿¿? Amateur data collection became ¿?¿¿¿¿ Almost a national pastime, ¿¿???? Allowing experts to interlink ¿¿???¿ Distributed computation ¿¿??¿? Networks dedicated to decrypting ¿¿??¿¿ Said data into common ¿¿?¿?? Interchange formats. The most ¿¿?¿?¿ Popular of said formats is ¿¿?¿¿? tOUCH, as it has several ¿¿?¿¿¿ Well-developed dimensions in ¿¿¿??? Which sensory information can be ¿¿¿??¿ Transmitted. This is primarily the ¿¿¿?¿? Result of efforts on the part of ¿¿¿?¿¿ Early academics to represent ¿¿¿¿?? [DAWN] in a way that prioritizes ¿¿¿¿?¿ Accuracy over pleasure. ¿¿¿¿¿? This practice is becoming slowly ¿¿¿¿¿¿ More widespread.