EVERYONE LEARN ABOUT ABERRANT DECODING RIGHT NOW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aberrant_decoding THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU WILL EVER LEARN. YOU CANNOT SUCCESSFULLY NAVIGATE THE INTERNET WITHOUT THIS KNOWLEDGE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. The Rules of Society 1. Every group can have bad actors 2. No group has only bad actors 3. It is the responsibility of every group to exclude bad actors 4. You may not exclude someone from a group if they are not a bad actor 5. Every group has some people who forget these rules 6. No group has only people who forget these rules 7. It is the responsiblity of every group to remind people of these rules when they forget 8. It is the responsiblity of people caught forgetting these rules to give a true apology 9. All true apologies include self-accountability 10. You can always tell people to stop doing something 11. Revenge is never justified 12. If you fail to comply with rule eight, you are a bad actor 13. If someone tells you to stop, stop, and do not resume, the above rules notwithstanding 14. Someone can revoke their request to stop, allowing you to resume 15. Treat others the way you want to be treated 16. Nobody thinks the same way The Rules of Zombies 1. Most people are not zombies, no matter what group you look at 2. Zombies can be in any group 3. Zombies have lost faith in humanity 4. Zombies are bad actors as per the rules of society 5. Zombies try to make other people zombies 6. Zombies can be cured in person through enough genuine love and affection 7. Online zombies may be bots; better to just kick them from your group 8. You can tell someone is a zombie if every time you tell them about a positive change, they tell you it won't do anything or that it will only make things worse 9. There are some cases where changes actually are ineffective, but a human wouldn't consider everything ineffective; a zombie would 10. The surefire way to tell a zombie is rules 3, 4, and 8. 11. Îf they don't have any of the traits but you still think they are a zombie, you are probably just miscommunicating or you have irreconcilable beliefs. Contact Me https://tilde.club/~ziproot/socials.txt