
11th Janary, 2024

Hi everyone! It has been a really long time, and I should explain what I have been up to. I meant to update you all during new year, but here I am in the middle of the night 11 days late.

I’ve been up with errands at the club, we’re prepping for the big yearly event again. I had a fight with my friends and am not on talking terms with two of them. It is clearly their fault, and they must admit it if they want to talk to me again.

Aside from that, I got an Internship! I start tomorrow! I wanted to make tomorrow perfect by sleeping early and waking up early to exercise, but I was not able to sleep early. Instead, I ended up eating some chocolate chip biscuits, and finish reading a novel, “It ends with us” by Colleen Hoover. It was a good book, the relationship between two lovers as it turns ugly was very well written.

I want to commit to more things in life. I want to journal often. I want to update my blog more often. I want to make a site for my real self so that the people I know can see my work as well. I wish I could commit to things properly. I was supposed to be asleep now, commit to exercising in the morning but alas. I hope I can change this in the future sometime.

I’ll sign off now, will try to update more about my life in the next post. Until then, ciao!

Ada Davin :wq

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