Objectives for 2020
January 09, 2020 —
Let's begin, shall we?
Here's a list of the pie in the sky shit that I'm going to try to do in 2020:
- Keep track of my media diet, a la Kottke.
- Launch a Hometown instance for Bakersfield makers.
- Get out of the house and go for a walk most days of the week.
- Try to write more. Like this. Maybe some longer things.
- Submit only AMA sessions to the WordPress events I apply to speak at.
- Attempt to care for sourdough starter (currently unpurchased) and make a few loaves.
- Smoke a brisket that people rave about.
- Grow my own weed in the backyard.
- Make some stupid internet crap.
So, that's it for now. Nothing too ambitious, right?
I've already started on some of this. Until I post more, I'll leave you to guess what I'm working on though.
tags: todo, objectives