~dmi3 page


Hello, my name is Dmitry, I'm software developer and this is my blog. My passions are minimalism and continuous improvement1. Most interesting things I've done are rugged Raspberry Pi laptop (and other gadgets), collection of useful scripts for Linux users and Fish shell config. Personally, I consider the most useful post to be Some lesser known items good to have in your travel/emergency bag.

I write about awesome or useful technical stuff I encounter. Also I'll share lots of useful tips. Picked name 'Developer Run' since I'll write notes on the run. I also enjoy running and always pick bad names in general. For updates, subscribe to RSS, Twitter, Mastodon or Pinterest.

This is static blog generated by bunch of Regexes hosted on Cloudflare pages, because I have strong belief that thats how blogs should function.

  1. fancy named Kaizen 

If you have anything on your mind, drop me email @tilde.club. Lets talk!
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