I really want to start a weblog, I don't know if anyone will actually read it, but I have a bunch of different services I could post to so I really don't know which I want to use, I love the community of the tildes, but I have a tilde.town as well and I don't know which to use. I also have pico, omg.lol, and my own domain as well. I don't really want to upload to everything, as that is a lot of work, and I like the various styling of each service so I think (but I could be wrong), creating a universal file might not work very well. Also I struggle with the I guess like imposter syndrome of writing a blog, hence also why this is in like a directory in a directory .-. I am editing an html file directly which I feel like isn't the best way to do it, but at the same time I kind of like it :) Anyways idk email me!!!!

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