


Hey i made a few things for tilde.club:

  • users - use some available json to list who's online and when they last updated their homepages.
  • ~js autolinks - link ~ usernames to homepages in html.
  • load your plan - load your .plan file into your page.

Thu, Oct 9, 4:33pm PST

Add ~gschueler/plan.html : you can load your .plan into your page.

Thu, Oct 9, 10:08am PST

Updated ~gschueler/users.html to refresh online status every minute.

Updated ~gschueler/tildelink.html js to include 'li' in affected tags.

Wed, Oct 8, 11:38am PST

I updated the ~gschueler/users.html page to include plans!

A cron job runs every hour and updates some json files:

~gschueler/plans.json contains all user plans (truncated)

~gschueler/plans/[username].json contains the full plan data for each user.