◊(hash-ref metas 'title)
◊(hash-ref metas 'author)
◊; Insert the content from the page (index.html.pm in this case) ◊(map ->html (select-from-doc 'body here)) ◊; HERE IS a simple way of listing pages by an arbitrary grouping. ◊; I call them ‘series’ but they're the same as what you’d call ◊; ‘categories’ in a blog. ◊; For every child of series.html in the pagetree, we list that page’s ◊; title and body, then we list all the children of posts.html that ◊; specify that series in their meta definitions. ◊; See the function `list-posts-in-series` in pollen.rkt for more. ◊(map (lambda(ss) (->html `(section (h2 ,(select-from-metas 'title ss)) ,@(select-from-doc 'body ss) ,(list-posts-in-series ss)))) (children 'series.html))Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Part I: This World
◊(map chapter-li (children 'flatland/part-1.html))
Part II: Other Worlds
◊(map chapter-li (children 'flatland/part-2.html))