Junyx's Blog

Thoughts, Experiments, and Discoveries

Stable Diffusion Prompt Writing

July 17, 2023 — ~junyx

Fine tuning Stable Diffusion prompts can be art in itself. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

  1. A good prompt should be detailed and specific, and keywords can be used from various categories such as subject, medium, style, artist, website, resolution, additional details, color, and lighting

  2. Adding specific details to the subject, such as appearance, clothing, and background, helps generate more accurate images

  3. Prompt building is an iterative process where keywords are added gradually to assess their effect on the generated images

  4. The style category allows for specifying the artistic style of the image, such as hyperrealistic, surrealist, or fantasy

  5. Negative prompts can be used to specify what should be avoided in the image

This is an excellent guide to learn more about fine tuning Stable Diffusion prompts:


tags: stablediffusion, ai, art, imagegeneration, machinelearning

Interesting Stable Diffusion Sites

July 17, 2023 — ~junyx

Some interesting websites I’ve found on Stable Diffusion (AI image generation):

tags: ai, stablediffusion, imagegeneration, machinelearning