Sufficient Unto the Day

2025-02-21 17:56:18 Friday

(from chapter 16 of Wei Wu Wei's "All Else Is Bondage")

"THERE IS NO objective ego or self. Nothing of the kind could be as an object. Even the words themselves do not admit of it.

Did the Buddha mean anything but that in his insistence on the non-existence of a 'self' of any kind whatsoever? I am - but not, not ever, not possibly - as an object.

Our state of apparent bondage is due to identification with an imaginary objectivisation of 'I'. I became identified with my selves, and my selves are all sentient beings. Whenever we think or speak as from the object with which we are illusorily identified we are thereby making an object of subject.

That is why dis-identification, or awakening from the objective dream of living, cannot take place as a result of thinking or of speaking.

What, then, am I since I can never be an object?

Evidently THIS could never be thought, let alone named, without thereby making me THAT which I am not.

Perhaps one could say: 'I am, but there is no “me'',' or 'You are pure I: there is no “you''.' For indeed there is no '' - but I am.

Do not nearly all of us spend our time looking for ourself as some object other than ourself - as Reality, 'the' Absolute, God, Tao, Pure Mind? Is that not the quintessence of nonsense? The idea of 'an I' or of 'a self' is absurd, manifestly absurd, even linguistically. No 'I' is. But I am.

If that is clear, then we must be able to see that THAT which we are looking for is not THAT but THIS - and THIS is 'I am'. There is no That and no This, no self and no other, no man and no God, no Buddha, Tao, Absolute, no Reality and no Unreality, no 'you' or 'me'. I am no object, you are pure I. And I am utterly absent.

We have completed the circle: the Sought is the Seeker - and there is none. All else is just bondage."

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