
Allen's Dev Blog

This could be us, but ya'll playin'

July 21, 2024 — Allen

The chart is performant enough

It’s incredible, the performance of the 3D rendering, but as this relates to ▒▒▒ I’m more focused on the space optimization. All the code for that—renderer, tracker, physics, assets, everything—fits into 13kb! And even more than that is the mindset behind the approach. The guy had a hard limit of 13kb, and so he changed his point of view to find different and novel approaches in order to meet it. That really captures a lot of what I find wrong about Robmunds' perspective—they refuse to change their minds.

Rob doesn’t rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic so much as he performs preventative maintenance on them. He’s constantly nickel and dime’ing everything, making noise about, literally, single characters of unminified code instead of looking for the big wins like this, the changes that actually move the needle.

Tags: work

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