
Allen's Dev Blog


July 22, 2024 — Allen

I am working on getting Webpad to a state where I can release it online. I started it 9 years ago as a personal note taker and it became an important part of my toolbox. Of course, in the course of almost a decade of professional work, I've learned so much, so before asking people for money for it it needed to be updated. At this point, I've essentially re-written it from the ground up. Webpad now no longer uses any frameworks, and very few libraries.

I've got a well-defined roadmap to my MVP and plans for pre- and post-launch. The technical stuff is where I'm most at home and has gone very smoothly. I'm a little nervous about the business stuff, but I'm tired of working for and with morons. At this point, I don't see how owning and running a business can be any worse.

Tags: webpad

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