
Allen's Dev Blog

What a difference two years can make

July 19, 2024 — Allen

…or, you know, 6 months.

There was a lot of promise in this place. And I wanted it to be awesome; I wanted it to be paradise. I wanted it, badly. I'm now on my way out. If I can find someplace better, or if I can get my business bootstrapped, I will be out the door so fast I won't be able to hear them bad mouthing me to reassure themselves that "he just wasn't good enough to be able to handle how awesome we are".

I have written so much in my vimwiki diary and local BB. I will re-post some here, but these guys are sophomoric, at best. It's so bad that trying to articulate the what and the why of their incompetence has actually been useful in helping me understand them as anti-patterns.

As an example, I unintentionally began fixating on their absurd volumes of if statements which led me to question myself (because, unlike them, I actually have intellectual integrity). "Why are their if statements not okay, but mine are? Is it a double standard?" In dwelling on that I believe I've come to a valuable observation: conditional statements should be used to check state, not structure. I use conditionals and don't feel bad about them because I'm checking state. They have to have conditionals—literally—every 7 lines to check structure because they have no defined structure. Any piece of data has to be deeply inspected because they know it could be anything. It's no wonder they have so many conditionals.

I wanted this to be "the place", but it's not. And, in having now explored a number of companies beyond Yieldex, I have to conclude that I simply got lucky right out of the gate with my first startup. Yieldex seems to have been an anomaly of competence; most everyone else seems to have very little idea what they're doing.

I am forced to admit the truth of my situation: I need to be either employee #3 or employee #1.

Tags: work

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