Hashicorp Vault and docker-compose
Hello everyone,
This time I wanted to cover how I use Hashicorp's Vault to manage secrets used by docker-compose.
I've been using docker-compose to deploy the services I run on my home servers (I have 2 machines that host the services and Kubernetes was overkill) for a bit over 4 years now. The overall setup has served me well with it being simple and straight forward to deploy new services or update existing ones. All the compose files are stored in a git repo. The structure of the repo allows me to define "services" which are individual docker-compose.yml
files that define a set of containers which together gives me a service I want to host at home.
I control variables that are shared between these services, but change based on the machine hosting it (Usually just the domain name change) via {{ hostname }}.env
files. This has been working for me though one major downside is that the .env file can't be committed to git due to it containing secrets such as api keys.
This is where I've been leveraging vault and specifically vault agent to template the .env
file, so I can push the .env
template but not the secrets themselves.
Vault agent is capable of templating a file using go template syntax and generates the files with data from vault.
To do this we need a few things, first you need a running vault instance. I would recommend following the great docs from Hasicorp which you can find here.
Vault Setup
I have it setup as a service defined in docker-compose. A really simplistic example of the docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'
build: ./vault
- server
- 8200:8200
- /path/to/where/you/want/to/save/your/vault/data:/vault/data
restart: always
With ./vault
containing the following:
FROM vault:latest
ADD config.hcl /vault/config/config.hcl
storage "file" {
path = "/vault/data"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = "true"
api_addr = "http://localhost:8200"
ui = true
Using Vault for storing secrets
So now we have vault running we can create secrets to do this we need the cli tool (You can do it via the WebUI, but I would recommend getting comfortable with the cli tool)
Creating a secret:
vault kv put kv/services/example apikey="super_secret_api_key"
# I would recommend prefixing the command with a space
# this will prevent it from saving it to your bash history
Once we have a secret created we can use it with the vault agent
We first need to create a agent-config.hcl
in which you will define the files you want to template:
auto_auth {
method {
type = "token_file"
config {
#Make sure to update this to the path of your home directory
token_filce_path = "/home/username/.vault-token"
vault {
#Update this with the address of your vault instance
address = "http://localhost:8200"
retry {
num_retries = 5
# Forces agent to close after generating the files
exit_after_auth = true
template {
source = "example.env.ctmpl"
destination = "example.env"
Next you need to define the template file example.env.ctmpl
{{ with secret "kv/services/example" }}
MY_SECRET_API_KEY={{ .Data.data.apikey }}
{{ end }}
This will fetch the services/example
secret from the kv engine and write the value of the key apikey
Generating us a file that looks like this:
docker-compose can now refer to that file making the secret available to the containers.
As you can see with Hashicorp vault its possible to generate .env
files which can be used by your apps or in this case by docker-compose.