This is my plot o' internet. Come back periodically during the day for updates, like people have.
11:44 am PT, 10/1: Electrician comes tomorrow to solve the problem I can't. Added ~harper's webring code to the bottom of the page - pretty slick!
8:40 pm PT, 9/30: This evening I've been owned by two home tasks:
I yearn for the simpler days, like
12:58 pm PT, 9/30: Success! My fancy script running on cron outputs JSON here:
import urllib2, json from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup page = urllib2.urlopen("") soup = BeautifulSoup(page) sites = [] for site in soup('li'): site_obj = {} site_obj['href'] = '' + site.a['href'] sites.append( site_obj ) print json.dumps( sites )To install BeautifulSoup:
wget tar -xvzf BeautifulSoup-3.2.1.tar.gz cd BeautifulSoup-3.2.1 python install --user
12:38 pm PT, 9/30: Dusting off my Python to see if I can build an index of tilde sites and pipe it to JSON
11:45 am PT, 9/30: Hello world!