The .Files

Hugo and Drone Simplified

What if for whatever reason it isn’t possible (or desirable) to run Hugo on the machine hosting your blog?
If this were the case, the system described in previous posts can still be used, albeit a little differently.

The steps required would be:

  • Generate the blog locally
  • Clean up the remote repository
  • Modify .gitignore
  • Modify Drone pipeline
  • Add the generated site to git

Generating the site locally is the easiest thing. Just run the hugo command on the blog’s root directory. This will create the public directory, with the rendered version.

To clean up the remote repository run the command git rm -r --cached content/ static/ layouts/ archetypes/ config.toml. This is just for the sake of cleanliness, having these directories under version control isn’t strictly necessary anymore. They could also be put on a separate branch, but I won’t go into that.

Take out public from .gitignore and add in the other directories like so:


Amend the Drone pipeline:

(rest of the file)

  - name: deploy
      - cd /home/me/myBlog
      - git pull origin blog
      - cp -Rf public/* /home/me/public_html
      (do the gopher stuff, if necessary)
      - rm -r public

The gopher integration steps remain the same.
Now all there’s to do is git add public, write the commit message and push.