my tildelog

a blog about tildes


October 30, 2023 — ~calor

The start of a new blog! I’ve been meaning to start writing as a hobby. With NaNoWriMo just around the corner, I may try to blog everyday for a bit. May be a bit boring, bear with me while I find things to blog about. I can blog about tech stuff I’m doing, but I don’t know if that would bore people or not. The account on this tilde seems “limited”, I can’t install packages, and I don’t think running HTTP servers, the works would be kosher. That’s relative to what I know though, I’m open to exploring new things. On my own hardware, I have a kubernetes (the specific distribution is k3s) cluster running on some mini PCs I bought off a guy. They were as-is so I had to buy a bunch of parts, and get that set up. If anyone wants more details, let me know!

tags: stream-of-consciousness, nanowrimo, kubernetes, tech