ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm currently organizing a team chess match on tildeverse, click here for more info

Tildeverse Chess team match

What is it?

A chess team match is a series of chess games played between two teams of several players. During the match the teams alternate white and black pieces, being fair to both sides. Each team has 24 hours to move after their opponent played.

Each team will have a private IRC room to discuss the moves, and everyday the leader of each team will email me their move within 24 hours, if no move is played by a team, the game will be considered abandoned and the other team wins.

Once I receive the email from each team's leader I will forward it to every participant, aditionally a board displaying ongoing games is available here (requires javascript).


When a team wins, they earn one full point, draws gives both teams half a point, and losses give 0 points.

At the end the points are added and the team with most points wins.


Cool, How do I play?

Just email me at and tell me who you are, which tilde you come from, your email and your irc nick on tildeverse. Don't forget to join #chess on irc to meet with other participants.

Questions? Ideas? or Suggestions?

Contact me via email or irc.

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