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3x3x3 Solution 1, Bottom Layer EdgesREMEMBER: Before starting any algorithm, make sure that the front (dark grey) face is facing you and the top layer is on the top.
The EdgesFor the purpose of this exercise I will use the red and yellow faced edge. If the red face on the edge is next to the red centre follow the appropriate moves in 1-3 below.
Note: In 4, 5, 5a and 6 you may disturb an edge on the bottom layer that was in the right place. If you have disturbed an edge that was in the right place on the bottom layer you must also perform the red moves in the algorithm to restore the disturbed edge. If the red face on the edge is not next to the red centre perform the black moves below to place the yellow face of the edge on the top face of the cube. Then rotate the top layer until the red face on the edge lines up with the red centre as in 3 above, then perform algorithm 3.
Follow the instructions on this page to put all of the bottom layer edges in place. Once you have your cross on the bottom layer with the side faces on the edges matching the adjacent centres you are ready to start working on the 3x3x3 First/Bottom Layer Corners |
© Bob 2003 |