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5x5x5 Disparity AlgorithmsTwo edge cross overThe swapping edges are both on the top and to the right, indicated in red on the graphic. make sure they are different coloured edges. Note: If you are observant and use this algorithm wisely it is the only one you will need to learn for the 5x5x5 edge disparity, it could end up being a slower solve but it can fix them all.
Flip one edge elementThe edge element that will be flipped is the element on the front face, indicated in red on the graphic.
Flip two edge elementsThe edge elements that will be flipped are the elements on the front face, indicated in red on the graphic. This basically does the same thing as the algorithm above, I just think this one is easier to learn. If you have learned how to solve the 4x4x4 cube on this site you will have learned this algorithm. The above algorithm also works on the 4x4x4 cube where this one is used.
Flip two edge elementsThe edges that will be flipped are on the middle layer of the up face, indicated in red on the graphic.
© Bob 2003 |