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11 Sept 22

Meetings for the week of 11 Sept 2022

11 Sept 2022 - 9-10:30 - Kibou and CC - 48 people (This is his 5th meeting, I was to the 1st one)

One of the ideas is journal of success for the day (or from yesterday). End of a long week, need a pick me up, time to take stock and reflect: Shift to a Ta-da list- List all the things that got done, went well, etc.

Look at Woop - Wish - Outcome - Obstacle - Plan

Topics for the week 1) How to deal with (physical and mental) pain 2) Focus on positivism (perspective) + Gratitude (list) 3) Vocabulary exchange 4) Beware of negative sprirals 5) DIBS/DUBS (Disputing Irrational / Helpful Beliefs) 6) Spirituality + Yoga / Meditation / Mindfulness 7) Use urge log for pain 8) yoga nidra + qigong 9) Mindful "awe" walks (Berkeley Greater Good In Action) 10) Being aware that pain has a peak and an end (we might be able to surf past it) 11) Progressive Muscle relaction (PPP - Patience, Persistence, Practice) 12) Spoon Theory - "budgeting my energy" 13) Be kind to yourself. Positive Self talk.

No is a complete sentence

When people set boundries they aee doing to attempt to continue the relationship.

11 Sept 2022 - 7-8:30PM - Bobbe and Hatrick - Beginners Meeting - 46 people Week 4 Urges Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life

"Once we understand our WHY, the HOW becomes easy." - Viktor Frankl


12 Sept 2022 - 7:30-9AM - Hatrick and Kibs - Discussion - 35 People Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone-we find it with another.

Part of the 3 (meetings) in 23 hours club

Live Satisfying Lives!! ======= There was lots of good thing in the chat >>>>>>>

<<<<<<< Life is all about choices and we are the sum total of all the chooices we make, New chance to make a differently and hopfull better choice. =======

12Sept - 7:30-9AM - Hatrick and Kibo - 51 people - Topic and a Discussion

Anger doesn't solve anything, it builds nothing, but it can destroy everything - Wilder

We do not find the meeting of live alone, we find it with others.

Connect, Don't Correct (taken from Becki Sams)

Hatric it taking the F+F training -- Thursdays in the Leigh Valley "I knew my journey. Who knew that all the trainers are done the same way"

We are to busy crafting our next Comeback. We are not actually listening. We have a priority our need to be "Right"

Connection is important. We are not alone. We have a sense of community, there are lots of us.

Are you a connector or a corrector in building emotional connections.

Good share by JWM, "that happened now what??".

I've found that meeting others who have similar flaws who I do like and respect actually helps with self acceptance a lot

Acceptance with out agreement gives me the starting point to form or strengthen connections. >>>>>>>

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Page last modified on September 13, 2022, at 04:15 PM