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13 March 22

Meetings for Week of 13 March - 19 March 2022

13 March 2020 7-8:30PM - Beginners Meeting with Bobbe (Hatrick taking over for the next few weeks) - 48 people

Frontal Cortex: focused attention, self control, freewill, judgement, planning -- Prefontal Cortex isn’t full formed until about age 25

Mammal: emotions, memory (hunter gather)

Reptilian: basic body functions

Battle between Cortex and other brain locations.

Creating Habits is How our brain conserves resource. Most habits end up with the Mammal brain areas. Fast area- Amgufdala - Automatic part of the brain

Need to resist instant gratification - it only reinforces unhelpful neural pathways

Stages of Change

  1. Pre-contemplation - I don't have a problem, why should I change
  2. Contemplation - Maybe I do have a problem but how can I change?
  3. Preparation - I'm ready to change. I'm going to change.
  4. Action - I am following a plan. I am changing.
  5. Maintenance - I'm glad that I changed. I'm sticking to my plan
  6. Termination - I've changed for the better. My new life is better.
  7. Relapse - I have forgotten why I needed to change (not a state, something that happens)
    • Relapses - Review - Restart / Resume where you were (not back to point zero)

What do I want to Invite myself to do? What to let go of to make room? What small action to kickstart?

Selfist - Self ist (not selfish) I must put my recovery first.

I don’t have to quit my DOC —> I CHOOSE not to engage in my DOC

I don't HAVE to be sober - I GET to be sober.

14 March 2022 7:30-9AM - Normally Hatricks meeting, but Kibou has the wheel today - 42 people

Making mistakes is human and shows our imperfections.

Live satisfying lives - our primary goal

Plan A, then Plan B, then C...just not Plan Relapse

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Page last modified on March 14, 2022, at 01:08 PM