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15 May 22

Meeting from SMART for the week of 15 May to 21 May 2022

15 May 7-8:30PM - Bobbe beginner meeting - 90 people

Week 11, big takeaway is to really start on other activities.

16 May 7:30-9AM - Monday morning Mojo with Hatrick and Kibou 48 people

"Sometimes the best way to be happy is to learn to let go of things you tried hard to hold on to that are no longer good for you" last weeks

"Adversity causes some men to break; other to break records. " this week

This week is Creativity - the urge to create

Pamela Davenport - gave some of the info for this set of slides "Home of my Badass Recovery"

When urges arise, where do you want to focus your energy? Urges are negative goals - our minds align with negative goals

Deny, Delay, Escape, Accept, Attack, Distract, Substitute

We can control, my thoughts, my behaviors - I need to have ownership.

We have to become a master of how we want to Spend My Time - shift has to happen

Nansen wrote - “Today is a great day, for we will get closer to our goals. Today is a gift, for we have each other and the joys of life. Today we shall endure our challenges and hardships for the better future they entail.”

"People know, they just don't say" when you are trying to hide

Boredom is actually procrastination!

Here's the link to ADM Mc Raven?'s make your bed speech.

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Page last modified on May 16, 2022, at 01:15 PM