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16 Jan 22

SMART Meetings the week of 16 Jan to 22 Jan 2022

16 January 2022 - Sunday - Beginners meeting with Bobbe and Hatrick - 67 People

This is a beginners meeting 4 groups of three weeks each.

SMART Recovery GRAC Webinar One (UK Edition)

Tuesday 15th February 2022 11am London | 6am New York | 10pm Sydney

Chair: Dr. Joanne Neale, Professor of Addictions Qualitative Research, National Addictions Center, London.

SMART Global Research Advisory Committee (GRAC) webinar series 2022

The SMART Global Research Advisory Committee (GRAC) invite you to join the first annual SMART Recovery Research webinar series. These webinars are being offered at different times to accommodate the time zones of our diverse Global Research Network. Each webinar will feature members of the SMART GRAC providing an overview of SMART Recovery research to date, updates on the latest research and explore the future of research on SMART Recovery.

SMART Recovery GRAC Webinar One (UK Edition)

Tuesday 15th February 2022 11am London | 6am New York | 10pm Sydney

Chair: Dr. Joanne Neale, Professor of Addictions Qualitative Research, National Addictions Center, London.


Dr Charlie Orton, Chief Executive Officer, UK SMART Recovery An Introduction to SMART Recovery in the United Kingdom. Dr Alison Beck, Clinical Psychologist & Trial Coordinator, School of Psychology, University of Wollongong. An overview and update on the ev

Signs of success: are you doing less often than you use to? Spend less time? Are the periods getting longer? Are the amounts getting smaller?

These are all signs of success and harm reduction. People often go through them on their way to abstinence.

Jammed Slop (This was from last week too) Jumping to conclusions, All or nothing thinking, mental filters, magnification, emotional reasoning, disqualifying the positive shoulds and musts.

This week pattern of choice (SMART Point 2) Our brain works in patterns

  • Demandingness I (you) should habe known that
  • Demand omnipresence put down
  • Angry people are always right
  • Confused about results or motivation
  • Anger hides fear.

Seven day plans How many days do I get angry to hide fear.

DIBS/DUBS, Disputing Irrational / Unhelpful Beliefs Does it make sense, What is the evidence, Is it helpful? Much is caused by what we believe.

Activating event Belief Consequences

17 Jan 2020 Monday 7:30-9AM - Hatrick and Kibou 59 people

All the time that I didn't relapse it wasn't that the urges were weaker, but because I was stronger.

I am not defined by my relapse but by desire to remain in recovery.

Repeated patterners or routine action ends up as a neural pathways. This is how they get burned into our brain

Slow - Prefrontal Cortex - Rational, Logical, Uniquely Human

Fast - Habits in the Amygdala

Need to pay attention to where your mind is at - Conscious Attention = Mindfulness

Mindfulness makes the invisible visible - open the door to choice Mindfulness is the catch it part

Why don't my hands follow my brain is the catch it part.

Sober Breathing Space Stop T He? very essence of Catch it. Observe, what are you feeling in your body, are your thoughts racing, heart beating, just noticing it 'Breathe take a time out Expand your awareness Respond Mindefully - use your power of choice. You've defeated the urge.

Reflection poem was if you use.

18 January, 2022 Tuesday 6-7:30 with Rachel Blue (101 people )

Most of the meeting was taken up by a girl that started drinking at 8 and is now 12 and is trying SMART

19 January 2022 Wednesday Noon-1PM - Michler Bishop - 81 people

First time here, this meeting is just across the lunch hour for most people.

Mostly just discussions. I only stayed for the first 40 mins.

20 Jan 2022 - Thursday -- Tbone Don? 122 people

Discussion meeting

22 Jan 2022 - Saturday 10-11:30AM - Oboe Jeff 87 people

Discussion meeting.

Trust lost by the bucket, gained by the drop. It takes time. You have to be honest with yourself. Am I upset because I lapsed or because I got caught?

22 Jan 2022 - Saturday 2-3:30PM - Rob R 62? 132 people

SMART - So Many Acronyms in Recovery Training

Highly Sensitive Person Movie - 13:56 long Kati Morton book by Elaine Aaron

DOES - Depth of processing, Over stimulation, Emotional reactivity and empathy, Sensing the subtle

Figure out the triggers, be kind to yourself, journal, reparent, make time for emotions

( This wasn't really helpful for me)

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Page last modified on January 22, 2022, at 07:55 PM