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26 June 22

Smart meetings for week of 26 June 2022

27 June 7:30-9AM Hatrick and Kibou - 50 people Monday morning Mojo, presentation and discussion.

Forgetting is very hard

Forgiving is also hard for lots of people

Sometimes letting go is easier (So make that first)

How do we let go? Letting go is hard. Holding on is harder!

You need to put the work in, otherwise you are just denying or repressing the experience.

Conduct an 'emotional exorcism': Write it down. Curse, Swear, Abandon Grammar, get all the emotions out on paper. Then Burn IT! Release the emotion!!

If you become indifferent about the feeling / experience, it's working.

We have all hurt others, we want to be forgiven for causing that hurt.

  • How can we not forgive others when we want forgiveness.

Be careful of what you feed, feed the good, not the wolf.

Find it easy to want forgiveness and think about all of the crappy stuff I have done, dwelling on my past sends me into a tailspin.

Central to this is making sure we forgive ourselves.

Letting go is for ourselves, forgiveness is for Others.


I think that's the unconditional part of self acceptance...what ever it was you said is really not as important as what she heard. You can't control that. You might want to do a REI...imagine the worth thing you could have possible said and them sit with that emotion? I know I've said some really terrible thing to people under the influence and angry. Did I mean them? What is important is that I accept I did it and I can forgive myself for being in that state. I can also promise myself I'm going to do what I can not to wind up there again.

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Page last modified on June 27, 2022, at 01:01 PM