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27 March 22

Meetings for week of 27 March 2022

27 March 7-8:30 PM Bobbe and Hatrick beginners meeting 70 people

Urges are just thoughts and thoughts can be changed.

Make choices from rational wisdom, not from comfort zone

Choice requires us to face conflicts

Break patterns, build emotional muscle. Thinking, feeling and action are interacted

28 March 7:30-9AM Hatrick and Kibou - 40 people

Begin by Breathing - motivation - todays topic

Live Satisfying Lives

Life is all about choices and we are the sum total of all the choices we have made. For those of us who have wrestled with addiction we have made some choices that were suboptimal. We were the masters of our own addiction, and, moving forward we can become the masters of our own recovery.

Be careful how you talk to yourself, because you are listening.

When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.

When we breath, we get the life giving thing we need.

Trees swap Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen - trees and the sun, be grateful!

We are creating a new life that does know about the past life, one that is free. Each inhale brings us new opportunity, exhale get rid of the junk

Urges are just thoughts and thoughts can be changed.

Make choices from rational wisdom, not from comfort zone

Choice requires us to face conflicts

Break patterns, build emotional muscle. Thinking, feeling and action are interacted

"When I sit down and really think about the things that I value most in my life, It's likely safe to say that my DOC/POC (drug of choice/poison of choice) isn’t one of them. Yet every time that I use, I am placing those things I REALLY value in jeopardy; I am gambling with the things that I treasure and that I hold dear; Putting them at risk; gradually washing them off my Ho V? list. What choices can I make that support my Ho V?? How does THIS choice support my Ho V??"

Fleur Chambers

I'm down to just these two meetings a week. I've stopped the Rachelblue meeting, it's become way to much of wild shares from a few people.

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