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30 Jan 22

31 January 2022 7:30-9AM Sunday - Hatrick and Kibou - 52 people
Balance is not something you find, balance is something you create - Jana Kingsford

6 Avenues to Abundance

  1. Enable Happiness
    1. Set yourself up to be Happy - Happy is chemicals
    2. Complete a task
    3. Hug / Cuddle
    4. Smile
    5. Practice Gratitude / Meditation
  2. Create Flow
    1. Call on your strengths
  3. Nurture your relationships
    1. See / Grant Forgiveness
    2. "Be there for Someone"
    3. Truly Listen
  4. Pursue Meaning and Purpose
    1. Volunteer
    2. Mentor
    3. Actively "Give Back"
  5. Strive for Achievement
    1. Long Term Project
    2. Shoot Term Goal
    3. Remember the "Happiness Equation" Serenity and Fulfilment = Happiness
  6. Practice Good "Life Hygiene"
    1. Put yourself first
    2. Eat Well - Sleep Exercise Nutrition
    3. Move
    4. Set yourself up for a good night's sleep
      1. Disengage with Devices
      2. Follow Routine Bedtime process
      3. Release Your Thoughts
      4. Mind Your Space ( Noise, Temp, Lighting, Sounds, Interruptions)

I choose to be happy, happiness is an inside job.

Science of Well Being Course

Mother Teresia Life is an opportunity benefit from it Life is a Challenge meet it Life is a promise Fulfil it

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Page last modified on January 31, 2022, at 02:51 PM