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Just a gentle reminder to new people to SMART.

We are here to learn about & discuss SMART Recovery. Please understand that there is a difference between SMART and 12 Step programs and we ask that you respect this difference while attending a SMART RECOVERY ON LINE (SROL) meeting.

SMART is not a 12-step program and thus does NOT require us to:

  1. Believe in a Higher Power (although it’s okay if we do).
  2. Commit to abstinence for life. We are an abstinence-based program but we are self-management, so the final decision is ours. SMART aims to help us regardless of our plans
  3. Commit to attending meetings for life (we are welcome at our meetings for as long as they are helpful to us. We are not committed to the program but rather to ourselves)
  4. “Label” yourself an “addict” or an “alcoholic” (We prefer the term “a person with a substance use disorder” SUD). Labels are for jars.
  5. Proclaim yourself powerless over your addiction. (We are not powerless!)
  6. Accept the guidance of a sponsor, or commit to any requirements other than the goals of recovery that we set for ourselves.
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Page last modified on November 29, 2021, at 02:57 PM