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Remote Ham

Remote Ham Radio talk - 22 Sept 2022

How to do remote radio.

First part is how he uses the site with his flex radio. Laptop to server in Texas to Flex (SDR radio) When he turns the power on, the radio comes up and does an antenna switch. Power is a generic Wi-Fi plug, there is a hole in the firewall at the house.

The FLEX can be used by two people at the same time (need to share transmit times)

The server is run as a proxy server by Flex as a service to their users.

Second is to use a radio that can be controlled by a PC. Combination of remote software, like Skype, to talk to the radio. Icom radios have software available (there are some software out there for about $50 that lets it be used.) You can do hardware like Remote Rig?

It becomes a number of harder steps to get this vs going direct.

Third is to use a commercial service. (Oct 2014 QST, page 53) RHR App is the front end. They have videos, help, docs, demos.

You pay so much a month ($9 for regular or $999/year for the deluxe) and a per min charge (10 cents to 99 cents a minute).

They have a ton of services and stations you can pick from. (Around the world and US stations).

For example the demo to Kuwait for was $10 for the time charges. 9K2HR

Still need good operating skills to make the contact.

Flex 6300 radio at Ebright (DRA member). Dave is setting this up.

Cushcraft R7 will be the antenna.

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