Wednesday 17 Nov 2021
DIBS Disputing Irrational Belief
DUBS Disputing Unhelpful Beliefs
- ) I need this to contuninue
- ) People need to do what I want them to do
- ) He/She should listen
- ) He/She should be here
- ) I am worthless
- ) I can get away with it -- no consequences
- ) I'm unloveable
- ) I can't handle this any more
again some helpful links
Urgent Help
ABC Problem wworksheet
SMART Prepare to Attend Your First Meeting
Forum: Welcome to SMART Online - Start here!
Recovery Toolbox
Smart Book 3rd edition
PTSD is like pushing a beachball underwater, since it pops right back up. Some can be popped with a toothpick, others will need a chainsaw.
ABC of urges
Exchange Vocabulary
Video - "Self-compassion entails being kind and understanding toward oneself in instances of pain or failure rather than being harshly self-critical; perceiving one's experiences as part of the larger human experience rather than seeing them as isolating; and holding painful thoughts and feelings in mindful awareness rather than over-identifying with them." Neff, K. D. (2003). The Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Self-Compassion. Self and Identity, 2(3), 223-250. doi:10.1080/15298860309027
Hula Hoop
In my control / out of my control
SMART Recovery for Family and Friends
https://the20minutedguide - The Partners
Handout for the Thursday meeting about Alternative Urge Thursday 18 November
(This ended up being more of a "fix my problem" session - most likely will not attend again)
Thursday 18 November 9 - 10:30PM Group Session (Morgan9)
(Standard Open, introductions of all the meeting helpers)
(Look for meetings by Its Lizzie? ( Wednesday @ 10:30 PM to 12:00 AM ET - Facilitated by itslizzie)
- Guidelines that we identify to define what we feel are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around us and to treat us
- Boundaries are not restrictive walls that close us in and shut others out.
- Can help minimize miscommunications and free us to enjoy a healthier relationship with our loved ones.
- Healthy boundaries are not about the other person or their actions, they are about us.
- A re/lapse is not a time warp that causes all my past abstinent time to vanish. In recovery it is often brought up that I can’t change the past in terms of the ‘bad’ things that I have done that might have caused harm to another, but just the same I can’t change the past in terms of the HELPFUL and healthy things that I have done and learned. That doesn’t go away. I get to own that and celebrate it. If lapse occurs, I don't start from scratch....I start from experience. I have just pulled off the road for a time and still knowing how to drive, I can pull back onto the road and continue the journey.
Watched a TED talk from Fayettville == Talk from Josh Hall Illusion of Control
- The illusion of control: Josh Hall at TEDxFayetteville
- Attitude and Behavior we have control over all the time
- We control the door in the circle, we bring things in and out. The circle is only so big. Not big enough for everything.
- Anger, Hopelessness Anxiety should be outside the circle
Between Stimulus and Response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our Growth and our Freedom - Viktor Frankl
Friday 19 November 9:30 - 11:00 AM Debbie L?
I’ve heard it said - The goal isn’t to be sober. The goal is to love yourself so much that you don’t need the DOC/BOC.
“Rather than ‘break’ a habit, it is apparently far more likely that I ‘replace’ a habit. It might start with me identifying A HABIT of ACTION or THOUGHT that appears to limit me, and move to replace it with A HABIT that is more likely to empower and encourage me.”
–Shug Mc Lister?
Playing the tape
An OK group, not as many long talkers.
Friday 19 November 11:30 AM - 1PM MT Massey? 160 Participants
He talks too much. JOMO - Joy of Moving On
First step of habit change is going off autopilot
Out all day on Saturday